Financial "elite" stealing without consequences


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Was Icelandic Bank collapse a mass theft?"

Iceland has arrested nine people of probe into why the banks collapsed. One director owed as much as $2.8 Billion to his own bank

At least, somewhere they are prosecuting the bankers but probably even there too few.In the USA, they give them hundreds of billions if not trillions in bailouts for stealing.Prosecutors don't want to prosecute the "elite" either because of bribes, friendships, afraid they lose or they honestly don't believe that the "elite" stealing is illegal. Once heard a lawyer, who basically said that stealing from clients wasn't illegal! This attitude is especially found in Jews and other nonwhites but also, in members of our own race who consider themselves part of the political or financial "elite".

When someone is given control over money to invest for another person that is a trust and when they give or loan the money not to be paid back to themselves or their friends that stealing! But it appears that most "elite" do not think it is wrong. They were entrusted with it so they can spend it how ever they want is how they think. The basic mentality of a common embezzler (thief). The difference between a common thief and an "elite" thief is that the common thief is punished when caught. To the "elite" stealing is business as usual.It is such standard business practices that many judges and prosecutors don't even seem to know it is wrong!

It is almost impossible to believe but it appears to believe that people can think that way but it seems to be how they think. Probably started with weird rulings from friendly, often bribed, Judges and prosecutors and spread until people believed stealing was legal.

In the end, the whole political "elite" executive, Judicial, and legislative branches of government and the finical "elite" are in cohorts and will continue stealing from the people until the one party two wing dictatorship is replaced by a new party.Until that happens there will be no major punishments other than a token prosecution of a financial elite who goes so far as to threaten the establishment. But when change does come, a day of reckoning will be at hand.