screw the NFL , just watch college ball

mark b.

Sep 23, 2006
Why in the world would anyone take the time to watch the NFL if you're white? Has there been anything positive to get excited about for white running backs in the last 20 years? Every year everyone on the site get's all excited about some running back that they think is going to crack the caste system. It never happens. Same old crap every year. It doesn't matter if it's Brian leonard, Jacob Hester, Peyton Hillis, or Sam Mcguffie 4 years from now, it will not make any difference. The system is set, and I don't anticipate it ever changing. The solution. Just watch college ball. At least there are some white players in key positions that you can get excited about. The quality of ball is just as good,the players generally don't act like idiots, and there are plenty of white players. I rest my case.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I understand what you are saying and you make great points. However, there are still great white players in the NFL and to be honest I have loved sports and the NFL my whole life and so just giving it up and walking away is not really a option for me. I love everything about sports in general, the excitement, strategy, drama and unpredictability of it. So it's not all that easy for some of us to give up what we have spent a lifetime watching and some of the loyalties we have to certain franchises as misguided as that may be.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
That's analagous to those who say that the political system is unreformable so why even try to change it. The only thing we know with certainty is that the NFL will never change if no one who sees what's going on chronicles it with the intent of exposing the Caste System and eliminating it. That's what this site is about, not enjoying the NFL with its selfish players, bad fundamentals, and in your face anti-white racism.

I haven't watched the NBA the past two seasons, leaving it to those here who do to write about it. Playing fantasy football makes the NFL a lot more bearable for me to watch and chronicle. Just as with the NBA, some people can stomach the NFL and some can't. But I'm not going to encourage someone who watches the NBA and writes about its racial dynamics on this board not to.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I suppose it's easier for me to justify continuing to watch the NFL because I am a member of Caste Football and post here regulary. So I am clearly not part of the drunken white fan base of the NFL.
I don't enjoy it nearly as much as I did as a kid and am not as blindly loyal either. I probably spend a quarter of my time just disagreeing with the announcers and cursing at them. But I am a sports enthusiast and there are still white athletes out there in many different sports to root for and so I am not ready to chuck the NFL and NBA just yet. I think in some ways the situation has gotten better for the white athlete over the last decade and strides have been made in certain areas to give us more hope than maybe we had a decade ago. The absolute failure of the black QB experiment for one.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
What I really hate is when I'm at work and some fatboy white guy in his suit and tie who's like 37 sits next to me in the breakroom and starts talking about football, and goes into this wiggerish accent talking about how certain white players suck.

Having said that, I think the NFL sounds better with the sound off.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
I think we all have too much time invested to simply give up now.

I just never watch games that don't have "white-friendly" teams playing....because otherwise I could care less (nor should any sane white man).

I still watch the NFL because I enjoy studying the shear idiocy of it all. In a way, it's like a reflection of "yuppie, suburban america." The fatso's tailgating, the endless drinking, the mindless white fans cheering on their black superheros, etc.

It's gotten to the point where I would barely consider it a "game," more like a soap opera filled with complete sissy-boys and drama queens. Honestly, I've seen harding hitting playing high school football than I normally see in the NFL. After the final stroke of the caste system in the early 90' is just boring beyond belief.

I dont think I'll be "giving up" on ruining the caste system's little party anytime soon. However, it seems that every year I care less and less.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Thrashen said:
I just never watch games that don't have "white-friendly" teams playing....because otherwise I could care less (nor should any sane white man).

I do the same Thrashen. I completely stopped watching the NBA because of this. The real problem is the sheer amounts of whites that do watch the NFL and cheer for Chad Johnson and Jamarcus Russell on a daily basis. Their support is what keeps this system going.

Edited by: whiteathlete33


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
GiovaniMarcon said:
Having said that, I think the NFL sounds better with the sound off.

I completely agree. There are only a couple of NFL broadcasting teams that I can stand to listen to. The main one being Joe Buck and Troy Aikman.

I only watch a handful of NBA games a year, and then only if there is a team with multiple white starters andusually only ifthey are in the playoffs. The lone exception are the Jazz, which I haven't watched since 2007.

I can't stand to watch almost all black NFL games either. My Dad, who is 57, watches the Giants and Colts because of the Manning brothers and he was upset at the way Blacksonville was playing Sunday. He really doesn't watch any other teams play, so he didn't know how black Blacksonville is. Hesaid "there ain't a white player on the team." I told him they were pereniallyabout the worst teamwhen it comes to discriminating against white players. I also told him about their coach, Mr. I wish I was black Jack Del Rio. He gets pretty upset about the racial state of football and has been upset about it since I was a a kid. That is why he doesn't watch much of it anymore. He was the first person who helped make me aware of how whites had been purged from the skill positions in football and healways talkedabout how good John Riggins was, especially whenever somejock sniffing announcer would praise some mediocre black back. To my Dad, Riggins was a real running back. I'm glad I have people like him in my life who I can discuss sports with in a totally honest way. My wife is another one of those people, along with several other relatives and friends. Sorry for the rabbit chase, but sometimes I just have to write about it. Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I think the NFL is boring. Too much of the same thing. If they all wore the same color uniforms you couldn't tell one team from the other. College has a nice variety with the different talent level and styles of play. It's still too black but better then the NFL. The best thing is to go to a high school or small college game. Good seats, great atmosphere, that's the way to enjoy watching a game.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
It's funny but I prefer college basketball over the NBA, yet I find college football generally pedestrian compared to the NFL. Something about the below the rim game and more team orientated approach of college hoops is more interesting for me. A college superstar can destroy the competition more in football though than basketball(unless he is a big guy). That said I can't be passionate about the NFL and will never be because of drugs, scouting biases and moronic teams like Dallas Oakland and the Bungles.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
I've been going to games at my local high school. They're a 95% white team, the black TB sits on the bench in favor of the better white TB. Not to mention that they're ranked in the top 10 large schools in the area. It's great stuff, F the NFL.