How to tell the good guys from the bad guys


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I can determine who the good guys are and who the bad guys are by looking at their racial type, regardless of what they say their politics are. For instance, compare the clean cut Viet Kong with the USSA's slime balls from Saigon. You can see the relatively excellent racial type of the Syrian army and President Assad. Compare that with the slimy Zogistan supported terrorists, or the mass murdering Kenyan homosexual that currently goes under the name "President Barak Hussein Obama" (t/n Barry Soetoro) and her husband, Michael ("Michelle"), and then President Putin on the other side. Here is Zogistan's latest slime ball puppet in the Ukraine


Leave us not even broach the subject of the hideous physiognomy of the AshcanNazi lords of IsraHell (tho I take note that there are good racial types in the Talmud cult too. The late General Moshe Dayan, for instance. Racially he might have been a general in the army of the Reich).

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