"Evangelicals" Support Amnesty


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Another example of misguided Christians. I'm sure many of these good folks are well intending, but many are (also) weak-minded & being deceived. Basically, they're "leadership" is supporting a pass for crime.

Evangelicals Support Amnesty for Illegal Invaders


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
DixieDestroyer said:
Another example of misguided Christians. I'm sure many of these good folks are well intending, but many are (also) weak-minded & being deceived. Basically, they're "leadership" is supporting a pass for crime.

Evangelicals Support Amnesty for Illegal Invaders

The Southern Baptists certainly don't support amnesty and I have never heard anybody at the Nazerene church I go to express support for any kind of amnesty. That very article even states that most evangelicals sitting in the pews do not support amnesty for illegal aliens. I don't trust alot of these religous organizations which tend to be controlled by elitist liberals who are nominally Christian at best and complete frauds at worst.

Bear Backer

Jan 23, 2007
guest301 said:
DixieDestroyer said:
Another example of misguided Christians. I'm sure many of these good folks are well intending, but many are (also) weak-minded & being deceived. Basically, they're "leadership" is supporting a pass for crime.

Evangelicals Support Amnesty for Illegal Invaders

The Southern Baptists certainly don't support amnesty and I have never heard anybody at the Nazerene church I go to express support for any kind of amnesty. That very article even states that most evangelicals sitting in the pews do not support amnesty for illegal aliens. I don't trust alot of these religous organizations which tend to be controlled by elitist liberals who are nominally Christian at best and complete frauds at worst.

Yes this organization is typically what you could refer to as the religious left. The religious left is at best an oxymoron term, because these churches generally have devolved into organizations that resemble tax exempt all inclusive social clubs more than they do religious organizations who stand on time honored Christian principle. However Dixie Destroyer is partially right. The religious right has it's own sins to bear involving the carte blanche support they give to the Zionists and Israel lobby in supporting the criminal, imperialistic wars in the middle east. Christianity as a whole is in a pitiful state in America.


Nov 23, 2008
Christianity in a very pitiful state in the Western World as a whole. It's funny how Islam is considered the "better" option now. One thing I respect about Islam is how they DESPISE several of the West's decadency.

Some notable examples:

NO to Same-Sex Marriage/Rights
NO to Abortion
NO to Criminal Rights
- Robbery (chop finger)
- Rape (chop hands)
- Murder (Death)

Muslims are really "conservative" people, who defy and want nothing to do with many of the stupid things spurring in the West, especially those of the extreme LEFT and RIGHT. They view freedom in their own unique way, even if it may seem "primitive and barbaric" to the West. Unless Christians and Christianity as a whole get their act together to strive and fight for the simple common good, it's most likely Islam will become the most dominant and influential religion in the world.

Another thing, It's unlikely a CHURCH will ever be built in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam. To become a Saudi citizen, you have to be a Muslim, NOTHING else. It's funny how a MOSQUE can be built right in the heart of ROME, or maybe even in ATHENS.Edited by: j41181

Bear Backer

Jan 23, 2007
j41181 said:
Christianity in a very pitiful state in the Western World as a whole. It's funny how Islam is considered the "better" option now. One thing I respect about Islam is how they DESPISE several of the West's decadency.

Some notable examples:

NO to Same-Sex Marriage/Rights
NO to Abortion
NO to Criminal Rights
- Robbery (chop finger)
- Rape (chop hands)
- Murder (Death)

Muslims are really "conservative" people, who defy and want nothing to do with many of the stupid things spurring in the West, especially those of the extreme LEFT and RIGHT. They view freedom in their own unique way, even if it may seem "primitive and barbaric" to the West. Unless Christians and Christianity as a whole get their act together to strive and fight for the simple common good, it's most likely Islam will become the most dominant and influential religion in the world.

Islam already has 1.5 billion members worldwide and growing while Christianity shrinks. Christianity is shrinking because it has basically given up on what made it flourish. The only groups of Christianity that are really growing in the West are what could be considered the right wing religious evangelicals, and they aren't enough to account for the losses in the other mainstream religions. Groups like the Methodists, Episcopalians, Churches of Christ etc are all dying because they no longer offer a moral compass. They are too interested in liberal issues like the homosexual agenda etc. For the most part Christianity as a whole supports the feel good platitudes of the multiculturalists, and has neglected being the cornerstone of Western morality and Western man. Ironically, it was even Christianity that allowed for the Renaissance by preserving much of the knowledge of ancient Greece and Rome. Sure the Catholic church attempted to monopolize that knowledge and power, but they also were responsible for many of the policies and programs that resulted in bringing basic learning back to the people, and especially the upper class, who in the dark ages were really nothing more than illiterate war lords. Even the Catholic church since the vatican 2, has been more concerned about liberalism than being a cornerstone of Western morality. Since then we have even had popes that stated that Christ is not the only path to salvation. That is officially heresy according to the churches own doctrines.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
are Lutherans considered evangelicals? they have played a HUGE part in importing the darker hued into America,including allthe gang-raping Somalis in Minnesota.

i know Assemblies of God churches love the multi-culti thing. they can't get enough of it.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
It's strange but many churches are led by socialists(by the dictionary definition). I have seen so many left of center Protestant church leaders that it makes me wonder how these guys got ordained. At one time the Protestant Church used to be more conservative than the Catholic Church. As for the Assembly of God. They have converted many Pacific Islanders and some mainland Asians so they have an interest in foreigners coming into North America.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Pentecostals are considered evangelicals, but Lutherans can be either evangelical or mainline protestant, depending on which Lutheran group you are talking about. Mainline denominations are those that were brought to the U.S. by early groups of immigrants.

I don't believe most evangelicals support amnesty. I do believe a significant minority of them do though.

No doubt that evangelicals will soon completely collapse just as mainline protestant groups have if they don't change their ways and get back to the fundamentals of the faith. The end of James Edwards' blog that Bart posted sums up the insanity pretty well, as evangelicals are no doubt a huge part of Tea Party goers.

"But in the past few days, Lloyd Marcus has become the national symbol of the Tea Party movement. He wrote a column
for the neo-con website American Thinker denouncing liberals and
Democrats for, you guessed it, "racism"Â￾. (Do blacks, "conservative"Â￾ or
"liberal"Â￾, ever talk about anything else?) Then influential columnist
(and substitute host for Rush Limbaugh) started praising him on the National Review website. More prominent "conservative"Â￾ writers picked up the theme and ran with it. Here's one. There are lots more.

Unbelievably, even Peter Brimelow is now praising Lloyd Marcus.

So once again, a white movement has been completely neutralized by
political correctness. Millions of white people are looking for a group
that will speak out for them, and speak up for their interests, without
apology. Then they find out that the tea party crowd not only won't
speak up for them, but their public mascot is a black man who's engaged
in white genocide.

Yeah, that's a real smart plan for winning the hearts and minds of the millions of fed up white people in this country.

And conservatives wonder why they never make any progress, or win any big battles?

It's fine for white women to marry black men, but two men getting married is a big deal?

Interracial marriage is hunky dory, but high taxes are an abomination?

Immigration is bad because we're replacing the founding stock of
this country, but it's just dandy for the founding stock of this
country to breed themselves out of existence by "marrying"Â￾ blacks?

This is insane."


Nov 25, 2004
The heirarchy of Christian churches were captured a long time ago. I know sometime in my late teens our Luthern church starting throwing the word "Israel" into prayers and promoted Jews as Chosen people. Martin Luther would was rolling over. Unless you have a Bible that goes back 100 years and you really study it yourself, your really not practicing Christianity anymore by going to most of American churches and listening to the drivel. Thinking back on all the time I spent listening to sermons growing up, I'm surprised by how little I learned and how little I was taught about the Bible. Next time you go to church ask yourself what they heck they are really teaching you. It most cases it sure ain't the Bible.


Nov 23, 2008
This article comes from an "old-school" liberal:

"Europe is already choosing not to exist by having the lowest birthrates on earth. Of the 20 nations with the lowest birthrate, 19 are in Europe. Italy, Russia, Spain â€" all of these nations are beginning to cut their numbers in half with each generation."

"You may say "great"Â￾! Less problems to deal with."

"But wrong. Demographics is destiny, and while those responsible for the creation of Western civilization are choosing to breed themselves out of existence, the ENEMIES of Western civilization, particularly radical Islamists, are choosing to do the exact opposite."

"Muslim birthrates are very high, which is the only reason France has such a high birthrate. They are moving into Europe in record numbers and now literally breeding Europeans out of the majority. In one more generation, two at most, Europe will be Eurabia, and your great free societies will now be just another Middle East, complete with Sharia law, lack of gay rights, subjugation of women, etc."

"This is what you want?"



White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
It's a myth that Christianity is on the wane. It might be dying in the West, but it is spreading like wild fire throughout Africa, Latin America, and Asia, especially China. I can try to find some sources for a later post if you guys doubt this, but I've read it in multiple places.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Kaptain Poop,

For the most part, I'm agreed. However, a couple of weeks ago, I actually heard Christianity being preached. I almost fell out of the pew. I thought I'd gone to the wrong place (I accompany my wife to church occasionally. Most Christian churches being just for women now).

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I praise God I attend an "old-school", fundamental, KJV-based Baptist Church. I grew up in Church of God, but (my former Church) became too mega-church like (with the "modern" P&W music & too much focus on entertaining rather than staying in the Word).

IMO, the Globalist Elite have long targeted (real) Christianity as they detest its morals & values (of the KJV & Geneva Bibles). They've pushed for watered-down, secular "Christianity" in order to slowly inject cultural Marxism. It's indeed by design, and effective.

***BTW, here's an outstanding (non-Zionist) Biblically fundamental, paleoconservative Christian site...


Edited by: DixieDestroyer