Jon Stewart leaves the Daily Show


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006

The mouthpiece of middle and upper class white liberals/Marxists last episode of The Daily Show was last night. Stewart is a hack comedian who somehow transformed himself into what the left believes was an actual news reporter. His satire of American politics and society was totally culturally Marxist - he was playing to all the brainwashed white lemmings out there which comprised his audiences and television numbers.

His send off was ridiculously hyped up by the media - he contributed nothing to the advancement of society - didn't cure cancer or send a man to Mars yet the media did their best to prop him up as some sort of beacon of truth when all he did was spew out the same rhetoric they spewed out. Good riddance!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Another artificially propelled & lionized "rootless cosmopolitan".


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
Once in a great while he was good for a light to middling chuckle, never a great bellylaugh, but by and large, he was and will continue to be a smug, condescending and self-righteous tool who is nowhere near as funny or intelligent as he thinks he is.

As "progressive" and "enlightened" as he is, he will never support and unpopular viewpoint or say anything controversial. Just like most liberals who are supposedly our intellectual betters, Stewart will always look at the ship's sails to see which way the wind is blowing, and he will always, always, ALWAYS go with the current of popular opinion, lest he too be branded a racist/republican/bigot/etc. by the 75 IQ groupthink of America's masses.

If gay marriage were excoriated in the media (it already IS in popular opinion though the media does what it wants; mind-control, and all) we can all bet our ass virginity that Stewart will go right along with the popular kids' take on the subject, and join in the teasing with his asinine "comedy.'

It takes no courage to be a bully like John Stewart.

I dare say it takes more courage to say what you think and stand up for your views when you know you're right à la Anne Coulter, but then no one in the media would boo-hoo if she left public life.


Sep 30, 2010
Liebowitz (his real name) was an absolute Jew experience in the Platonic sense. He was horribly smug, un-funny (cf. Letterman), and mainly existed to laugh people leftward. Make a huge to-do over the transition of such a worthless but very Jewish piece of junk is a jewsmedia specialty. When Jerry Seinfeld quit (proud to say I never saw a single episode) you'd have thought the sky was crumbly to bits and crashing through rooves all over the world. Oyyy, the weeping and wailing! Anybody remember?

It was at that time I became yet more convinced that many Amurricans have a totemic Jew. Moy mother's was Jane Brody, then the totally worthless Lucianne Goldberg -- my father's was Louis Rukeyser and later the gaggingly Jewish Law and Order show. He grew up loving the Marx Brothers and Al Jolson, poor man. I see it all around me. Christian housewives dig World rag, conservative cowards everywhere think they're getting their daily anointing with Rush, Savage, Medved or leVINNNN. And yes, I think deep down it's because they're Jew.