Racial Differences


Jul 30, 2007
Obviously, the people on this board believe that White athletes are just as good as their Black counterparts, and I agree. However, the average White person (racialists included) believe that Blacks are genetically superior athletes. You guys are the exception to that rule. Now, a lot of you probably believe that Whites are intellectually superior to Blacks. Since you believe that White athletes are at least just as good as Black athletes, a view that most people don't agree with, is it hypocritical for you to laugh at and write off people who believe that Blacks are our intellectual equals, since that is another view that is unpopular among racislists? And what do you make of the different genetic studies that say that Blacks are physically stronger and superior to Whites because they develop earlier?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
You write as if everyone who posts here has the exact same opinion on everything, with anyone qualified to speak for everyone. We are not a hive mind here, anything but.

Whites dominate events such as the Strongest Man contests, Olympic weightlifting,and other events involving strength and endurance. Just because blacks mature physically earlier doesn't mean they are therefore stronger than whites, but it does serve as an additional excuse not to recruit and develop young white athletes.

The "intellectual equals" bit is apples and oranges. Why is it hypocritical for those who know that whites are the best athletes to not believe that blacks are as intelligent as whites? That's an argument based on guilt and emotion (further indicated by your assertion that the hive "laughs at and writes off" those that believe it), not logic. Intelligence is a separate issue, based on different criteria and data.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
gsm1988 said:
And what do you make of the different genetic studies that say that Blacks are physically stronger and superior to Whites because they develop earlier? 

I wouldn't be surprised if those "studies" on strength weren't fictionalized mumbo-jumbo thrown into the mix by the "the tribe". Ever watch a Worlds Strongest Man Competition and see a black man even come close to winning?My point exactly.
Feb 22, 2007
New Jersey
Quick, name 3 important black scientists. 3 black inventions (please - don't say helicopter, gas mask, or traffic signal - these are false)? 3 successful all black nations?

It's hard to consider blacks equal in intelligence when there are so many indicators otherwise. Blacks hadn't invented the wheel yet by the time whites came to thier lands on ships.

It must be difficult for the average black worshipping sports fan to explain how guys like Wladimir and Vitali Kilitschko knock out "superior" black athletes while being intelligent enough to have doctorates.

What studies do you have that show definitively that blacks develop faster then whites, and are stronger? I'd be curious to see it. most likely hearsay.


Jul 30, 2007
Don Wassall said:
You write as if everyone who posts here has the exact same opinion on everything, with anyone qualified to speak for everyone. We are not a hive mind here, anything but.

Whites dominate events such as the Strongest Man contests, Olympic weightlifting,and other events involving strength and endurance. Just because blacks mature physically earlier doesn't mean they are therefore stronger than whites, but it does serve as an additional excuse not to recruit and develop young white athletes.

The "intellectual equals" bit is apples and oranges. Why is it hypocritical for those who know that whites are the best athletes to not believe that blacks are as intelligent as whites? That's an argument based on guilt and emotion (further indicated by your assertion that the hive "laughs at and writes off" those that believe it), not logic. Intelligence is a separate issue, based on different criteria and data.

It wasn't my intention to lump everyone in the same category, because there are a lot of different people here with a lot of different philosophies and views on race. I apologize if I did.


Jul 30, 2007
As far as race and athletics are concerned, I agree that Whites are at least equally as good as Blacks athletically. However, it is the opinion of most people on boards like Stormfront and American Renaissance that Blacks are superior athletes because of genetic physical advantages. It Isn't hypocritical for you to believe that Whites are better athletics and that they are also more intelligent then Blacks, but I did see a post in another thread where someone claimed that Blacks who claim to be athletically superior are "Black supremacists." By that standard, are Whites who claim either athletic or intellectual superiority "White supremacists?" I don't consider any of you to be "White supremacists," at least not in its traditional meaning. I consider you to be people who are rightfully fed up with the double standards in our society, including sports, and who want to change that, and I respect that. I respect a person's right to associate with whoever they want to, and I am all for self-segregation if a person desires to separate from other races. I don't believe that people should push their beliefs and lifestyles on anyone else. I am a strong supporter of individual rights, and I wholeheartedly respect the goals of everyone here whatever they may. Most of what I just wrote was unrelated to the topic, but I just wanted to give all of you a better understanding of who I am and what I believe in.

Edited by: gsm1988


Jul 30, 2007
I don't pay too much to studies that claim that Blacks are physically superior, just as I don't put much emphasis on the Bell Curve and other studies that claim White intellectual superiority. I am in agreement with most everyone else here that Whites deserve the same opportunities as Blacks to play sports, and it is racist that Whites are in a lot of cases not getting those opportunities. I simply used Black "athletic superiority" because It's something that most people, including White Nationalists/racialists/, believe to be true.


Aug 10, 2005
Whites are better athletes in team sports because they are more intelligent and less selfish than blacks. There are physical differences. The avg. black has the advantage in some and the avg. white has advantages in others. Whites- buoyancy, strength, spatial ability. blacks- thicker skin, longer arms, thicker skull. There are exceptions to these trends- Kevin McHale's arms, Ray Allen's jump shot etc.


Oct 20, 2006

You seem to be a troll, but not an obnoxious one, so just a couple of

1) If two groups of the same species are physically separated enough to
develop different physical characteristics due to adaptation and evolution,
they can also develop different mental and psychological characteristics
as well. All tests of mental ability ever devised show a large gap between
whites and blacks in favor of whites. Its simply a fact. You may not want
to believe it, but it is true, and we all know it is too. I would say that if
you find a lot of black people intelligent, that may be a clue that you
aren't that smart yourself.

2) What do you mean by black athletic superiority? In what area? Whites
are the strongest men in the world. Many sports that require great speed
and athleticism are white-dominated, and many others are filled with
whites. You may want to ask yourself why many people perceive that
blacks are athletically superior--or is it simply that sports where blacks
are overrepresented are covered more in the media? Why is that? Did
blacks always dominate some sports? If not, was it just segregation, or
was it something else? What role has the chemical era had on that
perception, and are some groups more likely to cheat than others? Do
any other disparities or double standards exist? Why?

Some people who post here think that outside people who stumble on the
site are somehow on the fence. Its always been my conviction that people
are either pro or con, and only some cons have the balls to really argue
with the guys here. I don't think anybody switches sides. My own intro to
the site was shock that this stuff happened in sports too, but as I read
further, I knew these guys were right. If at some point in time you want
to drop the pretense of being objective or even sympathetic to us, that's
fine. But you're in for a real fight. People here know their stuff. The level
of argument here is quite high, and there's plenty of evidence we are
right. You should come out with it and take your best shot.


Jul 30, 2007
All that really matters Pitbull is that I agree with the main point of this site, that White athletes are discriminated against. I don't have to agree with all of your viewpoints to be accepted here. You can call me a troll all you want, but I really don't care. And thanks for the insult. I didn't realize that anyone who views the world in a different way then you is stupid. Thanks for the information.


Oct 20, 2006
I didn't say you were stupid, I just said if you think that whites and blacks
are about equally intelligent, and they obviously aren't, you very well may
not be that smart. That's not an insult, its just true. It would be just as
true if a group of people were demonstrably bad writers, but you thought
their writing was great. Chances are then that you don't write that well

I didn't say you had to agree with everything I said. I just asked a few
questions which you didn't answer. You dropped by a pro-white site and
said that black athletic superiority was something that whites in general,
including pro-white "nationalist/supremacists" agreed to be true. Not
true at all. BTW, the common definition of a troll is someone who jumps
on a site and starts defying the general nature of the discussion board.
Saying blacks are athletically superior qualifies. If you are pro-white,
fine, then post as such. We don't agree that blacks are athletically
superior here. We think there is another agenda at work, and the proof is
abundant that we are correct.

PS, I would be careful about jumping to conclusions from reading
American Rennaisance or Stormfront. I can't speak for the latter, but its
my suspicion that thoses sites are not exactly what they purport to be
(although reading the comments section on AR is fun sometimes, not just
for the refutations of the liberal agenda, but also for the personal
anecdotes people have with blacks, mexicans, etc which you never read in
the mainstream press). There is great pressure in the media to say that
blacks are superior at something, whether it be sports or entertainment.
the reason for the pressure is to justify the wealth transfer and
destruction that has been unleashed on America after the Civil Rights
Movement, as if it weren't all done in vain. There is also the reason of
discouraging white men from feeling strong and powerful enough to take
back what they built and what is rightfully theirs. I don't believe the black
physical supremacy myths of Rushton et al. And to me, the IQ question is
moot. Most of us, although not openly hostile to minorities, don't like
them, and that should be enough in a free society not to either associate
with them much, hand out money and opportunities to them, or let them
invade our country looking to displace us from our jobs and property.
The superiority myths of IQ for asians, jews, and physical superiority
myths of the blacks only reinforce the idea of displacement. You'll notice
now the similar work ethic myths told to us of the mexicans, chinese, and
other third worlders. Same story.Edited by: PitBull


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
PitBull said:
Most of us, although not openly hostile to minorities, don't like
them, and that should be enough in a free society not to either associate
with them much, hand out money and opportunities to them, or let them
invade our country looking to displace us from our jobs and property.

What he said.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I couldpaste this "ad"which I foundrunning on the Drudge Report, on just about any thread, or start a new one for it, but at any rate take a look at it and try to count the number of levels on which it's offensive. It's nothing but an all-out attack on white men, reflecting an overwhelming compulsion by those running things -- you know, the same people who supposedly would never dream of discriminating against whitemenin sports --to humiliate and degrade them.Guesswhy there's no racial "diversity" in this picture.

Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Don Wassall said:
It's nothing but an all-out attack on white men, reflecting an overwhelming compulsion by those running things -- you know, the same people who supposedly would never dream of discriminating against whitemenin sports --to humiliate and degrade them.Guesswhy there's no racial "diversity" in this picture.

Utterly amazing ad. Not exactly the most athletic or attractive of men. The woman is the driving force with brains to boot. And yes, how strange that no blacks and other minorities are depicted as losers. Should be a big hit.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
In any other type of advertisement, minorities would complain about the lack of diversity. But they don't mind letting all the idiotic fat and nerdy white dudes have all the negative publicity. Pretty sad when they can't even include one dumb black guy or nerdy Asian in the entire mix.