Shutting down the 911 hoax thread


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
For the most part, anyone who labels some people on this site "paranoid nut jobs" because they believe there's a chance 9/11 was orchestrated by the Mossad ...


- Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former director of Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
How come these sons of bitches are always so anxious to call those of us who want to know the truth nasty names, but they haven't got the slightest interest in asking who the f warned the 4,000 Israelis at the WTC to stay home on 911, and warned Israeli WTC companies Odigo and ZIM in advance, and warned Lucky Larry Pull It Silverstein and his two kids and the officers in his company not to show up that morning either. Or asking where the f the video that the cheering high fiving Urban Moving Co. (a Mossad front according to no less than the FBI and the Jewish Daily Forward) camera crew took of the WTC attack is? It should be the best documentation of the event that we have. Where is it? What did the ISRAELI SPY Michael Chertoff do with it? They had their camera equipment set up BEFORE the attacks started (re FOX News, AP, and NY Times).

And by the way, how come when all other civilian air traffic was grounded, Washington flew the entire Bin Ladin family OUT of the USA? One of the few things the zionist shill Michael Moore got right in his "Fahrenheit 911" film.

They have no interest in asking vital questions like these, but they're really into calling those of us who are nasty names and trying to mock us.



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Jaxvid hasn't summed up the defense of the "facts" but of the official government version. Those two shouldn't be confused with each other. Also, please elaborate what you mean when you say "wild conspiracy theories"? Which ones in particular are so funny to you?

And then he just crawls back into the woodwork like thy always do when you challenge them on anything specific, and I haven't seen Jaxvid sum up one damn thing. All i saw him do was google up some shill crap and cut and paste it and then ignore it when I took the trouble to refute the part of it I looked at.

And that's all we've been doing - 911 truth people -is pointing out the thousand and one aspects of the official story that make no sense whatsoever, hold no water, and bear zero scrutiny. And there's not a one of you people who claim to believe it who can defend it. Not one. I've never yet encountered one who can defend the 911 hoax in rational point by point debate. They're good at calling names and mocking, though.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli 911 spy ring.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Actually if I had rigged the buildings with explosives I would've faked another truck bomb. Much easier to do, you don't have to bother with the hijacking of the plane all of the fake stories about flight school, all the fake stories about fake arabs living a fake life in preperation for a fake hijacking and building crash.

Just rent a truck fill it with fertilizer crash it into the base and set off the detonation. It worked in Oklahoma City didn't it? Much easier.


No it didn't.

General Parton, US Army ret., the USA's foremost expert on explosives: "There is no way in the world that a so-called fertilizer bomb demolished the bomb-proof OK City Federal Building."

And then the feds used the exact same CIA-connected carting firm that they used to dispose of the 911 evidence before any forensic investigations could be conducted to do the same at OK City. Then they buried the rubble under tons of earth, enclosed it in barbed wire, and patrolled it with guards, so no one could examine it. (They sent it to Asia to be melted down in the case of the WTC) And all the ATF and FBI agents in the OK City fed Bldg stayed home or went to the field that day, except for one ATF agent that nobody liked. It was the precursor to 911.

Also, they tried to destroy their money-losing WTC towers with conventional explosives in 1993, and that op consisted mostly of undercover agents pretending to be Arab fanatics, and a new revelation just came out last week that one of those "Arabs" was Mossad. They even put explosives in the stairwells back then. That disappeared from the news immediately, but I have personal knowledge of that little item.

There was talk about demolishing the WTC for years. It was a huge money loser. It also suffered from galvanic corrosion, and OSHA had ordered a billion plus dollar asbestos removal. But Larry Silverstein bought it anyway, as shortly before 911 as the insurance laws would allow. Why? All he has said was he felt like it. No one knew how they could demolish it though. But they found a way.



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Considering the ease with which Israel got away with attacking the USS Liberty, it seems to me that anything is possible, even probable when it comes to the current powers that be. They've manufactured false-flag attacks and carried out assassinations plenty of times enough to be culpable in my eyes.

The news just seems like a joke ever since 9/11. We shouldn't be so worried about a bunch of "terrorists."

Once that israel got away with the attack on the Liberty they knew they could get away with anything.

Mossad motto, inscribed in stone on the wall at their headquarters:


'sup bro?

Aug 18, 2011
New York State
So apparently, when the planes hit and the aviation gas exploded, these small members melted and the floors started pancaking down one on top of another adding weight as they went. Seems reasonable.

'sup bro is flattered that mr. iron took an interest to my published confusion, and would like to thank you for the response. was there a stack of pancakes left at the end of the collapse? or any identifiable stack of pancakes during the collapse? 'sup bro has eaten his fair share of pancakes. it takes alot of energy to average 30 yac like 'sup bro. the 'athletic' people in the secondary rarely know how to tackle.

and in order to gain the necessary momentum, the mass would need to stay above the tower. does the mass stay above the tower? 'sup bro often tells the smaller players on the field, that velocity must increase if you want to increase your momentum, and accelerate to create a greater force, since the mass of the football player won't change (unless your shawne merriman). teachers are physically attracted to 'sup bro, so they tutor me in such matters for free.

btw, tom iron is a great name. possibly the second best handle on this forum next to...

'sup bro?


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Another view of the massive WTC central support structure that we're supposed to believe instantly disintegrated and turned to dust in mid air because of kerosene, paper, and office furniture fires.



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Another little thing that the 911 commission completely ignored, along with the collapse of 7 WTC, the third largest building to ever collapse, was the MOLTEN METAL that pooled beneath all three towers and remained molten FOR MONTHS afterwards. You can see NIST's spokesman on Youtube making a speech, and in response to a questioner, saying that he never heard of the molten metal but he'd like to know more. You can then see him running away when the man approaches him after his speech to give him the info he said he wanted. Another droll little item on Youtube is Barry Soetoro's house boy, Joe Biden, getting asked a question about why there's never been a real investigation into 911. He and all his bodyguards immediately flee.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Another little thing that the 911 commission completely ignored, along with the collapse of 7 WTC, the third largest building to ever collapse, was the MOLTEN METAL that pooled beneath all three towers and remained molten FOR MONTHS afterwards. You can see NIST's spokesman on Youtube making a speech, and in response to a questioner, saying that he never heard of the molten metal but he'd like to know more. You can then see him running away when the man approaches him after his speech to give him the info he said he wanted. Another droll little item on Youtube is Barry Soetoro's house boy, Joe Biden, getting asked a question about why there's never been a real investigation into 911. He and all his bodyguards immediately flee.

You constantly complain that no one rebuts your arguments but I have done that constantly and you ignore it. Anyway even if there was evidence to contradict what you believe you would claim it was faked or phoney or the result of jewish shills. There is no convincing you and I don't care but there is evidence that disputes what you claim.

Here are the Top 5 Truther Myths and debunkings for your files:

Myth No. 1: Four novice pilots with no experience could never have successfully guided those planes into three out of four targets.

Fact: The hijackers were not experienced pilots, nor had they ever piloted commercial airliners, but they also didn’t have to do any of the three most difficult flying maneuvers—flying in inclement weather, taking off, or landing. Only four of the hijackers were trained to fly—one for each flight. Three of the four had trained and earned private pilot’s licenses. The fourth, Hani Hanjour (American Airlines Flight 77) had both a private and commercial license, and experience with small commercial aircraft.

All were trained in auto-pilot and navigational systems, and would have only had to plug in GPS coordinates and point the planes in the right direction to hit their targets. The day was clear, the targets were clearer. Experts conclude their skills would have been more than sufficient to finish their missions.

Myth No. 2: The “official storyâ€￾ concludes that fires set off by the jet fuel and initial explosions of the aircraft entering the World Trade Center towers caused the steel structure to weaken and eventually fail. But “no large, steel-frame, fire-protected building had ever collapsed before due solely to fire,â€￾ is how the book “Debunking 9/11 Mythsâ€￾ restates the idea. Theorists conclude it must have been controlled demolition that led to collapse.

Fact: Each plane was carrying thousands of pounds of jet fuel, which burns at 2,190 degrees Fahrenheit, a great deal lower than the temperature required to melt steel (2,750).

Experts and investigations conclude that steel didn’t have to melt to cause collapse. Instead, the planes entering the buildings at 750 feet per second caused significant damage. They were banked at an angle that took out multiple floors upon impact and likely stripped the fireproofing from the core load-bearing structures on those floors. Jet fuel then ignited everything inside the buildings.

Steel weakens at as low as 400 degrees. At 980, it’s at only 10 percent strength, according to industry experts. As the core steel columns weakened, load-bearing was transferred to the building’s shell. As the fires continued to burn, multiple floors weakened, sagged, and pulled on the outside structure causing total collapse.

The jet fuel followed the path of least resistance, incidentally, which means some of it flowed down the elevator shafts from the top of the building, causing explosions and fireballs on lower floors, which conspiracy theorists sometimes cite as evidence of bombs.

Myth No. 3: World Trade Center 7 could not possibly have collapsed due only to collateral damage sustained from the Towers’ collapse. That was controlled demolition, too.

Fact: An early FEMA report puzzled over the collapse of WTC 7 because it appeared to have sustained little structural damage and been brought down by fire alone. Truthers latch onto the early FEMA report as proof, but further investigation has found that one face of the building had damage to 10 lower stories. That damage was obscured by smoke in most photographic evidence.

There are also a number of idiosyncrasies in the building’s design that contributed. It was built over a power substation, which meant the relatively few columns on the lower floors were designed to carry extremely large loads. Taking out just one would have caused serious problems. WTC 7 was designed to stay operational during power outages, so several fuel tanks for generators inside the building are thought to have supplied the fires with fuel for up to seven hours.

Myth No. 4: Flight 93 was shot down. The relatively little wreckage at the scene, large pieces of wreckage miles away from the crash site, and evidence of a mysterious white jet in the vicinity all confirm that the government disposed of Flight 93 with extreme prejudice.

Fact: Flight 93 flew into the ground, at a steep angle, at about 580 mph, disintegrating most of the wreckage. What did remain, notably a large piece of engine fan, the Truthers claim ended up miles away from the site, indicating the plane was breaking up before impact. In fact, the fan in question landed 300 yards from the site, and other small bits of paper and scrap metal floated a mile and a half and landed in Indian Lake. Truthers claim Indian Lake is 6 miles away from the crash site, betraying investigation skills hampered by Google Maps. The lake is 1.5 miles away as the crow flies; 6 miles driving.

There was a small corporate jet in the vicinity at the time, descending toward Johnstown, Penn. when the FAA ordered it to check out the area at Shanksville. The plane descended to 1,500 feet, found a smoking hole in the ground, marked the position with the plane’s navigational equipment, and headed to the airport.

Myth No. 5: The Pentagon was hit with a cruise missile. The hole left in the side of the building was nowhere near big enough to have been caused by an airliner.

Fact: The hole in the side of the Pentagon was approximately 90 feet wide, according to The Pentagon Building Performance Report, but it was not the exact width of the 124-foot plane.

Both wings were damaged before the plane entered the building. According to eyewitness reports from commuters on I-395 and observers in the Pentagon parking lot at the time, the right wing hit a large generator and the plane clipped three light posts on its low, barreling descent.

The Pentagon, because it’s the Pentagon, is built of extremely dense reinforced concrete columns. When the plane hit them going 530 mph, it essentially disintegrated. As one observer said, the plane seemed to “melt into the building.â€￾

Parts of the plane that did remain intact past impact flew far into the building. The heavy landing gear created a 16-foot hole in Ring C of the Pentagon, a full 6 walls beyond the entry point, and the flight data recorder was found 300 feet inside the building. Truthers contend that the 16-foot hole had to have been made by a missile.

There are hundreds of wacky theories the Truthers entertain on our national day of mourning, many much wackier than these. For instance, there’s the idea that all of the morning’s planes were diverted to Ohio, all the passengers loaded up on Flight 93 to be sent to their deaths, and the other three planes sent onward to perform their duties as near-empty missiles. There’s the idea that the government used sophisticated voice-modification software to simulate the cell-phone calls from loved ones on Flight 93 to bolster its story. There’s a dependence on initial reports of “explosionsâ€￾ and off-hand TV anchor comments describing the situation as “like a bombâ€￾ to satisfy the theories.

The people who believe these things call themselves patriots who are just “asking questions.â€￾ Strangely, answering the questions never satisfies them.

The Popular Mechanics book, “Debunking 9/11 Mythsâ€￾ uses science and expert testimony to take on the Truthers, but when it published its initial article on the subject, the online 9/11 Truth movement went up in arms.

“In a few short weeks, ‘Popular Mechanics’ had gone from being a 10-year-old journal about science, engineering, car maintenance and home improvement, to being a pivotal player in the global conspiracy on par with Nazi germany,â€￾ remarks James B. Miegs, editor of “Popular Mechanics.â€￾


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"You constantly complain that no one rebuts your arguments but I have done that constantly and you ignore it. ..."

Bull****. Show me where. Show me where you rationally responded to anything of substance - out of all the hundreds and hundreds of 911 anomalies (lies) that have been referred to on these threads and accompanying links and films - and I "ignored it". And never mind "constantly". Show me one single time you have responded to anything, such as when I refuted your last cut and paste job. And put things in your own godamn words. I'm not going to read any more crap you google up from shill sites and then cut and paste on here.



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
How come these sons of bitches are always so anxious to call those of us who want to know the truth nasty names, but they haven't got the slightest interest in asking who the f warned the 4,000 Israelis at the WTC to stay home on 911, and warned Israeli WTC companies Odigo and ZIM in advance, and warned Lucky Larry Pull It Silverstein and his two kids and the officers in his company not to show up that morning either. Or asking where the f the video that the cheering high fiving Urban Moving Co. (a Mossad front according to no less than the FBI and the Jewish Daily Forward) camera crew took of the WTC attack is? It should be the best documentation of the event that we have. Where is it? What did the ISRAELI SPY Michael Chertoff do with it? They had their camera equipment set up BEFORE the attacks started (re FOX News, AP, and NY Times).

You frequently quote one of the stupidest of 911 truther claims that no jews died or that 4000 were warned to stay home. That's another 4000 people that would be in on the conspiracy and not a one of them willing to say a single peep about the death of thousands of their co-workers. It's completely ridiculous, even if the whole thing was a complete govt job they would never spare the lives of people just because they are jewish, they would have been pawns like everyone else.

A total of 2,071 occupants of the World Trade Center died on September 11, among the 2,749 victims of the WTC attacks. According to an article in the October 11, 2001, Wall Street Journal, roughly 1,700 people had listed the religion of a person missing in the WTC attacks; approximately 10% were Jewish.

A later article, in the September 5, 2002, Jewish Week, states, "based on the list of names, biographical information compiled by The New York Times, and information from records at the Medical Examiner's Office, there were at least 400 victims either confirmed or strongly believed to be Jewish." This would be approximately 15% of the total victims of the WTC attacks.

A partial list of 390 Cantor Fitzgerald employees who died (out of 658 in the company) lists 49 Jewish memorial services, which is between 12% and 13%. This 10-15% estimate of Jewish fatalities tracks closely with the percentage of Jews living in the New York area.

According to the 2002 American Jewish Year Book, 9% of the population of New York State, where 64% of the WTC victims lived, is Jewish. A 2002 study estimated that New York City's population was 12% Jewish. Forty-three percent of the WTC victims lived in New York City.

Thus, the number of Jewish victims correlates very closely with the number of Jewish residents in New York. If 4,000 Jews had not reported for work on September 11, the number of Jewish victims would have been much lower than 10-15%.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I gotta leave now so I just looked at the first sentence in your latest shillpost and the bull**** meter is already round the clock.

"You frequently quote one of the stupidest of 911 truther claims that no jews died..."

No one ever claimed that "no jews died". Show me where I claimed that "no Jews died". These bull**** artists like to swap around Israeli and Jew to suit the occasion. By the way you wouldn't be a talmudist yourself would you?



Jul 12, 2011
The North
I gotta leave now so I just looked at the first sentence in your latest shillpost and the bull**** meter is already round the clock."You frequently quote one of the stupidest of 911 truther claims that no jews died..."No one ever claimed that "no jews died". Show me where I claimed that "no Jews died". These bull**** artists like to swap around Israeli and Jew to suit the occasion. By the way you wouldn't be a talmudist yourself would you?ww
Yeah, the only pro white sorts forum to ever exist on the internet, in an endless sea of extreme pro black forums, is in part run by Zionists...Come on we, stop being ridiculous. Please.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I gotta leave now so I just looked at the first sentence in your latest shillpost and the bull**** meter is already round the clock.

"You frequently quote one of the stupidest of 911 truther claims that no jews died..."

No one ever claimed that "no jews died". Show me where I claimed that "no Jews died". These bull**** artists like to swap around Israeli and Jew to suit the occasion. By the way you wouldn't be a talmudist yourself would you?


Show us a list of the 4000 jews that didn't show up to work that day. There should be thousands that truthers can point to and say "they didn't show up for work" you could camp out at their houses and ask them "why didn't you and 4000 others show up for work that day?" How do you know 4000 didn't show up if you can't produce their names?


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY

If those 911 debunked lists that you posted in 2 seperate posts are true than shouldn't it be easy for the government to conduct a new 911 investigation? How come whenever the matter is brought up to a politician they treat the issue like the black plague and avoid talking about it?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004

If those 911 debunked lists that you posted in 2 seperate posts are true than shouldn't it be easy for the government to conduct a new 911 investigation? How come whenever the matter is brought up to a politician they treat the issue like the black plague and avoid talking about it?

I don't think it's ever easy for the government to conduct an investigation. It's too political. There are such strong feelings about it that it is politically risky for anyone to stick their neck out. Look at it like this. If the official story is true-then whats the point of rehashing it? If the official story is not true-whoa-look out for the poor SOB that "out's" a giant govt conspiracy to kill thousands of americans and destroy part of NY city. Now you are in those guys crosshairs!

And do you think a decision one way or the other will change the mind of the group on the other end of the decision? It will just be more challanges and recriminations.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
To clarify, did mossad agents fly the plane into the building and thus give up their lives for a limited war on Iraq? Or was the plane a drone? Or did they actually let the arabs do it and then pull the trigger on the explosives? Which version of the conspiracy is the right one? It's very hard to sort it all out! :dodgy:

So it’s illogical to suggest that Mossad agents “gave up their lives†for their cause, but perfectly logical to suggest the same of the (alleged) Arabic hijackers? I’ve always found this rather perplexing.

I don’t know for certain how it all occurred, but I’ve been attempting to assemble the puzzle for several years. The majority of the pieces indeed seem to trace back to the odious Israeli terror organization, “HaMossad.†I’m not sure if that evidence is “easier†for me to believe due to my inherent distrust of Israeli, coupled with my advanced knowledge of the U.S. government’s tremendous history of treachery (which always seems to involve Jews in some abhorrent capacity)…

But to answer your specific question of “what version of the conspiracy is right?†I personally believe that the four commercial airliners hijacked that day were piloted by agents of Mossad. No drones, no Arabs. In my humble opinion, suggesting that this sort of kamikaze-style murder-suicide was a “sacrificial act†in which these agents “gave up their lives†merely to advance the “Zionist Cause†is a great oversimplification.

Perhaps Mossad simply found a crew of psychopaths bloodthirsty and passionate enough to complete this sordid deed (and receive none of the “credit†in the 9-11 aftermath) without any sort of incentive other than their own inborn fanatical Jewish Supremacist views. This scenario is plausible, but unlikely.

In my estimation, the most likely scenario involved Mossad agents with great debts to be repaid to the organization, one’s with terminal illnesses, one’s with the greatest of hatred for the west, ones whose families were killed in terror attacks, and other agents with “nothing to live for.†Perhaps their families were posthumously compensated after the attacks were completed?

Let’s start from the beginning. The first “myth†to debunk is one Werewolf and I have addressed…where are the airport surveillance videos depicting the “Arab hijackers?†This notorious photo was obtained from a Portland Airport, not Logan Airport (Boston, Mass).



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Show us a list of the 4000 jews that didn't show up to work that day. There should be thousands that truthers can point to and say "they didn't show up for work" you could camp out at their houses and ask them "why didn't you and 4000 others show up for work that day?" How do you know 4000 didn't show up if you can't produce their names?

I've wasted enough time here already. I've been trying to wake people up since day one. I knew that the official 911 story wasn't kosher right from the start. There were two things that tipped me right off, but many more soon followed. I'm a pretty good bull**** detector. it's part of my job, see.

Don't f with me, pal, with your Jew-Israeli bait and switch schtick. Jews died at the WTC on 911. Of course they did. But the Israelis didn't show up that day, including Netanyahu's personal friend and crime partner (money laundering in Israel, possible ecstasy drug (an Israeli monopoly) distribution - Silverstein says that was a different Larry Silverstein who was selling ecstasy in his night clubs - which brings up the question, just how many Larry Silversteins are there plying their trade in NYC.

On September 12, 2001, the Internet edition of The Jerusalem Post reported, "The Israeli foreign ministry has collected the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon at the time of the attack."

They quickly removed the 912 edition from their archives, just as they did the 4 part Fox News tv story, and it it wasn't for the fact that we saved it they - and the likes of you - would be claiming that it was just an antisemitic neo-nazi Arab urban myth.

Bush made speeches saying that hundreds, or 130, Israelis died at the WTC on 911. He lied. And ain't that a novelty.

But then according to no less than israeli Consul general A. Pincus, only one single Israeli was killed at the WTC, and that man just happened to be visiting - and he has since been found alive.

Two Israelis were reportedly killed on the "hijacked" aircraft, but they don't like to talk about them, especially Sayaret Mitkal Daniel Lewin.

So zero Israelis died at the WTC on 911, right there in the epicenter of world Jewish financial power, while 4,000 Israelis were thought to have been at the scene of the attacks on 9/11.
Bret Stephens, the Jerusalem Post's editor-in-chief wrote in 2003, "What I can say is that there was no mistake in our reporting."

Also, all day long, on 911, the Israeli embassy in NYC - obviously not in on the caper - was broadcasting their extreme concern for the 4,000 Israelis they said were working in or near the WTC.

OK, like I said, I've already wasted too much time on here with stupid bull****ting trolls and/or extremely naive people who think that the government - the likes of Soetoro-Obama, Dubya Bush, Joe Biden, Michael Chertoff, Hillary Clinton, Janet Napoletano, Michael Mukasey George Soros, Ben Bernake etc etc - are on their side, and/or the out and out Jewish Sayanim.

Honest people can watch the movie in my sig and look at some of the posted links on the two threads here.




Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Thrashen -

You're a very intelligent and good poster, one of the few here. I think there's no point for me to waste any more time on a backwater Happy Hour trying to cast pearls before swine, so to speak. They're not listening. Might as well be talking to the wall. They're - I'm talking about the Jaxvids - totally unimportant. Many if not most people do and think as they are told by whatever is in power at any point in time - and then there are those who work all the internet forums, especially 911 truth forums, who have an ulterior motive, including the Jewish volunteers for israel, the Sayanim, and also government employees - yes the latter is true too.



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011

If those 911 debunked lists that you posted in 2 seperate posts are true than shouldn't it be easy for the government to conduct a new 911 investigation? How come whenever the matter is brought up to a politician they treat the issue like the black plague and avoid talking about it?

Just as you say, watch the scumbag Joe Biden run away from this brave 911 truth man - who I understand is Jewish - a righteous Jew! - by the way!


I just cant argue with guys who have Chinese menus in their hands over in England. Name 1 out of 4,000 so I can email them or maybe find them on Facebook though I kind of despise that website. Well its good for football recruiting iinformation. I believe someone here once quoted that at least 1/3 of Americans believe in some sort of 911 conspiracy theory. Thats fine but could someone tell me where that statistic came from. If it was from ABC or CBS ...... why should we trust it. They apparently have lied about everything else from the dawn of time according to some posters here. Why should we trust " anybody" who gives out information over the radio, tv or internet? Just a thought.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Thrashen -

You're a very intelligent and good poster, one of the few here. I think there's no point for me to waste any more time on a backwater Happy Hour trying to cast pearls before swine, so to speak. They're not listening. Might as well be talking to the wall. They're - I'm talking about the Jaxvids - totally unimportant. Many if not most people do and think as they are told by whatever is in power at any point in time - and then there are those who work all the internet forums, especially 911 truth forums, who have an ulterior motive, including the Jewish volunteers for israel, the Sayanim, and also government employees - yes the latter is true too.

Jaxvid is, and always has been, one of the most valuable posters in the history of this website. It doesn’t bother me if a poster of his proven quality disagrees with my position. I know you two have a history of quarrelling from several years back, but finding pro-white men and women still lingering in this world is a gift that should be cherished.

Im sorry but there are a few paranoid nut jobs on this site.

It’s interesting that the choice insult of “Matt[Insert Last Name Here]” in Werewolf’s original 9-11 thread was also “paranoid.” Below is one of his posts from said thread…

mattgionone said:
Wow. Why is it paranoid people dont know their paranoid?

A mere linguistic coincidence, I’m certain.

Matt [Insert Last Name Here], until you agree to offer anything whatsoever to the 9-11 thread(s) other than immature insults and death-wish PM’s, kindly close your little yapping pie hole.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Actually werewolf, Thrashen, and Matt all contribute a lot to this site in various ways in different threads. We shouldn't be trashing each other, there are more important issues at hand. I always say I learn from every argument/debate no matter whether I feel that I am right or wrong. This time is no exception. Having read more about the issue there sure are a lot of questions. It was an ugly incident no matter what the facts. It is a wound that won't heal, maybe never will. I don't want to pick at it anymore.
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
I just want to respond to Werewolf's post about the highjackers flying over a nurclear power plant. Airplanes By their very nature are light and flimsy, mostly aluminum and fiberglass. There not good WMDs. The reactor core of most nurclear plants are surrounded by maybe 30' of reinforced conrete.
Not an easy thing to penatrate, especially with a flying soda can.......
Last edited:


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I just want to respond to Werewolf's post about the highjackers flying over a nurclear power plant. Airplanes By their very nature are light and flimsy, mostly aluminum and fiberglass. There not good WMDs. The reactor core of most nurclear plants are surrounded by maybe 30' of reinforced conrete.
Not an easy thing to penatrate, especially with a flying soda can.......

And yet we're supposed to believe those light and flimsy things totally disintegrated and turned to dust in mid air gigantic super-skyscrapers, huh - even one that apparently fell down in sympathy with the other two? Also, they have admitted that the roof of Storm King nuclear plant was very vulnerable.

As for all the above, i don't remember having any ongoing conflict with Jaxvid. I'm responding to content not persons. I don't even know who most of these people are. I've mostly only been on the boxing board here.

Anyway, yeah, I do lose my temper, and that never does any good. Sorry. I just feel very strongly about this subject and I can't comprehend how any honest person can believe the idiotic official cover story. But like I said I'm through posting about it here.
