Let me introduce myself

May 19, 2007
Let me introduce myself...

I'm a black man who thought what Don Imus said was funny. I enjoy theracial humor of comics like Chris Rock who poke fun of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics and Asians. I hate hip-hop culture and believe that it is corrupting the black and white youth of our nation. I'm a high school basketball coach that plays the best players. If the best five players on my team are white, then my starting five will be white. I see no color...

I agree with many of the points being made on this site. I agree thatmany white kids are being denied positions in the NFL because of racial stereotyping. Hell, there are people out there who still believe that whites can't beat blacks in a fight. Last time I checked, Eastern Europeans dominate the higher weight classes in boxing, and they dominate MMA along with Asians.What does the media do?Theyclaimblacks are not dominatingblood sports because they are playing in the NFL. As a black man, I find such statements funny. Fighting has nothing to do with race. It's a socioecomonic sport. Many Eastern European fighters are coming from ghettos that make Detroit look like a nice place to live. Enviroments like that make tough nuts. That's why most of the time I bet on the Eastern European.

I know I'm rambling, but I agree with much of what is being discussed here. But I have a question to ask. Judging from some of the comments here, it seems to me, though I may be wrong, that some of you are racists. Like I said, I may be wrong. Sometimes it seemsmany of you sterotype all black athletes and put them in the same category as Barry Bonds, Ron Artest, Pac-man Jones, Randy Moss, Rae Caruth and etc... Do any of you believe there are black athletes who are great role-models? What are your opinions of people like David Robinson? Do you believe he's a buffoon? Do you believe Robinson,who is anordained minister at a predominately white church, and philanthropist who started a charter school for poor children (any childis welcome regardless of their skin color)isan ignorant boy?

If I have offended any of you I apologize. I don't mean to attack anyone here. I just want to know more about who you are and what you actually feel and believe. I'm just curious.


MikeEdited by: I see no color


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Hey Mike,

Welcome to the site. That was a good first post, speaking for myself I do not consider myself rascist but I think alot of my hostility is born out of frustration. The media is mostly responsible for the way races are percieved and most Americans are not educated enough to do any research on their own.
ESPN focuses in on all the negatives in sports, the murders, shootings and illegal things that seem to be much more associated with black players than whites. I do agree there are good role models who are also black in sports but like anyone who does anything good it never gets the appropriate press. The media and ESPN have really tried to brainwash the masses into the black superiority myth yet they never come down hard enough on black players for incidents...as a white person any criticism of a black person is a very delicate situation, like walking on egg shells.For example the Jackie Robsinson/blacks in baseball drama plays out for whatever reason. I do not understand it at all. I do not think its right to complain about the number of black people in baseball. Alot of my frustration cames from the media and the coaches etc who funnel players in positions and use words to describe white and black players differently even though they might have equal skill and measureables.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Hello Mike,

Glad to see you agree with us on so many issues. You asked if we think any black athletes are good role models. The answer is yes. We have had several threads here that discuss black athletes that are admired by various members. However the point of this forum is not about good role models but about white athletes. Thus most of the discussion will concern white athletes and the obstacles they face in being treated fairly in athletics.

Since we feel that whites are being treated unfairly in sports we also discuss the repercussions of that unfair treatment which is an overabundence of black athletes of low moral chararcter in sports. Also these low chararcters are celebrated and oftimes their transgressions are overlooked or covered up.

Any time one group considers itself treated unfairly in favor of another, the unfavored group will highlight the shortcomings of the favored group to validate their position. This is natural and makes logical sense.

Also there are white people that just don't like blacks. There are ample reasons for this. Look at the incredible amount of violence that blacks direct at whites in the form of crime, murder, rape, assault, not to mention the tremendous financial burden imposed by black social pathology. Are whites supposed to ignore all that and just say to themselves "I see no color"? Or is it more advisable to notice the differences, speak honestly about the problems and talk about solutions (or if no solutions are forthcoming to at least commiserate together).

And there is a wide range of feeling on these matters amongst people here, I have just given my view of the matter which probably reflects the views of others.


May 20, 2005
I agree that Don Imus was only using the Black style of slang in his comments, and therefore, Blacks have no right to criticize him. I don't like this sort of talk at all myself, but hey, I'm just a stuffy old racist aren't I?

I believe race is real, there is no use pretending there is not, I just believe that any athletic disadvantage Whites on average have is highly over-emphasized, while any mention of the very real average deficiencies of Blacks brings the equivalent of the Spanish Inquisition.

Being White, I like Whites. I believe we have an enviable combination of mental and physical power. (Who else produces poly-lingual PhDs who ALSO happen to be HW boxing champions?) Ultimately, I believe the natural tendecies of Whites is what has led to Western civilization evolving as it has, and I'm biased in favor of Western civilization.

I don't think anyone here denies that there are worthwhile Blacks and absolutely worthless Whites. The problem as I see it, is in mass groups the AVERAGE of that group overwhelms any exceptional individuals. Take a few millions of Whites, let them follow their own course for a few centuries, and you get Europe or the U.S.. Not Utopia, but at least it's not Africa, if you catch my drift.

Also, I'm totally against forcing anyone to like, associate, or do business with anyone else for any reason. Race aside, alot of this equality and "Civil" rights stuff has taken away the real right of individuals to have dominion over themselves and their property. Don't want Blacks in your cafe? Fine. Don't want WHITES in your place? Equally fine.

Same applies to hiring, firing, speech, basically anything to do with you and your private property. (And I think almost everything ought to be private property.)

Equality is anti-ethical to Liberty, and today we are more or less equal in the extent to which we have almost no freedom left. Forgive me if I don't weep for joy.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
hey Mike, welcome to Caste Football.

"I do not consider myself rascist but I think alot of my hostility is born out of frustration" this sentence by leonardfan probably covers a bulk of users on this site, so no worries, we're not just a bunch of racists here.


Aug 10, 2005
We are kidding ourselves if we don't think we are racists. Everyone is racist. We may or may not be bigots. I know black people I like. That doesn't change anything. Differentiating or cheering for our own kind is inherently racist. Is it wrong? I don't think so. Racism is natural. I think everyone is to one degree or another. That is why multiculturalism has never worked and it is insane policy. I think people equate being a racist to someone who is full of hate and wants to harm members of other races indiscriminately. I think that is is the wrong way to see it. The question is not whether someone is racist it is to what degree is someone racist. Some racism is only loyalty to your own people. Loyalty and altruistic feelings directed toward people of similar culture or genetic backgound is seen as a positive when black people do it. "They're giving something back to their community." The word "racist" has taken on a life of its own. People fall all over themselves to avoid the label but everyone is. It reminds me of the Catcher in the Rye where the protagonist continuously complains that people are a bunch of phonies. Everyone wants to fit into the agreed upon lie. If you are here consistently, you probably don't. You are probably more "racist" than the avg. idiot. That doesn't mean you are a bad person. It only says to me that indoctrination attempts in grade school and through the mass media weren't as effective on you. Maybe it is difficult to hypnotize Caste members because of our willful minds. That would be an interesting study but now I'm rambling so....... Welcome, for now, see no color but I doubt that is truly possible. I'm wondering what search you did to find us because if it had to do with race then obviously you are concerned about race and you do see color.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Mike, welcome to Caste Football. You made some good points above. However, I'd have to say most of the folks here don't lump all black athletes into the same catagory as PacMan Jones, Randy Moss, etc. I'll admit guys like David Robinson are very classy folks indeed. However, I'd say the inundation of the hip-hop/gangsta mentality into the black community has been so prevalant that very few young black athletes want to emulate standup citizen/superstar athletes like David Robinson these days.

As a member of the John Birch Society, let me state this is mass overflow of corrupt culture unto blacks if far bigger than a racial issue. The Globalist Elite who control the (so-called) "mainstream" media constantly look to divide Americans of all racial background. These Elitists constantly inject their poison into the youth of our great Republic. The "Caste System" is only one avenue the Globalist Elite carry out their agenda. For much further insight on these matters, let me recomend the highly informative, insightful books for your reading...


Feb 22, 2007
New Jersey
I'm only as racist as a black man asking to be given a fair chance in something in the 60's.

The mega companies like Nikehave built such images out of guys like LeBron James that they must "sell" them to a rediculous level. Look at Mike Vick, who is one of the worst quarterbacks in the league, with assertations of being "electric" and a "weapon". Which weapon would you rather have, Vick or Payton Manning?

If football does not have an element of "race based society building" in it then why do they constantly promote blacks in the quarterback (aka leader of the team) role? If there was true equality in football there would be asians and hispanic players as well, wouldn't there? Why is it when guys like Brian Leonard prove they have what it takes to run the ball they are told to move to other positions?

I am tired of hearing "white men can't jump" (which is racist, by the way - we win the olympic high jump regularly for gods sakes) and the myth that blacks are better fighters, which UFC and boxing are disproving on a daily basis.

In short, we are irritated by racist comments like these towards white athletes,all of which are promoted by the massmedia. And then the commercials come on in which white men are humiliated by women and minorities. I then see hispanic and black groups lobbying for things based purely on thier race on the news. And on top of all that, I am told I am a racist by that same media organization that stereotypes whites.Apparently I amresponsible for all of blacks shortcomings through "innate racist tendencies", according to them. Would that irritate you, Mike?


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I see no color said:
Let me introduce myself...

I'm a black man who thought what Don Imus said was funny.  I enjoy the racial humor of comics like Chris Rock who poke fun of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics and Asians.  I hate hip-hop culture and believe that it is corrupting the black and white youth of our nation.  I'm a high school basketball coach that plays the best players.  If the best five players on my team are white, then my starting five will be white.  I see no color...

I agree with many of the points being made on this site.  I agree that many white kids are being denied positions in the NFL because of racial stereotyping.  Hell, there are people out there who still believe that whites can't beat blacks in a fight.  Last time I checked, Eastern Europeans dominate the higher weight classes in boxing, and they dominate MMA along with Asians.  What does the media do? They claim blacks are not dominating blood sports because they are playing in the NFL.  As a black man, I find such statements funny.  Fighting has nothing to do with race.  It's a socioecomonic sport.  Many Eastern European fighters are coming from ghettos that make Detroit look like a nice place to live.  Enviroments like that make tough nuts.  That's why most of the time I bet on the Eastern European.

I know I'm rambling, but I agree with much of what is being discussed here.  But I have a question to ask.  Judging from some of the comments here, it seems to me, though I may be wrong, that some of you are racists.  Like I said, I may be wrong.  Sometimes it seems many of you sterotype all black athletes and put them in the same category as Barry Bonds, Ron Artest, Pac-man Jones, Randy Moss, Rae Caruth and etc...  Do any of you believe there are black athletes who are great role-models?  What are your opinions of people like David Robinson?  Do you believe he's a buffoon?  Do you believe Robinson, who is an ordained minister at a predominately white church, and philanthropist who started a charter school for poor children (any child is welcome regardless of their skin color) is an ignorant boy?

If I have offended any of you I apologize.  I don't mean to attack anyone here.  I just want to know more about who you are and what you actually feel and believe.  I'm just curious.



Welcome to Caste Football. Excellent first post. I appreciate your very rare intellectual honesty and your willingenss to engage us in civil conversation.There are black people in my personal life that I admire and respect as well as some athletes, entertainers, etc...Speaking for myself, I am largely here to promote the cause of the white athlete and not to belittle black people or any other group unless they have it coming. I think whites are more to blame for the caste system than blacks, black athletes are only taking advantage of the breaks being freely given to them by white owners, general managers, athletic directors, scouts and coaches. Enjoy your stay here. I hope you are who you say you are. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.Edited by: guest301
Apr 30, 2006
Welcome to Caste Football I see no color!

There are certainly blacks that I associate in real life and in the sporting world that I believe are good role models. I acknowledge that for every Randy Moss, there is someone like Braylon Edwards and his recent scholarship fund initiative.Edited by: Sark6354201


Dec 28, 2004
I will sit back for now and see what other posts -I see no color- will write. I do tend to be suspicious of black men who come on this site and see no color.
May 10, 2005
United States
Some great replies..Won't bother going into my own personal experiences with black folks which led me to my beliefs but will respond to a few names mentioned...

Chris Rock?!?!?!?!...Well, I lost all respect for him as a human being about 4yrs ago when he was making all his jokes about Christopher Reeves....Was way over the line & wasn't even funny....I remember him making his jokes at the music awards & nobody even laughing...Just wrong!

David Robinson???...A "Buffoon" U ask?...Well, to be perfectly honest...Yes, I consider him a buffoon to a certain extent..lol...See, I'm probably the most aggressive sports fan on this site....I think basketball is just a little childrens game made for runnin' & jumpin' fools playing yo yo with a ball....I only care about Football, Rugby, Hockey, Boxing, & Cage Fighting....But as far as a human being...I have heard nothing but good things about David Robinson....I just think it's a shame that kids(White & Black) look up to the Michael Vicks & Snoop Doggs of the world more than a David Robinson type ...If a good black man like Bill Cosby steps up & says that the black community has serious problems then he's considered an "Uncle Tom" or a "Sell-out"....Truly a shame...


Dec 18, 2005
i think that while there certainly are SOME "racists" at castefootball, the majority of us hold nothing against black people so much as we resent greatly the racism and stereotyping white people face but that is never acknowledged..i definitly look forward to your future posts though as you may bring a new view

oh and doc holliday, very good point about the bill cosby thing.
May 19, 2007
Thanks for the replies.
</span>As a black high school coach I have witnessed reverse
discrimination. </span>I have had a couple of White
and Hispanic point guards (and just great kids) who didn't make it to the next
level when they should have. </span>Colleges
just didn't give them the time of day.
</span>Those kids should have been playing division I college ball. </span>It made me mad as hell and made me think
about the overall process. </span>Just a few
years ago our school had a very talented running back who so happened to be
Hispanic. </span>This kid set rushing records
and did he make it to the next level?
</span>No. </span>And the reason was
probably because he wasn't black.

I know some of you may be suspicious about me posting here,
not to worry, a fellow coach told me about this site and so I decided to check
it out (I'll be gone soon). </span>I'm just a
guy who likes to see the most deserving people rewarded. </span>If a black man on a team is the best
quarterback then make him the QB. </span>If a
white kid on a team would make the best running back then make him the RB. </span>Unfortunately, the world doesn't work that
way. </span>And on that note we see eye to eye.

Edited by: I see no color

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
Mike, I hope you will continue to visit the site from time to time. As others have noted, there are a wide range of views/emotions on this site--everything from the strongly race-conscious fan to the guy who would just like to see a few more white cornerbacks and wide-receivers in football. We appreciate your interest, and we realize that there are fair-minded black coaches, players, and fans who are willing to look at the current problems which we discuss at CF.

And good luck in your career as a basketball coach. I hope that you will build good characters as you build good basketball players.


Dec 30, 2006

I know there are a lot of good black athletes out there not getting into trouble, and aren't starting ina starting positionjust becausethey are believed to be superior athletes. I really like Warrick Dunn, for example. The kinds of things he does to help people gets 1 second of air time for every 100 minutes of airtime talking about TO or Pacman Jones.

As far as a lot of us being racists, I think everyone is a racist. Most people are afraid to admit it, even to themselves. I don't hate anyone that hasn't wronged me personally. But I think blacks in America have deep seeded cultural problems and I don't know if they will ever overcome them. It doesn't mean that everyone doesn't deserve the right to be judged as an individual though. Thats what this website is all about. White athletes not being fairly judged because of stereotypes.

The same way blacks we're steered into laborous jobs and denied more prestigious work because they were believed to be inferior, whites are steered into certain positions and sports that are said to be more befitting their "limited abilities." I'll be the first to admit, a lot of this loathing of white athletes comes from whites. Let it never be said that whites aren't racist against whites, especially when it comes to athletics. Just like blacks are racist against other blacks; those who acheive higher education and accumulate wealth are said to be sell outs.

Anyway, welcome to the forum, feel free to speak your mind. Whatever the topic, we can handle it.


Oct 20, 2006
Why should anyone be afraid to state their personal preferences for
association in a (supposedly) free country? Why should I be colorblind if I
don't choose to be? Because it benefits you? How does being colorblind
benefit me? Please explain.