Nation of Weaklings


Dec 28, 2004
On Feb 23,1942 Franklin Roosevelt gave a speech and in it he said that the enemies of America called us a "nation of weaklings-who hire British,Chinese and Russian soldiers to do our fighting for us".Then he said-"Tell that to the Marines"!
We have Russian fighters who have given the White men back there pride in boxing,now are we a nation of weaklings or not?I want to see more White American Men do something not just in boxing but football,basketball,Etc.Stop being brainwashed by the liberal jock sniffers.Roll up our sleeves and get busy.Come on men tell me [tell all the White Brothers on this site]what we can do to take back America and walk like REAL WHITE MEN AGAIN-PROUD!!!!


Dec 28, 2004
That is one reason why White men should boycott the military.We need to protect our own borders and protect our women and children if they should travel in the inner cities of America. I said it before and I'll say it again-No scholarships for White men=no combat for the US.


Aug 6, 2006
Sad to say that the White male is yoked first by "maybe",a tyrannical mom,sent off to school,and told to "stay in line,and don't think for yourself",collectivism is all that is allowed.Maybe watching dad who says nothing,to "keep peace around the house",goes into the workforce and is maybe subjected to a tryannical boss,and then comes home to the wife that he never realized could be,"in such control".

And so now he is at the mercy of all of the minority groups,better not complain about feminist domination,do not complain about black mis-behavior,and never say a negative word about homosexuals!Add onto that the disrespect that his kids show him,as learned from the prostituted media,electronic and print,and the question again is this."which way Western Man?"
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
LabMan said:
Sad to say that the White male is yoked first by "maybe",a tyrannical mom,sent off to school,and told to "stay in line,and don't think for yourself",collectivism is all that is allowed.Maybe watching dad who says nothing,to "keep peace around the house",goes into the workforce and is maybe subjected to a tryannical boss,and then comes home to the wife that he never realized could be, "in such control".

The environment I grew up in did not allow me to become a castrated, sheep-like, White male. But I can definitely see how a your average kid from suburbia can turn out like that. My surroundings as a youth involved a bad urban environment, a hardass working class father, and not much else. Most would say thats a recipe for a chip on your shoulder, but for me, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. And I wouldn't trade it for a thing.

Whites from the suburbs don't have the "street" mentality that the urban ones do. Don't get confused, because this doesn't mean "black mentality". For example, some suburbanite kid gets punched in the mouth at school. Immediately his parents and school officials intervine and everyone "talks it out", because that is their answer to everything. In contrast, the kid from the city realizes that if he doesn't fight back immediately, he will be emasculated. Even if 5 guys are going to run court on him (beat him up), its better to hit one of them really good, and just take the beating from the rest of them. There's less shame involved, and it makes you a tougher person.

Unfortunately, a double-standard exists even between "White toughness and black toughness". If you're a tough, urban, White're considered "White trash". But if you're an inner-city black're "streetwise" and a "thoroughbred-thug".


Dec 28, 2004
White men make up the major part of our fighting men-Rangers,Seals,Green Berets.Most of the men being killed in Iraq as well as Korea and Vietnam were young White Men.If Bush,Clinton,Rice,Powell and the hypocrites at the Pentagon want to fight one useless war after another let them get some new suckers.If these young White men can make it thru Ranger Training or become a Green Beret then they can play college football at some level.No more combat for Uncle Sambo until more of our White Brothers are given deserved scholarships to college,we don't need or want a hand out or affrimative action-we want a fair deal.
If/when the Chinese/N.Koreans invade Japan,The Phillipines and southeast asia let Uncle Sambo send in the blacks,gays/lesbians and Mexicans he loves so much.We will sit this one out.Don't worry if things get to bad we will step in and save his ungrateful butt again but let's let him sweat awhile before we finish the job.A man's race is his nation!!
We did the job in Iraq we got Sadam,now they want us to turn all the camel jockies into Baptist.Do it with someone's blood this time!!
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Gary said:
I said it before and I'll say it again-No scholarships for White men=no combat for the US.

That is a great point. I agree with that stance completely.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Some white guys join the infantry and other combat specialties for the thrill, the training, and the experience. It isn't always about fighting the neo-con war and blind patriotism. Not for everybody.


Dec 30, 2006
It has been a theory of mine for some time that the cushy American suburban life has softened the American white male. I guess that is just the unintended affect of too much success. I mean, everybody sets out to do as well as possible, but generations of white kids growing up looking at smiling policeman, manicured lawns and bushes, cabinets stock filled with twinkies, has softened us. No question in my mind.

More proof. Put a declawed suburban housecat in a fight against an inner city, alley cat. You know which would win. The enviornment plays a big role in encouraging physical aggression as it relates to survivability.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
cutty said:
It has been a theory of mine for some time that the cushy American suburban life has softened the American white male. 

If you read my above post, you will see that, I too, share this same theory with you. Fortunately, I still live in the inner-city, so I don't have that problem, as I am in no way "soft".
Who would have thought that growing up surrounded by hispanic thugs in a crappy neighborhood, would have actually IMPROVED my life. lol. But it did. And my "life-experiences" (a.k.a...all the fights and racial abuse I endured) have made me a stronger and smarter person. Edited by: Ground Fighter


Dec 30, 2006
Ground Fighter,

Yeah man, you are the first person I've ever heard other than one other personal friend who has observed this. Maybe many other people have, but I've never heard it mentioned. It's taboo to talk about heredity vs enviornment, you never hear of it. I grew up in Cleveland and East Palo Alto, CA myself. Obviously, that had an impact on my attitudes towards certain peoples today too.