Rally for immigrants rights


Apr 16, 2005
A bunch of Mexicans are protesting all over down south. Looks like the house of representatives is trying to make it a felony to be an illegal in the US, it also includes penalties for employers who hire illegals and provisions to build a giant fence along parts of the border. Lets hope this passes and the Democrates in the Senate and our president dont try to stop it. If you have time I encourage everyone to send an email to there congressman-senator supporting this action. You would be surprised how 100 emails on an issue can affect there votes.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I will send a email to my two senators. Sometimes it can make a difference.


Oct 19, 2004
Anybody who's passionate about this issue should go to numbersusa.com and send faxes and make phone calls to your representatives and other politicians. It's a very good organization. They're working really hard to prevent guestworker programs and green card increases. They have people in Washington who frequent these various meetings (the ones that aren't held in private, of course... you know, when they're trying to hide what they're doing,) so they are very informed.
Oct 24, 2005
I saw what is now called La march in Chicago on 3-10-06. I did not see 100,000 people, I saw 100,000 American children who will go to bed hungry because some greedy illegal has taken their daddy's job.
Support HR 4437.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Half a million Mexican demonstrators sending a message to our congress. How many are illegals? Mexicans are for Mexicans.



Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
If Congress doesn't send them back and forget about amnesty, it should be disbanded. This is a pivotal point, and the President says we "don't have to choose between being a welcoming society and a lawful one." What a freaking load!


Nov 25, 2004
Why any republican would support an invasion of illegals that are destined to vote their party out of power is beyond me. Hold it, no it isn't; the big businesses that own the republican party benefit from temporary cheap labor and the destruction of labor unions. Their selling our country to the highest bidder.
The guest worker program is the perfect solution to the Republican party's problem. The big businesses get cheap labor and the guest workers still can't vote. No wonder the Democrats hate the guest worker program - no cheap votes. The Republicans are dreaming if they really believe the guest workers will just return back to Mexico when their time is done.

Let's face it. Neither of the two parties represent the average american. Either of them will lead to our destruction. Unfortunetely I think our country will have to be brought to its knees before anything will change.

The issue of illegal immigration was addressed on all the morning news programs. One host asked a congressmen who was against illegal immigration this: "If you criminalize illegal immigration what would you do with all the illegals already here in the US? You're not suggesting that we deport all of them are you?

The congressmens response was wishy washy. My reponse would have been: "Will what do they do to Norwegians that are here illegally? - That's right. Deport them!" Dah! Treat them all the same - treat em like Europeans and Scandinavians. Enforce the law.Edited by: Kaptain Poop


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Kaptain Poop said:
Why any republican would support an invasion of illegals that are destined to vote their party out of power is beyond me. Hold it, no it isn't; the big businesses that own the republican party benefit from temporary cheap labor and the destruction of labor unions.

Kaptain, I don't really understand how big business benefits fromillegal labor. I see Mexicans working as landscapers, construction workers, fast food cooks, fruit pickers, kitchen crews and various low end jobs. I don't think IBM, Microsoft, Boeingand Wall Street companiesare employing illiterate Spanish speaking grunts to replace white workers. There are plenty of American minorities to be used for that purpose. It would seem to me that small business would benefit more than big.

I hate that line about Mexicans doing what Americans will not. If a union construction worker commands a wage of lets say 15 dollars an hour with benefits, an employer can hire three Mexicans for the same price without any benefits. If we closed the borders, we would see plenty of people working these jobs at a decent wage.


Aug 10, 2005
They keep wages down which keeps inflation down. If wages were to go up, it would give those blue collar workers more spending power therfore causing inflation. Inflation is bad for rich people. It devalues their money and diminishes their returns. Greed is much of our problem. It was greed that brought the Black slaves that plague us today.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Steve Sailer isn't the most popular writer among the supporters of this site, but he does hit some home runs on other issues. He has predicted that within a generation the hispanics will do what the blacks did a generation ago, and refuse to work low-paying jobs, which will add much fuel to the already simmering racial fire. I think he's right.

The hundreds of thousands of Mexicans marching in Chicago, and in L.A. and in lesser numbers elsewhere are nothing but insurgents, an alien army of invaders that the Republicans and Democrats have allowed to enter our country because of greed, business interests, and ideological claptrap like "multiculturalism," along withthe desire to eliminate any effective organized white opposition to the one worlders and power-mad empire builders who have plundered America from within.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
The scary thing is Don, I don't see any end to this madness. Its almost like we've passed the point of no return already. Even if these few anti-immigration bills being debated in Congress were to some how pass, Bush isn't going to sign them. And even if by some miracle some of these measures do become law, what to do about the millions already here?

I can tell you, I don't doubt that a big push or round up of Hispanic immigrants will not set off a bunch of riots all over the country, in 'protest.' The difference is, Hispanics will target whites, not other Hispanics, unlike blacks who riot in their own part of town.

Oddly enough, however, I live in an area that is 95% Hispanic, and nary a peep was heard around here about these protests. There were no protests, marches, nothing. But this area has been a Hispanic majority for a long time, maybe that accounts for the difference in attitude.

BTW, were there any marches or protests in Miami or other Cuban parts of Florida? I hadn't heard of any.
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
As I see how today's media is treating the "Hispanic Civil Rights Monement," I am convinced that the blacks' movement was also a largely media-made pile of cow manure.

While I cannot speak to the accuracy of the reports from Los Angeles, let me fill you in on the REAL story in Atlanta:

Last week, the Judeo-Marxists in Atlanta organized a "brown-out", whereby all of the brown people stayed off the job, out of the stores, etc. in order to display their economic might. The day passed and I noticed absolutely nothing different than any other day. I talked to several other people who also noticed nothing different about the day.

The Atlanta newspaper, however, reported that the demonstration "brought businesses to a halt" and that the pinch was felt by "schools, businesses, and public services" (although not, presumably, by the public health facilities, which I am certain were NOT boycotted by the brownlings).

The media's treatment of the event is pure, classic, agitprop BS. The only businesses that were named in the article were Mexican check-cashing joints and cell phone shops in the barrio. That's it. The Atlanta jewspaper prints at least 3 articles a week about Hispanic "buying power" but there is, in fact, nothing of the sort. 90% of the money is wired back to Me-hee-co.

Now, again, I can't opine as to the accuracy of the Los Angeles demonstration but the pictures of the streets packed by the hundreds of thousands stretching for blocks and blocks look like cheaply Photoshop-ped propaganda. There simply cannot be that many people in one place at one time -- I'm not sure that such a demonstration has EVER taken place here.

If you need a historical point-of-reference, look no farther than the (in)famous I-Have-A-Dream photograph of MLK delivering his magnum opus to a National Mall packed FULL of disciples from one end to the other. (I'm sure you've seen it 100 times). The picture's a fake. A fraud. The real photograph shows a crowd of about one-tenth the size, and - due to the lack of digital photo technology at the time - the doctoring is insultingly obvious. Still, it doesn't stop the Judeo-Marxists from publishing this garbage OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER...

"Illegal immigrants rights." Orwell, at his most paranoid, could not have dreamed that we would even have a discussion over such a black-and-white topic.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Republican National Chairman ( Jewish) is definitely working against us!!!

[url]http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/12 /01/AR2005120101479.html?sub=AR [/url]

CARLSBAD, Calif., Dec. 1 -- Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman urged his party Thursday to oppose rising anti-immigrant sentiments in the debate over border security and illegal immigration, suggesting that the GOP risks being on the wrong side of history and electoral politics alike if it embraces an exclusionary message....</NITF>

<NITF>Appearing before the Republican Governors Association, Mehlman waded into an issue that political analysts say threatens to rip apart the Republican coalition and inflict long-term damage to the party's hopes of expanding its appeal to Latinos and other minorities. A top political hand to President Bush, Mehlman followed the White House lead in treading a middle path on the issue: He issued a strong call for tougher enforcement of immigration laws but extolled the contributions of immigrants and denounced those who have sought to close the country to foreigners.

"America is a nation of immigrants and America is a nation of laws, and we must remember the 'and' between the two," Mehlman told the governors. Portraying most immigrants as hardworking and law-abiding, Mehlman said that Bush recognizes that "family values don't stop at the Rio Grande."</NITF>



Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Sam Francis column. Read it and weep, those of you who embrace the neo-con traitor in your midst.

. [url]http://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/www/News/Francis/NewsSF011 304.html[/url]

Nothing President Bush has done in his entire administration has more deeply alienated the conservatives who have supported him since his days as governor of Texas than the amnesty plan for illegal aliens he released last weekâ€â€￾

So who supports it? The neo-conservatives, of course, who are usually preoccupied with pushing the country into wars all over the world and fabricating reports about weapons of mass destruction. Linda Chavez, the neo-cons' professional Republican Hispanic Woman, virtually endorsed the plan or at least its fallacious premise that illegal alien labor is needed to keep the price of lettuce down. That claim has been refuted repeatedly by real economists, but Chavez seems not to have heard...

But she's not the only neo-con to embrace the amnesty. New York Post columnist John Podhoretz, son of neo-con guru Norman Podhoretz, not only embraced it at once but is virtually in love with itâ€â€￾not just because he thinks it will draw Hispanic voters to the Republican Party, but also because the whole pro-immigration concept promises to destroy the party's conservative base that the neo-cons hate.

The president's plan, Podhoretz writes, seeks to "transform not only the political debate in the United States but the Republican Party as well." It does so because, by attracting Third World immigrants into the party, the native white base that has sustained the GOP since the days of Lincoln will be overwhelmed.


Nov 25, 2004
Bart said:
Kaptain Poop said:
Why any republican would support an invasion of illegals that are destined to vote their party out of power is beyond me. Hold it, no it isn't; the big businesses that own the republican party benefit from temporary cheap labor and the destruction of labor unions.

Kaptain, I don't really understand how big business benefits from illegal labor.  I see Mexicans working as landscapers, construction workers, fast food cooks,  fruit pickers, kitchen crews and various low end jobs. I don't think IBM, Microsoft, Boeing and Wall Street companies are employing illiterate Spanish speaking grunts to replace white workers. There are plenty of American minorities to be used for that purpose. It would seem to me that small business would benefit more than big.


I consider Hormel to be big business as well as other meat packing plants for just one example. In the 1980's Hormel made record profits yet lowered the wages of its labor union workers. Of course the workers went on strike and were replaced by in large by mexicans. This polarized my hometown so I do know of the issue. Many of these were illegals and had been recruited, transported from the border, and trained by the company. A movie was actually made about the strike and the struggle of the displaced Minnesota workers although I can't remember the name. I would imagine that large agricultural companys also use illegal immigrants to make record profits as well as any large or small company that relies on manual labor.

I agree with you about the pathetic viewpoint that we need illegal immigrants to do the work that Americans won't do. What did America do before this huge influx of illegals? I think we got along just fine. Besides its only a matter of time before they refuse to do those jobs and become an even bigger burden on our social services than they already are.

The only reason Americans won't do many of those jobs is because the influx of illegals have lowered the wages too low. How does lower wages benefit the American worker? The arguement just doesn't make any sense. We don't need Illegal or legal mexicans for that matter in any part of our economy. We would be much better off without them. Edited by: Kaptain Poop


Aug 10, 2005
I am so sick of traiterous liberal and neoCON scum.
I am losing hope of political resistance in this broken, corrupt system. They will reap what the sow when civil war breaks out. The cream, so to speak, will rise to the top and they don't have what it takes. I retract my former optimistic positions about party building and unlikely alliances. We are surrounded by fools hellbent on cultural suicide. It is getting time to get our families behind friendly lines and to make preparations. This amnesty nonsense is going to accelerate this problem and it will be too rapid for assimilation, miscengenation, or even language acquisition to assauge the blow. The "elites" aren't as smart as they think.Edited by: KG2422


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I am very disheartened by all this talk of a guest worker program. It's insane and it won't get the amount of Hispanic votes that the Republican Party think it will. Everytime the Repubs take advantage of thier conservative base and ignore it's concerns,they lose elections. We may all get Hillary Clinton(and Bill)for President because of all this nonsense. I have sent my two senators a email on all this stuff and the immigration bill coming out of the House and my hopes that they will support it but all I got was vague assurances from Sen. Dewine in his email responce. We will see. The american people largely are against illegal immigration and want a crackdown. It's getting to the point where there are almost no political heroes anymore except for guys like Rep.Tom Tancredo out of the house and Sen George Allen in the Senate. But they are more like lone wolves crying in the wilderness.
I encourage each of you guys on this board to email and/or call your senators on this. Don't give up, even though it looks dark.


Oct 19, 2004
Kaptain Poop said:
Unfortunetely I think our country will have to be brought to its knees before anything will change.

Well, then these immigrants are going to do our work for us. I wonder if there's any way for us to facilitate the destruction, legally of course.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Kaptain Poop said:
I consider Hormel to be big business as well as other meat packing plants for just one example. In the 1980's Hormel made record profits yet lowered the wages of its labor union workers. Of course the workers went on strike and were replaced by in large by mexicans. This polarized my hometown so I do know of the issue. Many of these were illegals and had been recruited, transported from the border, and trained by the company.

Yes, I agree with you . Meat processing plants all over the country have been effected similarly.


Oct 21, 2004
The situation is becoming more hopeless politically in this country every day. Look what we have here; protestors marching and waving Mexican flags! They're not even hiding what their true feelings are- they're waving the flag of another country, in order to make a point about why we should welcome them in America. To think that phone calls or letters to your "representatives" will have any impact at all is naive. They don't care what you think; they already know that every poll ever taken on this subject shows the overwhelming majority of Americans to be in favor of getting tough on immigration. The sham of "opposing" parties raised its head here, as usual, with this odious measure getting "bipartisan" support from two infamous Republicrats, John McCainiac and the Least Greatest Kennedy of them All. But what could you expect from a representative body that boasts the author of the magic-bullet theory (Arlen Spector) as a distinguished statesman? What we should all bemoan here is the future that these monstrously evil leaders have ensured our children and grandchildren will be left with. If the way our corrupt and incompetent leaders have handled this vital issue doesn't prove there is a gigantic conspiracy, then nothing does.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
emt1 said:
hell, congress should just hand over the usa to mexico

If they could retain the same powers and privileges that they have now, they probably would.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Well class, what have we learned from this past week's history lesson? We can all throw away the notestaken in civics class. Obsolete is the word. Has it dawned on us yet? The white citizens of this land have been hosed again and again and again. A new song is playing: "This land WAS your land this land WAS my land." Polling data indicates 85-90% of Americans want the borders closed immediately and are fed up with the immigration charade. Our country has been hijacked by the usual suspects. If you don't know by now who they are, forget about it, you'll probably never figure it out.

What's the bottom line? I'll tell you. Multiplied millions of Mexicans have invaded this land. They were not invited!! Deciding to leave their hell-hole Mexican homeland, they as a horde of locusts swarmed our borders.Our jails and prisons are filled with them! Our traffic courts are overrun with Mexicans who drive without licenses and without insurance. Guess who pays? Our hospitals and schools are overloaded with their children. Guess whowrites the check?Health care is unaffordable except for the wealthy. Well, somebody has to pay for Pedro, his nine kids and perpetually pregnant wife. White people's wages are falling lower than Enron's stock, but good ol' Uncle Sam wants to bring in more third worlders to drive wages even lower and guarantee our cities resemble barrios. The Kennedy's and Feinstein's live in hoity toity, ritzy areas far away from the rabble, but make sure youcan't afford to leave the crime ridden slums they've created for our cultural enrichment.

After breaking laws at a frenetic pace, the interlopers rally publicly to demand more rights at our expense( rights lawfully granted to citizens only) and our muckety mucks fall in lockstep givng them thekeys to our house. After flooding into an area, the gubmint makes sure they are given jobs over whites, who are not bi-lingual. When assuming more numbers and clout, they vvote for their interests at our expense. My vote has been nullified because of massive voter fraud.

Crime pays! We had better wake up and realize the rules of the game have been changed. Our Boy Scout mentallity is killing us... literally. Our votes mean nothing anymore. We are living under a tyrannical dictatorship. Our constitution being interpreted by the likes of Dershowitz and Specter has been transformed into a meaningless jumble of words. Perhaps when cable costs get too high, we will see the light.