Pro-Whites who are Anti-White


May 20, 2005
It's surprising the number of racially conscious whites I converse with who seem out to prove that the ******* is physically superior.

Perhaps after spending their lives being inundated with the propaganda of the mentally-equal&physically-superior ******* master race, they feel they would be jingoistic or even hypocritical to assert the mirror opposite to be true-that whites are physically equal but mentally superior, they don't wish to sink to the level of our enemies as it were. Also we have this dumb-jock smart-nerd idea to contend with, instead of the more ancient Euro notion of sound mind and sound body in tandem. So they talk about the obvious fact of I.Q. differences without giving the lie to the second half of that anti-white contention.

But you see, theres one key difference between the two assertions. This difference hinges upon the single thing that was once most important to Indo-Europeans, an ideal that is universally snubbed, even by supposed philosophers, in these degraded days. That thing is the truth. One assertion is true, the other is false. And I'll give you a hint, the truth isn't the idea backed by the mainstream media. Afterall, why wouldn't the most evolved brains be married to bodies that are more evolved in most performance facets? Hard as it may be to swallow from a humanitarian standpoint, this seems to be where the evidence points.

*Edit-Okay, saying some people are "better" on average is terrible phraseology-it implies, much like a certain group who shall go nameless tend to believe, that some outside infallible intelligence has given the thumbs up to one and only one group of hominids. That's not what I meant at all. What I meant is that life is not fair and balanced, and on average some people may have more abilities than others in almost everything. (If anyone thinks I'm just a gloating racist pig btw, understand that I do in fact find the facts of human difference troubling from a humanitarian standpoint. It is to me cruel that some groups of conscious beings must lag behind other groups, or that exceptionally intelligent folks of some peoples must suffer from the fact that their fellows are exceptionally un-intelligent)Edited by: White_Savage

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I've lamented the blindness of racially conscious whites when it comes to white athleticism vs. black athleticism here and other places. You've hit on some of the reasoning, another factor is that many racially conscious whites literally don't know anything about sports, either because they've been turned off by the media focusing on black athletes and supposed "black domination" or because they were never interested to begin with. The flip side is that hopefully a lot of whites who are interested in sports will become racially aware through discovering Caste Football whereas they might never have through any other avenue.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
People just can't seem to think of white athletes as
having blinding speed and incredible jumping ability.
They always talk about blacks like if they are animal
like in the way they run & jump.Most people are just
brain washed into the black superiority concept.Another
thing is that if you look at the nba and the nfl,most
of the points are scored by black athletes.When they
don't see any white "M.Jordan's" or white "J.Rice types"
they just assume that we are too slow.I hate it when
people make conclusions based on insufficient evidence.
They don't even consider that there is more to it than
that.There is no way a white could possibly be
discriminated against.Wake up people!!


May 20, 2005
White Lighting:

"People just can't seem to think of white athletes as
having blinding speed and incredible jumping ability."

Heres an interesting point. Let's for the sake of argument say that blacks have the advantage, to a greater or lesser degree, in sprinting and jumping. So who decided that sprinting&jumping=the totality of all that is to be athletic, as opposed to say, upper-body strength and endurance?

Imagine some sort of "Cave-Man Olympics", in which we stage events designed to test abilities in all those physical activities which shaped the survival and evolution of primordial man, the various activities related primarily to hunting, war, and the gathering of various odds and ends nessecary to survival, such as shelter and firewood. Who would carry most of the events? Would it be the same people who win 98% of sports today?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Welcome to Caste Football Moose! Maybe you can explain your post a little further, as I don't understand what you meant to say.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I think that he met to say that overall whites are the
better all around athletes.No one can argue that.I just
hate how ignorant & stupid the public/media are.