Ivan Heshko

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
This guy is the man when it comes to the 1500 meters and the mile.Craig Mottram,Allan Webb and some others get talked about more but Heshko has had the most success.At least over 1500 meters.He just won the 1500 meters at the Worlds Athletics Finals for the 2nd year in a row.He beat all of the Kenyan,Ethiopian,and other runners who are supposed to be almost unbeatable.This guy is a machine.I can see him possibly challenging the world record by 2008.I would like to see him,Mottram and Webb make a clean sweep of the medals at the next Olympics.Keep up the great running Ivan!


Dec 28, 2004
Ivan Heshko is a great runner! How about those Ukrainians!! Vlaeri Borzov the World's Fastest Human[1972],Sergei Bubka the World's Greatest Pole Vaulter. Yuriy Sedykh the World's Greatest at the Hammer Throw. Vitali Klitschko the World's Greatest Heavyweight Fighter. Vasyl Virastyuk the World's Strongest Man. A small poor nation but men with exceptional"ATHLETICISM"!!


Dec 28, 2004

Here is the World's Greatest Shot Putter,Yury Bilonoh-he is 6'5 291lbs.


Here are the members of Team Ukraine-Winners of the World All Strenght Challenge-The Strongest of the strong!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Great job Gary.You are really coming up with some great pics.Do you have a color one of Borzov.I have only seen black and white pics of him.It is said that he ran sub 10's in the 100 in practices.First off,the shoes,tracks and overall conditions were not nearly as good back then.Everything that I have read about him points to the fact that he didn't run for times.Borzov only ran fast enough to win.He would coast alot at the end.He should have been the first white to run a 9.99 wind legal.He was almost unbeatable as a sprinter.Borzov also had the best sprinting form I have ever seen period!!
Oct 16, 2004
Borzov was incredibly smooth White Lightning. Something that a lot of
commentators didn't like to mention, but fans couldn't help noticing. It's
interesting that the blacks used to complain about Borzov and call him a
"show off" because he would coast after getting the lead and put his arms in
the air when coming up on the finish tape. Modest behavior compared to
most blacks these days.

Heshko ran a great race, didn't let himself get boxed as so many do by the
Africans and their team tactics. Webb is very young, look for him to really
start making his mark a year or two from now, if he keeps his head in the
game. (The USA's Adam Nelson is top dog in the shot right now, IMHO - he
lost to Bilonog by a fraction of an inch in the Olympics and beat him this
year in the WC's)

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Hey Colonel Callan,I have a question for you.First do you think the Tim Benjamin can break the European 400 Meter Record next year and if so can he run in the 43
second range like Wariner.Also will Benjamin run any 200 races for England.That would be great along with seeing Wariner and Rock run some deuces for the USA.

Second question is when do you think we will see more white 100 meter sprinters?Especially in this country.I am dieing to see several disprove the myth that they can't be world class over those distances any more.Do you think that guys like Wariner can get kids involved more even in the 100/200?I sure hope so.Right now,I'm still thinking that Pickering is the best hope world wide for the near future but I'm tracking all of the other guys and looking for new ones.I think a white being the fastest man in the world and winning the Olympics would be even bigger than being the Heavyweight Champion of the World.
Oct 16, 2004
Benjamin is young enough that I would think he's going to develop into a
low 44's runner at the very least. I think that Rock and Wariner are
actually an aid to guys like Benjamin, who see two white guys kicking tail
and realize they can do it also. I honestly think Benjamin has a shot at
the European record next season (and Rock to hit 44.1). His emergence
this year was "Wariner like". In fairness to Wariner, he was the FASTEST
high schooler in the US at the 200 when he was a senior (and #2 in the
400 I think - off the top of my head), and received scant notice or
attention, so Wariner's rise wasn't all that surprising. Wariner has scary
talent, he should run mid 43s at least. If he runs under 20 in the 200 as
his coach believes he can, then he has a shot at taking the WR from MJ.

If Wariner runs the 200 in the next year or two, and runs as fast as many
think he can, that will put another huge crack in the barrier. There have
been fast guys from Europe over the last few decades in the 200, but with
the small coverage track gets outside of Olympic years, they received no
pub in the US. Notable was Pietro Mennea, who won the Gold in 1980
and held the WR in the 200 for years - breaking the record of "black
power" Tommie Smith. Of course, we had to put up with blacks who were
getting whipped by Mennea making claims that Mennea would run on the
line, or cut into the inside lanes, etc. Ridiculous. Officials would have
gleefully bounced him from events, never mind video showing that
Mennea was always in his lane, unlike Carl Lewis who constantly got away
with running on the line or crossing over in his 200 races. But he was
untouchable for some reason ; ).

Anyway, if Wariner puts up numbers in the 200, more white kids will hit
that event, and if you can run a good 200, you can hit a good 100. And if
enough guys are running the 100, you'll find a gem. I used to laugh at
people who claimed Borzov had no talent, he was strictly a robot created
with drugs. If that were the case, there would have been an army of
Borzovs, right? There's a lot of athletic talent in the Ukraine, btw.
Anyway, the fast kids are out there, they need to be channeled into the
event. But it's a fight against the system at all stages. BTW - speaking of
fast Ukranians, keep in mind Sergey Bubka, the greatest pole vaulter ever,
was a 10.26 100 meter man - and he was obviously not concentrating on
that event. So it's a matter of keeping talented white kids focused on the
event, and keeping them from being hammered by the anti-white forces
all around, never mind the brainwashed, "well meaning" coaches who will
deny white talent when it stares them in the face.

No white man has won the 100 at the Olympics (or World's) since Alan
Wells in 1980. I always enjoyed the way the press tried to play his win as
due to the boycott - because the claim fell apart when Wells went out and
flattened everyone to prove he was the best at the time. He was a very
tough nut mentally.


Oct 19, 2004
David Duke recently got his PhD in the Ukraine, despite the incessant complaining from Jews there. Sounds like a pretty cool nation. Perhaps they can fend off the Multicult that is drowning so much of Europe and North America.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Being curious about Ukranian athletes I searched the web and found a few names.

Mike Ditka Wally Szczerbiak Bronko Nagurski Wayne Chrebet Wayne Gretzky

Terry Sawchuk Mike Bossy Bill Mosienko Johnny Bucyk

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
His best time is a 10.22 but that was from two years ago.He really struggled with injuries last season.Look for Craig to have a big year and post a new personal best.I want to see him get into the 10.10 range this season.Remember,he is still just 21 years of age.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
JD074 said:
David Duke recently got his PhD in the Ukraine, despite the incessant complaining from Jews there. Sounds like a pretty cool nation. Perhaps they can fend off the Multicult that is drowning so much of Europe and North America.
The Ukraine gets the spillover from the Asian republics of the old USSR. Many of the people from the Stans go to the Ukraine for work because while the wages are meagre by our standards they are higher than their wages.


Dec 15, 2005
What does this have to do with Ivan Heshko? Hijacked a bit.
I was so pissed off when that arab, Baala, edged Heshko in Sweeden.
I really hate arabs being considered "French." That is a good sign of the apocalypse and the death of France. Same as Turkish Germany. Edited by: Freedom