Something I don’t understand...


May 20, 2005
I'm on the pro-white racialist forums reading quite abit.

So half the time it seems to me that these places are there for people to repeat both myths about ******* athletic superiority over Whites AND the supposed superiority of antique far Eastern combat systems and mettalurgy over the European, which is even more of a myth and easily disprovable for someone who is a history buff/martial artist/sword nut like myself.

I dunno, once again it seems to me an odd belief for pro-Whites to hold.

Loving Whites &gt; Hating Browns</font>Edited by: White_Savage

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I don't know about far Eastern combat systems, but as far as athletics it just shows how deeply and successfully the lie of black superiority has been inculcated in whites, to the point that many racially conscious whites either believe it or have never even thought much about it. It may be the most successfully propagated Big Lie of all time.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I admit I was falling into this trap, too. I read John Entine's book, "Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We're Afraid to Talk About It." I could see with my own eyes the lack of star athletes in the NFL, NBA, and boxing. As for MMA, I thought it would be only a matter of time before blacks began dominating that sport as well.

I read books like the "Bell Curve," and perused articles on crime statistics and poverty. I finally came to the conclusion that:
- Asians were the smartest but least athletic;
- Blacks were the most athletic but least intelligent;
- Whites were between both extremes, in the middle.

Oddly enough, there are a number of 'pro-white' sites with that viewpoint, too.

But I delved deeper and became more knowledgeable on racial issues. It helped when the US Olympic basketball teams began to get drubbed by white Eastern Europeans. It helped when the Klitschko's came on the scene. It helped when white MMA fighters continued to dominate blacks in those events. And of course, more recently, finding Castefootball has helped even more.

So I no longer subscribe to my previous viewpoint, which I admit was actually an improvement over the one I held previously, which was just like that of all the other white sheeple in this country.

The information is out there, its just that white people have to work extremely hard to find it, and be unafraid to look for it.

Thanks for Caste Football, Don.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This is a site where we can use our vaunted intelligence to show that whites are also great athletes.

I think the biggest problem is ignorance, combined with Americans'ingrained reluctance to buck conformity and authority. The post-9/11 atmosphere of fear doesn't help either.

All of us who support Caste Football are helping to get the information out there, but it's a very slow process. The great majority of Americans still get their opinions and attitudes from the corporate media in spite of the wonders of the Internet. And of those who don't many still believe the lies when it comes to sports. That's why it's always so encouraging when a new knowledgeable poster signs on and begins posting.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Don, take a look at the thread in UFC, "UFC 54." Savage and I may have started a thread, or a few posts anyway, that might be worthy of cross-posting to this one.


Aug 10, 2005
Even if average Asian IQ is higher than whites. Whites have a a wider range of IQs. Whites have more that are very low and very high ,similar to the comparison between men and women. This leads to whites having a greater number of geniuses. Also, IQ tests can't measure intangibles like creativety and inventiveness. That is why observation is just as important as measurable science.
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
KG2422 makes an important point about Asians. Asians in the
classroom pose the same threat to Whites as blacks do on the playing
field. On average, Asians and Ashkenazi jews have higher IQs than
Whites but are virtually absent at the extreme-right end of the bell
curve (the "genius end"). Whites -- while possessing a slightly</span> lower average IQ -- contribute virtually all</span> of the world's geniouses.

Need immediate proof? Look at SAT scores. Asians and jews
willl average about 50-75 points higher than Whites. But take a
look at the students that achieve perfect scores on the test -- they
all look like they just stepped out of an Iowa cornfield.
Why? Because genius is, by and large, a White thing.

Ever heard of Jedediah Purdy? He was a dirt-poor West Virginia
kid, homeschooled by his parents (neither of whom went past the 8th
grade in school). About 10 years ago, ol' Jed got a 1600 on the
SAT -- uner the old scoring regime, when a perfect score actually meant
perfection. Next thing you know, ol' Jed's an Ivy Leaguer, Yale
University is where he matriculated. I believe he went on to Harvard
Law, and even did some graduate work at the London School of
Economics. Of course, the controlled media ignore this kid's
story out of a desperate fear that some White person might be inspired
by this extraordinary individual.

My point is this: Jed Purdy is that one-in-a-million genius that only
exists in the White race. It is those types of people that are
responsible for the advancement of technology and civilization through
the ages. As long as we allow our elite universities to be filled
with Asians, Indians, and jews (who have almost no great technical
achievements), our civilization will lie stagnant. It is
happening already -- French-owned Airbus has all but overtaken the lead
in aviation technology, leaving affirmative-action-victim Boeing in the
dust. Boeing, by the way, has been hiring Indian engineers by the
hundreds. One question: if India has competent engineers, then
why have they NEVER produced a domestic aviation industry, even with a
population exceeding 1 billion people? Answer: Because they
aren't smart enough. Period.

The same caste system that pushes Whites behind blacks in sports also pushes Whites behind Asians in the classroom.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Wasn't Einstein Jewish?


May 20, 2005
Interesting thing:

European Jews (who obviously have a very high infusion of White blood) are the intelligent ones. Middle-Eastern Jews are much less intelligent.


May 20, 2005
"Asians in the classroom pose the same threat to Whites as blacks do on the playing field"

Highly-intelligence kids don't present a threat to anyone in a class room, violent semi-retarded criminals do though. And the only thing that REALLY presents a threat to the whites on the playing field is the Caste System.
Oct 16, 2004
Jed Purdy only got into the Ivy League because of the publicity he received
- the school wanted to look 'good'. The Ivy League schools are very racist
against whites, white males in particular. Asians and jews are admitted at
three times the rate they would be if test scores and grades were the only
criteria used. Yes, each of these groups has a good percentage of people
who score well on say, the SAT, but in sheer numbers, they are buried by
whites with good scores. Yet, these whites will not even be considered
for admittance. It's another caste system. The flip side is that whites
realize on some level that their chances aren't too good when it comes to
getting into Yale or Harvard, and they are applying their in smaller
numbers - however, these schools still have the names, even if their
educational level isn't near as good as other schools anymore (the UC
system, etc.).

Yes, whites do have a wider range (Standard Deviation) when it comes to
IQ. Jews have been pushing their 'average' up in the media for years, to
110, to 112, to 115, to 117. Then according to Lynn and other top names
in psychometry, the average is just under 108, with E. Asians at about
105. Whites are at 100, but with an SD of 15.2 points, while jews and E.
Asians have SDs of less than 9 points - although a few less than honest
individuals tried to claim the Asian SD was 12.5 - they added in lower SE
Asian IQ scores - but then refused to lower the overall average, they just
wanted to make the SD wider. The differences in structure of intelligence
between the groups is interesting, as Asians score high on visuospatial
tests, which helps in some areas of math and memorization, but score
poorly in the verbal reasoning tests, which not only cover 'language' but
also certain types of analytical skills. Jews score high on the verbal tests,
but are miserable in the visuospatial. Whites generally show a balance
between the two halves of the tests, which might be one key to the
inventiveness and creativity. However, insight, creativity, inventiveness,
etc. can't be tested. So IQ tests can only go so far. But they are good at
what they test.

The 'new' SAT is crap. Not only have the verbal and math portions been
're-centered' again, but the 'essay' portion is completely set up to help
out certain folks. It's almost as if the people scoring the tests are looking
at the last names / race of the people taking the test. Scary stuff. The
re-centering that was done in 95 was bad enough (not to mention the
way questions were 'weighted' was screwed with in the 1980's) but it is
becoming downright evil. It's the same crap we see in sports, just a
different 'playing' field.

I do think Asians and jews are making better use of reaching their
potential in terms of making their kids study - but to be blunt, the tribe
has been doing its level best for decades to keep whites from reaching
their academic potential, as the inventiveness and progress from whites
and the West in general has been a source of extreme jealousy among
other things. That's one reason the space program was effectively killed
in the US decades ago. Jealousy. Hatred. That's a subject for another
thread or site, sorry about the rambling. I know I'm all over the map, but I
see so many things tied together. So many things now used against us.

Read up on Einstein. Poincare, Lorentz, Fitzgerald, Braun, the list goes on
when it comes to those he 'lifted' work from or had to get help from . He
is just another tool used to hammer at whites, a tool that is supposed to
make us think that a tribe member was the smartest man who ever lived.
Not true. He's not as overrated as Michael Vick
but he is vastly
overrated. This same bunch works to ruin white schools, dumb down
white education, keep the reasearch money flowing to their own and away
from whites and so on. All to keep the myths going and tighten their
grip. It's gonna blow, but it's gonna get worse first. But worse is better.
We're going to be A-Ok.Again, sorry for the rant. Not much about
sports, but hey...


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Hey, I have a question for all you knowledgeable men/women! I always hear people talk about Asians, but what does that mean? Is someone from Sri Lanka, Malaysia, South Korea, India, and Vietnam consider to have roughly the same IQ? I am just curious because some Asian countries flourish while others do not. I was under the impression that East Asians had the highest IQs but I could be wrong. China has a huge population, but still they are only gluing soles in my Nikes.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
Colonel Callan,

it is so true that Ivy Schools favor minorities and let them in.I just graduated from Cornell and I can still remember whenthe conservative newpaper released the average SAT scores and high school grades of black and latinosthereby demonstrating that their admittance standrds were much lower than the average. Boy were they pissed off!! ha! Also, although my school is so off the wall liberal, promoting diversity at every turn, in actually what is promotes is segregation. There is a latino living center, a black living center (ulamma), and a Jewish living center. Of course a white, euro living center would be deemed racist.Edited by: Alpha Male

Samuel Hain

Aug 22, 2005
United States
All Asians are not the same. We hear much talk about the intellectual
superiority ofAsians to whites. However they are talking about those of
Northeast Asian ancestry. I would imagine the IQ of Southern Asians
lags far behind that of whites and East Asians. Ok , fair is fair, if
we are going to compare Northeast Asians to whites, lets level the
playing field. Lets eliminate all those whom the media considers white
(Jews, Arabs, light skinned Hispanics) and restrict the meaning of
whitse to the core ethnic group that settled America, that is white of
Northern or Northwestern european ancestry. Then lets compare
"Northernkind" to" East Asian Kind" and see who comes out on top!

By ther way if blacks are so superior in terms of brute strength then why is power weight lifting dominated by whites?
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
Well, I was going do another detailed post, but Colonel Callan has given us a piece de resistance</span> on...well, just about everything related to this thread.

It is true that Einstein was a borderline moron who lifted his ideas
from real geniuses (all of whom are now long-forgotten, while
"Einstein" has become synonymous with "genius"). When considering
his "achievements," just keep in mind there facts: Einstein supposedly
derived his general theory of relativity while he was working in the
PATENT OFFICE. You know, the place where people submit their
novel ideas to protect their intellectual property. Unlike REAL
scientists, he didn't have access to the following: faculty research
libraries, research assistants/graduate assistants, laboratories,
ordepartment peers and colleagues with whom to share/discuss "his"

Einstein is just another Marxist hoax, brought to you by the same
people responsible for the Bolshevik revolution and the murder of
millions of Whites in Eastern Europe. The very same people
responsible for the anti-White caste that keeps White athletes on the


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Alpha Male, you made it through Cornell and are still sane? Awesome! I plan to do the same as a Baptist here at BYU!
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
Colonel Reb, I think I read somewhere that only about 500 students at
BYU are non-Mormon (and I assume that a large number of those are
athletes, leaving a miniscule non-Mormon population among the regular
students). I would love to hear about your experience
there; I should think that the pressure on you to join the Mormon, "church"... would be extreme.


Feb 18, 2005
There are lots of good Mormon athletes. Their church isnt any more strange than the Protestant denominations that promote loyalty to Israel over that of the U.S., and its also not as dangerousas the "Christian Zionist" oxymoronic looneytune "preachers" like Falwell and Robertson.

The Mormonsused to be a very cohesive group of whites before the church leadership decided to push multiculturalism in a big way. Now most new Mormons are non-white, and Utah is being overrun with the poisonous fruit of those efforts.