He’s an idiot (Frank Thomas)


Mar 8, 2005
United States
He's an idiot
By Mark Gonzales
Tribune staff reporter
Published February 26, 2006, 8:49 PM CST

White Sox general manager Ken Williams finally broke his silence Sunday morning and fired back after the latest shot from departed slugger Frank Thomas.

"He's an idiot," Williams said in a 6½-minute, profanity-laced interview. "He's selfish. That's why we don't miss him. And we've held it in for far too long. And if you go out there and look long and hard enough, you'll find particulars. But I've got something to say directly to him. And I'm holding back as much as I can because, unlike him, I'll say it man-to-man, face-to-face."

Williams was angered by a recent story in the Daily Southtown in which Thomas reiterated his disappointment withthe Sox for the way his departure this off-season was handled, suggested he should have been traded after the 2000 season and questioned long-term deals given this off-season to Paul Konerko and Jon Garland because they didn't have the longevity of other Sox stars who were later dealt.

"More upsetting to me than his comments directed at me are the comments at the organization and at [Chairman] Jerry Reinsdorf," Williams said.

"Jerry doesn't deserve that, especially in regards to Frank. Jerry has done everything over the course of 16 years to protect that man, to make accommodations for him, concessions for him, loaned him money at times when he needed money. And for him to forget that, for him to turn his back on that, is a crying shame.

"Believe me, it's not easy to deal with an idiot. And this man, over the course of the years, has tried my patience and tried it and tried it, and if he were any kind of a man, would quit talking about things in the paper and return a phone call or come knock on somebody's door.

"If I had the kind of problems he has evidently with me, I'd go knock on his [expletive] door."

Williams admitted he has grown weary of Thomas' incessant bitterness over his departure after the Sox acquired slugger Jim Thome this winter.

"Let me tell you somethingâ€â€there are a lot of guys around here who have been with the White Sox organization," Williams said.

"I'm one, all my coaches, for 20-some-odd years. And Jerry's almost, well he is, like a second father to a lot of us. For these backhanded comments ... I guess they're not even backhanded anymore; they're full frontal smashes right in our face. For these to keep coming, and again, for him to turn his back on all the things that Jerry has done and this guyâ€â€this guyâ€â€of all people..."

Being reminded that he left a phone message for Thomas after the Thome trade and that Thomas had a chance to express his feelings in early December when they bumped into each other at a boxing match in Las Vegas only raised Williams' anger.

"He's not going to do that, and we don't miss him, by the way," Williams said. "And if you go out there and ask any one of my players or staff members, we don't miss him. We don't miss the attitude; we don't miss the whining. We don't miss it. Good riddance. See you later."

That was just the start.

"And again, the most [disheartening] thing about this is that he's turned his back on some people that really ... I can't tell you how many times me and Ozzie [Guillen], over the last couple of years ... have covered his [rear].

"He wasn't scheduled to talk at the [World Series] parade. I gave him the trophy out of respect so he can address his fans and the crowd. We gave him the first pitch during the playoffs. Again, that was another acknowledgment. How many times do you have to kiss somebody's [rear]?"

Thomas left the A's complex in Phoenix before he could be asked for a reaction to Williams' comments.

Guillen said he was glad he wasn't cited by Thomas and that Williams protected the organization.

"I got to tell Kenny what he's always told meâ€â€'no comment,'" Guillen laughed. "I don't put my nose in something that doesn't involve me."

A few players read Thomas' comments in the daily clippings. Konerko, whose five-year, $60 million contract was questioned by Thomas, took the high road.

"Frank is his own man and can speak for himself," he said.

But more than an hour after his rebuttal, Williams had his arms folded in anger as he spit sunflower seeds out of his mouth like a machine gun while watching his team's workout.

"He'd better stay out of our business," Williams said. "He'd better stay out of White Sox business. As a matter of fact ... I'll say what I have to say to him direct."

The Sox play Oakland in exhibition games March 7 at Tucson Electric Park and March 13 in Phoenix, but Thomas still is recovering from a fractured bone in his left foot that is likely to relegate him to minor-league games this spring.

If healthy, Thomas is scheduled to play his first regular-season game against the White Sox on May 22 at U.S. Cellular Field.

"Maybe sooner rather than later," Williams said of a possible face-to-face meeting. "It's a difficult thing. I'm a general manager. I'm supposed to be above things. But when is enough enough? How long are you going to sit here and be above it? He's brought us to this point. OK, you want to play this game? You got it.

"He's an Oakland A's problem. He needs to be concerned about Oakland. I don't even know why I'm talking about [the] guy. Play two or three games in a row first before you start popping off."

Source: Chicago Tribune


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Nice to hear a black guy(williams) criticize a fellow black. The high road that Konerko and Guillen are taking is the dumb road. Just tell it like it is, is usually the best policy especially since Thomas keeps taking potshots at the White Sox at every opportunity. Thomas hasn't played more than 70 games a year in over three years with the White Sox because of all his injuries. He is clearly a shadow of his former self and that is the true source of his bitterness, (life not the White Sox).

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Thomas has always been among the most selfish athletes, and we know how stiff the competition is in that category. I forgot that Williams is black and was marveling at his "courage" until I read Aragorn's post and remembered.

I can recall seeing a photograph of Thomas' mansion in a Sports Illustrated article. It's bigger than most castles. This guy was pampered by the White Sox his whole career and in return all they ever got was complaints, and a very rapid and premature decline in production. I hope Williams bitch-slaps him the next time they meet.


Nov 25, 2004
301, I agree wholeheartedly. Tell it like it is and don't parse words. When I first heard williams comments for some reason I thought he was white and said, wow! A white finally let loose and blasted a selfish black athlete. I wondered how the media would react. Then I found out he was black. I would love to see more whites let loose like he did. Edited by: Kaptain Poop


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I thought Williams was at first white too until I saw the interview on ESPN. I am still waiting for the first white GM, owner or manager to make similar comments.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
The Big Hurt has been bitter since lord knows when wow earning millions and never having to work a real job would make me bitter..........
Oct 24, 2005
FYI: William's godfather is John Carlos- The bronze medalist in the 1968 Olympics, and Huey Newton was once a baby sitter. You can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
At first, I was confused as to whether that picture was new or old.. but now I'm confident that it's new.

3 of those kids are verified to be from the womb of his Jewess ex-wife!

So, it looks like we have a new woman that popped-out the little one (a daughter it looks like?) One things for certain (whether she beez Jewess or Goy), she ain't no Trophy Wife!! Typical skeletal-faced lib.

As far as I'm concerned, this looks like a minor victory. It proves that most women are repulsed by a "man" with a planet-sized nose that is forged on the middle of his face. You can take that to the bank!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Realgeorge said:
What's wrong with this picture

Where do I begin? 1) A grossly overrated, self-important, primadonna "afflete", 2) a gold-digging, coal-burnin' mudshark/race-traitor & 3) lastly, 4 mongrels...3 judeo-******* & 1 standard mulatto.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
DixieDestroyer said:
Realgeorge said:
What's wrong with this picture

Where do I begin? 1) A grossly overrated, self-important, primadonna "afflete", 2) a gold-digging, coal-burnin' mudshark/race-traitor & 3) lastly, 4 mongrels...3 judeo-******* & 1 standard mulatto.
The baby looks like an ethnic version of Stuey from Family Guy...