How liberals injure blacks


May 20, 2005
Screw this article. I'm tired of blacks, blacks, blacks, the concern with them, even if it's from a Conservative arguing that the socialist liberal crap is what "victimizes" them for a change.

The fact is, they are stupid but not so stupid that they could be taken in by some sort of "Plantation Mentality" scam that Thomas Sowell, El Rushbo and other Dittoheads talk about. They LIKE wallowing in their station, they REFUSE to improve themselves, which they could do greatly even with their relatively lesser mental skills, and 95% of them vote Left and always will because they eat up the anti-White blame-it-on-the-honkeys rhetoric of the left and they like the large-scale transfer of stolen money from White America to them even more.


Nov 26, 2004
Well, let's at least be grateful for what blacks have given us. No, not jazz or nonsense like that. But rather the lack of a European-style social welfare system in the U.S. and the high tax rates that would be necessary to support it.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Charlie said:
Well, let's at least be grateful for what blacks have given us. No, not jazz or nonsense like that. But rather the lack of a European-style social welfare system in the U.S. and the high tax rates that would be necessary to support it.

Think how much lower your tax rates would be if we didn't have to support them in the first place.


May 20, 2005
Here is a letter I sent out to the "usual suspects" upon reading the above article. It explains why the article is b.s in more detail

The latest NeoCon annoyance: They kiss black assess too.

Okay, I'll skip writing about the creeping totalitarianism from the Right, since none of my Conservative friends seem to care as long as the addle-brained Furer apparent is a "Good Conservative Christian". Sure, a good Conservative Christian who favored Clinton's gun ban, wants to keep the Mexican invasion going if he possibly can without a popular rebellion, and who had no Crucifixes but who lite one rather large Menorrah in the White House this Christmas....wait, I said I wasn't writing about that...

No, I'm going to write about a theme I've run into several times in the Dittohead Conservative media-they have started throwing the Left's own javelins back at them by shedding crocodile tears over how the Left "victimizes" Blacks. The latest example I've come across this article ( ) by Dennis Prager entitled "How Liberals Injure Blacks." Putting aside the fact that we need another argument bewailing the "poor Black man" like we need a hole in the head, the really ironic part is that Prager's argument is based on the observation that Whites are simply afraid to disagree strongly or at all with Blacks in public discourse, for fear of being labled "racist". Yet somehow Mr. Prager concludes that Blacks are the victims in this situation.

And you know, those who argue that 90% of Blacks vote Democratic because they are somehow duped and don't know better need to realize how ridiculous they sound. The average Black I.Q. is lower than that of Whites, but Neocons making this argument must think Black mental abilities are abyssmal if they actually believe their own theory. Newsflash Dittoheads: Could be that Blacks actually like LEFTIST policies, (which are, after all, nothing other than a form of warfare against Whites) and are actually capable of comprehending what they are voting for.

Let me see...on the Left we have rhetoric that blames every single Black shortcoming on pernicious but invisible discrimination by Whites, while simultaneosly promoting legal policies of actual discrimination against Whites that put Blacks in many more positions than they could achieve legitamately. We have promotion of policies to make any interracial violence by Whites much more severly punished, even though 90% of interracial violence is committed AGAINST Whites. We have continue to have various socialist programs on a vast scale, which for all practical purposes are little more transfers of extorted money from the White productive class to Blacks and Hispanics. Our media demeans Whites, especially the straight White male, so constantly and thoroughly in every major news and entertainment outlet that it's commonplace, so ubiquitous that most people don't even notice. Meanwhile, all other grousp are strictly protected and criticized at one's peril-for to be branded a "racist" is no less than the modern of equivalent of a witchcraft or heresy accusation.

Yet writers, even pseudo-Conservatives like Mr. Prager, react to these facts by continuing to moan about the victimization of BLACKS. Truly the silly-penny has been dropped in the stupid machine. Maybe one day Joe Six-Pack and talking heads like Mr. Prager will look in the mirror, ascertain their skin-tone, and realize whose victimization they shoudl really be concerned with...though at this point, I wouldn't bet any large sums on it.

"Over all stands the Aryan barbarian, white-skinned, cold-eyed, dominant, the
supreme fighting man of earth." - Robert E. Howard

Beat the plowshares back into swords. The other was a maiden aunt's dream-Robert Heinlein

Princes and Lords should learn to survive with this art,
in earnest and in play. But if you are fearful, you should
not learn to fence. Because a despondent heart will always
be defeated, regardless of all skill.
--Sigmund Ringeck, Fechtmeister to Albrecht, Duke of Rhine, circa 1420-1440

With the Sword I will wash my shame away/God's Doom bring what it may.--Arab saying

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Jul 27, 2005
United States
Injure them?Injure blacks?Spare me.It hasn't injured anywhere near enough to help in the long run.What I would give for that liberal evil to destroy them,instead of whom it has truly hurt - US.


Apr 30, 2006
White_Savage said:
Screw this article. I'm tired of blacks, blacks, blacks, the concern with them, even if it's from a Conservative arguing that the socialist liberal crap is what "victimizes" them for a change.

The fact is, they are stupid but not so stupid that they could be taken in by some sort of "Plantation Mentality" scam that Thomas Sowell, El Rushbo and other Dittoheads talk about. They LIKE wallowing in their station, they REFUSE to improve themselves, which they could do greatly even with their relatively lesser mental skills, and 95% of them vote Left and always will because they eat up the anti-White blame-it-on-the-honkeys rhetoric of the left and they like the large-scale transfer of stolen money from White America to them even more.

I totally agree!! New immigrants to the US like hispanics and Asians are a serious threat to blacks in many areas, not just jobs. In due time it will be evident whitey is no longer too blame for the black peoples leeching and underachievement in society.


Sep 9, 2005
I could not imagine anything more detrimental toward abolishing racism and to enhancing black progress in America than such an attitude
Well, that's an oxymoron.

Yeah, I hate racism but let's focus all our energy on promoting black people. Yeah, that'll work.


Sep 9, 2005
Every time liberals force universities to lower standards for black applicants, and every time liberal activists force civil-service exams to be rewritten so that more blacks can pass those exams, another person learns not to treat blacks and their ideas as he would anyone else's.
Well, he is right about that. "You got here because you're black, didn't you boy?"