NotreDame or Michigan?


Jun 18, 2008
I need some advice I stuck with being a fan of either the Michigan Wolvereens or the Notre Dame Fighting Irish I allways like them all the way back to when Bo Schembecker and Ara Parsigian coach those teams. I rember so vividly when Ara Parsigian totaly out coached Bear Bryant in the 1974 Suger Bowl actually was played on New Year's eve in 1973 classic game Bama was a heavy favorite and #1 ranked going in and ND beat them 24-23 what a classic game. I was laughing at the Alabama cheerleaders crying at the end of the game and Notre Dame winning the National Championship.
I used to like Ohio State when Woody Hayes coach them but I always rooted for Michigan and the 1976 Michigan OSU game QB by Rick Leach shut them out 22-0 I always loved that Michigan Fight song Hail to the Victors!!
Notre Dame has a classic song also but I really enjoy the ballad play after a ND touchdown I cant help myself but i find myself danceing to that tune.
I didn't like ND so much when Willingham coach them I was glad they failed then but now with Weiss as coach I really like them again Weiss mind me of Phillip Fulmer!!!


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I'm a life long Michigan fan. For years I hated Notre Dame, while admiring their history. Recently though I find myself liking the team. They have played a lot of white guys recently although not much currently. Michigan used to have a few white guys at spots other then o-line and QB. I was ready to give them up for good and then they got McGuffie. That kept me a fan but the job Rodriguez did on them this year was horrible. If McGuffie goes I'm gonna need another team. Maybe Iowa?
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
General Lee, was Richard Todd the QB for Alabama in that 1974 Sugar Bowl game?

Here are clips of the famous 1976 Michigan-Ohio State matchup that the Wolverines won 22-0 on Nov. 20, 1976. Enjoy!

Jaxvid, look at that lineup: Vogele, Anderson, Zuver, Tedesco, Hennessy, Lytle, and don't forget the others like Leach, Dufek, Downing, Donahue.

I may have only been a little over a year old when that game aired live on TV but the teams of that period are my favorite.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
As a kid I watched every minute of that game on the floor in front of the TV (a rare treat since teams could only be on TV a couple of times a year back then). It was one of the happiest times in my life. I lived and died with those UM-OSU games like only a kid could.

Those teams were filled with my people, guys a few years older then me, guys I could hope to grow up to be or at least emulate on the sandlot with my friends. The team now? I don't really give a damn, any interest is purely reflexive that was ingrained in my childhood.

My kids have no interest whatsoever in the games now and I couldn't be happier. Thanks caste system!!!
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey

If there was a time machine I'd go back to that period in a heartbeat. I know where you're coming from, in some way or another. I wish I was much older than I was and be able to follow the team then and emulate them. It just isn't the same anymore. And not just because of the risen tide of color; it's also because the culture of the sport has changed and denigrated. I will stand by the Wolverines despite the reality of today but give me a Meeechigan game with Ufer on the mike over any of today's games anytime, anywhere and anyplace!


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
OldSchoolBoy75 said:

If there was a time machine I'd go back to that period in a heartbeat. I know where you're coming from, in some way or another. I wish I was much older than I was and be able to follow the team then and emulate them. It just isn't the same anymore. And not just because of the risen tide of color; it's also because the culture of the sport has changed and denigrated. I will stand by the Wolverines despite the reality of today but give me a Meeechigan game with Ufer on the mike over any of today's games anytime, anywhere and anyplace!

I agree 100%!!! It was different back then. The players were really students for the most part. Regular guys. Not the low IQ thugs dragged in off of the street unable to read and write and only at the U to play ball and cause trouble. Hired hands selected only because of physical development that stunted any intellectual growth.
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
jaxvid said:
I agree 100%!!! It was different back then. The players were really students for the most part. Regular guys. Not the low IQ thugs dragged in off of the street unable to read and write and only at the U to play ball and cause trouble. Hired hands selected only because of physical development that stunted any intellectual growth.

Notice how nowadays there's this obsession with the players being referred to as "STUDENT-Athletes"? That's because the system allowed so many dumbasses to bring the game down and now the establishment has to make saints out of those who get above a 3.5 GPA. How ridiculous.
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
jaxvid said:
The players were really students for the most part. Regular guys.

So true. They were guys you wanted to know off the gridiron as well; guys you wanted to hang with, have a beer and pizza with, party with. Nowadays it's all pretense and it doesn't matter whether it's college or the pros; the players are celebrities and live their lives as such.
Jul 14, 2007
OldSchoolBoy75 said:
jaxvid said:
The players were really students for the most part. Regular guys.

So true. They were guys you wanted to know off the gridiron as well; guys you wanted to hang with, have a beer and pizza with, party with. Nowadays it's all pretense and it doesn't matter whether it's college or the pros; the players are celebrities and live their lives as such.

While there are some thugs that shouldn't be in school, most guys on the football at the school I went to actually were regular guys that you could hang out and party with. Last year when he was a freshman, I asked a pretty good wide receiver, who is white, if he got noticed on campus, and he said no. He's about 6'1" and dresses like any other normal white guy on campus, goes to class, goes back to the dorm, etc. The only people that noticed him where the thousands of people at the stadium, when he would get a first down or score a TD.

Now, I could imagine someone like Tim Tebow being hounded like a celebrity, but for the most part most of these guys like pretty normal lives, with the added excitement of playing for a big time program.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
jaxvid said:
As a kid I watched every minute of that game on the floor in front of the TV (a rare treat since teams could only be on TV a couple of times a year back then). It was one of the happiest times in my life. I lived and died with those UM-OSU games like only a kid could.

Those teams were filled with my people, guys a few years older then me, guys I could hope to grow up to be or at least emulate on the sandlot with my friends. The team now? I don't really give a damn, any interest is purely reflexive that was ingrained in my childhood.

My kids have no interest whatsoever in the games now and I couldn't be happier. Thanks caste system!!!
I think corruption in college sports took off in the late 70's. TV deals corrupted the universities. Before big money in TV you wouldn't look at poor scholar unless he was a god on the field(picture Simpson who was functionally illiterate). Even then you might have had one or two guys like this and since they were isolated cases thug like behaviour was kept to a minimum. When salaries for coaches took off, then the pressure to win became enormous. Then corrupt schools like OU and Miami started to dominate football. I remember when USC was 80 percent white and that was in the mid to late 70's.


Jun 18, 2008
Does anyone have any clip on u-tube or any other film clips on the 2000 Orage Bowl were Michigan beat Alabama in OT 35-34 were Tom Brady got notability.
THat was the greatest game I've ever seen.