Massacre in Norway


Nov 13, 2005
Does anyone have any thoughts about the horrible massacre of over 80 mostly young Norwegians by a deranged, allegedly "rightist" Norwegian man. He was supposedly against the moslem influence in Norway, and yet what a way to strike a blow against the de-Europeanization of his country. This monster decides to kill over 80 of his own race to strike a blow against multi-culturalism. He is also supposedly a free mason, or was, so obviously that brings up some questions.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Let's wait a bit on this. Way too early to make any reasonable statements. It'll take awhile to sort all this out.

Tom Iron...
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Does anyone have any thoughts about the horrible massacre of over 80 mostly young Norwegians by a deranged, allegedly "rightist" Norwegian man. He was supposedly against the moslem influence in Norway, and yet what a way to strike a blow against the de-Europeanization of his country. This monster decides to kill over 80 of his own race to strike a blow against multi-culturalism. He is also supposedly a free mason, or was, so obviously that brings up some questions.
As I've been reading the 80 young people he killed were family members of the Labour Party and they have been instrumental in Norway's open door policy...........

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
He was angry because the Labor government was set to recognize the legitimacy of a Palestinian state.

Interesting information on the mass murderer: click HERE.

And an article written by Anders Breivik:

Why Europeans Should Support Israel

One of the most frustrating things to watch is the powerful anti-Israeli and sometimes outright anti-Semitic current that is prevalent in too much of Europe’s media. Bat Ye’or’s predictions about Arab anti-Semitism spreading in Europe as the continent’s Islamization and descent into Eurabia continues have so far proved depressingly accurate. This trend needs to be fought, vigorously, by all serious European anti-Jihadists. Not only because it is immoral and unfair to Israelis, which it is, but also because those who assist it are depriving Europeans of the opportunity to fully grasp the threat and understand the nature of the Jihad that is now targeting much of Europe as well.

(continued, click on link)

So this nutcase loved the Zionists, but obviously didn't care too much for the white Norwegians since he murdered 85-90 of them, including many teenaged girls.
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Aug 27, 2008
This guy should be in modern Dixie, walking around yelling "USA". He'd seriously fit in great.


Jul 29, 2008
Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, there's a worldwide media orgy going on right now about the "blue-eyed, blond haired, Christian conservative White man" who's responsible for these attacks. His picture and description were all over the news at lightning speed. Contrast that to the hundreds of islamic terrorist attacks, black on white crimes and the rest where you never, ever hear about the perps.

There's no evidence that he's a Christian, except for a couple of fake Facebook pages created after the facts and that's what the media is basing their information.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Norwegian spree killer was a moderate. Media using fake facebook profile."

SUSPECT identifies himself as “anti-racist, pro-homosexual, pro-Israeli†and attacked Vlaams Belang and the English Defense League on (a website that appears to represent a Norwegian version of American neo-conservatism).

“That’s why we have to ensure that we influence other culturally conservatives to take our anti-racist pro-homosexual, pro-Israeli line of thought.†– Anders Behring Breivik

The English language facebook page identifying the killer as a “Christian†& “Conservative†was created AFTER his killing spree was over.

As soon as the killers name was released thousands of people began looking up his facebook page. It is common for people to make hoax pages when someone is in the news. Initially a page in Norwegian appeared bearing the suspect’s name, multiple face shots, and a photo of the suspect in the uniform of a European freemason. Then facebook deleted it. A SECOND page in ENGLISH then appeared bearing the suspect’s name and a single photo. Facebook also quickly deleted it. However the “mainstream†media is gleeful using this second facebook page to demonize Christians and Conservatives.


Jul 12, 2011
The North
Norway was set to legitimize a Palestinian state... This was a false-flag terror attack intended to demonize those conscious of the NWO. Nationalists, Libertarians, and Paleoconservatives will continue to be demonized as terrorists even though in reality, it is the "moderate" neoconservative or Democrat who supports the real terrorists.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
But it is hypocrisy for the "multiculturalist elites" to largely shield their own kids from multicult, while infecting the rest of us with it's "joys." They can have their nice house in the suburbs and prestigious schools for their kids, and then another beautiful summer home in the countryside or on the lake, something that most people can't afford.

Even in South Africa, Brazil and Colombia.. the "elites" can find nice places to live which are some distance away from the muds and negroes, so do you think the multiculturalists of Norway, Sweden, Holland, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Australia, USA and England are "practicing what they preach?" Heck no! They've simply chosen to buy some nice land, live lavishly, and laugh at the "White untermensch"....
Oct 24, 2005
Anders is not fjordman. This crime is confusing. I am not sure what to make of it. Keep your mind open. I am not sure if we will get all the facts. I have a hard time believing he did this alone.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
This incident will do to Europe's anti-immigrant movement what the Oklahoma City bombing did to the militia movement here in the US. Essentially kill it. Knowing how easy it is too reign in freedoms in Europe they might as well start all converting to islam right now.

I have always agreed with Thomas Jeffersons obvservation that the tree of liberty is watered best by the blood of tyrants. I wish the McVeighs and Breiviks of the world would direct thier murderous rage at the real targets not collateral innocents that just serve to empower the very forces they rail against.

The one positive in the incident is that he was ridiculously pro israel so that point of view should receive more scrutiny.


Is it me or are about 95 % of the people in this world just slightly crazy. This guy is clearly insane. Even if he had help you still have to be maniacal to just kill innocent people. Even killing people that might deserve it is insane. Its incidents like this as to why we should just ban guns world wide but realistically its never going to happen.


Jul 12, 2007
Some alarm bells going off around this incident.

Before it was even over, the first thing the local media reported about him was that he was "blond, Nordic looking". That should not have even occurred to them.
If a black man ran around killing people in a village in the Congo, and the local media there questioned witnesses, the witnesses would not respond, "he was black haired, negro-looking". Nor would the local media think to report that with such specificity, if at all. Any description would center around his height, weight, face-shape, clothing.

Mass murderers are meticulous and very serious about their messages. But this Norway madman copied his "manifesto" from the unabomber and just replaced some words. That's some pretty half-hearted insanity from someone who wanted to commit mass murder.
He was opposed to the influx of immigrants, yet he slaughtered native Norwegian children?
The police delayed an hour and a half before responding to the shootings at the camp.
I have yet to see a picture of this guy that doesn't look like it was created by Electronic Arts.

Multiculturalism is losing favor rapidly among the peoples of Europe. And, miraculously, the EU braintrust gets the one and only thing that could possibly help them to combat the rising tide of ethnic nationalism in their countries. How convenient.

I'm making no claims.
And I would encourage everyone to form no firm opinions until a much later date.


Aug 27, 2008

Is it me or are about 95 % of the people in this world just slightly crazy. This guy is clearly insane. Even if he had help you still have to be maniacal to just kill innocent people. Even killing people that might deserve it is insane. Its incidents like this as to why we should just ban guns world wide but realistically its never going to happen.

Well, banning cops from having guns would be cool. They've needlessly pulled them on me more than civilians, black or white, have.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
This massacre is horrible news and I will be saying a prayer for the Norwegians.

Banning guns wouldn't be right. People have the right to hunt. In some very rural areas in the U.S and Canada- people still shoot rabbits or deer to supply their meat for that night's dinner. I have often wondered about banning guns- other than for law enforcement/military- in urban areas though, in the U.S, and therefore it would be easy to make an arrest as soon as someone had them (since it would be a no gun zone). There are more accidents with guns, than cases where someone has saved their or a family member's life during a robbery- due to a gun in the home. Maybe city areas could only allow renting of guns.

I'm not sure it would help much...It would probably simply be better to keep doing background checks to "TRY" to prevent criminals from getting them. Also manufacturers should legally have to put locks on guns- and automatic weapons shouldn't be owned by regular citizens.

My grandfather used to mention though, that one of the first things Hitler did was ban guns for regular citizens in Germany.

BTW guys...With new info from my cousin I have reevaluated my consideration that listening into phone calls (only for mass murder terrorists) would be o.k due to nuclear weapons.

An acquaintance of my cousins "with NO violent criminal history" was into selling pot in large quantities in the community. He was kind of a "big shot" pot dealer. It was discovered from a computer savvy friend, that there was police spyware on his computer. He was helping to run his "business" from his computer. Very soon after this discovery- this kid was arrested. I had trouble believing what my cousin was telling me...but if this is true this is VERY TROUBLING.


Nov 28, 2009
Is it me or are about 95 % of the people in this world just slightly crazy. This guy is clearly insane. Even if he had help you still have to be maniacal to just kill innocent people. Even killing people that might deserve it is insane. Its incidents like this as to why we should just ban guns world wide but realistically its never going to happen.
I believe the kind of firearm this guy was using was already banned, at least for the typical Norwegian. I haven't been paying a whole lot of attention to the story except for what I hear on alternative media (Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Mike Rivero of "What Really Happened", etc.) because I know I'll get the same old B.S. without any real investigative reporting, brought to you by the same group of people that will benefit from this tragedy.

If the same guy was responsible for killing 93 (or whatever the body count is now) people, that is pretty incredible for one person.

I guarantee you that if the same person tried to do this in the States, probably at least 20% of the campers would've had a firearm and he would've been turned into Swiss cheese before ever getting near that figure. The lack of guns owned by your typical Norwegian contributed to this as much as anything else as they had no way to defend themselves or others when this was happening.

Also, the police didn't show up for 90 minutes. That almost sounds like a "stand down" to me, similar to NORAD on 9/11, and another reason a law-abiding citizen should be able to carry a firearm.
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Jul 29, 2008
I find all the gun-control and gun-ban talk extremely troubling and alarming. The 2nd Amendment is non-negotiable. As a law-abiding American citizen, I have every right to own firearms, and I exercise that right. The day it is taken away means the fascist state has truly arrived and that's a very scary proposition for me to even think about.

Regarding the situation in Norway, let's face the facts, it's almost delusional to think that a single man, with no army or military training, could've killed almost 90 people by himself on that island, Rambo-style. This is clearly a false-flag op, and some message is being sent to Norway. As to by whom, and why, let's wait a while before commenting on that one.

One thing to note is that over the past 5 years or so, there's been a sort of awakening in Europe. People are finally beginning to realize that muslim/third world immigration, political correctness, and multi-culturalism are beginning to destroy European civilization. We've seen the rise of nationalist parties all over the place, winning seats in parliaments and starting to assert some form of legitimacy. There's been various laws banning minarets and burkas and leaders admitting that multi-culturalism is a total failure. It's important to note that no one has advocated violence. The message has been to implement stricter immigration policies, work on assimilation and integration, and preserve the European culture, history, and heritage. Clearly, that's the 100% correct agenda to pursue.

But, this is a clearly a deviation in the script that TPTB have set forth, so this event can now be used to stamp out the movement on the right, and once again put the ship back on course towards the ethnic cleansing of White people.

Or, I can just put my head back in the sand and admit that this was a lone, nordic White man who acted on his Christian fundamentalist beliefs and killed almost 100 people by himself. Please.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007

"Jewish anti-Muslim Sweden Democrats Isaac Nygren received an email from Anders Breivik one hour before the bomb detonated in Oslo, they were apparently good friends.

Guess where Isaac Nygren is at the present moment? In an Israeli kibbutz!"


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
What hasn't been discussed thus far is.. why is Norway even involved in the "Israeli/Palestinian squabble?"

When you have entangling alliances, more people will feel that they have to take a side, and some may take Israel's side and others the Pali side.

The general idea surrounding the Islamization of Europe by the "elites" is to undermine/subvert/fracture the White working class, undermine White racial pride because the "other" might become offended, and simply set-up the parameters for cultural conflict; That's really what "multiculturalism" is all about in the first place because if the third worlders' were in their own countries, there wouldn't be a conflict, nor would there be any "need" for tyrannical laws or "endless cries for tolerance" from the elite. There is a battle for the souls of nations. EVERY White person should know that if the door is left wide-open, the third worlders' will trample each other to cram through. Many of these unclean brutes also lust after White women and wish to live their muh dik lifestyle in the veritable buffet that is Europe.

Perhaps, that is why Breivik didn't specifically go out and shoot a bunch of muslims. That would, perhaps, play into the "elites" hands much more -- as the problem is the OPEN DOOR and White naivete (or soft, deculturalized, non-procreating Whites). The muslims are simply a result of "this problem." Europeans' becoming de-Christianized and non-procreating, and, in many cases, being quite trusting of 3rd Worlders' is a HUGE part of the problem! The "elites" have really been able to use this environment to "take candy from a baby".... Norwegians, like many others, don't owe the rest of the world jack-sh*t, and it would have been nice if they realized that sooner.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
I find all the gun-control and gun-ban talk extremely troubling and alarming. The 2nd Amendment is non-negotiable. As a law-abiding American citizen, I have every right to own firearms, and I exercise that right. The day it is taken away means the fascist state has truly arrived and that's a very scary proposition for me to even think about.

Regarding the situation in Norway, let's face the facts, it's almost delusional to think that a single man, with no army or military training, could've killed almost 90 people by himself on that island, Rambo-style. This is clearly a false-flag op, and some message is being sent to Norway. As to by whom, and why, let's wait a while before commenting on that one.

One thing to note is that over the past 5 years or so, there's been a sort of awakening in Europe. People are finally beginning to realize that muslim/third world immigration, political correctness, and multi-culturalism are beginning to destroy European civilization. We've seen the rise of nationalist parties all over the place, winning seats in parliaments and starting to assert some form of legitimacy. There's been various laws banning minarets and burkas and leaders admitting that multi-culturalism is a total failure. It's important to note that no one has advocated violence. The message has been to implement stricter immigration policies, work on assimilation and integration, and preserve the European culture, history, and heritage. Clearly, that's the 100% correct agenda to pursue.

But, this is a clearly a deviation in the script that TPTB have set forth, so this event can now be used to stamp out the movement on the right, and once again put the ship back on course towards the ethnic cleansing of White people.

Or, I can just put my head back in the sand and admit that this was a lone, nordic White man who acted on his Christian fundamentalist beliefs and killed almost 100 people by himself. Please.

Great post. I also agree with Riddlewire and Highlander's posts.

These "lone nuts" never attack or kill the elites that are responsible for their gripes. While it could be possible that this individuals are truly ignorant to whom they should direct their anger, I find it more likely that they are, in actuality, a tool / patsy for the elites to demonize whichever movement is currently threatening the power structure. False flag terror has been used for centuries by various leaders and governments. This is hardly new. In my opinion, understanding this is as important in the fight for freedom as any other issue.


This may sound crass but is it a coincidence that this guy looks just like Jarred Loffner the Arizona shooter. They both have that same smug douche bag smile on their faces. Watching this guy go to court with that arrogant look on his face makes me want to slap him. Its to bad Casey Anthony wasnt hiding out near Oslo recently.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I don't know what to think just yet, but at first glance I always ask "who stands to gain?". In this instance it'd be the cultural marxists, demonizing private firearm ownership & those who wish to save Europe of "turd world" usurpers.

JaxVid, I agree that IF this guy was on the level (not a patsy, etc.) his focus should have been on the upper level enablers of cultural marxism & Globalist...NOT on White citizens...especially children. BTW, OKC was (another) false flag IMO.
Oct 24, 2005
In the gunman's manifesto, he says that an alliance with militant moslems would be helpful. I wonder if he is a secret moslem or wanted to be a moslem. In many ways he fulfills the goals of the Jihadists.

We must keep an open mind about this for there is very little difference between fascism and islam.