more black culture...

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
SOMALIA: Thousands flee militia fighting in Mogadishu
23 Mar 2006

Thousands of people, especially women and children, were fleeing their homes in the Somali capital of Mogadishu on Thursday as fighting between rival militias entered a second day, witnesses said.

"Our estimate of the dead yesterday was around 50. Today, we can, so far confirm 20," said a doctor in one of the city's main hospitals. "Because of where the fighting is taking place, the vast majority of those who died are militia and not civilians."

The final death toll could be much higher, "because a lot of people are being buried where they died," said the doctor. He said that over 100 others were wounded.

Hundreds of families fled their homes in the city's northern outskirts after fierce fighting broke out on Wednesday. Some of those who stayed behind to protect their property from looters were reported to have begun leaving when the clashes continued for a second day.

The conflict flared up when armed militia, reportedly loyal to Abukar Umar Adani, a wealthy businessman, attacked the positions of militiamen loyal to Bashir Raghe.

"The fighting is going on. It started out slow in the morning but picked intensity later. It is as bad as it was yesterday [Wednesday]," said a local resident, who requested anonymity. "Both sides received reinforcement around 12:00 [local time] and that is when things picked up."

He said that "people living in Waxara Cade and Suuqa Dayaha area [close to the centre of the fighting] are leaving in droves."

The normally busy area near the livestock market was "very quiet", he said, adding that most of the displaced were heading for the relative safety of south Mogadishu.

"There is a heavy traffic in front of my house of people and their children carrying whatever belongings they could," said another resident in south Mogadishu.

The fighting began on Wednesday morning. It sucked in forces of the Alliance for Peace and the Fight Against International Terrorism, which comprises several Mogadishu-based faction leaders on Raghe's sde. Other members of the alliance include Muhammad Qanyare Afrah, Muse Sudi Yalahow, Omar Finnish and Abdirashid Shire Ilqeyte.

Adani, who controls the El-Ma'an beach port - which has served as Mogadishu's port since the closure in 1995 of the city's main port - is reportedly close to the Islamic courts and is receiving support from the Islamic court militia.

"The fighting now is between the alliance and the courts," said Abdullahi Shirwa, a member of Civil Society in Action, an umbrella organisation made up of more than 12 Mogadishu groups. "There is no telling how long it will go on."

Elders and civil society groups were considering how to intervene to stop the fighting. "There is confusion as to whether this is interclan fighting or not," Shirwa said. He also remarked that there was lack of clear-cut leadership on both sides. "Who do we contact in the Islamic courts or in the alliance? That is hampering our efforts," he said.
Oct 24, 2005
Here is American's foreign policy- We support anybody fighting Moslems. If two Moslem groups are fighting, let them. Keeps them too busy to attack us.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
screamingeagle said:
Here is American's foreign policy- We support anybody fighting Moslems.

Unless it's Christians fighting Muslims, as it was in Serbia and Kosovo. Then we support the Muslims, bomb the hell out of the Christians even though they've done nothing against our country, and put their elected leader on trial for four years for "war crimes."
Oct 24, 2005
Our Saudi Masters ordered us to kill the Christians of Serbia. Prident Bill Clinton was a very obedient slave to the Saudis, even better tha GHW Bush when he protected the dainty Saudis from the mean Saddam Hussein.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Saudi masters? I've been around for quite a while now and have heard theories that Jews run the world, that the Vatican runs the world, the British run the world, even that reptiles in human form run the world, but this is the first time I've heard that the Saudis are the masters of the world's most powerful country.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
The Saudi's certainly have alot of influence(too much)! "Reptiles in human form" Don..haven't heard that one...unless you are talking about that TV mini-series "V" a few years ago

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
guest301 said:
The Saudi's certainly have alot of influence(too much)! "Reptiles in human form" Don..haven't heard that one...unless you are talking about that TV mini-series "V" a few years ago

How about that all-time classic, "They Live," starring former pro-wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper. Now there's a movie!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Washington and the Saudis have an interdependent relationship. Without Washington's support the Saudi government would be replaced by a Muslim fundamentalist regime. In return, the Saudis kept the price of their oil very low for many years at Washington's request. The only reason we enjoyed relatively cheap gasoline for so long was because of the cooperation of the Saudis. In many ways the Saudis have been one of the very best allies Washington has had since WWII, but in the post-9/11era of dehumanization of Arabs and Muslims by the corporate media, that's largely been conveniently forgotten by the "kill the A-Rabs" crowd.


Aug 10, 2005
guest301 said:
The Saudi's certainly have alot of influence(too much)! "Reptiles in human form" Don..haven't heard that one...unless you are talking about that TV mini-series "V" a few years ago

It's pretty popular new age stuff. David Icke is the writer behind it. These "reptilians" could be interpreted as demons. They feed off negative thoughts and emotions. The ones that aren't in human form hover over people and feed off of the negative vibes. It's really quite weird.
All of the Bushes are supposed to be these blue blooded reptilians. Ol' beer drinkin, cheerleading George jr. isn't smart enough to be a "reptilian". It makes for pretty entertaining fiction/comedy.Edited by: KG2422


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Pretty much sounds like demons(fallen angels) to me
White Shogun..I have seen "They Live" several times..good movie.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Don Wassall said:
Without Washington's support the Saudi government would be replaced by a Muslim fundamentalist regime. In return, the Saudis kept the price of their oil very low for many years at Washington's request. The only reason we enjoyed relatively cheap gasoline for so long was because of the cooperation of the Saudis.

Everytime I fill my tank I shake my head at the price of gas. I shudder to think what thecost would be if not for the Saudi's.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
You mean they've discovered the wheel there now?

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005

that is one of the funniest things i have ever seen!
Oct 24, 2005
To Don Wassal,
You must have missed the time where George W. Bush held the hand of the Saudi king and kissed him on his cheek. In the Moslem world, that is interpreted as GW being the dog of the Saudis. The Saudis are infamous for desire to control Americans. Their money is everywhere. They pay for mosques and the anti-American preachers in them. They pay off colleges and corporations. All the Saudis want is silence and submission. The Saudis have spent over $70 billion in influnce American. This is far greater than what the communist spent during the cold war.
For a real eyeopener check
The Saudis are far more dangerous to American independance than the so called Jewish or papal plots.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The Bush crime family has been doing business with the Arabs for many years. But in case you haven't noticed, the neo-cons who run the Bush administration are rabid Israel Firsters. Saudi Arabia has no real power over us at all when you get down to it. The Pentagon could take over the Saudi oil fields in a heartbeat if they wanted to.They don't because the current relationship is mutually beneficial, not because the Saudis have power over the U.S. government.

The occupation of Iraq was not done at the behest of the Saudis, but because of the influence of the Israel Lobby and oil interests. Do you really think U.S. policy in the Middle East is pro-Muslim or pro-Arab?
You're entitled to your opinion but if you do you're an "army of one."


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Maybe a army of "two" because I am with him about the Saudi's. The Saudi's have wanted us to finish off Saddam Hussein and his Republican Guard for years because of the threat of a Iraqi Invasion of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has a fairly weak military with the possible exception of their American supplied Air Force and they have been scared for decades about what the Iraqi's would do to them or for that matter Syria. We largely went into Iraq for security reasons and not for this old canard about oil interests.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
guest301 said:
We largely went into Iraq for security reasons and not for this old canard about oil interests.

What security reasons? And who's security?


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Our security, White Shogun. You surely know by now what the security reasons are, you are just not buying it. I am. WMD's(shipped to Syria and Bekaa Valley shortly before the war started),Iraqi involvement and funding of Al Qeada and other terrorist organizations against the Unites States for years and it was a belated consequence to their invasion of Kuwait and of their well known plans to do the same to Saudi Arabia. It's also going to make a nice staging ground to take out the Nuke sites in Iran probably sometime this year. All this stuff about Pro-Israel lobbies and oil interests are just fodder for those who Hate Israel, liberal organizations, isolationists(I sympathise on that one) and the wack job Cindy Sheehans of the world who embarrasses her late son everytime she opens her stupid mouth.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
guest301 said:
Our security, White Shogun. You surely know by now what the security reasons are, you are just not buying it. I am. WMD's(shipped to Syria and Bekaa Valley shortly before the war started),Iraqi involvement and funding of Al Qeada and other terrorist organizations against the Unites States for years and it was a belated consequence to their invasion of Kuwait and of their well known plans to do the same to Saudi Arabia. It's also going to make a nice staging ground to take out the Nuke sites in Iran probably sometime this year. All this stuff about Pro-Israel lobbies and oil interests are just fodder for those who Hate Israel, liberal organizations, isolationists(I sympathise on that one) and the wack job Cindy Sheehans of the world who embarrasses her late son everytime she opens her stupid mouth.

Okay, for a moment let's say all the above is true.

What difference does it make to the people of the United States if Saddam had WMD's? Iraq did not have the technology to hit the United States with a WMD, nor does Iran. The ONLY reason we should have been remotely interested in taking Saddam out is for what? You guessed it - oil.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
If you "accept for a moment" that all that is true then why doesn't Iraqi funding of terrorism against us and Europe for decades matter to you? I haven't noticed oil prices going down considerably since the war started and even if some of the reason we were there was for oil, so what. It's a necessity of american life and the liberals get in the way of the things we need to do to produce more oil here. No ANWAR funding, no more off-shore drilling and no new oil refinery has been built for the last twenty years and so again. so what if that had something to do with it. I am suprised I have yet to hear the dreaded liberal and conspiracy theorist boogey man word Haliburton and Dick Cheney yet in this thread. But I am sure I will know. I just can't believe that some of you guys think Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield and company purely sent american troops to war just to line their own pocketbooks and please their pro-Israel friends. Our troops are there in Iraq and Afghanistan for some good reasons and deserve to be supported.Edited by: guest301

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
quest301 said:
Our troops are there in Iraq and Afghanistan for some good reasons and deserve to be supported.

How 'bout that neo-con boogie man that one cannot be against the war in Iraq and support our troops at the same time? I think the best support we can offer them is to get our politician's to bring them home.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I want them home too, but not until the job is finished. One of my best friends who graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in enviromental science is over there in the green zone(Baghdad) right now helping the army to clean up the inevitable spills and messes a army makes in wartime. Those that don't acknowlege the need for our forces to be there are in effect not supporting our troops. I certainly respect the isolationist reason for not being there more than the typical liberal peace-nik reasons for not being there. The George Clooneys, Barbara Streisands, Tom Cruise's, Susan Sarandons and Alex Baldwins of the world have never given a damn about our troops or this country and I would be bothered being associated with those types even at a arm's distance,White Shogun.Edited by: guest301

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
guest301 said:
Maybe a army of "two" because I am with him about the Saudi's. The Saudi's have wanted us to finish off Saddam Hussein and his Republican Guard for years because of the threat of a Iraqi Invasion of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has a fairly weak military with the possible exception of their American supplied Air Force and they have been scared for decades about what the Iraqi's would do to them or for that matter Syria. We largely went into Iraq for security reasons and not for this old canard about oil interests.

So your position is that any talk about the invasion of Iraq being at the behest of the Zionist neo-cons and oil interests that dominate the Bush administration is wacky conspiracy nonsense,with the real reason being that "the Saudis have wanted us to finish off Saddam Hussein. . . for years."

The intentions of the neo-cons to occupy Iraq and "democratize" the rest of the Arab world have been known since at least 1994, when the neo-cons at PNAC began writing about it. It can be found in numerous other writings by neo-con strategists both before and after the election of George W. Bush. You ought to at least have some basic knowledge before ritually throwing yourself into every thread on this board that mentions Israel. A person can think the influence of the Israel Lobby in America is a good thing or a bad thing, but to pretend it doesn't exist and that everything that has happened post-9/11 is because the Saudis are calling the shots is so off the wall that it's pathetic. Do you also believe that neo-conservatives don't dominate the Bush administration? I wouldn't brag about being "an army of two" because that's about all you are.