Jeremy Tyler, "Uber prospect" failing miserably


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Here's a story of this straight-outta-high-school "uber prospect" balling in Israel and being schooled by the Jewish basketball players. Here is the best paragraph in the story:

"His coach calls him lazy and out of shape. The team captain says he is soft. His teammates say he needs to learn to shut up and show up on time. He has no friends on the team. In extensive interviews with Tyler, his teammates, coaches, his father and advisers, the consensus is that he is so naïve and immature that he has no idea how naïve and immature he is. So enamored with his vast potential, Tyler has not developed the work ethic necessary to tap it."
"Vast potential" indeed.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I find it stunning how these black high school affletes are worshipped to the fullest.  This guy Tyler is just one of many "prospects" that would rather smoke weed and play video games than focus on his future.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
I can guarantee you that this fellow was also "bettered" in high school by opposing white players over the years, but those pigmentally-challenged types won't get any accolades, but instead will have to fight for whatever scholarship crumbs that they can get. It is nice that these poor "phenoms" that can no longer go straight from HS to the NBA are dominated by Euro/ME whites.


Nov 23, 2008
That's why I love the NBA's age limit rule, no more overrated HS phenoms (99.9% black) to the NBA. Almost all white HS prospects prefer to enter college (for education especially), rather than turn pro too soon.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Jeremy Tyler = big steaming pile of suck.

of course, the article comes complete with the requisite insult for a White player who is completely unrelated to the story.

<H2 =title property="dc:title">Jeremy Tyler experiment has come to an end</H2>
By Trey Kerby
While Brandon Jennings(notes) is thriving in the NBA and chasing Ciara, another high schooler who went overseas isn't having quite as good of a time. Jeremy Tyler, who skipped his senior year of high school to play professionally in Israel, has had a tiny change of plans â€" he's coming home.

From a statement by his team in Israel:

"Due to personal matters, Jeremy chose to leave the team on his own will on March 18 and return home to San Diego," Maccabi Haifa owner Jeffery Rosen said in a statement. "We wish Jeremy all the best." </BLOCKQUOTE>

Those "personal problems" Jeremy is suffering from? Well, he's probably just taking it personally that he's only played 76 minutes in 10 games for Maccabi Haifa. Not exactly world-beater numbers. Heck, not even Tskitishvili numbers.

But since Tyler played a year professionally, he can't go to college. That means his next team is a bit of a mystery. Here's what his agent told Jonathan Givony of Draft Express after word got out earlier this month that he wasn't playing to well overseas:

On his next team: "I prefer European development model over D-League, in terms of practice time, support system, nutrition, etc. [He] will have European opportunities. [We] need to be selective of where he goes. Money is not the most important thing right now. [He] took significantly less money to go to Haifa [because he] felt more comfortable in Israel.</BLOCKQUOTE>

Now, I'm guessing Tyler's agent doesn't really care where his next team is, just that he has one. The NBA doesn't look too kindly upon not playing organized basketball. Just ask Lenny Cooke.

It's really too bad that Tyler chose to go to Israel. He would have been a highly recruited prospect, then would have attended college for a year, then been a top draft pick just from staying in the system. Instead, he's exiled in San Diego, unsure of his future.



Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Another biased white rivals Yahoo story. When will it end? How do we know based on H.S- that Tyler would have been good in college, and particularly the NBA? He clearly doesn't have the work ethic. I'm sure a school like Kentucky Minnesota, Memphis or UConn- would have been willing to take him on though and give him the grades- so he could have played lots of minutes at another qualified white athlete's expense.

I think Israel and Europe doesn't buy this caste B.S nearly as much as America- other than France a little bit. Even Canada buys it less than the U.S. I guess this makes the Yahooligans at mad!