
Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
ITS funny how the media portrayes all the white racism towards blacks. Now I dont really hate other races. Hispanics arent bad. Chinese and Indians are great people. They work and contribute to society. My dislike for blacks comes from the fact that they are racist pigs. Look what they do to society. Poison our children and rape our women. How can u help but not dislike these people. Imagine how much better this country would be without them. They call us white devils. Who brought them here. White People. This was a huge mistake
Apr 30, 2006

I won't waste my time describing the reasons why you're post is incorrect.


Aug 10, 2005
whiteathlete33 said:
Who brought them here.  White People. This was a huge mistake

It was a huge mistake motivated by greed, just as the tolerance of illegal immigration is motivated by greed. Greed is our people's biggest weakness.
May 10, 2005
United States
whiteathlete33 said:
  Hispanics arent bad. 

Actually, come here to California & U'll find that hispanics are WORSE than blacks.....Hispanic gangs in L.A. are even killing off the black gangs....

I heard the 0ther day on the news here that something like 12 Americans are MURDERED every single day here in our country by an illegal Mexican...Rapes are double that....More americans are murdered each year by illegal Mexicans than soldiers that have died over seas since 9/11....1year vs 6yrs!!!!


Mexicans are not good. When you get more experience with them, you'll understand.

Indians aren't that great either. The american perspective on them is as skewed as possible. Indians are dumb, and their nation is a dump filled with illiterate, backwards peasants.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
Doc Holliday said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Hispanics arent bad.

Actually, come here to California & U'll find that hispanics are WORSE than blacks.....Hispanic gangs in L.A. are even killing off the black gangs....

I guess it just depends on where you live. I live in South Florida and we have a lot of them. Cubans arent too bad, as many of them tend to be conservative and of white spanish descent. Puerto Ricans arent too bad either. Most of the ones I know are pretty Americanized and I view them just I like would any white American. We don't have too many Mexicans here so I can't really speak for them. The only problematic Latino group we have here are Colombians. They are the filth of the Latin American community. They bring all sorts of drugs here, and even their churches deal drugs. They have even chased a lot of the Cubans out of Miami, as even they can't stand them.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
whiteathlete33 said:
  They call us white devils.  Who brought them here.  White People. This was a huge mistake

Who sold black slaves to the white devils? African Kings , that's who. Don't ever forget that. People of all different races have been enslaved at some point, yet African Americans have had the most trouble assimilating after their enslavement. Edited by: Alpha Male


Mar 6, 2007
Outside North America
Nevada I disagree with you. It might be different in the USA, but here in England Indians make up the biggest ethnic group. Ever since they've been here they've embraced our culture, mingled with our people and most of all contributed to the economy. They are well educated and friendly peaceful people. Every Indian I have met I have got on well with and they are also Sikh and Hindu so they hate Muslims. However our second biggest ethnic group are Pakistanis and they are the complete opposite. They are evil, violent, hate us and our culture, take over areas and call it their own area and most of all they are Muslim and they want to destroy us all, because apparently according to them all white people are Christians??? Whiteathlete33, as for Blacks who are our 3rd biggest ehtnic group I don't think they get away with the racism that they can get away with over in the states but it's getting worse as they are heavily influenced by the Hip-Hop culture such as 50cent, 50pence as we like to call him. Another thing is we were never segregated from blacks in the UK, they only arrived in big numbers just after the 2nd World War and I think the reason why blacks in the USA feel it's fine to be racist is because it's like pay back time for your segregated past. But that obviously still doesn't make it acceptable!


TheEnglishman said:
Nevada I disagree with you.

That is fine. You have your opinion and I have mine. I know for certain that Indians have low intelligence and are illiterate. I know for certain that large scale immigration of Indians would destroy your nation. You wouldn't even know what hit England.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I've never had a problem with East Indians. Most of the ones I've seen where I live were well educated, intelligent people. I wouldn't want to see our country flooded with them though, but I would rank them above Africans, muslims, and Colombians


Mar 6, 2007
Outside North America
I know exactly whats hit England and I know exactly the different impacts that different ethnic groups have had on our country. Indians would never destroy our country they are not like that, they are respectful. It's the Muslims like the Pakistanis thats going to destroy England. With Christianity a thing of the past and Islam getting bigger and more oppressive there will be a civil war in England within the next 100 years. England will never ever be the same again!


Dec 1, 2006
TheEnglishman said:
I know exactly whats hit England and I know exactly the different impacts that different ethnic groups have had on our country. Indians would never destroy our country they are not like that, they are respectful. It's the Muslims like the Pakistanis thats going to destroy England. With Christianity a thing of the past and Islam getting bigger and more oppressive there will be a civil war in England within the next 100 years. England will never ever be the same again!

Same with the muslims in germany, englishman. i wonder what europe will look like in 50 years..


TheEnglishman said:
I know exactly whats hit England and I know exactly the different impacts that different ethnic groups have had on our country.

No you don't. Nobody in Britain does. You guys have no experience with real immigration. Your opinion of indians could not be less correct or further from reality. I'd go as far to say as you know nothing about indians. Indians could easily destroy England, Scotland, and Wales without breaking a sweat.

Indians are almost no different than mexicans. In fact, mexicans are smarter and more literate. Yes, you read that correctly. Mexicans are smarter and more literate than indians.

If you want to see what indians are really like, then open your border to unlimited indian immigration. You'll watch your country crumble. It won't even take 20 years.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Nevada, have you ever been to England?
May 1, 2006
The company I work for has recruited a fair number of Engineers and Chemists from India. talking with them they are very well versed in theory but they have almost no ability to plan a project and execute it, in short they seem unable to apply theory to the ral world. We natives keep hearing about how smart they are . We also keep getting their unfunished projects to salvage. Maybe it depends on which ethnic group of Indians you are experienced with. They also seem to be a bit arrogant with anyone they perceive as not coming from an upper class background which has caused some employee relation problems.Edited by: Tired old White

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The problem with Indians is in the sheer numbers. India has a huge population, nearly four times that of the U.S. at over 1.1 billion. The country is predominantly poor and has many backward people, but has a fast-growing middle class. If evena mereten percent of Indians are capable of learning blue-collar and white-collar occupations, that's over 100 million Indians to take away jobs from Americans (and English), both here and through outsourcing. Same problem with the Chinese; like Indians they're basically quiet and law-abiding but there's so many of them that they will gladly overrun the country if given the opportunity, andit appearsthe one-party monstrosity in Washington, District of Corruption is intent on giving it to them.


Aug 8, 2006
TheEnglishman said:
Nevada I disagree with you. It might be different in the USA, but here in England Indians make up the biggest ethnic group. Ever since they've been here they've embraced our culture, mingled with our people and most of all contributed to the economy. They are well educated and friendly peaceful people. Every Indian I have met I have got on well with and they are also Sikh and Hindu so they hate Muslims. However our second biggest ethnic group are Pakistanis and they are the complete opposite. They are evil, violent, hate us and our culture, take over areas and call it their own area and most of all they are Muslim and they want to destroy us all, because apparently according to them all white people are Christians??? Whiteathlete33, as for Blacks who are our 3rd biggest ehtnic group I don't think they get away with the racism that they can get away with over in the states but it's getting worse as they are heavily influenced by the Hip-Hop culture such as 50cent, 50pence as we like to call him. Another thing is we were never segregated from blacks in the UK, they only arrived in big numbers just after the 2nd World War and I think the reason why blacks in the USA feel it's fine to be racist is because it's like pay back time for your segregated past. But that obviously still doesn't make it acceptable!

Interesting post, English. Keep us informed from the other side of the Atlantic please.


Mar 6, 2007
Outside North America
No you don't. Nobody in Britain does. You guys have no experience with real immigration. Your opinion of indians could not be less correct or further from reality. I'd go as far to say as you know nothing about indians. Indians could easily destroy England, Scotland, and Wales without breaking a sweat.

Nevada, that was an extremely naive and ignorant post and I did not take kidnly to it. Are you telling me I know nothing about my country, the country that I wake up to everyday and study everyday!?!? You say that we have no experience with real immigration, well that means you know nothing about the modern UK! Not only have we been flooded with Indians, Pakistanis, Jamaicans and Africans for the past 50 years now it's the Eastern Europeans who have just joined the EU such as Polish, Ukranians and now the fuk!n Romanians! We've also had large amounts of Turks coming here for the past 20 years and in the mean time thousands of indegenous Britons have been buggering off to Canada, USA, New Zealand and mostly Australia. So take that comment back because you couldn't be more wrong! Under 60% of Londons is now white British same as Birmingham which is our second biggest city. Smaller cities such as Leceister, Bradford and Oldham are very close to being majority non white British and the latter two have seen city riots between the indegenous population and hate fuelled Muslim Pakistanis who dominate certain areas (no go areas for whites) and where Mosques' are a common site. I hope I have given your brain some much needed information!


Mar 6, 2007
Outside North America
Devans, I'm guessing he's never been out of his state let alone the country. cslewis1, not much to inform you on my friend, the UK as we used to know it has all but gone and my countries culture is dying. The only party that stands up for our culture is the BNP and unfortunatly they supposidly have some nazi's in their ranks which makes all the brainwashed liberals jump on the bandwagon to try and ban them and won't let them have a fair say. I'm going to stop ranting now
Oct 24, 2005
I have seen this happen so many times. The first of an immigrant group that moves in are the nice ones. They want to be here and never want to return to the old country. They are smart and educated. If they don't know the language, they will quickly learn it. They have made an effort to know more about the community they live in. They make an effort to make friends with the local whites.
Then more move in. At some point the foreign culture takes over along with an increase in crime. Then they act like they own the place.
In another words, I remember when I liked the Mexicans.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Nevada I think what you don't appreciate is that Britain used to have a great many colonies - even as recently as the fifties and sixties. The people who lived in these colonies were considered British "Subjects", which is close to being a citizen. People of all races in the colonies were once allowed to apply for and be given British passports. It was once quite easy to emmigrate to the UK from Nigeria, Canada, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Australia, India, Pakistan, Bagladesh, well you get the idea.
Things have been tightened up somewhat recently but British citizens of say Pakistani origin tend to marry people from Pakistan. Also they can bring in close family members such as parents to live in the UK. Plus the dismanting of border controls in the E.U. mean it is very much easier for illegal immigrants to enter; and they don't fill in Census forms!
The UK - England in particular, is a very diverse population, simillar to the USA but with more people from south Asia. Please visit Bradford next time you are here.
Also as I said once before in a thread about Kosovo, the demographics of a country can change very quickly if one group is simply outbreeding another. It happened in Kosovo with the Albanians rapidly displacing the Serbs, it's happened in the Lebanon with the Christain Lebanese being outnumbered by the Muslims (although the displacement of the Palestinian people caused by the creation of the state of Israel has probably had more effect there) its even happened in Northern Ireland where the Catholic population has grown from 34% to over 40% in the last 30 years.
So my point is that we in the UK have experienced, and continue to experience, considerable immigration from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.


May 3, 2006
Don Wassall said:
The problem with Indians is in the sheer numbers.  India has a huge population, nearly four times that of the U.S. at over 1.1 billion.  The country is predominantly poor and has many backward people, but has a fast-growing middle class.  If even a mere ten percent of Indians are capable of learning blue-collar and white-collar occupations, that's over 100 million Indians to take away jobs from Americans (and English), both here and through outsourcing.  Same problem with the Chinese; like Indians they're basically quiet and law-abiding but there's so many of them that they will gladly overrun the country if given the opportunity, and it appears the one-party monstrosity in Washington, District of Corruption is intent on giving it to them. <!-- Message ''"" -->

This is what makes me uneasy when I see all the Asians and Indians that have popped up, seemingly overnight, in the town I live near. They could both easily dump two or three hundred million people apiece on us, and would if they could, I'm sure. A half a billion or more. The sheer mass cancels out any quality of the people.

With their growing economies, India and China have lots of bribe money to convince the whores in Washington that this is a good thing.


Sep 11, 2006
I could be wrong but it seems to me Nevada was talking about American Indians and Englishman was talking about Eastern Indians. I think that is why there was such disagreement. Nevada mentions how he compares Indians to Mexicans showing me he is talking about someone quite different than Englishman.