"Racial Threat" Puts OH College on "Edge"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
This is probably more/much ado about nothing, BUT since the supposed "targets/victims" are black...this "story" is front page news.I wouldn't be surprised if it was some kind of agent provocateur trying to stir up problems.

Racial threat puts Ohio college on alert, on edge

Jan 27 05:33 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

There is a lot of immaturity around here and a lot of kids are fresh out of high school. Theyre just being stupid.

NELSONVILLE, Ohio (AP) - An attacker could find many places to hide at Hocking College, a campus carved into a forest in the Appalachian foothills. And with the threat of a mass killing looming over black students at the community college, Allen Edwards is steering clear of the trees.

"I don't feel too safe walking by the woods," said Edwards, a 19-year-old black student from Canton. "There's woods everywhere. And somebody could be out in them, and I don't know."

The FBI is investigating a threat scrawled last week on a bathroom wall warning that black students would be killed Feb. 2. It bore the trademarks of just another casualâ€"though chillingâ€"threat of violence on a college campus, but students here aren't taking any chances.

At least two black students have withdrawn permanently from school out of fear for their safety, and another dozen have moved out of the dorm where the threat was found, officials at the two-year technical college said. Some students seem unperturbed, but others say the threat has brought simmering racial tensions to the surface.

The school confirmed Tuesday that the threat said black students would be killed Feb. 2. At least one subsequent note reading "kill the n------" was reported.

Hocking covers hundreds of densely treed acres in the Wayne National Forest about 60 miles southeast of Columbus. The campus overwhelms Nelsonville, an economically depressed rural town plagued with heroin addiction and unemployment. About 400 of the school's 6,300 students are black, many of whom are foreign exchange students from the Caribbean.

The college has provided temporary housing for students who are too scared to stay in Hocking Heights, the dorm where the threats were found. And for those wary of venturing outside until after Feb. 2, teachers are making allowances for missed classwork.

Since the first threat was discovered Friday, the school has installed more security cameras in dorms and beefed up foot patrols. A $5,000 reward is being offered, and extra counselors are on hand.

Campus spokeswoman Judy Sinnott said that she had not heard previous complaints of racist taunting, but that on a small campus, anything can happen.

"Any time that there are young people, you know, there's going to be tension," Sinnott said. "Young people will be young people."

Edwards lives on the second-floor hallway of Hocking Heights, a few doors down from the two black students who abruptly quit. He's contemplating leaving, too, but hasn't decided.

Edwards said he has seen racist comments written on the same bathroom wall in the past but didn't let it bother him. But two days after the first threat was found, he saw the second on the bathroom wall and reported it to campus police.

"I'm not sure how to feel," he said. "I'm just going to see how everything plays out."

Another resident of the second floor, Amelinda Marengo, sat on her bed and said that even though the threat doesn't include her, she is still afraid.

Marengo, who is half Puerto Rican, said she and her black roommate endured racist taunts in the cafeteria on several occasions last year. Her roommate declined to be interviewed.

"We'd be sitting at a lunch table and some guys would be sitting across the room, and they'd be screaming, like, 'n----- lover' across the table," Marengo said. "I had enough of it one day and I got up and I just started yelling at them and telling them, like, 'There is no reason for you to treat someone like that.'"

About a year ago, Marengo said, a male friend led her into the second-floor men's bathroom and showed her racist comments on the wall, including a drawing of what she called a "hangman."

It wasn't clear whether the Feb. 2 date held any significance for the campus. FBI agent Mike Brooks in Cincinnati said he could not comment.

It's not the first time racial threatsâ€"usually found to be hollowâ€"have interrupted life at a college. Officials at St. Xavier University in Chicago shut down the campus in 2008 when threatening messages were found scrawled in the bathroom of a freshman dorm, and in 2006 a black woman pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct after threatening letters to minorities at her former college led officials to move dozens of students for a night.

But the threat at Hocking, with its racially tense environment, is sending ripples through the area. Students and faculty members at Ohio University in nearby Athens are also on alert. Short of stationing police officers in the woodsâ€"which Hocking lacks the manpower to doâ€"officials there say vigilance remains the best defense.

Students rushed to classes Tuesday as an icy wind blew snow flurries through the trees. Disturbing rumors floated, including a claimâ€"later determined to be falseâ€"that nooses had been found in the woods. Some students, all of them white, admitted they had heard racist comments on campus before, but said those attitudes are confined to just a handful of people.

But many of them, like 19-year-old Jacob Taylor, didn't understand what all the fuss was about.

"It was just some person being ignorant," he said, and headed upstairs to his room in Hocking Heights.

***Reference article...

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
"At least two black students have withdrawn permanently from school out of fear for their safety, and another dozen have moved out of the dorm where the threat was found,"


"It was just some person being ignorant," he said, and headed upstairs to his room in Hocking Heights.

No sir, just some negroes trying to get simmianpathy!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I thought all blacks were really tough mothers that we Whites should be scared of, not the other way around. I'm liking the change!

I imagine this is some sort of negro instigated ploy, much as the one was at the Newniversity of Mississippi a few years back.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The media for obvious reasons is delighted every time one of these "racist threats" pops up as it makes Whites look like the aggressors rather than the victimsof an undeclared race war against them that has been raging for over 40 years now. And the media can also be counted on to downplay or ignore altogether the resolution of it if/when the perp turns out to be yet another disturbed black person.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
When I hear something like this I just think back a few years ago to that terrible murder of that white couple in Tennessee and how it got no national media coverage and it really illustrates who controls the media.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

I don't think the media is going to be too delighted with things if they start getting out of hand. If things start getting really dicey, the blacks will finally get what they so richly deserve, and the media elite, along with them. They won't be so smug then.

Tom Iron...
Nov 8, 2006
Meanwhile blatant "kill whitey" messages are presented by the jew-controlled mainstream media around the clock, but that's ok because only Whites can be racist.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Tom, are you suggesting that the globalist media / Z0G / PTB would be saddened, should there ever be a mass execution of blacks at this community college?

I assure you, their tears would be those of rapture, not of sorrow. They would love to sacrifice the lives of a few dozen black college students"¦if their deaths could possibly lead to legislative repercussions (hate crime laws, etc), or more blank eyes of docile white men watching their totalitarian coverage of the massacre...and "learning" how to be good little boys.

White "bigots,"Â￾ especially those who express their rage by means of violence toward blacks, loiter within the most passionate of media wet dreams. If this slaughter were to occur, the media who drop the never-ending "Haitian Pity Party"Â￾ coverage that very instant. Like the infamous non-story of the Duke Lacrosse team"¦when blacks are wronged, or even so much as allegedly wronged, the white perpetrator is instantaneously and inherently culpable of all charges in the Mainstream Media Court of Law.

For proof, one only need observe the way they somehow "uncovered"Â￾ the story of the Puerto Rican girl, and the "odious"Â￾ white oppressors who heckled her with racial slurs in the cafeteria.

Like Don alluded to, criminal statistics of black-on-black crime would suggest that a violent black student was more likely to have written this lackluster non-threat in some random bathroom. Boring.Edited by: Thrashen

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

I'm not referring to some isolated campus. I'm referring to the country in general. I believe that at some point, blacks will lose complete control of themselves and go after the White population. Once this occurs, Whites will be forced to take care of business. Then the blacks will finally be crushed once and for all. As I said. the media personalities who have been behind this propaganda against White people will be dealt with at the same time.

These people (the media "elite")have no idea of the danger they're in. They're playing an extremely dangerous game betting on the blacks and hispanics.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Thousands and thousands of whites are threatened each year by blacks in the US alone. Rarely ever is anything mentioned in the news or on tv. They had to make this article big news to make blacks look like victims again,.