Evidence of Limited Black Talent Pool


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Much could be said here about the largely "talent-less" NBA. Much can be said about the NBA's stubborn attempts to give the "impression" that the quality of play is higher than it really is.

To the layman, the watered-down NBA may be even easier to notice than the water-downed NFL. A significant portion of NBA teams downright SUCK, and this reality has become harder to conceal.

Last Year's NBA Standings:


#1 - Does anyone else remember ESPN pimping the Portland Trailblazers' and all of their young black players? They were called the "Baby Blazers."

Well, the Sacramento Kings, a team with some young White talent, finished the season with a very similar record. And, Spencer Hawes missed some of the season and he started getting more minutes toward the end of last season. This team might be better next year.

Portland will probably have Greg Oden next season, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Blazers' are mired in chemistry problems.

#2 - The Whiter Indiana Pacers' outperformed a handful of teams in the East. The New York Knicks' could only DREAM of the season the Pacers' had!! The Pacers' were so close to making the playoffs, and they SHOULD have made it. Now they are darker, but, of course, they could make the playoffs next season in the weak East.

#3 - The Washington Wizards' have given "super-super-super-super-super-superstarrrrrrrrrr" money to Gilbert Arenas who, aside from being overrated, has been quite injury prone. I would say that he could help a team that already has stars, but he can never be "the man." He can't lead them "over the hump" -- so to speak.

But, he mu mu must be SUPERMAN because.... why else are they throwing ridiculous amounts of money at him?? If there really was "more talent" -- I don't think we would be seeing these types of desperation moves.

Bottom Line: I'm glad he remained in DC because I could care less about the Wizzzz, YAWN....

American X

Jul 1, 2008
Deadlift said:
#1 - Does anyone else remember ESPN pimping the Portland Trailblazers' and all of their young black players? They were called the "Baby Blazers."

Well, the Sacramento Kings, a team with some young White talent, finished the season with a very similar record. And, Spencer Hawes missed some of the season and he started getting more minutes toward the end of last season. This team might be better next year.

Portland will probably have Greg Oden next season, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Blazers' are mired in chemistry problems.

Personally, I think the Trailblazers earned the recognition they received last year. Their3 star players played a previous total of4 YEARS in the league (Brandon Roy - 1,Martell Webster - 2, and LaMarcus Aldridge - 1).To finish above .500 in the power-packed Western Conference with that tremendous lackof experience, is a remarkable accomplishment.

The Kings stars had a total of 32 YEARS coming into the season, and finished below .500. I don't think the teams are very comparable.

#2 - The Whiter Indiana Pacers' outperformed a handful of teams in the East. The New York Knicks' could only DREAM of the season the Pacers' had!! The Pacers' were so close to making the playoffs, and they SHOULD have made it. Now they are darker, but, of course, they could make the playoffs next season in the weak East.

To play devil's advocate, the same could be saidof the Whiter '06/'07 Memphis Grizzlies. They were outperformed by every single team in the league, including the Knicks, with Pau Gasol, Mike Miller, and Darko Milicic leading the way. It has to do with thetalent of the individual players, in conjuction with the chemistry of the team,not race.

#3 - The Washington Wizards' have given "super-super-super-super-super-superstarrrrrrrrrr" money to Gilbert Arenas who, aside from being overrated, has been quite injury prone. I would say that he could help a team that already has stars, but he can never be "the man." He can't lead them "over the hump" -- so to speak.

But, he mu mu must be SUPERMAN because.... why else are they throwing ridiculous amounts of money at him?? If there really was "more talent" -- I don't think we would be seeing these types of desperation moves.

The team salary cap prohibited the Wizards from making too many moves this off-season. They were $10 million over coming into the free agency period. After re-signing Antawn Jamison, theyhad to use the Larry Boird Exemption to sign Arenas.

As far as the money, Arenas had the hammer, so he used it. They had to overpay him to keep him from wondering off to another team. From the Wizards perspective, it had nothing to do with whether there was more talent elsewhere or not. They couldn't sign anyone other than for a one year mid-level exception anyway.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Pau Gasol and Mike Miller WERE the Grizzlies. Darko was used as a role player and only averaged 23.8 minutes per game. To put that into perspective, Kevin Durant just came into the league and he averaged nearly 35 minutes per game.

If Gasol wasn't traded, the Grizzlies would have easily won 30+ games. The Grizzlies, even without Gasol, wasn't outperformed by Seattle and Minnesota.

I would like to see Darko get out of Memphis and play for Dallas.

Race does matter because of the "White Man's Apprenticeship" that faces most Whites entering the NBA and NFL. They are often times forced to warm the benches for 5 or more years. Did you see the Houston Rockets' playoff game where Steve Novak was put in the game (by Houston) and he instantly sank a 3 while his body was in an awkward position? That was incredible -- especially when considering the fact that he barely plays. That was a glimpse of what SHOULD be seen in every quarter of every game.

Troy Murphy and Steve Novak are just 2 more 6-10 White Men that can stroke the 3!


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
I think part of the problem is that Americans have been conditioned to simply accept that NBA players should, to an overwhelming degree, be black, and that any white who plays does so only for political purposes.

So, if a team were to suddenly field 3 or 4 white starters, people would be aghast. Why rock the boat?

To paraphrase George C. Scott in "Patton", -- Americans love a winner, and will not tolerate a loser."

Americans, however, have grown to love the status quo -- and have forgotten that it's not only good to cheer for other winners, but you've got to make YOURSELF a winner, too. Too many of us are passive spectators to life.

It's sad because many of the alleged experts who dismiss white basketball players (and white athletes in general) don't play basketball -- or any other sport -- and in large part seem to be the pudgy, pasty, effeminate submissive type.

Thus, when we see several European players come into the league and in many cases outplay their black counterparts, the T.A.S.S. (Typical American Slob on the Street) starts to ask questions -- and thereafter we are told that European players are soft, and that they too are only playing as a result of "hold blackey down" politics.

... And that what you are seeing -- white boy Steve Nash is the greatest recent PG in the league -- is not really happening.

Klitschko making every black boxer his bi%%%? Is not really happening.

Big group of Spaniard crackers winning the Euro Cup while blacktastic France goes on early vacation? Is not really happening -- because the string pullers don't want white kids to like soccer.

The list goes on -- our media doesn't want your kids to read it.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I think the title of this thread is accurate and is becoming more and more obvious.

The article by Karl Baxter on the homepage about the decline of black soccer players in France is applicable to blacks in the U.S. The black athlete of today in most cases is a mere shadow of black athletes of the past. The black athletes of the '50s, '60s and '70s earned their way through hard work and talent. Of course there were exceptions then too, but generally speaking they not only had better work ethics but better characters.

Now what we have is in large part literally a bunch of criminals plucked out of ghettos who have been raised on hip hop culture and values. Drug use is the norm, along with laziness, hatred of whites, stints in prison, and a sense of entitlement. Not exactly a good formula for producing lots of topnotch athletes.

Along with the rampant criminality, black athletes are very difficult to coach. The idea of taking "orders" from a white man goes against their racial code of respect. As a result fundamentals in football and basketball have greatly declined (as they have in baseball as a result of the influx of hispanics).

Black society in the U.S. is in terrible shape and getting worse. Part of it is their own fault and part of it is by design, thanks to government policies and ideological agendas promoted by the media.

The shrinking pool of black athletes is the best bet to defeat the Caste System, as it will never be ended out of fairness to whites unless whites in more than a tiny number start regaining their racial consciousness and survival instincts.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
And the other thing that I always want to tell the naysayers, is that if it weren't for the atrocious refereeing which has now been reiterated by the Donagty scandal recently, the 2002 Euro Sacramento Kings would have won the title. And if not for idiot commish David Stern and the Phoenix Sun's suspensions Steve Nash might have gotten a title last year.

White players can play. The Pacers with 4 white starters playing and Jermaine O'Neill out for most of the year almost made the playoffs. And it was really the Pacer's weak bench that was hurting them. Danny Granger the black starter was good, but the black bench stunk it up the 8 or 9 times I actually checked a box score late in the season. White players can play!


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Gilbert Arenas is hurt again...

Brendan Haywood is injured now and will be out for months.

I hope the "Wiz fans" can enjoy THEIR TEAM and it's struggles!!


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Deadlift said:
Gilbert Arenas is hurt again...

Brendan Haywood is injured now and will be out for months.

I hope the "Wiz fans" can enjoy THEIR TEAM and it's struggles!!

The Wiz fired their coach Eddie Jordan. They just got win number 2 today. Congrats!


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
The Wiz fired their coach Flip Saunders a few days ago.. some things never change! :wink:

Last night, the Wiz defeated a terrible Charlotte team that hasn't been "saved" (yet) by Kemba and Bismack!


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Some excerpts that destroy the idea that "we need White versions" of Perry Jones, Andre Drummond, J'Covan Brown, Harrison Barnes, etc. Few 4 & 5 star affletes achieve "instant stardom" at major college programs. It's still the Junior year of college where many Whites and blacks truly emerge into stardom... if they have the talent, work-ethic and receive an opportunity.


Player who will get a GM fired

Perry Jones III (Baylor) -- I almost went with Andre Drummond, but I opted for PJ3. He will blow NBA guys away in workouts, but he doesn't play with any toughness, intensity or intelligence. He's long and skilled, but I just worry about him in the NBA from a mental and physical toughness standpoint.

Andre Drummond (Connecticut) -- You know how some guys just have it? Drummond's the opposite. He just doesn't have it. He's big and athletic, and he'll make a lot of money based on those two things alone. But trust me when I tell you that he'll never be as good as he ought to be, never be worthy of the pick that's used on him.

Underclassman who turned pro but should not have

Maalik Wayns (Villanova) -- He put up numbers (17.6 ppg), but the junior guard was a major disappointment at Villanova. He isn't a point guard, and he never improved his perimeter shot. He was the leader on a team that went 13-19 and won just five Big East games.

J'Covan Brown (Texas) -- Why the rush to get to the D-League? Look, I have no idea whether Brown could've returned to school and truly improved his draft status, but I also have no idea where he plans to play professionally next season. He should be in Austin with the Longhorns. I'm afraid he'll be in Austin with the Toros.

Big props for Cody..

Best pro prospect who returned to school

Cody Zeller (Indiana) -- I love the youngest Zeller. He's got size, athleticism and skill. He's tough and will only get tougher as his body develops. I don't see any reason why he won't be in the conversation for the No. 1 overall pick a year from now.

Cody Zeller (Indiana) -- I'm usually for a projected top-10 pick entering the draft just because there's typically little chance of him improving his stock, but Zeller is the exception. The IU star seems to be risking little because he's only going to get better. He could be the first player selected in June 2013.