Someone please write a book about the caste system



There's a wealth of information on this site but it's dispersed throughout thousands of different threads and posts. It's just hard to get a grasp on all of that information if you're just starting to learn about the caste system. I want to be able to argue with a DWF just as well as Don or any of the other long time members here. I think writing a book would do a lot to advance the cause and help spread the message. It would be greatly appreciated. I'd definitely buy it.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
J. B. Cash and I talked about putting together his columns into a "best of J. B. Cash" book, but it didn't come about. My biggest concern was that most people interested in the subject of the Caste System were already reading his columns for free on the CF site and that a book wouldn't be worth the effort as few would be sold.

I agree that a book about the Caste System should be written, but as you mentioned, all the great information here would be very hard to find and organize out of over a quarter of a million posts written over eight years. It would have to be pretty much a full-time project. I know I don't have the time (I don't even have time to do the NFL team previews that a lot of folks looked forward to reading for a number of years). And considering how incredibly weak the response has been to efforts such as CF business cards, CF t-shirts, and the CF bookstore that has sold a grand total of two books in a month, I don't think a book on the Caste System would sell very well at all.