Essay I came across. I agree with a lot of it. "Football: Who needs it?"


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011

Friday, August 24, 2012

Football: Who needs it?

Six high school kids have died already this year playing football. Unless you knew these kids or the families do you really care? Is there a conspiracy to discredit and ban football? Has football simply become the realm of dumb blacks (redundancy) and white trash? Should we even care?

I must say that I enjoyed playing football for awhile. Really I enjoyed it up to the point where I longer a dominant player. This is the case for most players with half a brain. The movie Rudy was not inspiring to me at all. It simply showed the level of stupidity and denial that some will sink to in order to fool themselves that they have some sort of athletic potential. Rudy was an ******* who would have been far better off devoting that energy to something meaningful like…oh…I don’t know…maybe scholastics. Anyone that would take that level of abuse to get into 1 play in 4 years is an abject *******. **** Rudy. And **** you too while were at it.

Once I stopped playing I no longer had any interest in the game. I could never and still can’t understand this fascination grown men have with watching other men play sports. It has to be some deeply closeted homo erotic sort of thing to put on a jersey and watch a bunch of fat douchebags bang into each other for 60 minutes (4 hours with commercial and times outs every 20 seconds). Anyone over the age of 12 that is wearing a sport’s jersey is an unadulterated douchebag and deserves to brunt at the stake. **** watching football. Go ahead and watch it. I’ll **** your girlfriends while you dry hump your buddies after watching your favorite Negro celebrate a routine play and mug for the cameras. Dumb ********.

All this business about head injuries and death in football draws nothing but a shrug and sigh from me. I could care less. In case anyone didn’t know football is a rough game. You play long enough you will get hurt. You play long enough you will sustain some level of brain trauma. It’s no different than boxing in that sense. Why does the public act all surprised and outraged over the fact that some bloated steroid user is walking around with dementia at age 49 after 30 ****ing years of slamming heads with guys. What did you think the outcome would be? And why should I give a **** especially if it was a professional that made a **** load of money and is now broke? What - they didn’t know football was rough? **** them and their lawsuits.

All these rules are bull**** and nothing but window dressing to appease God only knows who. Who is it that is so ****ing concerned about the health of these millionaire ******** that can’t do anything but run with a ball or run over some guy? The fans don’t give a ****. Have you seen the average football fan? All these bloated losers want to see is blood while they stuff their inflamed fat faces with bratwurst and beer. Give the players chainsaws and you will really see revenue come rolling in. They don’t care. So who cares? I certainly don’t. As a matter of fact I hope every football player in the NFL becomes mush for brains. **** them. They had all the chicks, the drugs and never had to do ****. Brain damage is paying the piper.

Like I said these rules are a joke. You will never even put a dent into the brain trauma sustained at professional level football unless you make it flag football. And even then the brain trauma will be high.

So **** it. They can ban it or whatever they want to do. I don’t care either way because I don’t waste my time watching the crap and I don’t care about any of the players from the pee wees on up. I hope they all die. If I had to do it over again I would have not played football and focused on some other sport or better yet something like music or art. **** sports. Sports are for **** anyway.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Sounds like this guy needs serious therapy if he has such a deep-seated hatred for all things sports. Although football is the central focus of his rant, he makes it clear that he despises ALL spectator sports. Perhaps he was not blessed with any particular athletic talent, and rather than be like many DWFs that project themselves to one of their athletic (usually black) supaheroes, he has gone the opposite direction and now hates anything that reminds him of his own inadequacies.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Sounds like this guy needs serious therapy if he has such a deep-seated hatred for all things sports. Although football is the central focus of his rant, he makes it clear that he despises ALL spectator sports. Perhaps he was not blessed with any particular athletic talent, and rather than be like many DWFs that project themselves to one of their athletic (usually black) supaheroes, he has gone the opposite direction and now hates anything that reminds him of his own inadequacies.

Although a bit truthful in spots (...yet profane overall :thumbdown: ), I agree this mug has some deep-seated bitterness. It's probably because he never had a shred of athletic ability (irregardless of his claim) and was always insanely jealous of those who did/do. :icon_rolleyes:

Granted, I (too) don't care for jock sniffing DWFs, but I don't have a h@tred for them. I see them as the zombified sheep that they are. Not that I'm so "high & mighty" (by any extent)...just awakened (thanks to Caste Football :D).
Jun 30, 2012
It might be intended as a rhetorical question, but there's an answer

Who needs football? Young white males, that's who. They also need wrestling and other contact sports. They need anything that will help keep them from turning into the castrated couch potatoes they are turning into. I'm sickened by the level of feminization I see in young men (mostly white), and football is part of the antidote. I know football isn't for everyone (my oldest kid was terrible at it), but engaging in physical, competitive, combative activity of some kind is healthy for the body and the mind.