Internet Censorship


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Edited for clarity
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Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Edited for precision.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Colonel Reb, that's me doing the censoring not the Internet. This board has a function that will allow me as administrator to put asterisks in place of whatever words I decide are forbidden, just as I canend the ability of people like the agitator"godking" to post at all. Guess I'm old school that way. We have a lot to say but I believe we can express ourselves without swearing or using derogatory terms toward blacksand other races. If someone would start using "cracker" as a slur against whites, I'd censor that word too. The guidelines for posting mention this also.

In my opinion, slinging around the n-word or engaging in lots of profanity is not the way to win most people over who want to be educated about the caste system. The facts about sports and race (and about crime and race and a lot of other things) speak for themselves without being embellished or demeaned by slurs. Also, we have to think ahead to the day when/if we start to have a lot of influence. I want this site to be for thinking people as well as regular sports fans, including sports fans that come here simply to learn about sports and individual athletes because we have so much good information available. I want us to be perceived as standing for positivebeliefs and goals thatwhite peoplewill want toemulate, rather than mainly being known for being against a certain group of people. Just because we can use certain words doesn't always mean it's the right thing to do. We can get where we want to go without using them.Edited by: Don Wassall

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I agree with you on this one Don Wassall.We don't want
to scare newbies away who are riding the fence.Let's
keep it descent guys so we can grow like crazy and get
the word out.We all know how we feel.


Oct 19, 2004
I agree too, and wholeheartedly. We need to look at it
strategically, and not make derogatory remarks against blacks
and others that would disgust the average conservative or
sports fan. We should want to reach out to them, and should
want to have "mainstream appeal" to a certain degree. Using
reason/ objectivity/ intellect to make our points is the way to go.


Oct 21, 2004

I want to also agree with your policy. Personally, I don't like any
racial epithets. Adults should be beyond name-calling and using words
like that is tantamount to calling someone "fatty" or "four eyes." It's
immature, doesn't help win any debates, and in Don King's America can
actually get you in trouble with the law. Of course, it's ridiculous to
criminalize the use of any word, but if we attach some kind of
significance to the word or words that are now considered worse than
the vilest profanity, we are not going to win any converts.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I agree with all of you on those points. Don, the point I was making is that the censors are there everywhere you go online. People put more effort into that than they do keeping trash off the net. I must admit that day I was on a little bit of a soapbox.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Col. Reb,From my perspectivestandards is a better word to use than censorship. No views are censored on this site, even ones explicitly hostile to Caste Football, if they are presented within certain standards or guidelines.

The names for blacks threads is about how what whites are supposed to callblacks seems to change periodically. At least that's the way I interpreted it.

Hope you don't feel you got piled on, to use a good football term. You're a valued member of the Caste Football community and I always look forward to reading what you have to say.Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
In retrospect, I'd refer to it as maintaining standards as well, Don.
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Feb 19, 2005
United States
I agree with all of you and with Colonel Reb. Don, you probably need to remove the thread about names for black people. We need to be beyond that and keep this site clean for the young and the sports fans.

I know I posted some stuff I shouldn't have probably there but the point of it was that all of the different races have people who are not responsible like we know a lot of blacks are. They somehow take a lot of flak. That is what I really wanted to say. Race issues exists everywhere. We need to talk about the subject here and stay on it. Please remove the thread since it is attacking the black race, although it is funny and really shows a lot of truth about life.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Okra63, I think there are some interesting views and information on that thread, in particular the link to the pizza parlor attack. That story generated a tremendous amount of interest and commentary on the Internet. Although it's been over two weeks since that clip hit the 'net, I can guarantee you there is still a lot of intense interest in it along with what lessons should be learned from it.

I think it's healthy to be allowed to discuss race in ways that are different than the corporate media's party line and I just looked at the thread again and see nothingin it that should offend any but the rigidly "politically correct." It starts off with different names that blacks are called and then is dominated by the assault in the restaurant. That was a horrific attack that is symptomatic of the real racial war going on -- black against white violence and hatred. The hatred and violence is fueled by the system itself, but we still need to be able to discuss how it affects our daily lives.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Okra,if you feel a thread devoted to descriptive names of the black race is offensive why not apply the same standard to whites. It is not acceptable to use terms such as ******, **** or spic, for some obviously would be offended. Yet in this society words such as, hillbilly, rednecks and crackers are routinely used. In fact you referred to Romanowski as WHITE TRASH on another threadis that okay?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I think what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If they call us something, we should be able to call them something. The problem is that there's a double standard in the media like you guys said. I think okra63 might be feeling a little caste system inspired guilt, and might be overdoing himself a little on this thread. Let me give you some advice okra. Don't worry so much about being pc and you'll be much happier, because being non-pc is being yourself and being honest with yourself and those around you. This will help make you a happier person!
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Feb 19, 2005
United States

I think you and Don misunderstood the whole point here. Whites nor blacks should call each other names. No doubt the column did have some good information on the black on white crime. My whole point is the thread started out as a bad thing. Blacks call whites names all the time, how do you like it? How do you know whether or not I am even white? My point is that if an innocent bystander reads the thread he might think of it differently than you or I might think of it as.

Bart, you are right, it is not okay to call Romo WHITE TRASH. I was eluding to the point I made in the names of black people column that their are low class whites and blacks. LOW CLASS BLACKS= the n-word and LOW CLASS WHITES = WHITE TRASH. You have to admit spitting in the face of a man, no matter what color he is, is a pretty LOW CLASS way to conduct yourself professionally, whether you are black, white, purple, green, or yellow.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This is how Ice Speed introduced the thread about names for blacks:

"I am starting this post because I foolishley used the term African American, which is an improper name for blacks. The term black refers more to skin color than race/ethnicity so I dont really like that term. Personally, I like the term Negro, but it is considered a derogatory term nowdays. It is the proper scientific term and nothing negative is meant by it, so why can't it be used."

Earlier on in this thread, in reply to Col. Reb, I wrote: "The names for blacks threads is about how what whites are supposed to callblacks seems to change periodically. At least that's the way I interpreted it."

That's still the way I see it. That thread wasn't about listing the many slurs for blacks that everyone knows, it was about the proper term to refer to them that isn't derogatory.

We could easily have a thread about names for the white race that would be in a similar vein, and maybe we will one of these days. For example, I don't like the word "Caucasian" used as a name for whites. To me it's an unattractive word, yet many people use it for whites and not in a negative way or as a slur. In fact, I know racially conscious whites who use it as their preferred term. Other people call whites European Americans or Euro Americansor Euros. "Anglos," which Ithink is silly,is popular among hispanics. Then you have other names like Nordic, Aryan, Alpine, Mediterranean, Indo-European, and many others.

The wordNegro isequivalent tothe word Caucasian. It is, as Ice Speed states,the name for a specific race of people and is what blacks were called traditionally, along with colored, and still are to some degree, just as whites are sometimes called Caucasians. You seem to think it is a slur or name calling, but I don't and I don't believe that is the general perception of it.It may not be politically incorrectbut itis the "n-word" derivative of Negro that is the infamous slur. And while the name of the thread may lead some to think that it is about name calling, all they have to do is read the actual posts to see that it isn't. And if they read the material on the site and on the board to any degree they'll realize that we argue our positions without using racial slurs.Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I don't like Caucasian either. I don't think we should get all wrapped up in the names. Blacks are black, whites are whites, etc. But like I said, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, although I guess some newbies or fence straddlers would disagree.


Feb 19, 2005
United States

Your a cool person. I don't like the word Caucasian either. The n-word is the infamous slur. I am glad you were willing to discuss this


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
This is an interersting thread. If blacks are so offended at the n-word why do they use it all the time? Hip-Hop culture is notorious for using the n-word and being less than politically correct regarding whites, to put it mildly. It's all a game and racial epithets are used as trumpcards. Whites in a very real sense are not permitted to be offended, they can only be offenders.

Recently in my city a white talk show host used the term-wet back- describing illegal aliens. All hell broke loose. The media condemned him for using the word. Minority groups threatened him and picketed his place of employment. Sponsors were pulled feeling the heat. He was suspended and required to make a long heartfelt apology on the air. He has been neutered.

The media focused on him and not the other stories going on at the same time. A black teen shot and killed a 50 year old cab driver for chump change. A black robbed a fast food joint, forced a young whitegirl at gunpoint into the freezer and blew her brains out! A Black robbed a gas station killing a volunteer white fireman in the process. A black being angry at his girl friend began shooting in a motel killing her and a poor guy down the hall who opened his door to see what was going on. The man was in town on business he leaves behind a wife and two daughters in Germany.

Every year in this city 100- 125 people are killed , nearly all the killers are latin or black, yet there are never any marches or protests. So what, who cares, happens all the time everyday in every city, we're used to it. But we better not say wetback or n*****r or there will be hell to pay!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Yep, just look at what happened in Atlanta. A black mass-murderer. That doesn't fit the stereotype either. Blacks aren't supposed to get mad and go shooting everyone that moves, that's only for us white guys. It's sad, cause I bet no one will mention the fact that he blows that stereotype away.
At least we can vent somewhere and get the truth out, even if we can't spell the words.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I definitely agree that there is no way to end all inequality. All we can do is hope that people don't try to take a notion equality, distort it, and turn it into priviledge. That's what the Caste System does, as well as other parts of our society.


Feb 19, 2005
United States
Equality would be great if we could get it though. If money didn't matter it sure would be nice. I don't think I would be doing graduate school if it weren't the money. Oh, yea, I forgot you can't beat the college women.