Hi. Just wanted to


Jul 26, 2005
United States
quickly introduce myself to Caste Football Forum.

My name is Kevin and I live in South Florida, not far from Miami. I
went to Florida State University and have a few FSU football stories I
can share....obviously I am a Dolphin fan and yes, they suck and have
the strange Ricky Williams back.

My basic story is this: I like football but prefer to see fellow White
people play the game...call it 'liking those like you' or being able to
relate to them, whatever...I even started rooting for Nebraska
Cornhuskers a few years back due to their propensity for fielding a
good deal of White players.

Anyway, I remember from my youth that the Dolphins used to be one of
the 'whitest' NFL teams back in the early-mid 80s'...we had a plethora
or decent to good white Dolphins back then - AJ Duhe, Bokamper,
Blackwood brothers, Brudzinski, Baumhower, Cefalo, Jensen, Johnson,
Strock, Marino (of course), and Shula the Coach....that was back then.
The team became blacker and blacker as time went on, as I'm sure most
NFL teams did as well.

Now, there is just a few White Dolphins....times have changed I suppose.

I like to see fellow white players do well as I am tired of the black
worshipping everyone does to any and all black athletes. And sure,
there are many who ARE talented.

But, call me old fashioned or a little bigoted. I don't care.

I just like to see football, a game I enjoy not so dominated by the black athlete.

Anyway, I look forward to this football season and reading thoughts and putting a few of my own here on Caste Football.


white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
We are all here for the same reason.We are tired of the
white football,basketball,baseball players get screwed not
to mention in other sports too.They deseve a fair chance
to compete and be stars.These guys are just as good but
because of the stereotypes get cut and screwed all the
time.You will like it here as many here have experienced
the same thing either watching or playing sports.At least
Miami was smart enough to get Wes Welker.He is fun to
watch.Enjoy the site.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Welcome to the board, Trainer. For his first 20 years as a head coach at Baltimore and Miami, Don Shula always found plenty of qualified whites to play on his teams. The proof was in how successful his teams were. Which is why it was so disappointing to see him do such an about-face with the rest of the league starting in the mid-80s when virtually overnight white RBs, WRs and most defensive players were purgedfrom the NFL.

By the 1990s, a very talented white WR like Scott Miller, who had a great college career at USC, was used almost exclusively as a punt returner, and the Dolphins defense was all black. Makes me glad that Shula never made it back to the Super Bowl with his Caste System version of the Dolphins.
Dec 18, 2004
Don's comment about Shula is right on the money. During Don Shula's seven years- 1963-69, as coach at Baltimore, five of those years, his leading rusher was white. His Super Bowl teams at Miami in the Seventies, had a white fullback (Larry Csonka) as his main runner. Shula even started a white corner, Tim Foley. His 1972 unbeaten team had 17 of 22 white starters, one on defense, until Foley was injured late in the season.

Even in the early 80's, he played the Blackwood brothers at the safety positions. Glen Blackwood was considered a reject, until Shula signed and played him. My own view is that Shula liked to play men who reminded him of himself. Don Shula was a running back in college, and a corner as a pro in the Fifties. It never was mentioned in the media to my knowledge, but it was obvious that Shula's teams were "whiter" than most any other during the Sixties and Seventies.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
What I have seen of that 72 team, they were considerably whiter than most teams they played against. I used to halfway like the Dolphins back in the 80's, but like most other pro teams, they began to leave a sour taste in my mouth as they got blacker.