NYC Ground Zero Mosque


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I don't take issue with this mosque on ground zero because the Muhamedans pulled 9/11 ( it was an obvious false-flag), but because these untermenschen heathen don't belong in our White, Christian Republic to begin with!

Ground Zero Mosque On The Move?

Opponents To Meet With Developers On Troubling Issue

August 17, 2010 7:44 PM

NEW YORK (CBS 2) â€" There was a possible resolution in the works Tuesday night in the debate surrounding the proposed mosque and Islamic cultural center near ground zero.

CBS 2"²s Marcia Kramer has learned it looks as if the developers of the mosque may be willing to budge and move away from the Park 51 location where they originally planned the construction.

So will the mosque be moving?

New York Gov. David Paterson plans to meet with developers of the controversial ground zero mosque as early as this week to offer them state land â€" at another location â€" for their cultural and religious center. Paterson told Congressman Peter King about the meeting, and King said the governor asked him to make it public.

"The purpose of the meeting would be for the governor to discuss with the leaders of the mosque where state property is available,"Â said Rep. King. "Whether or not people from the mosque would be willing to consider that property."Â

King added that the governor "seemed very enthused"Â about the anticipated discussions.

For at least a week, the governor's message to the developers has been one of hopeful understanding.

"I hope that they type of cultural understanding that they're trying to promote when they build the center could be practiced right now,"Â Paterson said.

Sources tell CBS 2's Kramer that Gov. Paterson is concerned that Mayor Mike Bloomberg, a staunch supporter of putting the mosque at ground zero, and President Barack Obama, might be advising mosque leaders to dig in their heels and insist on the present location.

But there was a glimmer of hope that they are open to a compromise.

A Tuesday tweet from the Park51 Twitter account said:

"For the past week, we have focused on trying to respond to attacks and detractors of our project. What's become clear is â€" they won't listen."Â

In the next 140 character post, they added:

"Starting today, we're going to begin addressing questions regarding park51. We're open to any sensible discussion."Â

Paterson's office confirmed that discussions between his staff and the developer's staff have been ongoing and said the governor expects to have a meeting scheduled in the near future.

Congressman King said the openness of the developers to a compromise will be the real test of their intentions.

"If the leaders of the mosque take up the governor on his proposal, it would show that their real intention is to bring people together,"Â he said. "And not just make a political statement by having a mosque at Ground Zero."Â

There's also the issue of separation of church and state, and whether the governor should provide state land for a mosque.

King said in this case it would be okay, especially if the compromise meets the need of both sides.

As for the debate over the mosque in its current proposed location, religious leaders said Monday they are worried this one building is leading to a nationwide backlash.

It is the question Muslim leaders and those of other faiths are asking.

"How far is too close? If two blocks near the Burlington factory is too close then why in Brooklyn is the mosque being opposed in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn? Is that far enough?"Â said Mahdi Bray, the executive director of Muslim American Society Freedom.

Officials said the ground zero mosque controversy is just one of many attempts to prevent mosques from being built all over the country, and that it may have emboldened other protestors.

Protests have been held on Staten Island, and California, and Tennessee, Wisconsin, Alabama and Florida.

"The building of mosques and the resistance to buildings of mosques has increased throughout America as well as the destruction and vandalizing of mosque in Florida with a pipe bomb,"Â Bray said.

Leaders of other faiths joined the Muslins American Society Freedom on Tuesday.

"I know how I would feel if people started saying there were certain places you weren't allowed to put up a synagogue and therefore I know what should not be done to people who want to put up a cultural center that will include a prayer space,"Â said Rabbi Aurthus Waskow, the director of the Shalom Center in Philadelphia.

But on Tuesday at ground zero many said they were opposed to putting the mosque so close to where the 9/11 attacks took place; not to mosque construction in other parts of the city.

"It's the location, yeah, this is holy ground. A lot of people died here,"Â said Steven Van Cook of Queens.

"My objection is to ground zero. This is a holy place. It should remain as a holy place,"Â added Steven Goldberg of Bayside.

What about building it in another place in Manhattan?

"No, I wouldn't mind because you know it's freedom of speech in the country, but I object to it being here,"Â Goldberg said.

When asked is he is opposed to the location or the building mosques in New York City, Vito Serzelczyk of Marlton, N.J., said, "Location, location, location. This is a very sensitive area. I was here on Sept. 11. It was a terrible, tragic event and I feel sorry for the families of those people, victims, and this is not really the place to build the new mosque."Â

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Oct 26, 2008
"I don't take issue with this mosque on ground zero because the Muhamedans pulled 9/11 ( it was an obvious false-flag), but because these untermenschen heathen don't belong in our White, Christian Republic to begin with! "

Agreed. Why are we letting these people into the US and Europe? The Moors were kicked out of Spain and now we are letting them back in and in places like England paying for their housing. There would be almost no Muslims in Europe without immigration and only a few black ones like Kareem in this country.

Isn't that a pretty expensive piece of land they are building that Mosque on around Wall Street? Are the Saudis paying for that?
Muslims are also building a massive mosque in London.

Then you have idiots like Olbermann complaining about Islamophobia. Muslims,when given the opportunity demographically, will try to take over the West in 100 years and the idiots that run the West are letting it happen.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
DixieDestroyer said:
Opponents To Meet With Developers On Troubling Issue

Officials said the ground zero mosque controversy is just one of many attempts to prevent mosques from being built all over the country, and that it may have emboldened other protestors.

Protests have been held on Staten Island, and California, and Tennessee, Wisconsin, Alabama and Florida.

"The building of mosques and the resistance to buildings of mosques has increased throughout America as well as the destruction and vandalizing of mosque in Florida with a pipe bomb,"Â￾ Bray said.

We're being played like fiddles again. Who profits from all this agitation? The Arabs will be even more reviled and hated by Americans and a few Jews will appear to be oh so noble in showing support in the name of freedom of religion.Smoke and mirrors.

The infrastructure and bureaucracy of New York is largely controlled by Jews.Licensing, permits, zoning, commisions, gov contracts etc. it's a Kosher affair.

If they are truly against a building going up ... it's not going up. The propaganda value of this story is absolutely priceless.They will milk it dry.


Jul 29, 2008
In my opinion, this whole non-story is yet another distraction for the sheeple, while the banking cabal and the rest of the elites are continuing their non-stop efforts to pillage and destroy this country.

I have strong objections to turd world garbage from Somalia, Iraq, and the rest of the middle-east who come here with their 6th century way of thinking and are simply not compatible with the civilized Western World. We need to stop letting these people into the country.

On the other hand the First Amendment must be respected at all costs. If you are a law-abiding muslim who has integrated into the society here and is not part of the radical element of Islam, you should be able to practice your religion without any issues.

Muslims make up less than 2% of the US population, and unlike Europe, most of them have assimilated.We do not have a muslim problem, and I don't think we ever will. Our biggest threat is the invasion from the South which threatens to destabilize the whole country. Let's also not forget the homosexual cartel and their efforts to break-down the traditional family unit. We also have the economy and criminals on Wall Street to worry about.

You've got the usual neocon clowns riling up the public with this mosque thing, and the sheeple are buying into it. We're barking up the wrong tree here, and there are far bigger problems confronting the nation. Worst case, let them build it a few blocks farther out, and the story can hopefully go away.


Nov 25, 2004
I'd be more upset if they put up a synagogue at the site where Jewish bankers and brokers have robbed Americans of their wealth for about a Century. But it's New York, the whole town and 80% of its inhabitants can sink into the ocean as far as I'm concerned. The purple haired freaks, crackhead moms on welfare, the Crips, the Bloods, the homosexuals, Jewish banksters, and the rest of the entire multicultural cesspool can do whatever they want as long as they don't move any further West.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Kaptain Poop said:
I'd be more upset if they put up a synagogue at the site where Jewish bankers and brokers have robbed Americans of their wealth for about a Century. But it's New York, the whole town and 80% of its inhabitants can sink into the ocean as far as I'm concerned. The purple haired freaks, crackhead moms on welfare, the Crips, the Bloods, the homosexuals, Jewish banksters, and the rest of the entire multicultural cesspool can do whatever they want as long as they don't move any further West.
I hope I make it into your 20%


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Freethinker said:
Kaptain Poop said:
I'd be more upset if they put up a synagogue at the site where Jewish bankers and brokers have robbed Americans of their wealth for about a Century. But it's New York, the whole town and 80% of its inhabitants can sink into the ocean as far as I'm concerned. The purple haired freaks, crackhead moms on welfare, the Crips, the Bloods, the homosexuals, Jewish banksters, and the rest of the entire multicultural cesspool can do whatever they want as long as they don't move any further West.

I hope I make it into your 20%

KaptainPoop, have you ever been to NYC? I highly doubt you have. No need to criticize like this. I go to the city all the time and I'll assure you there are no purple hair freaks. There are many great parts of NYC.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I say let them build it. Jew York is a cesspool anyway. No offense to any of the good white people living there, but you guys should get the hell out of that mess and fast. Come to the Pacific Northwest


May 10, 2008
Well, in a few days we will know if the "reason" that Obama is supporting this mosque so strongly is because he and the Jews want Americans outraged so that they can bomb Iran before Russia loads fuel into the Bushehr nuclear reactor (on Saturday).


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Yeah, when I first heard about this I was like "Oh, HELL NO!" but after thinking about it I realized 'what do I care'? New York is a multicultural cesspool filled with africans, asians, hispanics, arabs, and indians, it's already lost as a white homeland anyway.

I feel sorry for the people who died on 9/11 but that's over. I'm not so sure it was arabs that had everything to do with it anyway. Besides this mosque is 2 blacks away, it's not at "ground zero", how far away from those buildings is "hallowed ground" for people?

Getting upset about it would mean that I feel in some way connected to the jew liberals that run New York--I don't, or the idiot in the white house, or the clowns in congress, or the dumb asses on the Supreme Court. I consider all of those groups as basically my enemies so what do I care what happens to them. I have to worry about me and mine, they certainly don't.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
Getting upset about it would mean that I feel in some way connected to the jew liberals that run New York--I don't, or the idiot in the white house, or the clowns in congress, or the dumb asses on the Supreme Court. I consider all of those groups as basically my enemies so what do I care what happens to them. I have to worry about me and mine, they certainly don't.

The post of the year!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good points, jaxvid. I pretty much have the same opinion about it. By the way, your new avatar is classic!


Dec 13, 2009
I have many relatives that live on Long Island, NY. Long Island is mostly blue collar or suburban Whites that are racially aware because for the most part, most Long Islanders are descendants of the White flight that took place from NYC 50-70 years ago when the coloreds moved in and promptly destroyed beautiful neighborhoods.


Aug 27, 2008
Think I agree Bart. When Jaxvid gets fired up we are going to get a hell of a post!


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Thanks guys. Expanding on the idea I have run into difficulty celebrating anything "American" now. Anyone else have this problem?

Nowadays I don't want to stand for the national anthem, I don't want to say the pledge of alligence, I don't want to salute the flag. I just don't care anymore. I used to be hyper patriotic but I don't see this country or it's symbols representing me or what I believe in anymore.

I still respect the "old America", what I call the 48-state America, because I feel that the US started to go down hill in the 1960's or just after Hawaii and Alaska were admitted. So I will fly a 13-star American flag for example but no longer put out the 50 star flag.

Sometimes the peer pressure is strong to do something like stand and take off the hat at a ball game for the national anthem or say the pledge at a boy scout meeting. But even that is pushing it.

I feel a big disconnect with the current government and myself. Not just in Washington but even at the state and local level. I despise the PC attitude of the people on my township board. The whole idea of government even in my local area is to advance the causes of what is referred to as "cultural marxism". They all do it too, liberal and conservative alike. Furthermore I don't feel there is a single member of the government that thinks like I do. No one, not even Ron Paul, is someone I would unconditionally support.

I also look down on people who are patriotic, I see them as naive. The guys with american flags on their bumpers, or the GO USA crowd. What fools! I mean seriously, when the govt. has lost guys like me they really must be screwed up.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
jaxvid, your post sums up my feelings on the topic. Remembering all the students (almost all White) stopping to "honor" the US flag while the national anthem is played every day at BYU saddens me. Its that way all over the country too, with the neo-cons pushing their corrupt brand of patriotism to the brainwashed masses. What a waste of time it all is. Plus its all a dog and pony show, nothing but a joke. There is nothing of substance to be found in it. And to think I used to get chills when they played the national anthem before our football games in high school.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
jaxvid said:
Thanks guys. Expanding on the idea I have run into difficulty celebrating anything "American" now. Anyone else have this problem?

Nowadays I don't want to stand for the national anthem, I don't want to say the pledge of alligence, I don't want to salute the flag. I just don't care anymore. I used to be hyper patriotic but I don't see this country or it's symbols representing me or what I believe in anymore.

I still respect the "old America", what I call the 48-state America, because I feel that the US started to go down hill in the 1960's or just after Hawaii and Alaska were admitted. So I will fly a 13-star American flag for example but no longer put out the 50 star flag.

Sometimes the peer pressure is strong to do something like stand and take off the hat at a ball game for the national anthem or say the pledge at a boy scout meeting. But even that is pushing it.

I feel a big disconnect with the current government and myself. Not just in Washington but even at the state and local level. I despise the PC attitude of the people on my township board. The whole idea of government even in my local area is to advance the causes of what is referred to as "cultural marxism". They all do it too, liberal and conservative alike. Furthermore I don't feel there is a single member of the government that thinks like I do. No one, not even Ron Paul, is someone I would unconditionally support.

I also look down on people who are patriotic, I see them as naive. The guys with american flags on their bumpers, or the GO USA crowd. What fools! I mean seriously, when the govt. has lost guys like me they really must be screwed up.

They have lost guys like us for a long time now. This is socialism at it's finest. You don't even want to know how many of my friends have told me that once this "Obama healthcare" crap goes into effect they will be on the streets.

The media coverage of how Obama would help NJ was beyond ridiculous. He came down here a few weeks ago and had a meeting with some small business owners. His supposed tax cuts are not going to help us. I'm tired of reading about the sub sandwich he ordered.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
jaxvid said:
Thanks guys. Expanding on the idea I have run into difficulty celebrating anything "American" now. Anyone else have this problem?

Nowadays I don't want to stand for the national anthem, I don't want to say the pledge of alligence, I don't want to salute the flag. I just don't care anymore. I used to be hyper patriotic but I don't see this country or it's symbols representing me or what I believe in anymore.

I still respect the "old America", what I call the 48-state America, because I feel that the US started to go down hill in the 1960's or just after Hawaii and Alaska were admitted. So I will fly a 13-star American flag for example but no longer put out the 50 star flag.

Sometimes the peer pressure is strong to do something like stand and take off the hat at a ball game for the national anthem or say the pledge at a boy scout meeting. But even that is pushing it.

I feel a big disconnect with the current government and myself. Not just in Washington but even at the state and local level. I despise the PC attitude of the people on my township board. The whole idea of government even in my local area is to advance the causes of what is referred to as "cultural marxism". They all do it too, liberal and conservative alike. Furthermore I don't feel there is a single member of the government that thinks like I do. No one, not even Ron Paul, is someone I would unconditionally support.

I also look down on people who are patriotic, I see them as naive. The guys with american flags on their bumpers, or the GO USA crowd. What fools! I mean seriously, when the govt. has lost guys like me they really must be screwed up.

Your posts on this topic have been utter flawlessness.

I frequently cross-examine the "GO USA"Â￾ types with a series of direct questions"¦

1) What was last piece of American legislation specifically aimed at supporting straight, white Americans? No, they've done the opposite.

2) What is the most recent instance in which straight, white Americans gained civil rights as a result of government action? No, they've done the opposite.

3) What has the government ever done to maintain (or quantitatively increase) America's white population? No, they've done the opposite.

4) What has the government ever done to decrease or even somewhat limit the amount of non-white immigration? No, they've done the opposite.

5) What government-funded (tax payer funded) social programs were designed specifically to help underprivileged whites? No, they've done the opposite.

6) Has the government ever given you impression that it was "OK"Â￾ to do, say, or even think in a pro-white manner? No, they've done the opposite.

7) Has the government ever so much as tolerated the self-expression of pro-white men and women, let alone a forum to convey their beliefs? No, they've done the opposite.

8) Has the government ever embraced or promoted white cultures, white traditions, white family structures, or white morals? No, they've done the opposite.

It doesn't take an overly intellectual person to connect the dots. They are prepping the mass graves, constructed with our slave labor. I could be etched in stone and "we"Â￾ still wouldn't understand.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Thrashen, I enjoyed your last post as well and might use those questions in the future.


Dec 13, 2009
I also used to be a patriotic American but now I don't feel any
connection to what America has become, but I still respect what our
Founding Fathers tried to do. The Civil war started the change, winning
WWII and the passage of the immigration act of 1965 along with the civil
rights movement in the 60's sealed Americas fate, it's failure is
inevitable and much sooner than many think, within 50-100 years the USA
will have self imploded and North America will be a be a racially and
culturally Balkanized</span></span> land.
Edited by: JReb1


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Colonel_Reb said:
Thrashen, I enjoyed your last post as well and might use those questions in the future. 

Col, I'm with you. I will immediately print out that post.Great talking points.


Oct 26, 2008
waterbed said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Europe said:
NYC was 94% white in 1940.Now look at it.
This entire country was about 90 percent white in 1940.  Boy have things changed. 

west europe was 99.9% at that time, it changed after the war.

When I was in Italy about 7 years ago, I saw only 3 black people the whole time I was there. 2 illegal immigrants most likely on a bus and 1 lady on a train. Nobody I came in contact with at any business was nonwhite. Now, they have Chinese,Indian ,black etc. Italy had almost no nonwhite immigration until very recently. It's a shame what is going on.