Dream Act threat from Democratic Congress


Nov 13, 2005
In the last days of this lame duck congress, Democrats are still trying to pass the Dream Act. Basically this would allow illegal aliens under 30 or 35 (different versions) to get legal residence and then citizenship if they attend college or serve in the military. The law is open-ended, so it would go on forever and serve as yet another magnet for illegal immigrants. The house may very well pass it next week and the real drama is in the Senate, where most Republicans are against, most Dems for it.
The real struggle is to get those Democratic senators who claim to be "conservative", whatever that means, to vote against it. These are Webb, Tester, Mckaskill, Dorgan, Baucus, Conrad, Nelson of Nebraska, Manchin and Pryor. Pryor and Nelson look like solid no votes, and hopefully a few others as well. If anyone on this board is represented by anyone of these, I'd recommend contacting them and encouraging them to vote in the interest of their citizens, and the people who voted them, not in interest of illegal aliens and for further Brazilification of the US.
However, I'd discourage anyone from arguing the point from a racial perspective, more from a good government, fairness, and obey the laws (don't reward massive law breaking) perspective, if contacting the offices of these Democratic senators.
I'm hardly in agreement with the Republican pro-war agenda, but if ever there was a great example where sometimes Republican elected politicians are a little better than the Democrats on at least some issues, the Dream Act is a great example of this.Edited by: referendum