Rochester, MN. terrorist town usa


Nov 25, 2004
Here's a link to a story about the 911 ties in Rochester, MN. I added it after a comment made on another happy hour topic about Russian Islamic immigrants. The article is long but quite an eye opener. I will just post the link and not the entire article because of its length. Basically, it's about how Rochester within just of few years of massive islamic immigration became a hotbed for terrorists and muslim rapists.

Rochester -terrorist town

Added this link about the 20th highjacker:

20th hijackerEdited by: Kaptain Poop

Mr. Lutefisk

Dec 18, 2004
I've heard a story back in 2001 a few days after 9/11 of some woman in Rochester confronted by a Somolian man the day before or the mourning of 9/11 before the attacks saying something in the order of that "New York will be red with blood soon, wait and see". I have not heard anything since then.
Most Somolians in Rochester were very happy for the attacks, some getting in fights with local people after they (the somolians) harassed the locals who had American flags on their cars. The cops were called but none of this made the local news. Whats new.
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
I had a friend that did his graduate studies at the Mayo Clinic in the early 1990s. At that time, there were almost no blacks there, and the few that were, came from Chicago and were not well received. So why did the town allow the Somali infestation?


Nov 25, 2004

*in 1991 there was the civil war in Rowanda and many Bantu fled to Somalia.

* Minnesota has reputation for strong social services.

* Catholic and Luthern charity groups facilitated the immigration. Funny - cause they are muslim.

* They originally settled in Minneapolis but Rochester was named as the America's number one city in 1993 and attracted many to move.

* IBM and the Mayo clinic being in Rochester means that the make-up of Rochester is characterized by white professionals - ready to be fleeced.

* Finally, (and I can only give you a snip of this from memory) Rochester had a severely overbudgeted flood control project. The federal or state government granted Rochester money for the project in exchange for taking in thousands of refugees. My memory is fuzzy on the details but I will look for info on it and provide it later. We no longer have a flood to worry about once every 50 years. Whoopee! A local politician running for city council or Mayor (something like that) exposed the scheme on his local cable TV show. He was then censored by the very politicians (city council) he was in debate with.

Here's a link that gives some info if you interested:


immigration in rochester


Oct 19, 2004
I saw someone from the Catholic Church being interviewed on TV last night (I forget which show, I was channel surfing quite a bit,) and he was practically bragging about how pivotal the Catholic Church has been in helping immigrants and refugees, and how important the Catholic Church has been in making the country "more diverse." Really, really sad.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
It seems like patriotism is considered a vice and not a virtue by a large percentage of priests in the catholic church. I have no problem with feeding or clothing someone who needs it(no matter the race or religion) but sheltering illegal immigrants or helping them attain citizen status with no apparant skills or ability to add something to this country is a form of treason. I respect the fact that we are a nation of immigrants but we can't afford anymore to let just anybody in. The world is too dangerous now and maintaining a white majority in this country is in the country's best interest. I doubt most black people and hispanic people would truly like living here if whites all the sudden became the minority.


Oct 19, 2004
guest301 said:
It seems like patriotism is considered a vice and not a virtue by a large percentage of priests in the catholic church.

Like Bush and so many others, they're globalists, so they don't see a clear distinction between America and "everywhere else." I'm a nationalist; I only care about what's best for America. I don't care about Mexicans, Chinese, Indians, and Haitians who want to come here and "pursue the American dream." Screw them. This is our country and we don't need them. But if I were a globalist, I wouldn't mind, because I wouldn't believe in borders, or nationalism, and I wouldn't put America first. I would put the global economy above all else; everything else would be subservient to that.

guest301 said:
I have no problem with feeding or clothing someone who needs it(no matter the race or religion) but sheltering illegal immigrants or helping them attain citizen status with no apparant skills or ability to add something to this country is a form of treason.

Yes, it's treason to nationalists like you and me, but to the globalists, it's just labor crossing an arbitrary "border." Add to that the ulterior motives that they'll never admit to (in this case, more Catholics for the Church) and you have the recipe for disaster.

guest301 said:
I respect the fact that we are a nation of immigrants but we can't afford anymore to let just anybody in.

Well, technically, we're a nation of settlers, immigrants, natives, and slaves.
But more importantly, we have to stop being so sentimental about immigration. We have to stop using phrases like "We're a nation of immigrants" and "huddled masses yearning to breathe free" and "diversity is our strength" and "pursuing the American dream." It's emotional garbage that we have to throw in the trash can. We have to be realistic. Like you said, we simply can't afford any more immigrants.

guest301 said:
The world is too dangerous now and maintaining a white majority in this country is in the country's best interest.

Absolutely, but don't say that if you're a politician or in the mainstream media. You'll get eaten alive.