NFL Purges White RB’s


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Man, that article made me so mad at the NFL/Caste System. There can be no doubt about it now, even for the intellectually challenged in the US. They are steered away, discouraged, and discriminated against so they will leave the sport or the position. I wonder if you could track the same number of blacks as there were whites in that article of Don's, and see how many of them end up playing, and are given every break in the world in order to do so. Man, I'm really upset over this one!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I'm extremely pissed off, too, Reb, I just don't know what to do about it. Boycott the NFL? They wouldn't even know.

I don't know what to do about it, really. Write letters? To whom would we complain??

When blacks were trying to break the color barrier at QB, they had the media and the rest of the machine working in their favor. We have the internet but not much else.

The only thing I can think of is to just keep talking about it and telling everyone that will listen about the discrimination guys like Forsey, Lumsden, and the rest have to face in order to play running back in the NFL. It LOOKS like we might be breaking into more WR roles this year; let's keep our fingers crossed. Every Matt Jones, Kevin Curtis and Brandon Stokley who makes it will help open the door for other white players.

Thinking so is the only way I can stomach this anymore.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Another excellent article.I couldn't have written it any better myself.I hope alot of people in this country read this article.The word needs to get out there as to what is going on in the NFL and for the most part in College too.

Jesse Lumsden still has not been contacted by any team.Either has Forsey and so the Luke Staley treatment continues.When will it stop?Will it ever change?I think it will be a very long time before any kid gets a chance.They just can't stand the thought of it.The all time leading rusher in the NFL's History is E.Smith.He was never a fast running back.He had average speed,but good power and instincts.You don't have to run a 4.4 in the 40 but even if you do like Lumsden,Staley,etc. you need not try if your a white guy.
May 5, 2005
Agree heartily CR. You see the Broncos waste a 3rd round pick on an idiot like Claret. Then you get to see the Forseys, the Staleys, the Lumsdens get thrown to the side.

I am beginning to think that owners, scouts and coaches are being "socially engineered" to think that caucasians are inferior athletes!!

There is a kid on a local football team here that has shattered Chance Kretchmers and Antwoin Whites Nevada state) career rushing records...while still a junior in High School! I almost feel like he has a snowballs chance in hell to make any kind of Div I college team. Never mind he is an honor student to boot. He will get the token white guys opportunity, but just as soon as he is doing well, I am sure the sidelines will be his home to make room for a "superior athlete" of the black persuasion.

Damn. When will these "experts" figure out that they are just tools for this Caste system?


Jun 29, 2005
There is a kid on a local football team here that has shattered Chance Kretchmers and Antwoin Whites Nevada state) career rushing records...while still a junior in High School!

That is nothing. My buddy's kid is in 8th grade and solid as a rock with no fat at all on him. He runs a 4.7 at the age of 13 (dad says should be in 4.4 range by junior year). He will wrestle in high school (his main thing), but the coach at his high school told him that for him to even be noticed by D-1 colleges for football, he would have to switch to fullback from tail back. This resulted in an arguement between my other buddy and me about how blacks weren't necessarily the best atheletes all the time. Kid's father seems oblivious. The caste system is beginning to creep into freaking middle school for crying out loud.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Hey Animalmuther0,who is this kid that broke the rushing record?I'm very curious to hear more about him.You should post some info on him here and in the high school football section so we can all root for him.I know it seems really bad but with out hope we have nothing.We need to help to change the system that exists.It will take time but we will not stop until it happens.
May 5, 2005
Here you go WL. The kid is just steller. This team has two kids in the back field and both are just great, great kids. Both will no doubt recieve athletic and scholastic scholarships.

Their 40 yard times probably aren't as blazing as they could be, but with the right tutelage, they could be contenders. Alas, they are both caucasian so they will have to be near supermen to get on a team. Edwards probably has a better chance than Saddoris as Eddie is a bit bigger. Saddoris is the 6th rated Freestyle wrestler in the nation in his weight class.


Dec 28, 2004
I gave up on the NFL some years ago-I couldn't care less who wins the Super Bowl-I used to be a fan of the Browns but that was years ago. I hope the team with the most White players win. I hope players like Brady and Manning do well but my interest is at an all time low. To cut White running backs without so much as one carry is reason enough for me to place my time and interest some where else. Any White person who pays big money for a ticket so Randy Moss and Michael Vick can be a millionaire needs "Heritage Training".

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Thanks for the article.This kid is amazing.I really hope it works out for him.They said he had a chance to go over 8000 yards in high school in rushing.One white running back that did that recently was Kyle Bell who now is a sophmore at Colorado State.Very few guys in high school have ever acheived that but 2 white men in the last 3 years have assuming he gets there.Oh,but we are not good enough to play at the running back,Oops,I forgot.What a joke!

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
white receivers that got the boot so far in the first cut-down day: Kevin Kasper, Chris Doering, Rob Milanese.

not too many, but i'm surprised about Kasper. also, Dustin Fox- the corner turned safety for the Vikings- was placed on injured reserve yesterday, ending his 2005 season before he played a snap.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Man, and just after I saw the black WR's who were cut. What a shame.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
There may be other white WRswaived today. The biggest purge is always the last preseason cut, which is next week.

Doering should have had a stellar career, but has slowed the last couple of years. I think this will be the last time he'll be cut(he's probably been cut at least 15 times in the last decade, maybe more) unless the Steelers have an emergency at WR this season.

Kasper -- what can you say but this guy will never be given a chance despite all he has going for him.

BTW, I went to the Texans' official website, and the background wallpaper says "We Live For Sundays." How true -- is there any doubt about what this country's main religion is?

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
It just makes me sick about all these guys but especially Kevin Kasper.Ever since his Iowa days,he had star potential written all over him.They would compare him to T.Dwight!Kevin has been screwed almost as bad as Luke Staley.Even though he has been in the nfl for several years,they really haven't given him a true shot to ever be a star receiver.With his size,skill,speed,and vertical leap it just makes no sense.He could have been like a L.Alworth possibly or like Curtis if ever allowed to start for a few seasons.They just can't cover this guy alot of the time.On top of that you have a kid who returns punts,kickoffs,is willing to play special teams,and excel at the receiver position.What the hell else do you need?Oh,more melanin.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Any of you guys know if its possible to buy jerseys with these guy's numbers? A Bear's Forsey jersey, for example?

I might buy a couple of those shirts that let's you put your own name and number on it in team colors, so when people ask me, "Who the hell is that guy?" I will have a chance to tell them about record setting running backs and super fast WR who never got a chance to play ball in the NFL.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Kevin Kasper,Rob Lee,Chris Doehring and some others deserve better but as you said,it could have been worse.When they cut from 65 players currently down to 53 is when it will get really ugly.I'm pulling for Eddie Berlin but his chances don't look good with getting hurt.It pisses me off to about Derek Abney getting screwed over.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Danny Farmer was cut by the Dolphins. He shouldn't even try to sign with another team. What a joke.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Hey Don,what do you think are the odds of either Forsey or Lumsden signing on with another nfl team?Even the practice squad if noting else would at least be a glimmer of hope.John Standeford was on the practice squad all last season and is getting a descent look this year.These guys are both young,healthy,and hungry for a chance.I am really hoping someone takes a chance and bucks the system.The chances are slim but they need to not give up their dream.We don't need anymore L.Staleys working at the mall selling cell phones.


Mar 8, 2005
United States
I'd loved to see Forsey( or any other white RB's) speakout about this. I am sure there is a lot of risk involved, but he would pave the way for future white RB's. A lot of white people don't really see race as an issue. That is the problem. If black RB's were being pushed aside they would be saying this is discrimination. Next thing you know it would be national coverage, and there would be black RB's all over the league. Unfortunately for white players the world does work in the same way.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
white lightning said:
Hey Don,what do you think are the odds of either Forsey or Lumsden signing on with another nfl team?Even the practice squad if noting else would at least be a glimmer of hope.John Standeford was on the practice squad all last season and is getting a descent look this year.These guys are both young,healthy,and hungry for a chance.I am really hoping someone takes a chance and bucks the system.The chances are slim but they need to not give up their dream.We don't need anymore L.Staleys working at the mall selling cell phones.

This is only the first "screwing" by the NFL for Lumsden, so he may still have a tiny chance to play for another team. But then again, he was drafted in the first round by the CFL and it might make sense to play there after what Holmgren did to him.

As for Forsey, look at how he's been treated even after he proved himself with the Bears as a rookie in '03 when he was thrust into the starting role. To not even get an opportunity to be a backup shows just how determined the NFL is not to have any white halfbacks. He has to be demoralized.

I'd like to see them try and sign with new teams, but they are the ones putting their lives into this. I just checked to see how old Danny Farmer is. He's 28. He should be about to start his sixth season as an NFL starter. Instead he has no future in the NFL and is now nearing 30 years of age. He has to "get on with his life's work" as Chuck Noll used to say, at some point.


Nov 25, 2004
Bear-Arms said:
I'd loved to see Forsey( or any other white RB's) speakout about this. I am sure there is a lot of risk involved, but he would pave the way for future white RB's. A lot of white people don't really see race as an issue. That is the problem. If black RB's were being pushed aside they would be saying this is discrimination. Next thing you know it would be national coverage, and there would be black RB's all over the league. Unfortunately for white players the world does work in the same way.

Bear-Arms, you got the right idea. White RBs need to scream discrimination when they are cut just like many black players have in the past. No doubt the first ones will be persecuted by the media and portrayed as snibbling whiners but it has to be done. That first one should get some media coverage and interviews on one of the many all day sports shows. If he's articulant and unyielding, he may be able to get a point across and at least get this issue discussed in the mainstream. Every year the sports media bombards us with the suppossed discrimination against black QBs and coachs. We should be listening to the discrimation against white RB and quarterbacks because they are now extinct in the NFL. Some brave soul needs to bring it up.
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
This happens at the college level, as well. A few years ago,
Brett Millican led the traditionally-jet-black Georgia Bulldogs in
rushing his senior year. He was used sparingly during the
previous three years, despite being a punishing runner, who came out of
the top high school program in the state. (It took injuries to three
blacks to even get Millican on the field). Nevertheless, every
mouth-breathing, black-jock-sniffing reporter breathlessly awaited the
return of the darkies, who are anointed by God with natural football

To make matters worse, a White UGA legend (I won't use his name because
I know his kids) actually said "If Brett Millican's your leading rusher
and you're playing in the SEC, that's not good." The caste system
is amazing in that it is Whites holding down other Whites, while
promoting blacks to the highest levels in every endeavour.

As Pogo aptly said, "I have seen the enemy, and he is us."


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
What a bunch of PC, spineless, Caste System suck-ups! Those are the very people who could do something about anti-white discrimination, but they believe the Big Lie. Man it makes me mad.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Millican actually had a brief tryout with the Colts and put on a show in the pre-season only to be cut.He tryed NFL Europe but was never heard of after that as far as I know.
Hopefully the Colts will give an opportunity to Fosey or Lumsden who are a step above Millican.Every day that passes though makes it less likely.It sucks that Lumsen wil have to probably play in the CFL and on a last place team that hasn't won a game all year.Come on Colts,step up to the plate and give one of these guys a chance.