
Oct 20, 2006
"Hate speech". Well the cat's out of the bag. Jervey is left-wing nutbag.

The greater threat, though, is that the word might get out about what's
going on. As long as it's contained to an obscure web site, its okay, but if
more peaole learn about it, especially white athletes, well, it might not just
be fun and games anymore.

I don't see what the difference is between contacting athletes and writing
your congressman. Any return correspondence should be confidential
unless the other party agrees to have it broadcast. Same with any private


I don't check in on this board a whole lot, but it seems to me that a number of posters go on the wag a little here and there with the epithets.

I didn't exactly scour this board for examples, but Happy Hour provided, in the FIRST thread I looked over:

"...the (White) rappers...went to a black barbershop to get their hair cut. What kind of self-respecting white person would want to associate with trash like this?"

"Blacks cant act any other way...They dont create high culture and they've always acted like this,for hundreds of years."

"Wiggers & mudsharks are...all part of the Globalist agenda to destroy American traditional values (& eventually America itself). Elitists like the Rockefellers...etc..."

"...Sumner Redstone...who's behind all the wiggerish influence you see on MTV...a member of "the tribe"...I'm sure he would see White-Christian females defiled by feeding our youth the garbage seen on MTV..."

Freedom of speech and all that...I just don't think it serves this kid much of a service. I thought this board linked to AmRen, but I see that's changed. I don't know much about

So, anyhow, I'll gladly edit my previous post for the term "hate speech" when you two remove the young man's name from your respective posts!Edited by: JerveyGotGypped


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
PitBull said:
"Hate speech". Well the cat's out of the bag. Jervey is left-wing nutbag.

The cat was out of the bag a long time ago.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
"Hate speech" is a purely subjective, and repugnant, term. It's used by Zionists, homosexuals, feminists and blacks to intimidate, and to censor and criminalize speechwith whichthey disagree, when they can get away with it.

Caste Football is supposed to meet the litmus tests of the ADL and the SPLCin order to be properly sanitized forpublic consumption? I don't think so. The posting guidelines tell posters to refrain from racial slurs, and there are posts I read at times that make me cringe, but reflexively calling it "hate speech," along with not knowing what you're talking about as far as sites linked to and what they advocate, shows a lot about your own inclinations.


Dec 15, 2005
If I had to define hate speech, I'd say it is a rant that shows hatred for no reason or point. Just about any blog writing where someone hating something is hate speech. Hatred without a point is hate speech.

Alex Linder is the prime white user of hate speech. People that classify themselves as non-white can get away with hate speech. The best thing we can do to help Luke Staley and other white athletes is put a team together. The next best thing is root for them because if we'll watch them, business men will sign them.Edited by: Freedom


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Not every poster is an official representative of castefootball and thus the site should not be defined by what each persons personal views are. If you were to visit ANY black dominated site you would come across posts that far out do anything on this site. But due to the prevailing double standards, that never seems to be an issue with the Jervey's of the world.

As Don says, "hate speech" is a purely subjective thing and the very concept should be repugnant to people that believe in free speech, which would not include anyone in the government of Canada obviously which JAILS people for it.

Sooner or later someone is going to have to start standing up for "hate speech" or free speech is going to go away. Why don't you devote your energy to that Jerv?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Jervey did have a couple of constructive ideas, though he had to write themthrough his ideological fog. We have to remember when we write that we're not talking just among ourselves over a few beers, butare addressingthe public at large, as though we were the guest on a talk show. Racial slurs only help our detractors and turn off a lot of people who would otherwise be supportive. We have truth and mountains of evidence on our side; it would be a shame to stymie our own efforts through the use of counterproductive language.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Freedom said:
If I had to define hate speech, I'd say it is a rant that shows hatred for no reason or point. Just about any blog writing where someone hating something is hate speech. Hatred without a point is hate speech.

Alex Linder is the prime white user of hate speech

Yes, his writing can be classified as hate speech, but it's not pointless. He presents reasons. Hissite is totally different than Don's and anyone should be able to differentiate between the two.Edited by: Bart
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
JerveyGotGypped said:
"...Sumner Redstone...who's behind all the wiggerish influence you see on MTV...a member of "the tribe"...I'm sure he would see White-Christian females defiled by feeding our youth the garbage seen on MTV..."

I have so shame in claiming this quote as my own...because it is mine. And as far as I'm concerned, there is no "hate-speech" present in it. I make no negative references to any race what-so-ever. The only eyebrow-raising word that I used was "wigger", which has been accepted by society as a whole. But if you're referring to my usage of the words "savage" and "tribe"...well then, those words could mean just about anything, now couldn't they? I didn't refer to any particular group of people when using them, now did I? Its up to the reader to decipher "who" or "what" I am referring to when I use words like that. But they are NOT examples of "hate speech", because no racial epithets were used. Nice try, Jervey.
Edited by: Ground Fighter


Oct 20, 2006
Great post Don, and I will certainly be more circumspect about what I say

Also, as regards the odious term "hate speech', I refuse to let the marxists
choose the terms of the debate. I will never use that term, nor refer to freely
spoken language that way. It is an attempt to stifle any discussion of race or
dislike of others of different races, religions, or ethnicities, while our country
is destroyed by unfettered third world immigration to the delight of our
moneyed elites. I am not a thoughtless parrot. I don't know how old Jervey
is, but I can easily remember a time before this nonsense was shoved down
our throats, so I know how unnatural and manipulative such marxist
language is.


Ground Fighter said:
JerveyGotGypped said:
"...Sumner Redstone...who's behind all the wiggerish influence you see on MTV...a member of "the tribe"...I'm sure he would see White-Christian females defiled by feeding our youth the garbage seen on MTV..."

I have so shame in claiming this quote as my own...because it is mine. And as far as I'm concerned, there is no "hate-speech" present in it. I make no negative references to any race what-so-ever. The only eyebrow-raising word that I used was "wigger", which has been accepted by society as a whole. But if you're referring to my usage of the words "savage" and "tribe"...well then, those words could mean just about anything, now couldn't they? I didn't refer to any particular group of people when using them, now did I? Its up to the reader to decipher "who" or "what" I am referring to when I use words like that. But they are NOT examples of "hate speech", because no racial epithets were used. Nice try, Jervey.

Please, I want you to listen to what I'm trying to say here:

This is a perfect example of the same sort of intellectual dishonesty which, for example, lends similarly to perpetuating negative stereotypes about White athletes.

Do you presume your audience to be peopled by reasonable, adult persons of a similar peer group to your own?

What the hell do you suppose they might gather you to mean by these words?

Are we playing tag here, or seriously trying to deconstruct the mythoi that screw over deserving young kids from scholarships?

Use some critical thinking and revise your points.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I dislike the use of racial slurs primarily because their use demeans what may otherwise be a stout and factual argument about the bias against whites in sports and society in general. People who might have otherwise been persuaded by your argument will tune out the moment you use a racial slur and think you a nutcase.

Any person who is not a public figure or who's comments are not a part of the public domain should NOT be quoted on this site in any form, regardless of their views. They can be done irreparable harm by those in power who disagree with our views on racial equality and discrimination against whites.

I particularly feel this rule should be strictly adhered to in the case of high school athletes and others who are just at the beginning of their athletic career.

Furthermore, I suspect the motives of any person who solicits racial commentary from anyone in such a position for posting on a public forum.

I suggest that this be addressed in the forum guidelines (if it isn't already) and additionally suggest that any such post that meets said criteria be deleted by the moderators.

We can support white athletes young or old, mention them by name, and follow their careers, but I would not post any comment from them on this site without their permission, nor would I say that 'John Doe is a big supporter of Caste Football.' If John Doe wants that to be known, he will make it known himself.

And that's all I have to say about that.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Jervey, I see what you're intentions are here, and I'm not falling for it. First of all, my quote was in regards to Sumner Redstone of Viacom, and NOT the high school athlete you speak of. Someone mentioned his name in an earlier post, it triggered an immediate reaction, therefore, I posted a comment. And in my post, I included my feelings regarding the damage he is doing to America's White youth, by exposing them to the garbage that MTV emits on a daily basis. And, yes, my "opinions" may have gotten a bit personal by the way I worded them. But I don't feel that what I said was "hate speech" per se.

And to answer your question, no, we are not playing "tag" here. However, you were the individual who chose to single out my post, and disect it's supposed imperfections.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I just added this to the guidelines:

Any athlete or former athlete, whether considered a public figure or not,who conveysprivate comments or correspondence about this site which are not a part of the public domain, shouldnothave said comments or correspondencequoted on this site in any form withouthis or herpermission, because said individualscan be done irreparable harm by thoseforces in the media thatbelieve in destroying the reputation and careers of those who disagree with the "party line" on certain issues. This rule also applies to high school athletes and others who are just at the beginning of their athletic careers.

If anyone has any additional ideas or suggestions for the guidelines, feel free to express them.
Edited by: Don Wassall

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
Good call on that Don.

White Mike

Jan 25, 2007
JerveyGotGypped said:
Holy Christ, what the hell good do you suppose you're doing this kid by posting his name and correspondence on a board linked (however you, personally, might feel about the politics) to sites littered with hate speech?! I'm guessing that, even if he did correspond something to that effect, he probably did so privately, and with an understanding to confidentiality.

First of all, anyone can google Dan Dierking and get a link to his myspace page. All I was trying to do was share info I found in a public domain. And give fellow fans of this White rb a way to keep in touch with a future star.

Second of all Dan posted a comment on my page(comments can be viewed by anyone) stating "Thanks for the support, I'll try to make you guys proud." So as far as the whole "privately, and with an understanding to confidentiality" comment, Dan could expect as much privacy as you or anyone else who posts on a public domain.

It's not as if I would of posted the guys address and phone #. I was just trying to support the movement. As someone who played on a primarily White (and dominant) high school football team, I've seen a ton of great White athletes get screwed over in recruiting. I just want to get the valuable info on this website into the hands of as many White athletes as possible.


Oct 19, 2004
We appreciate what you're doing, White Mike, we just don't want to hurt any white athlete's career.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
JD074 said:
We appreciate what you're doing, White Mike, we just don't want to hurt any white athlete's career.

I agree with that. We need more people like Mike trying to contact these guys and raise their consciousness. We just have to make sure that we don't inadvertently cause someone grief by claiming that they support Caste Football unless they're willing to do so publicly.


May 13, 2006
I look at the name controversy two different ways:

What are "they" going to do to the high school kid, move him to safety or make him bulk up and play fullback. No wait, they do that to all of the white tailbacks regardless of their personal beliefs.

But on second thought:

What appears to be a good idea to contact a prospect could turn out very negative. Not sure what the context of his reply but it can be misconstrued by others. I too cringed when I saw his name in print and I'm still shocked it's still there. IMO it should be deleted in the posts and the quotes of the original post. Very few people on here have their real names used and the kid deserves his anonymity unless he wants to give it up.

White Mike

Jan 25, 2007
In no way am I trying to defame, disrespect, or invade anyones privacy. I found these guys names listed on the high school prospects board in this forum(see prep tail backs) and did some searches for stats/info about em. All other info I've posted is available to anyone with an internet connection. If the mod's think I've crossed the line by posting links to their websites, please feel free to edit my posts, or contact me and I'll delete the links asap.

Don Wassall said:
We just have to make sure that we don't inadvertently cause someone grief by claiming that they support Caste Football unless they're willing to do so publicly. 

The last thing I would want to do is hurt any of these guys careers.

White Mike

Jan 25, 2007
I started a "what happend to the white rb" thread on myspace sports forum. If any of you guys have myspace help me get the info on CF mainstream heres the link

myspace forum

you don't need to have an acount to view thread only to comment.

White Mike

Jan 25, 2007
I found Sam McGuffie on myspace, I'm not going to post the link here to avoid ridicule, but if anyone wants the link to get in contact with him just PM me.

Also I wondering if you guys could give me some suggestions on articles I should send him. Thanks in advance for your help.