King Willie to resign!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I hope this ends up helping Memphis, and I really don't see how they could get a worse mayor than this degenerate anti-white liar. Of course, the ignorant and uncaring black majority will probably vote someone in just like him in the next election because they share their anti-white, no-standards views.
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<h1>Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton has second thoughts, but will still resign</h1>

<h2>Despite concerns about candidates, mayor tells staff he will leave July 10</h2>

By Alex Doniach (Contact) and Amos Maki (Contact), Memphis Commercial Appeal

Friday, July 3, 2009

As a champion amateur boxer, Willie Herenton liked to keep his opponents off guard.

Herenton transferred that boxing strategy to his political career and still has everyone guessing.

With rumors swirling that Herenton was having second thoughts about
leaving office, the mayor told multiple sources Thursday he would go
through with his announced plans and resign July 10.

While Herenton is concerned about the number of people seeking to
replace him, he told friends and staffers Thursday morning that he
will, in fact, resign.

County Commissioner Sidney Chism, a close supporter of Herenton's,
said the mayor is disappointed with how successors are handling the
transition. And with all the candidates jockeying to take hold of the
city's reins, Chism said Herenton is also apprehensive about
relinquishing his seat to "all these candidates in the race."

"It's just getting crazy," Chism said.

Herenton was in no mood to talk Thursday. After meeting with pastors
in his seventh-floor office at City Hall, the fifth-term mayor refused
to answer any questions from a reporter.

When asked if he still planned to resign, Herenton said, "I'm not going to comment."

Chism said the mayor is displeased with Myron Lowery, who is
Herenton's temporary successor by virtue of being the current council
chairman, announcing his transition team before being sworn in.

"My whole thought is that (the mayor) can go about his business, but
he's not going to let the city go to the dogs because someone is acting
crazy," Chism said.

According to Chism, the mayor was considering either postponing his
resignation long enough that Lowery would no longer be council chairman
-- "get Myron out of the picture" -- or resign and then run in the
special election, "depending on how many candidates get in the race, to
keep it from getting crazy."

Lowery declined to comment Thursday.

"I need to pass on it," said Lowery. "I'm going to let Sidney say
whatever Sidney wants to say, and I'm not going to respond to it."

In other news, City Atty. Elbert Jefferson Jr. submitted his letter
of resignation to Herenton on Thursday, but the mayor "respectfully
declined to accept his resignation," said spokeswoman Toni

Jefferson had many tough battles with the council and there has been speculation that Lowery would replace Jefferson.

Several Herenton appointees have recently announced that they plan
to retire. Chief Administrative Officer Keith McGee's last day at City
Hall is today.

And on Monday, Public Services and Neighborhoods Director Ken Moody,
Deputy Director Yalanda McFadgon and Deputy Director of the Memphis
Public Library and Information Center Michael Gray announced their
plans to retire.

Meanwhile, planning for the transfer of power continues.

The council will vote Tuesday on a resolution requesting the Shelby
County Election Commission hold a special election for the office of


Jul 12, 2007
Having witnessed Memphis from not too great a distance all my life, I can say with confidence that nothing can save that city. Even the illegals are afraid to move there.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I imagine you are right, Riddlewire. Memphis is horrible!