Inglorious Jew Basterds

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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Since Hollywierd has no respect for actual history the psychopathic director Quentin Trantino rewards his jewish masters
with a fantasy piece about jews killing nazi's. It's all complete BS but the self-hating germans looove it!

I saw trailers, and Brad Pitt, a fairly crappy actor tries out a southern accent and comes off as ridiculous, as is the plot for this modern jew fantasy.

German critics lap up Tarantino's Jewish revenge fantasy

Quentin Tarantino's blood-drenched fantasy of Jewish GIs who slaughter the top Nazis, "Inglourious Basterds," dazzled German critics who said Thursday it ripped up the rulebook for World War II films.
Ahead of the film's international release this week, German reviewers were rapturous over the fictitious squad of Nazi killers who stop the Holocaust and take brutal revenge, with some calling the picture "historic" and "important."

Only a handful expressed qualms over Tarantino's trademark gore-splattering, most relishing the cinematic massacre of the Nazi brass including Adolf Hitler by a band of Jewish-American soldiers, led by Brad Pitt, as deeply satisfying.

"'Inglourious Basterds' is brazen, a declaration of war, a pleasure," the normally staid Frankfurter Allgemeine daily said.

"Tarantino shows the Nazis as they really were: a pack of pompous trash -- thoroughly trivial bad guys."

However the paper had a word of warning about Tarantino's larger-than-life Nazis, led by this year's best-actor laureate in Cannes, Austrian Christoph Waltz as a "Jew-hunting" SS psychopath.

"When evil is presented as well and as elegantly as he does, we can easily be seduced by it," it wrote.

Filmed in part in Germany, the picture is according to Tarantino a "spaghetti western but with World War II iconography" that was also influenced by the French New Wave.

"This ain't your daddy's World War II movie," Tarantino has said.

The title of the film was inspired by Italian director Enzo Castellari's 1978 movie "The Inglorious Bastards".

In the genre-blurring tale -- with David Bowie on the soundtrack -- Pitt plays Lieutenant Aldo Raine who heads the squad of Jewish-American soldiers behind enemy lines in German-occupied wartime France.

Aldo tells his men to bring him the scalps of 100 Nazis each, and vows to terrorise the German army with the "disembowelled, dismembered and disfigured bodies we leave behind us."

A parallel storyline involves a Jewish woman bent on revenge after seeing her entire family being wiped out by the Nazis.

Hitler, Goebbels and top Nazi henchmen appear in the movie which culminates in an outlandish plot to take out the German leadership at the Paris premiere of a Nazi propaganda film.

"Tarantino manages to create great cinema with his cheeky historical concoction -- despite using actual historical figures from Hitler to De Gaulle, he made nearly everything up," the Financial Times Deutschland wrote.

"Because, unlike 'Pulp Fiction' or 'Kill Bill', only the evil are massacred, the audience cheers the violent scenes with gusto," it said in a review headlined "Kill Hitler".

"This isn't camp, it isn't pulp -- you miss the point using such categories with Tarantino -- but rather a vision never before seen in the nearly exhausted world of cinematic images," the Berlin daily Tagesspiegel wrote.

"It took 65 years for a film-maker, instead of bringing Germany's evil 20th century history to life once more to have people shudder and bow before it, to simply dream around it. And to mow all the pigs down. Catharsis! Oxygen! Wonderful retro-futuristic insanity of the imagination!"

Munich daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung said its readers "must" see the picture, and offered favourable comparisons with this year's "Valkyrie" a Tom Cruise vehicle about a failed 1944 plot against Hitler.

"Regardless of whether you then love or hate the film, your reaction will not be lukewarm. There is so much in it to discover," it wrote.

"More than horror, Tarantino fears the conventions that have long surrounded the Nazis and the Holocaust -- these leaden, sepia-toned suggestions of authenticity that a film can never really live up to.

"Tarantino throws gasoline on the fire of the Nazi film to create the big bang to clear the way. A crazy idea. So crazy that it might just work."

German critics lap up Tarantino's Jewish revenge fantasy


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
Simply transpose mainstream white Americans in the role of the Nazis and you will have the blue print for whats to come once the brainwashing/conditioning is complete.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Here's a better comment on the movie:

Tarantino's 'Inglourious Basterds' is slow, dumb and dreadful

Hollywood's two most indulged enfant terrible filmmakers have now made the worst two World War II movies of this millennium. With "Inglourious Basterds," Quentin Tarantino has topped Spike Lee ("Miracle at St. Anna") in awfulness.

Tarantino has remade a really bad Italian-made World War II thriller into an intentionally dumb and violent shoot-'em-up with barely a hint of the original film. And he remade it at quarter-speed. "Inglourious" is slow, dumb and, in a first for QT in his cinema savant career, incompetent.

From the first image in it -- a French farmer chopping wood, with no wood to chop (he just whacks a chopping block) -- Tarantino acts as if he's determined to match the 1978 "Inglorious Bastards" in ineptitude.

The Nazis wear leather, love their strudel and have impeccable manners as they carry out the Final Solution. The Americans are Jewish GIs recruited by Aldo (the Apache) Raine (Brad Pitt), a drawling commando who gives a mean pep talk.

"We will be cruel to the Germans," he tells his team. "And they will know us through our cruelty."

He orders his men to scalp the enemy. He tortures any German he can get his hands on. He even recruits a German who killed a bunch of Gestapo agents to his corps.

Meanwhile, the urbane and cunning Col. Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) is hunting French Jews and tracking the "Inglourious Basterds" who have been wreaking havoc in 1944 Occupied France.

In Paris, a Jew in hiding (Melanie Laurent) runs a local cinema where she resists the charms of the German war hero (Daniel Bruhl), whose exploits have been made into a new Nazi propaganda film.

Diane Kruger shows up as a famous German actress, the ancient Rod Taylor cameos as Winston Churchill, and Mike Myers isn't remotely convincing as a British officer ordering a British film critic (Michael Fassbender) into a mission involving a movie premiere and a lot of high-ranking Nazis.

For 2 1/2 hours Tarantino hurls this hooey against a wall and tries to make it stick. Long, supposedly tense scenes play like student-filmmaker Nazi interrogations, and even scenes that work drag on in German and French as if Tarantino doesn't know the German or French words for "faster."

Here's another German word he failed to learn: schadenfreude. Quentin haters will be overdosing on that for the next few days. At least Spike will be grateful.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Another piece of garbage propaganda piece from "Hollyweird". Tarantino is overrated hack of a writer/director these days. This film is pure fantasy of the 1st order.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
While I can certainly understand why Jews would be bitter towards Germany and have fantasies like this of getting even with the Nazi's, this also sounds like a seriously crappy, campy, not well funded and downright stupid movie. I was thinking of seeing it this weekend before I saw this thread, I won't now. I don't think I have ever really liked any of Tarantino's movies, the guy is just plain weird and gives a creepy interview.
Oct 24, 2005
Just what I suspected, it isn't half as good as "Springtime for Hitler!"
I haved walked out of two Tarentino movies. They are just so bad. The critics love this guy! I think it is some sort of joke they are playing on the general public.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
how many countless American fools will go watch thisjew-centric propaganda pieceand come away thinking it's actual history?

i suspect the number will be too high for me to stomach.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
This movie is too campy for anybody to realistically think it's actual history. Come on, scalping murderous Nazi's! Isn't scalping a Apache thing! It's just a terrible movie that nobody should see. Even someone of partial jewish ancestry like me will not see this movie. Before reading all this stuff today, I thought it was just a balls to the wall World War II movie. Didn't know that fool Tarantino made this movie.Edited by: guest301

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
When I heard Brad Pitt and his fake Southern accent, I knew I'd never watch it, long before I knew it was revisionist history. He can't even pull off what is apparently one of the main speeches in the movie; no way I'm going to sit through two and a half of hours of that obnoxious fake accent.

Not to mention that I'm tired of WW II movies, like this and Miracle at St. Anna or whatever the hell it was, that other propaganda film. John Wayne is rolling over in his grave.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
you say that, Aragorn ... but!

i am never surprised by the willfulignorance and gullibility of the Drunken White Fan base.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
What's next? Tarintino revisions John Brown's raid where hell bent slaves kill hundreds of white southern racists?

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
Yeah White Shogun, I herd his stupid voice in the trailers, and I knew I would never watch that piece of sh*t. Brad Pitt is an arrogant piece of crap in the movie, from what I've seen in the trailers. From what I saw, they make Hitler retarded, and running around with a cape with the swastika on it. Scalping Nazis? Or as Brad Pitt said in the trailer. "We gonna be scapin' some Nazi's. Is this guy retarded or something? Apparantly he never payed attention in history class, and he hates his own race.

Once again, another boring movie about super evil, non human, Nazis. If they want to find a real WW2 movie, try older ones like: The Battle of the Bulge, A Bridge Too Far, The Bridge at Remegan, The Battle of Midway, etc.

That piece of crap Miracle at St. Anna is the most disgusting movie out there. Every white person in the movie is made out to be a KKK member or something like that. Hell-bent on killing and exterminating blacks. Even the U.S. officer is horrible. He yells at blacks every chance he got. Never being happy, always wanting to yell and scream at them. The way the portayed the seething white sargeant, you'd of thought he was a Nazi too.

What's next? Tarintino revisions John Brown's raid where hell bent slaves kill hundreds of white southern racists?

It wouldn't surprise me. To top it off they'd have some black rapper for the lead actor role next to John Brown. Unless they change history and make John Brown black too. That wouldn't surprise me either.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
What, no Tom Cruise wearing an eye patch?

As a Deutsch mann, even the use of the word "Nazi" makes my blood boil. It seems as though that convenient little buzz word is an absolute requirement whenever describing a less than desirable person of any kind.

Even Glenn Beck (Beck is German for "Brook"), a "conservative" political commentator, uses the word "Nazi" or "Hitler" or "National Socialist" whenever describing present day american government officials in nearly every single one of his shows. I feel that Beck is the least-moronic "conservative" analyst permitted by corperate-sponsored TV, radio, or otherwise. If even Beck is brainwashed...why should we expect any amount of soul-searching from the DWFs?

It's so ironic how american clowns have been trained like animals to instantly mock, insult and sneer at all things involving 3rd Reich culture. The German men and women of the WW2 era had more civil rights than any white male will ever have again (pending a revolution).

Perhaps that "Nazi-fascist" freedom is what scares wimpy white males the their entire lives have been carefully scripted, edited, and molded for them. What do you expect from adult "males" whose top priority is grovelling at the feet of black-dominated, corperated-sponsored sports teams whilst swilling beer?

As for the jewish "revenge" on the whtie race....well, the holocaust they've inflicted is psychological, physical, and spiritual. They might as well have murdered 99% of white males....because the vast majority are already dead inside.Edited by: Thrashen

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
Thrashen, I won't use the word anymore. My great grandparents came from Germany, so I don't really like it, either. I just hate the way the media makes the German Army out to be Nazis, when in fact, a lot of them didn't care for Hitler. They were following orders from higher up. I know a few people who use the word Nazi to describe people they don't agree with.


Mar 25, 2008
Jack Lambert said:
I just hate the way the media makes the German Army out to be Nazis, when in fact, a lot of them didn't care for Hitler. They were following orders from higher up.

Dammit, exactly. Another convenient fact too often missing from World War II-themed movies. Every single German soldier is a seething, hate-filled monster bent on destruction. Most soldiers were probably just ordinary people like me and you.

Terrific point, Jack.


Aug 27, 2008
I loved "True Romance", but I guess I can't even watch this movie. Hopefully it's so over the top that a few intelligent whites wake up about the tribe.


Nov 26, 2004
Approximately 500,000 Jews served in the U.S. military during WW2. At that time the Jewish population of the U.S. was 5 million. The Jewish-American military service ratio was 10%.

When Hitler came to power the Jewish population of Germany was 500,000. According to 'Hitler's Jewish Soldiers' by Bryan Mark Rigg as many as 150,000 Jews and part-Jews served in the German military during WW2. Based on this the Jewish-German military service ratio was 30%. These were not concentration camp guards or capos. Rather they were full members of the Wehrmacht including the Waffen SS.

Three of the four brigade commanders of the first German division to invade Poland had Jewish ancestry. While their family histories and degree of Jewishness varied, all were supposedly prevented by the Nuremberg Laws from being military officers. Yet there they were.

Many Jews left Germany when Hitler came to power. Ultimately 350,000 did so. So the effective Jewish-German military service ratio was higher than 30%.

While it may seem the height of irony German Jews were fighting for Nazism it may be useful to consider what Nazism was fighting against. Bolshevism. The Soviets confiscated all property and murdered millions. By 1932 the NKVD had murdered 7 million Ukrainians. This was documented in the German language press but ignored by the English language press, most notoriously by the New York Times and its star reporter Walter Duranty (who actually won a Pulitzer for his 'reporting' on the Soviet Union).

'Who Financed Hitler' by Pool and Pool established German Jewish businessmen gave significant amounts of money to the Nazi party. They viewed nationalism as an effective counter to communism. It made little sense for prosperous German Jews to support a revolutionary theology which promised poverty for all.

Since 1838 when Germany had 'emancipated' its Jews, the first European country in the modern era to do so, permitting them any occupation or business, Jews had great affection for Germany. The Dreyfus Affair occurred largely because the French believed a Jew, even a French military officer, would favor Germany over France.

There's an unmade movie in all of this. Quentin Tarantino isn't going to make it. There's something cheap and dirty about him and his 'work'. Use the F-word and the N-word enough and they'll call you an auteur of genius. But make movies that are clean and entertaining and both highly endearing and successful, as did the recently departed John Hughes, and you're merely a hack quickly forgotten.

Peckinpah covered the same ground as Tarantino yet far surpassed him. It's one thing to make a movie about killing the naughty Nazis and another to make a movie from the German soldier's point of view as Peckinpah did in 'The Iron Cross'. It's one thing to glory in the bloodshed of a safe target and another to condemn war as absolute sh*t.


Mar 23, 2009
Kindof reminds me of in 1984 when they showed that movie about the fat guy getting shot, and the audience laughed, and only a prole screamed. God that book had a depressing ending.


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
"1984" used to be perfunctory reading in schools, now it is rarely mentioned, save for the arcane reference and discussion forums such as this one.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
PhillyBirds said:
Jack Lambert said:
I just hate the way the media makes the German Army out to be Nazis, when in fact, a lot of them didn't care for Hitler. They were following orders from higher up.

Dammit, exactly. Another convenient fact too often missing from World War II-themed movies. Every single German soldier is a seething, hate-filled monster bent on destruction. Most soldiers were probably just ordinary people like me and you.

Terrific point, Jack.

You guys are both correct.

My grandmother was born in Germany. She was 1 of 14 children growing up on a farm. She came to America in her early 20's as did many of her brothers and sisters. Of course, many of her brothers and sisters stayed in Germany as well. When WWII broke out my grandmother had brothers fighting for the US and Germany. They all fought for the same reason, loyalty for their country. I would not condemn a German soldier for his actions no more than I would condemn an American soldier bombing villages in Iraq.

I also have spoke to many family members and family friends who lived in Germany during the time and none of them liked Hitler. It was hard times and German people were just trying to make due.

WWII movies and revisionist history of Nazi Germany like this, offend me because German people are always made to be the "evil bad guys" and this is simply not true.


Nov 25, 2004
Nazis were just German White Nationalists. Germany for Germans - what a horrible idea!LOL. The Germans did love the Nazis and for good reason. How was Germany doing while the rest of the world was in Depression? They shed that yoke and got German pride and it paid off. Germany was an absolute paradise before WWII. Even in final days of WWII when Germany was getting bludgened Germans did not turn on each other and string Nazi leadership up like the Italians strung-up Mussolini and nearly every thoroughly defeated nation turned on themselves. Germans did not - what does that tell you?

I think most people posting on this site would want white nationalism in some form in America. So I am suprised to see some Nazi-bashing on this site. Don't tell me you believe that Evil-German holocaust BS. Everybody on this site should be able to see though that rather obvious Jewish-victim Evil white German propaganda.

Did Germany want to take over the world or just ethnic German land? Look at a map and decide for yourself. Southern Poland, Austria, Romania, Checkoslovakia - where are they located? Even if Germans wanted to take over the world - so what? Americas would be speaking German to fellow white nationalists instead of Spanish and ebonics. I'll take German anyday.

Back to this movie. Like we need yet another Jewish version of WWII. If aliens watched our movies they would think that WWII was strictly about Jewish suffering combined with remarkable Jewish heroism. The propaganda never ends. How many movies are made with Germans in a sympathic light? How many Jewish villians have ever been in modern movies? None, of course. How many movies are there about Stalin's genocide? How bout the millions of Germans sent to gulags AFTER the war? For crimany sake we have movies about every littl nanny pansy thing under the sun except nothing absolutely nothing about German suffering or for that matter Jewish villianism in any form including the scorge of Bolshevikism. Germans are never ever given a sympathic light in any way unless they are helping Jews. Pure and complete total mind control propaganda coming out of hollywierd and the world media.

PS: Brad Pitt, you little actor pussy, you suck. One of the worst actors in history.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Kaptain Poop said:
Nazis were just German White Nationalists. Germany for Germans - what a horrible idea!LOL. The Germans did love the Nazis and for good reason. How was Germany doing while the rest of the world was in Depression? They shed that yoke and got German pride and it paid off. Germany was an absolute paradise before WWII. Even in final days of WWII when Germany was getting bludgened Germans did not turn on each other and string Nazi leadership up like the Italians strung-up Mussolini and nearly every thoroughly defeated nation turned on themselves. Germans did not - what does that tell you?

I think most people posting on this site would want white nationalism in some form in America. So I am suprised to see some Nazi-bashing on this site. Don't tell me you believe that Evil-German holocaust BS. Everybody on this site should be able to see though that rather obvious Jewish-victim Evil white German propaganda.

Did Germany want to take over the world or just ethnic German land? Look at a map and decide for yourself. Southern Poland, Austria, Romania, Checkoslovakia - where are they located? Even if Germans wanted to take over the world - so what? Americas would be speaking German to fellow white nationalists instead of Spanish and ebonics. I'll take German anyday.

Back to this movie. Like we need yet another Jewish version of WWII. If aliens watched our movies they would think that WWII was strictly about Jewish suffering combined with remarkable Jewish heroism. The propaganda never ends. How many movies are made with Germans in a sympathic light? How many Jewish villians have ever been in modern movies? None, of course. How many movies are there about Stalin's genocide? How bout the millions of Germans sent to gulags AFTER the war? For crimany sake we have movies about every littl nanny pansy thing under the sun except nothing absolutely nothing about German suffering or for that matter Jewish villianism in any form including the scorge of Bolshevikism. Germans are never ever given a sympathic light in any way unless they are helping Jews. Pure and complete total mind control propaganda coming out of hollywierd and the world media.

PS: Brad Pitt, you little actor pussy, you suck. One of the worst actors in history.

Good rant for the most part. My problem with Hitler and National Socialism (including the death camps) is that they attacked other white people. They considered French, Italians, Slav's etc, inferior and waged a huge white genocidal war. Sure annexing German area's like Checkoslavakia, Austria, the Sudetenland was understandable but a huge land invasion of France? No. An atrocious air war against the citizery of Britian? No. Russia? No, and dumb. Hitler was an idiot. The German people should have returned the Kaiser to the throne. It would have turned out much better for them. And us too in the long run.

The germanic people are probably the cream of the crop of the white (or any other race), great intelligence, good physical skill, good social habits. And I say this not being germanic myself. So that makes them the main target for the people trying to destroy the white race. They have to try and take out the best, that's why anti-German propaganda is so strong IMHO.
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