Jerry Falwell


Oct 19, 2004
I caught an interview of Falwell on Neil Cavuto's show. I don't know that much about him, but I found this little episode to be quite enlightening. During the last presidential election Falwell had told Christians to "vote Christian," and apparently Abe Foxman found that anti-Semitic (of course.) Here are some of the things that Falwell said (paraphrased):

"Evangelical Christians are the best friends that Israel and the Jewish people ever had."

"Abe Foxman and I have been good friends- or at least I thought we were- for a number of years."

"Once we heard that people were offended, we pulled the ad" [or whatever it was.]

What a wimp and a coward. Doesn't anybody in this country have a backbone anymore? This just goes to show that just because someone seems to be "conservative" or "Republican" or "Evangelical" or whatever doesn't mean that they're on our side.


May 20, 2005
The sad part: Most Evangelical Christians ARE the best friends the Jews have.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
White_Savage said:
The sad part: Most Evangelical Christians ARE the best friends the Jews have.

What is with that? Didn't the Jews crucify Christ and shun him? And I thought that if you did not accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior (the Jews obviously don't) then you are going to HELL! If the Jews are all going to HELL then screw 'em. Evangelical Christians should know this and act accordingly.


May 30, 2005
Jews shunned. Romans crucified. I am sure there are several
Muslims and Jews that do not mean any hostility to Christians and just
want to contribute to the world. The majority of people who
consider themselves Jews and several people who consider themselves
Muslims are actualy atheist or Agnostic anyway.


Apr 13, 2005
Forget Falwell. He's a money grubbing jackass owned lock, stock and barrel by the neocon GOP.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Aug 10, 2005
Messianic Jews who convert are no longer Jews in my opinion if they were Ashkenazim Jews to begin with. Most of them are of mostly white ancestry. But Jews who have not converted are hostile to Christ or the idea of them not being "chosen" . Most of the secular Jews I've met are leftist on social issues and quite disagreeable. As for religious Jews, isn't Talmudic Law hostile to gentiles? It is a complex issue ,but it seems to me that Evangelical Christians say that the only way to Heaven is through Christ. How does that involve being "the best friends Jews and Israel ever had"? What ever happened to reclaiming the Holy Land for Christians? As for converting everyone, that's fine, but we don't have to be their best friends or even live around them. We are "unevenly yolked" so to speak. I don't believe God seperated the races in order for them to interbreed themselves into some brown mush with no identity. What do you think Colonel Reb? I've read some of your posts and I'm interested in what you think, respectively.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Oct 19, 2004
Colonel Reb:
With that said, I do think Rev. Falwell has backed down on a few issues when he should have held firm. Anyone remember what he said after 9-11?

Did he apologize for what he said about 9-11? It wouldn't surprise me at all. He's a "respectable conservative." Most of them are gutless.

As for Christians being anti-homosexual, it will be interesting to see how long that lasts. My guess is that the PC thought police will wear them down over time. Eventually being homophobic (or perceived as such) will be as hazardous as being racist or anti-Semitic (or perceived as such.) We're getting there. Imagine what would have happened if Falwell had blamed 9-11 on blacks. He would have been finished. He's like everybody else, he has to protect his career by not upsetting the PC thought police. Right now conservative Christians have some leeway with what they can say publicly about gays, but again, I think that will change. They'll fold, just like they have about everything else.

As for him being "for us," that's not his job anyway, He was called by God to bring people to Christ.

Then I'm right. It's us against the world. Right, left, liberal, conservative, Republican, Democrat, Christian, atheist, Jew... 99% of them are against us.

Also, I have to make one thing clear: at this time, powerful conservatives are arguably as big or bigger enemies than powerful liberals. That's because they're screwing us over just as much, but we are less able (or willing) to oppose them. I despise the white people who voted for Bush because he's a Christian. What sheep. He doesn't care about working and middle class white Americans, Christian or otherwise.

Liberals openly despise us and we can openly oppose them. Mainstream conservatives don't give a sh*t about us but we still support them because they belong to the "right party" and the "right religion." We're diggin our own graves.


Aug 10, 2005
That is interesting ,and I can understand the logic. But wouldn't you say that for God to make a covenant with a particular people and the belief in the existence of generational sin (ex. "the sons of Ham will be cursed", "the death of Him will be on our hands and our children's hands") would suggest that race and ancestry are important? I guess what I'm wondering is do you belive in multi culturalism ,and if you don't, does that conflict with your faith? I apologize for the personal nature of that question ,but it is an important question that many of us on this board have probably asked ourselves at some point.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Edited by: Colonel_Reb

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I have a question for you Colonel Reb.You said that the
Jews are the only ones that can be saved during the
tribulation descibed in the book of Revalation.I think
you might be wrong.It says that no one is to take the
mark of the beast.Everyone will have to have a mark on
either their forehead or right hand.This is what the
Anti-Christ will demand.He will be bigger than the Pope
and have people to believe that he is the return of
Jesus.People will follow him in the billions.He is not
Jesus but most people will falsely follow him.According
to my understanding,if you don't take the mark,you won't
be able to buy anything.They also will arrest you and
eventually kill by cutting off your head.To my knowledge,
if you die,accepting Jesus Christ as your savior,but
refuse to take the mark,there is still hope to go to
Heaven.Am I wrong on this?Thanks.


Oct 21, 2004
Falwell represents all that's wrong with modern day white public
figures. "Wimp" is probably the perfect adjective for him. Evangelicals
have the curious ability to simultaneously hold two
contradictory beliefs. Orwell called this "doublethink." The "Born
Agains" believe that the only way to heaven is by accepting Jesus in
one particular way, and then proclaiming that you're "saved." This
means that, in their view, no non-Christians can ever enter heaven.
This would include Jews, but they have no problem believing, just as
strongly, that the Jews are God's "chosen people," and think it's wrong
to ever oppose Israel because of this. Doesn't make any sense, but
that's why you will never hear Falwell or Pat Robertson criticize our
favorite foreign welfare recipient.

When I look at our present crop of "conservatives," I actually think I
prefer liberals. At least with them, you know you're getting unsavory
people with a wicked set of principles to begin with.


Aug 10, 2005
bigunreal, you ought to read a little of what Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism, had to say about Jews. It hasn't always been this way. Many Christians, not all, have been affected by our media's propaganda just like the rest of the nation.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
you ought to read a little of what Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism, had to say about Jews.

Martin Luther initially thought that Jews would accept Christ after the religion was freed from the Church of Rome. His hatred of them began only after he realized they would remain Jews, despite his reforms. In other words, he thought them acceptable if they would have accepted Christ. When they didn't, it pissed him off so much that he wrote the treatise, The Jews and Their Lies.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Oct 19, 2004
Colonel Reb:
All Christians are against who, whites? That's BS. I won't deny that some are, but nowhere near all.

Actually I said 99%. You are in the 1,% Colonel.

Christians haven't backed down from everything, and not all Christians are like the ones that have backed down on some issues.

Just the PC diversity-lovers and Israel-lovers like Falwell.

The world is becoming more sinful and worldly, and has turned away from God.

We've also turned away from common sense. For whites to be ethnocentric is a totally rational and reasonable thing, and everybody- right, left, Republican, Democrat, Christian, atheist, is making it impossible for us to be ethnocentric in mainstream society.

A little devils advocate here: When you have atheists and others demanding that any mention of God and Christianity be removed from society and the media proclaiming it to be the right thing to do, and with no non-religious whites standing up to protect Christians, why would they stand up with those who are constantly attacking and persecuting them?

99% of non-religious whites are against us, too. I agree that they despise Christianity, but I think that the bigger picture is that they despise classical/ traditional European/ Western civilization, traditions, values, communities, etc. Christianity is a part of those traditions and values, but I think that it goes beyond any particular religion. It's about us, our race, our people, our minds, our souls. 99% of the people out there are working against the good of our people.

Think about it, 1% of 300 million- the population of America- is 3 million. I doubt that we even have that many people in America who are supportive of our cause. So it may actually be more than 99%. Scary.

Christians haven't been in power for years in this country.

What about all those Republicans in power? What about our Born Again President? Are they just pretending? These Republicans/ conservatives/ mainstream Christians are perhaps our worst enemies right now, because real, old-fashioned white conservatives have been deceived into thinking that they are representing us, when they're really not. Again, we can fully and openly oppose the liberals because we all know they're out to get us. The liberals are wolves, and the Republican mainstream religious conservatives are wolves in sheep's clothing. That makes them more dangerous, in my opinion.

How do you propose they reverse the trend, which is not totally different from the Caste trend?

They can't or they'll be ruined. We're the only ones who are free to speak our minds- here in relatively anonymous cyberspace. But I'll tell you what the rest of us should do: stop supporting these Republican conservatives who are working against us, who are warmongers and war profiteers, who are corporate shills, who are shipping our jobs overseas, who are opening up our borders, who are intruding on our civil liberties, who love diversity, who love big government. F*ck them.

See, you can't have it both ways. If Christians are all hypocrits, then why would they stand up for race?

I believe you have made it clear that they can't stand up for race.Christianity is a univeralist ideology. It doesn't consider race, as you've pointed out. That's why I think that Christianity is ultimately ill-suited for our movement. We need an ethnocentric ideology, not a universalist one.

If they were all Godly, they would be viewed by many whites as the enemy. Goes back to the "in the world but not of the world" that I mentioned earlier.

And they should be free to do their thing. Go to church, read the Bible, proselytize, convert, baptize, whatever they want. That's fine with me. But unfortunately, Colonel, so long as Christianity is a universalist ideology, most Christians will be working against us. Not you, Colonel, but most of them. Sorry if that offends you. I have nothing against Christianity per se, just universalist ideologies in general that really aren't helping us in the long run.

Anti-racist Christians are a dime a dozen, are they not?


Oct 19, 2004
To explain it another way, do you think the secularist/ atheist/ Jewish/ politically correct/ Democratic/ liberal blah blah blah give a d*mn about increasing diversity and multiculturalism in an African/ Christian country? Do you think they're interested in destroying their values, culture, and traditions? Or is it just white Christians that they're opposing? I don't think it matters what religion we have, they'll oppose us and tear us down regardless. All the diversity-loving Christians are simply caught in the crossfire. They're not the enemy, white people who have any sense of ethnocentrism, nationalism, awareness, pride, etc., are the enemy.

I know you think that Christianity is the main aspect of this whole thing, and I understand where you're coming from. It's your religion. But the liberals aren't trying to tear down the Christian Africans. They want us. White people. They want us gone. Period.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Hurry up and take the dad blasted picture!Gotta show the world I know who's boss. Aint no way, I'm gonna lose the election now. Can't wait to get home and party with my Skull and Bones buddies.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=1 align=left>

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bronk said:
Forget Falwell. He's a money grubbing jackass owned lock, stock and barrel by the neocon GOP.

That says it all. It's also the reason the corporate media loves to trot him out when they need a "conservative" viewpoint to be represented. The Zionists and Christian Zionists, whose loyalty is to Israel over the United States, are no different than the Reds of the 20th century whose loyalty was to the USSR over America.


Apr 13, 2005
JD074 said:
I think that Christianity is ultimately ill-suited for our movement. We need an ethnocentric ideology, not a universalist one.

JD, while I largely agree with much of what you said, Christianity isn't an ideology that you look at to see if it suits a movement, it is either the truth or it is prue hokum.

If it's the truth, you have to live by it or reject it and take the consequences. True, it is universalist, which I have a hard time with, but universalist does not mean equality of ability, merely that we are "equal before the law."


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Edited by: Colonel_Reb

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
You can't turn Christianity into what you want.

There are over 9,000 Christian denominations:
[url] list.asp[/url]

There are denominations that believe you must be baptized to be saved; others by faith only.

There are denominations that believe God is a triune God; others that believe God is One.

There are denominations that believe one must speak in tongues to give evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit; others that believe speaking in tongues is nonsense.

There are denominations that believe Satan is a mythical figure; others believe he is in your house right now, encouraging sin.

There are denominations that believe only a man can preach the Word; others have women bishops.

There are denominations that believe in drinking poison and taking up snakes; having more than one wife; that technology is evil; some are pacifists, some aren't; some are vegetarian, some aren't; ad infinitum.

Men have been turning Christianity, and religion, into whatever they want since the first witch doctor spoke the first Words of the Gods.