Lovie Smith .... Great Job ...



sticking with Rex when times were hard. Now enjoy the historic moment atleast until TONY gets rid of the PATS>

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Deal with It said:
sticking with Rex when times were hard. Now enjoy the historic moment atleast until TONY gets rid of the PATS>

LOL.. way to go out on a limb 'Deal with it.' Nice of you to wait around til after the game to come out of the closet with your praise of Lovie Smith. Why didn't you say something publicly before the final score was posted?

And picking the Colts over the Patriots? What are you thinking? Nobody but nobody is picking the Colts!

EDIT: If the Colts win, it will probably be in spite of Dungy, not because of. I mean, Tampa only waited til NEXT YEAR to win the Super Bowl after Tony left, right? Edited by: White Shogun


Oct 20, 2006
Yep, and the Pats beat the Bears in the regular season too. Lovie Smith is
way overrated. He's lucky he's got Urlacher and Rivera to run the defence.

I'm glad I have over an 85 IQ. but I guess if you don't, you just have to deal
with it.


PitBull said:
Yep, and the Pats beat the Bears in the regular season too. Lovie Smith is
way overrated. He's lucky he's got Urlacher and Rivera to run the defence.

I'm glad I have over an 85 IQ. but I guess if you don't, you just have to deal
with it.

Hats off to Tony also. Should be a great Super Bowl. Manning finally got the job done.


The better teams won. I persnoally wanted the Saints and Colts to win, but 1 out of 2 ain't bad.


Oct 20, 2006
Yep. Shows the superiority of Peyton Manning, Rex Grossman, Tom Brady,
and Drew Brees over all the overrated black quarterbacks in the league.
Tony'll have to make sure he shines Peyton's car and shiines his shoes after
this one. After all, Peyton calls the plays, audibles, and runs the offense.
Kudos also to the superior white offensive line of the Colts. Maybe the
formula for winning in the NFL is more white players, especially white
quarterbacks who basically run one half of the team. It'll be nice for a black
coach to win a Super Bowl after whites have done it 40 times. Another in
along list of black seconds.


PitBull said:
Yep. Shows the superiority of Peyton Manning, Rex Grossman, Tom Brady,
and Drew Brees over all the overrated black quarterbacks in the league.
Tony'll have to make sure he shines Peyton's car and shiines his shoes after
this one. After all, Peyton calls the plays, audibles, and runs the offense.
Kudos also to the superior white offensive line of the Colts. Maybe the
formula for winning in the NFL is more white players, especially white
quarterbacks who basically run one half of the team. It'll be nice for a black
coach to win a Super Bowl after whites have done it 40 times. Another in
along list of black seconds.

Read what you post. Does it really make sense? The COlts and the Bears are going to the Super Bowl. How many white QB's didnt make it? How many white Head Coaches didnt make it? At the end of the day a team won and they werent counting what color anyone was. Cry me a river. Enjoy the Super Bowl.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Deal with It said:
At the end of the day a team won and they werent counting what color anyone was.

Yeah, that's right, the NFL and the media are completely color blind. Race is never a factor when it comes to anything in football.
We're just so silly here at Caste Football.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Deal with it said:
At the end of the day a team won and they werent counting what color anyone was.

I'm sure we'll be hearing all about the 'teams' led by Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith for the next couple of weeks.

In reality, all we're going to hear about is how classy these guys are, how they've broken barriers, reached new milestones, not to mention the redux about Dungy Jr's death last year.

Peyton will get his share of the credit, but he won't get anywhere near the love that Smith and Dungy will from the MSM.

And what about that guy that was going to lay all the blame on Urlacher if the Bears lost? Is he going to write an article giving Urlacher all the credit?



Oct 20, 2006
I'm not crying any river. I'm a Chicago fan, so I will enjoy the Super Bowl.
People up here will have a good time for at least the next two weeks, if
not longer. And since I don't take football as seriously as you, I'll enjoy it
if the Bears or Colts win.

I find it funny that blacks would recieve such huge accolades for doing
something that whites routinely do, and have done, many, many times
before. If you are really so colorblind and blacks really are so equal, then
why root for Tony and Lovie? Why is it such an accomplishment to simply
equal what has been done by others so many times before? And if its
okay to racially cheerlead, why can't I root for other people like me? BTW,
who really thinks that if white coaches were'nt running these two teams,
they wouldn't be where they are today?

So I think its time to celebrate another black first, or rather second.
Another in a long, long line of black seconds. That's what we all should
do, right? That would make us good people, right?

As far as celebrating the white players rather black ones, well, I guess its
all how you choose to look at things. You just want to force us to look at
them your way. I'm not buying, and I'll continue to keep my focus.

Yep, Don, already I heard the first (second) black coach angle on the
news. We'll hear all about how blacks were kept out of coaching because
of discrimination. But we won't hear a word about white people in all
professions, including coaching, that are discriminated against everyday.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Great post, Pitbull!

Pitbull said:
I find it funny that blacks would recieve such huge accolades for doing
something that whites routinely do, and have done, many, many times
If you are really so colorblind and blacks really are so equal, then
why root for Tony and Lovie? Why is it such an accomplishment to simply
equal what has been done by others so many times before? And if its
okay to racially cheerlead, why can't I root for other people like me? BTW,
who really thinks that if white coaches were'nt running these two teams,
they wouldn't be where they are today?

I've never quite looked at it that way. You make an excellent point! Edited by: White Shogun


PitBull said:
I find it funny that blacks would recieve such huge accolades for doing something that whites routinely do, and have done, many, many times before.

Because for the longest time, they never got the consistent opportunity to prove themselves as head coaches. It's pretty much the same thing posters say about whites cornerbacks on this board.

Here are the 64 starting NFL corners (minus Darrent Williams, or course).


If Eric Weddle cracks a starting line-up, you're telling me guys on this board aren't gonna be proud? Even though starting at corner is something blacks "routinely do"?
Sep 24, 2006
The difference is, whites have starred and started at CB before.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Looks like a photo lineup in an alleged case of gang rape by a team of football players. But they only do that to lacrosse players..

You've got too much time on your hands, FSU.


Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
The difference is, whites have starred and started at CB before.
Okay, so posters are gonna be proud of Eric Weddle accomplishing something whites have already done and starred at, but blacks shouldn't be proud of something that's never been done before? Isn't that somewhat backwards?


White Shogun said:
Looks like a photo lineup in an alleged case of gang rape by a team of football players. But they only do that to lacrosse players..

You've got too much time on your hands, FSU.
How much time is it supposed to take to click the add image button, and copy and paste a link? 5 seconds, maybe? I don't get your point..

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Whites did star at cornerback for quite a few years after the NFL was integrated.

But more importantly, the realissue is the difference in the way the media covers racial issues. Black head coaches are and have been the object of countless media stories,and allfrom the perspective of promoting more of them.

Likewise one can always count on endless media attention being givento any racial"issue" and always, always from a pro-black perspective. By contrast, not only is a pro-white perspective forbidden, but whites are not evenallowed to regard themselvesas a race except to continuously condemn themselves for their alleged evil nature, thus a pro-white perspective in the media is impossible.

It doesn't matter if the folks at Caste Football celebrate a white cornerback; the problem is that the media wouldn't under any circumstances, unlike the way they celebrate black coaches. The media will never discuss discrimination against white football players when it comes tocollege recruiting or how they are treated by the NFL. If the NFL went one hundred percent black, the media would not question it; it would only continue to agitate for more black coaches, more black GMs, more black broadcasters, ad infinitum.

That's how the "racial dialogue" goes in this country -- it's totally a one-way street. Blacks good, whites bad. Anything "over-represented" by whites must be torn down. Anything over-represented by blacks is a permanent monopoly that must never be questioned.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Wow, what a line up! Most of those guys look like poster boys for travelling freak shows. Warn us before posting stuff like that!


Oct 20, 2006
FSU, do you really think that the success of the Colts is due to Tony
Dungy and not Peyton Manning? If so, I think you should tell us all here
exactly what he does to make the Colts so successful?

Also, what exactly has Lovie Smith done to make the Bears a great team?
Seems to me, being a Bear fan, not much at all. His first season was
5-11. When he finally got Grossman healthy and Ron Rivera got the
defence up to #2 in the league, things started looking a lot better.

As far as I can see, Lovie and Tony are just along for the Peyton Manning
and Jerry Angelo/Ron Rivera ride.

Blacks weren't in head coaching jobs because they didn't EARN them. Its
kind of like you saying the Saints aren't in the Super Bowl because of
racial discrimination. I don't buy it because every time blacks can't cut it,
its always because of racial discrimination, and not they they just aren't
good enough.

You might have a point in your comparison if it weren't for the fact that
the NFL is forcing teams to hire black coaches. Nobody is forcing NFL
teams to hire white cornerbacks. Already, in coaching, the NFL is
showing an anti-white bias. Why do you think this doesn't exist in the
rest of the NFL, when it is so rampant in the society at large? In fact, the
burden of proof is on you to prove that whites aren't discriminated
against. Official black discrimination ended in the 60's and 70's. Since
then, official discrimination has all been anti-white. Its easy for me to
make a point in this environment. After all, I can just turn the tables on


I'll be honest, I don't really buy into the whole Caste System mantra this board obsessively dwells on. It's an interesting board, don't get me wrong.. but to me, most of the commentary comes across as petty and juvenile. Whenever a minority makes strides in any majority monopolized genre, mass media is always gonna take notice. The Lovie Smith/Tony Dungy situation is a one-time, history-setting precedent. The next day, it'll be over. Maybe it's because I just don't hold the contempt in my heart for blacks and black "affeletes" as others on the board do, but I just don't see the big deal.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
FSU Seminoles said:
I'll be honest, I don't really buy into the whole Caste System mantra this board obsessively dwells on. It's an interesting board, don't get me wrong.. but to me, most of the commentary comes across as petty and juvenile. Whenever a minority makes strides in any majority monopolized genre, mass media is always gonna take notice. The Lovie Smith/Tony Dungy situation is a one-time, history-setting precedent. The next day, it'll be over. Maybe it's because I just don't hold the contempt in my heart for blacks and black "affeletes" as others on the board do, but I just don't see the big deal.

Then why are you posting here? What do you find 'interesting' about this board?

What do you think of the treatment Mike Haas received this year?

What do you think of Matt Jones playing wide receiver but the guy he beat out in college at quarterback is going to be starting at quarterback in the NFL next year?

Do you honestly believe that there is not one white person who can run with a football better than the worst black running back on any of the 32 teams in the NFL? Not one?

What do you think of Lovie Smith saying that Brock Forsey (a white running back) looked like an equipment manager? What kind of media attention would be given to say, Bill Parcells, if he told a black player he looked like a janitor?

What do you think of guys like Michael Irvin, who can say live, on the air, that the only way Tony Romo can be that good is because his white great-great grandmother had sex with a black slave? Sure it was said in jest, but what would be the repercussions if someone like Boomer Esiason said McNabb is a good quarterback because his grandfather was white? Would he still be in broadcasting?

You are kidding yourself if you think there isn't an anti-white bias in the media and sports in this country.


Oct 20, 2006
I agree with you that the Tony Dungy/Lovie Smith thing will be beaten to
death and then forgotten in February.

You may not agree with the people on this board, but here's something to
think about (my guess is that I already got you thinking): If affirmative
action exists in every other aspect of life in America, from media, to
government, to corporations, to schools, every single nook and cranny of
society, why do you think it doesn't happen in sports? The only reason is
that you have been conditioned to think that sports is purely about merit.
But we all know that that isn't true. And for evidence of it, all you have to
do is look at discrimination against blacks in the past. The only
difference between then and now is that you have been conditioned to
think only about discrimination against minoirites. But the same factors
are at play here as they were in the past. Its just that now the leagues are
integrated, so it gives the illusion of parity. But if whites really are not
given opportunities, not drafted, not played, their accomplishments not
celebrated or overlooked, its really a lot like black athletes in the past.
Just because the leagues are integrated does not mean that they are fair.
And like I said, and its really indisputable, the NFL openly is
discriminating against white coaches, so why do you think it doesn't
happen at other positions? Because the object is to win the game? Or is
the object of the franchise to make money and keep the fans and
advertisers coming in/ Or is it a balance? Isn't the head coach part of
winning the game? Are black quartebacks given far more games to prove
themselves, and what if they lose? Because you know, in a couple of
months after the end of the season, it will mostly be forgotten. Are there
any other factors at play than just merit?

Do you think the NFL policy will stop when 13% of the coaches are black?
Or will it stop when 70% of the coaches are black? When two white
coaches led their teams to the Super Bowl, would that indicate that all
head coaches should be white, or that whites should be given
opportunities where black head coaches failed? Because you damn sure
know that that will be what is said now about black coaches.

My personal opinion is that racial bias is rampant in any society, amongst
all groups, and that it pervades every aspect of society. And I guarantee
you it happens a lot in very competitive situations, sports being one. I
think you are very naive. Or maybe you know it, and for whatever reason,
choose to overlook it. I've never seen a meritocracy except for one-on-
one competition. Everything else is political as well. Race and politics go
hand in hand.

You've got alot to learn about the world if you think sports are fair. Hell,
look at all the drug cheats! Its big money and fame, buddy. And people
will do just about anything to get it.

Me, I just root for my team. Unlike you, I don't feel like I or other whites
should be victims of racism or have our opportunities curtailed for the
benefit of a group that is largely useless and hates whites. If you don't
think so, pick up a black magazine or newspaper sometime. Not one
time will they ever say anything positive about white people, especially
white men. I challenge you to find one, just ONE article in a black
publication that praises whites and their accomplishments. I am not
guilty of others misdeeds, and I refuse to pay for it like I am. Maybe
someday you'll begin to agree, but my guess is not before you directly are
affected. That's kind of sad.

BTW, I just heard the 8th Lovie/Tony mention in the news. Its ony historic
if blacks do it. We white guys had a 40 year streak going. No mention of
our accomplishments.


What do you think of the treatment Mike Haas received this year?
He has 4.61 speed. Maybe they didn't think that would cut the mustard in the pros against nfl quality corners. With the amount of time, money, and energy teams put into their scouting regimen, you don't think they'd want to field the best team possible?

You think winning a collegiate award automatically equate to pro success? What about Rashaan Salaam? Eric Crouch? Andre Ware? Charlie Ward? Desmond Howard? Tommy Frazier? How much run do you think Troy Smith is gonna get?

As competitive as these teams are, if he fell into the 6th round, it was for a reason. Colston was 7th in the entire league in yards per game, by the way. It's not like Haas was dumped for a scrub.

What do you think of Matt Jones playing wide receiver but the guy he beat out in college at quarterback is going to be starting at quarterback in the NFL next year?
Wasn't Woody Dantzler a college star QB? What about Ell Roberson? What about Antwaan Randle El? Are they playing QB in the pros? Are you now saying the NFL has something against white quarterbacks?

Do you honestly believe that there is not one white person who can run with a football better than the worst black running back on any of the 32 teams in the NFL? Not one?
Like who? It's not that easy to make it to the pros. You have to be just as lucky to be in the right situation as you have to be good. Black stud athletes are steered into the the RB, WR, and CB positions.. moreso than white stud athletes. There's always gonna end up being an overabundance of black RB's by college, and eventually the pros. They're ALL competing for those 32 positions. Those white RB's are also competing with MORE black RB's for that spot. Just because a white player may be better than one of those 32, doesn't mean there aren't more black players better than him too.

To assume that teams are conspiring to diminish the impact of that position by purposely fielding weaker players to me is absurd. They're gonna fill the spot with whom they deem most capable of excelling.. regardless of race.

What do you think of Lovie Smith saying that Brock Forsey (a white running back) looked like an equipment manager? What kind of media attention would be given to say, Bill Parcells, if he told a black player he looked like a janitor?
The comparison you're trying to make is woefully flawed. A janitor has absolutely nothing to do with football. He wouldn't be around the team, travelling with the team, or holding and carrying their gear.

If you want to inquire about a spposed double-standard, the better question would be 'ow would the media respond is Bill Parcels told a black player he looked like an equipment manager', or some other football-related job.. and I don't think the media would care. A janitor cleans garbage all day, and has nothing to do with football.

What do you think of guys like Michael Irvin, who can say live, on the air, that the only way Tony Romo can be that good is because his white great-great grandmother had sex with a black slave? Sure it was said in jest, but what would be the repercussions if someone like Boomer Esiason said McNabb is a good quarterback because his grandfather was white? Would he still be in broadcasting?
David Halberstam said Thomas Jefferson would have been proud of a Virginia-alum John Crotty's pass because he owned slaves, and his slaves would have been great basketball players (or words to that effect). After apologizing like Michael Irvin, he kept his job.

You are kidding yourself if you think there isn't an anti-white bias in the media and sports in this country.
I think you're being overly sensitive just like black and other minorities tend to be overly sensitive about perceived slights as well.