Is there a chance of a USA-Russia war in the near future?


Jan 27, 2016
Ukraine wants nothing of the sort. The powers that be in the US are looking for another reason to expand their proxy war (which we are losing and killing the best of Ukraine’s youth in the process).
I don’t understand this comment. Ukraine is in a
desperate fight why wouldn’t they want NATO troops?


Sep 11, 2021
I don’t understand this comment. Ukraine is in a
desperate fight why wouldn’t they want NATO troops?
Ukraine is in a desperate fight but it’s being clearly directed by the US neocons. So my point was that actual Ukrainian folks probably want this fight over more than they want to fight to the last man.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
The biggest thorn in Putin's side was removed permanently yesterday according Western Press and the White House...
Jul 26, 2018
Ukraine is in a desperate fight but it’s being clearly directed by the US neocons. So my point was that actual Ukrainian folks probably want this fight over more than they want to fight to the last man.
The neolibs are every bit the war mongers as the neocons these days and especially relevant to the Ukraine war. Obama was the lead dog as a junior senator in developing funding for the first bio lab built by the U.S. in Ukraine.

The majority of the financing and corruption in the 2012 maidan was by neo libs and Soros.

Yes, regular Ukrainians never really wanted this war especially those in the Donbas region which were attacked and bombed by the Ukrainian extremist and those Ukraine fighters bought by the western hegemonic regime.
Jul 26, 2018
My wife grew up in Russia. Over there, all students, boys and girls, are taught how to shoot, how to assemble and disassemble a weapon, etc. as part of civil defense education. This may have been true to some extent in the ussr days but it’s definitely not true today nor any time in the past 15 years. I have two small children in school in Moscow now and I’ve had three others already graduate h.s. and university here in Moscow.

Meanwhile, so many Amerikan womyn are shrill feminists who go on and on about how “empowered” they are, yet would have no idea how to handle a weapon if the need arose. And don’t even get me started on the nu-male soyboy cucks.

The difference, of course, is that Russia is run by a government that actually cares, at least to some extent, the government here cares to som extent…how about the regular retirement pension is about 150-200$ per month. The government run healthcare has people waiting in hallways and corridors for care. Regular annual checkups and 6-9 months behind and more…the quality of life for handicapped is absolutely atrocious in Russia as is the quality of life for orphans.

about the welfare of its people, while Amerika is run by a (((hostile alien elite))) that is essentially at war against its founding stock of citizens (AKA normal white people). (((They))) have been pushing for decades propaganda to feminize men and masculinize women, resulting in generations of confused, gender-bent, dysfunctional people who don’t know how to be good men or good women.

The woke, especially those now in control of our military, think they can make “good men” out of women. They can’t. A woman can be a good woman or a poor imitation of a man. And a man cannot become a woman. This is basic biology. This is where the libtards’ precious Trust The Science (TM) should come in.

The typical new recruit or cadet in our new woke military will likely be a feminist ideologue who can write a long thesis about fake oppression from an imaginary patriarchy, but will be totally inept at winning wars. She’ll be sure to tell you how empowered she is before asking a man to help her with a mundane task. Meanwhile, the women in Russia will be kept out of combat zones Russian woman have been fighting and dying in Donbas…the frontline of all in this war. Russian woman fought in the from during WW2 also.

by their sane government, wow, just wow…there are millions who wouldn’t use that adjective. I don’t think any gov is sane these days.

while still being fully capable of protecting their homes if necessary.
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Sep 9, 2007
The leaders and Oligarchs in the USA have every intent to start the final war with Russia/China. They have no options left except outright attacks like we are seeing today.

Putin and the Russians are playing an incredible game of defense and trying to buy time.

God bless the Russians, and I hope the Globo Homo Empire of lies loses and keeps losing. JMO


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY

Abramovic is a satanist and her connections to the immoral elitists is well documented and out in the open. I can only hope that things like this awaken more people to the truth. Funny how all these conspiracy theories continually turn out to be true isn't it?
Incredible but not surprising. Zelensky is from what Jesus called the "synagogue of satan" so there is the connection. Where there is not a connection, is in relation to nation. Abramovic has no relation to Ukraine, as she was born in Yugoslavia (Serbia today).

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004

Abramovic is a satanist and her connections to the immoral elitists is well documented and out in the open. I can only hope that things like this awaken more people to the truth. Funny how all these conspiracy theories continually turn out to be true isn't it?

The sooner humanity wakes up to the fact that the majority of the leaders, bankers, actors, musicians, etc etc. are all Luciferians the
better. This is Spiritual Warfare at the highest levels. This is their end game and it's gonna get alot worse. They want depopulation
through any type method necessary of the whole world starting with the WHITES FIRST!


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
The sooner humanity wakes up to the fact that the majority of the leaders, bankers, actors, musicians, etc etc. are all Luciferians the
better. This is Spiritual Warfare at the highest levels. This is their end game and it's gonna get alot worse. They want depopulation
through any type method necessary of the whole world starting with the WHITES FIRST!

I agree. All the stuff about pizza gate, spirit cooking - the Alex Jones level stuff is all true. It's well documented that highly connected individuals with government ties and celebrities have attended her bizarre "art" shows.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I agree. All the stuff about pizza gate, spirit cooking - the Alex Jones level stuff is all true. It's well documented that highly connected individuals with government ties and celebrities have attended her bizarre "art" shows.

It goes so much deeper. The United Nations works directly with the Lucis Trust which for many years was called the Lucifer Trust. The
UN, WEF, CDC, etc. etc. are all in lockstep to bring about this One World Govt, One World Fake Religion(No Jesus), & One World
Digital Currency. There will be no more cash anywhere in the world starting in 2025 to 2026. They will tell you when, where and how
to buy. There will be a worldwide Social Credit Score. Everything China has had for a decade is coming to us. Worldwide Communism. If you don't go along with their ways they will turn off your digital currency. Get your Faith right gentlemen.

Gator Dad

Feb 14, 2023
LucasBryant, I just saw your comments and have to address some issues - if you think I'm a blind cheerleader for Putin, you're mistaken. I've actually been criticized by others on the Dissident Right for not being pro-Putin enough. I just think he's a hell of a lot better than Biden, Trudeau, Macaroon, that racist hypocritical Indian colonizer calling himself PM of Britain, and most other Western "leaders." And he's definitely sane. No saint, but perfectly sane.

Socialist health care sucks wherever it exists. There's no such thing as free health care (Rand Paul, a medical doctor, epically owned some libtard douche who was whining for it), someone always has to pay for it, and that someone is usually the responsible middle class taxpayer paying for the health care of bums, drug addicts, illegal aliens, and other pantloads on society. In Russia, socialist health care is a relic of Soviet communism. Blame Lenin for that.

My Russian-born wife was in high school in the late 1990s. Back then Russian schools still did the mandatory civil defense thing, even after the end of the Soviet Union. All the boys and girls learned how to shoot a Kalashnikov (my wife was good at it and she liked it) and how to assemble and disassemble it. I'm not up to date on what school is like over there now so I'll concede your point that they haven't done that in the past 15 years (that would be 2008).

I have no illusions about Russia. I never called it a paradise. But it's in much better shape than the U.S. of Gay.
Jul 26, 2018
LucasBryant, I just saw your comments and have to address some issues - if you think I'm a blind cheerleader for Putin, you're mistaken. I've actually been criticized by others on the Dissident Right for not being pro-Putin enough. I just think he's a hell of a lot better than Biden, Trudeau, Macaroon, that racist hypocritical Indian colonizer calling himself PM of Britain, and most other Western "leaders." - We agree 100% here

And he's definitely sane. No saint, but perfectly sane.

Socialist health care sucks wherever it exists. We absolutely disagree on this. Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Japan, Singapore, Austria, Switzerland, France, Finland and a few more are exceptional healthcare systems according to any reputable healthcare rating list in the world. I’m no scientist in any way etc but facts are facts. Most likely even China has better healthcare than most countries too.

There's no such thing as free health care - True, of course not but there is a thing called absurdly overpriced and disgusting so and completely corrupt, which are absolutely accurate descriptions of the US healthcare system.

(Rand Paul, a medical doctor, epically owned some libtard douche who was whining for it), someone always has to pay for it, and that someone is usually the responsible middle class taxpayer paying for the health care of bums, drug addicts, illegal aliens, and other pantloads on society. In Russia, socialist health care is a relic of Soviet communism. Blame Lenin for that. There are many others to be blamed more so than Lenin but of course him too.

My Russian-born wife was in high school in the late 1990s. Back then Russian schools still did the mandatory civil defense thing, even after the end of the Soviet Union. All the boys and girls learned how to shoot a Kalashnikov This is just absolutely untrue, all boys and girls most definitely DID NOT learn to shoot mush less assemble disassemble. I’ve got far too many Russian friends from those same years. I know it’s just not factual. I’m not saying your wife didn’t though.

my wife was good at it and she liked it) and how to assemble and disassemble it. I'm not up to date on what school is like over there now so I'll concede your point that they haven't done that in the past 15 years (that would be 2008).

I have no illusions about Russia. I never called it a paradise. But it's in much better shape than the U.S. of Gay. - In some ways, absolutely yes but in some ways absolutely no ! I’ve been living here for 12 years and my wife is Russian. Our kids have all been born here, some raised and through university already. We can discuss the fine points another time. Do you speak any Russian ? Вы хоть немного говорите по-русски?

Gator Dad

Feb 14, 2023
I would not put Sweden or France in any list of socialist paradises. Both countries are being overrun by hordes of Muslim and African invaders, almost all of whom are young, violent, horny males, the worst kind of immigrant. Sweden has even earned the title "the rape capital of Europe." By consuming so much and contributing little or nothing, the sheer burden that Third World immigrants place on all social services, including health care, will cause the systems to collapse sooner rather than later. Even left-wing economist Paul Krugman has admitted that you can't have both generous social services AND unlimited immigration. He's the rare (remotely) honest liberal, most on the left will defend all their sacred cows to the death, even when they directly contradict one another.

Singapore and Japan are in much better shape because they're racially homogenous nations that do not allow Third World immigration (although Japan's rapidly aging population paired with youth that have largely checked out of society instead of having kids - the so-called "herbivores" - will put strain on their social services too). A small, racially homogenous city-state like Singapore is the easiest kind of country to govern. Large, multi-ethnic empires like the U.S. and Russia have many more issues to deal with. By the way, my wife grew up in Siberia. Perhaps they do things differently there than in Moscow. Russia is a big country.
Jul 26, 2018
I would not put Sweden or France in any list of socialist paradises. I’m fairly sure I spoke of only their healthcare and they do both have exceptional healthcare, call them socialist or not. As for all the social problems with muslims and African immigration, we agree completely.

Both countries are being overrun by hordes of Muslim and African invaders, almost all of whom are young, violent, horny males, the worst kind of immigrant. Sweden has even earned the title "the rape capital of Europe." By consuming so much and contributing little or nothing, the sheer burden that Third World immigrants place on all social services, including health care, will cause the systems to collapse sooner rather than later. Even left-wing economist Paul Krugman has admitted that you can't have both generous social services AND unlimited immigration. He's the rare (remotely) honest liberal, most on the left will defend all their sacred cows to the death, even when they directly contradict one another.

Singapore and Japan are in much better shape because they're racially homogenous nations - Again, we agree completely.

that do not allow Third World immigration (although Japan's rapidly aging population paired with youth that have largely checked out of society instead of having kids - the so-called "herbivores" - will put strain on their social services too). A small, racially homogenous city-state like Singapore is the easiest kind of country to govern. Large, multi-ethnic empires like the U.S. and Russia have many more issues to deal with. These days, I’d day they certainly have some similar issues but the immigrants that come to Russia bring a common language, shared history from the ussr days and are definitely not anti-Russian for the most part.

By the way, my wife grew up in Siberia. Siberia definitely does things a bit differently than Moscow but it’s a beautiful part of the world in its simplicity and unique charm. My guess is you have a wonderful wife.

Perhaps they do things differently there than in Moscow. Russia is a big country.

Gator Dad

Feb 14, 2023
Speaking of Lenin, most people don't realize how rabidly out there he was. One of the main reasons why the Soviet Union didn't collapse early on under the sheer weight of communist lunacy is that Stalin actually rolled back some of Lenin's more extreme policies. Lenin was a radical feminist who took to heart Karl Marx's vision of destroying the family and fatherhood/motherhood roles. When he took over, Stalin restored a soft patriarchy. Lenin wanted to completely annihilate the Russian Orthodox Church, Stalin at least recognized that the people would mutiny if it were destroyed. He did brutally repress the church but at least he acknowledged its right to exist.

Whatever temptations Putin may face to go along with part of the globalist agenda, he can at least be relied on to not go woke/go gay/go tranny because he knows that the average Russian people want to believe in their church, not gay woke tranny ideology. He's smart enough to know to give the people what they want most of the time, or at least give the appearance that he does. The same can't be said for Biden.
Jul 26, 2018
Speaking of Lenin, most people don't realize how rabidly out there he was. Lenin was indeed just a light step above satan, evil incarnate. His boundaries and borders on the ussr have had long lasting effects which are felt even today in Ukraine especially.

One of the main reasons why the Soviet Union didn't collapse early on under the sheer weight of communist lunacy is that Stalin actually rolled back some of Lenin's more extreme policies. True, Stalin did change the political views towards the church somewhat but he didn’t do it because of good mora or care for the church or the Russian people. He changed towards the church to improve his influence and power of the people because he needed bodies to die for mother Russia.Stalin was no less evil than Lenin…if not more so the be honest.

Lenin was a radical feminist who took to heart Karl Marx's vision of destroying the family and fatherhood/motherhood roles. When he took over, Stalin restored a soft patriarchy. Lenin wanted to completely annihilate the Russian Orthodox Church, Stalin at least recognized that the people would mutiny if it were destroyed. He did brutally repress the church but at least he acknowledged its right to exist. That is exactly how I understand Russian history on this issue as well. Btw I taught at Moscow State University for four years and had the privilege to sit in on a couple semesters of history between my classes. It was an amazing experience to say the least. What’s shocking is the number of people that still support Stalin and praise him. It’s a small number but nonetheless more than one would expect.

Whatever temptations Putin may face to go along with part of the globalist agenda, he can at least be relied on to not go woke/go gay/go tranny because he knows that the average Russian people want to believe in their church, not gay woke tranny ideology. He's smart enough to know to give the people what they want most of the time, or at least give the appearance that he does. The same can't be said for Biden. Again, I couldn’t agree more! Btw have you seen this ? Russian police raided the fees “gay” establishments etc just 48 hours after passing the wonderful new law banning the gay rainbow and the entire lbtblablabla movement as en extremist organisation equivalent to isis etc

Russia bans all LGBT demented symbols and labels the entire movement as extremism equivalent to ISIS etc.

I don’t agree with much with RT but on this issue and the western hegemonic problems, I do.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
US citizen Gonazalo Lira aka Coach Redpill, has died in a Ukrainian prison. His father was warning this would happen for some time now, as he was likely being tortured and kept in horrific condition by the authoritarian (((Zelensky))) regime. For anyone unfamiliar with this story, you can read the article below and watch the Tucker videos imbedded.

RIP to Lira, who was a Truthteller. His death is entirely on the hands of the evil Amerikan regime, as they could have easily protected him but they wanted him punished as badly as the Ukrainian criminals.


Jan 16, 2022
US citizen Gonazalo Lira aka Coach Redpill, has died in a Ukrainian prison. His father was warning this would happen for some time now, as he was likely being tortured and kept in horrific condition by the authoritarian (((Zelensky))) regime. For anyone unfamiliar with this story, you can read the article below and watch the Tucker videos imbedded.

RIP to Lira, who was a Truthteller. His death is entirely on the hands of the evil Amerikan regime, as they could have easily protected him but they wanted him punished as badly as the Ukrainian criminals.
What's the story of why Lira lived in Ukraine? Especially after he knew his life was in threat.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
What's the story of why Lira lived in Ukraine? Especially after he knew his life was in threat.
He was married to a Ukrainian woman. The article explains that he probably should have left but chose to stay until it was too late.

Either way, what should he have had to fear? I mean aren’t you allowed to speak freely in the World’s Purest Democracy (TM)?


Jan 16, 2022
He was married to a Ukrainian woman. The article explains that he probably should have left but chose to stay until it was too late.

Either way, what should he have had to fear? I mean aren’t you allowed to speak freely in the World’s Purest Democracy (TM)?
No. As you and I know, the Ukraine is not a democracy and Lira should've be in fear. And from I recently read he was in fear and fully expected to get gassed. Still perplexing that he didn't leave


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
No. As you and I know, the Ukraine is not a democracy and Lira should've be in fear. And from I recently read he was in fear and fully expected to get gassed. Still perplexing that he didn't leave
He tried to flee to Hungary but his urgency for leaving and method of trying to escape certainly leaves alot of room for critiques.

Either way, the US government should have protected him or brought him back but they viewed him as an enemy dissident too and wanted him dead. Let this be a lesson for all of us (American citizens at least), that I think most of us get but it bears repeating. This regime hates you and wants you dead.