Detroit students score record low on national math


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Detroit Public Schools students posted the worst math results ever recorded in the 40-year history of a prestigious nationwide test, according to scores released today.

Sixty-nine percent of fourth-graders and 77 percent of eighth-graders scored below basic skill levels in math on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a standardized test that serves as a nationwide yardstick in measuring student learning.

"These numbers are only slightly better than what one would expect by chance as if the kids had never gone to school and simply guessed at the answers," said Michael Casserly.

Detroit students score record low on national math test

Yeah black kids are bad at math. But worse then 40 years ago? In this case it's a combination of things. Most of the better kids that would increase the avg. have gone outside of the public school system into private alternatives leaving the worst of the worst. Forty years ago there wasn't that option. Although 40 years ago the kids were mostly white (that's when I was a student) so it's apples and oranges.

Plus back in the day white society reigned in some of the worst aspects of black behavior. Nowadays urban blacks don't care about school and there's no whitey truent officer and bad ass principal to make them. Seriously, this country is going to be like Rwanda in a few years. Enjoy!
Nov 8, 2006
So basically a blind monkey with a pencil taped to its paw would have done as well as these Detroit teen-apers. Clearly more White money needs to be thrown at this, even though we've been doing that for fifty years with no discernible improvement.

Mr. Lutefisk

Dec 18, 2004
Don't need no math, I'm going to be a rap star.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
I's don't need no math and sheeeeitto get into an SEC school and be's a football star!


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
While a good portion of the blame should go to blacks and their poor family values which provide the foundation for learning, I would say Federal government has played a large role too. Since Carter created the Department of Education through G.W. Bush's further meddling, the quality of education has gone down. Great leaps and bounds in technology plus the internet's wealth of knowledge would lead us the logically think that education should go up but that's not the case. Federal governments removal from the equation would help greatly.

As for the DWF parent types, they need to own up, put their beers down, turn off the SEC football games, NFL and Dancing with the Stars and get involved with their kids. A teacher can only do so much.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Aren't these tests racist? That's what blacks like to claim in regards to any tests they score poorly on. As if a folded piece of paper can be "racist."


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Jcolec they still find an excuse for everything. After Hurricane Katrina they blamed whites for damaging the levees because they didn't break until the next day.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Most the blame goes directly to these untermenschen & their "families". There's still the stigma of being an "uncle tom" for academic achievement. These kids believe they'll get a pass into college (for the "affletes"), be rap stars or gangbangers, etc. (Slightly) in their defense, they're naturally at the bottom of the IQ totem pole. However, their work ethic is also inherently low...hence the unwillingness to "hit the books" (to make up for the lower IQs).

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Apr 22, 2005
Only the real dregs are left in Detroit, with the barrel drained for 50 years. There are only a couple public schools that colleges can even recruit. The charter schools at least get the Detroit kids up to minimum.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

I agree with everything you're all saying. But I think it's important to add that it all didn't have to be this way. The great Booker T. Washington (greatest black man this country ever produced) had the blacks on the right road when the naacp and WEB DuBois started undermining his work and now all there is left, is the chaos we see now. Let me recommend Washington's book, "Up From Slavery." It's a small book and fast read. He had his head screwed on right and had contempt for all baloney. He was born a slave and had no animosity towards his master or his masters family. That was his message, work hard (he insisted students at Tuskegee do daily manual labor) and improve yourselves and everything else would fall into place. Of course, as we see now, his advice was rejected by the blacks and they're done for. Too bad.

One last thing about Washington. He was an ardent segragationist.

Tom Iron...


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
Hey Bioch, these test be racist all da paper white!


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Tom Iron said:

I agree with everything you're all saying. But I think it's important to add that it all didn't have to be this way. The great Booker T. Washington (greatest black man this country ever produced) had the blacks on the right road when the naacp and WEB DuBois started undermining his work and now all there is left, is the chaos we see now. Let me recommend Washington's book, "Up From Slavery." It's a small book and fast read. He had his head screwed on right and had contempt for all baloney. He was born a slave and had no animosity towards his master or his masters family. That was his message, work hard (he insisted students at Tuskegee do daily manual labor) and improve yourselves and everything else would fall into place. Of course, as we see now, his advice was rejected by the blacks and they're done for. Too bad.

One last thing about Washington. He was an ardent segragationist.

Tom Iron...
Sadly, even in his day he was labeled a "sellout" and an "Uncle Tom" for his pursuit of excellence. He was thought to be disavowing his black heritage, which obviously means he didn't want to be a stupid sluggard.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Freethinker said:
While a good portion of the blame should go to blacks and their poor family values which provide the foundation for learning, I would say Federal government has played a large role too. Since Carter created the Department of Education through G.W. Bush's further meddling, the quality of education has gone down. Great leaps and bounds in technology plus the internet's wealth of knowledge would lead us the logically think that education should go up but that's not the case. Federal governments removal from the equation would help greatly.

As for the DWF parent types, they need to own up, put their beers down, turn off the SEC football games, NFL and Dancing with the Stars and get involved with their kids. A teacher can only do so much.

Good observations, but I would push it back a little further, to Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society," which consisted of greatly expanding the welfare state at the same time U.S. involvement inthe Vietnam War was also greatly expanded. That's been the basic m.o. of the system ever since; and now it's on a colossal scale financed by trillions of dollars of debt yearly. Can you imagine telling an American of 30 or 40 years ago that in the first decade of the 21st century the federal government would be racking up trillion dollar annual deficits?

The real problem is the permanent Cultural Marxist revolution, which was launched in earnest following the assassination of John Kennedy and which has turned America upside down while hollowing it out from the inside out.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Don Wassall said:
Freethinker said:
While a good portion of the blame should go to blacks and their poor family values which provide the foundation for learning, I would say Federal government has played a large role too. Since Carter created the Department of Education through G.W. Bush's further meddling, the quality of education has gone down. Great leaps and bounds in technology plus the internet's wealth of knowledge would lead us the logically think that education should go up but that's not the case. Federal governments removal from the equation would help greatly.

As for the DWF parent types, they need to own up, put their beers down, turn off the SEC football games, NFL and Dancing with the Stars and get involved with their kids. A teacher can only do so much.

Good observations, but I would push it back a little further, to Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society," which consisted of greatly expanding the welfare state at the same time U.S. involvement inthe Vietnam War was also greatly expanded. That's been the basic m.o. of the system ever since; and now it's on a colossal scale financed by trillions of dollars of debt yearly. Can you imagine telling an American of 30 or 40 years ago that in the first decade of the 21st century the federal government would be racking up trillion dollar annual deficits?

The real problem is the permanent Cultural Marxist revolution, which was launched in earnest following the assassination of John Kennedy and which has turned America upside down while hollowing it out from the inside out.
Of course Johnson's "Great Society" has its roots in FDR's policies, and even as far back as the black laws and Jim Crow which created a permanent (largely black) underclass. It's stunning that we spend, what, $300+ billion a year simply servicing the existing debt! Just chucking free money at the Chinese and global elite.


Apr 14, 2005
Hey does anyone agree with Ron Paul about abolishing the Federal Department of Education. The more I think and rationalize the sitiuation the more it seems this department just dumbs down American youth with outdated teaching modes. I mean we still teach kids today like we did back in the day to prepare them to go work at the local factory. Also all these standardized tests do little to nothing to improve one's ability to think critically, analyze, or think outside the box. All these tests do is force feed kids data/facts that they'll forget a couple weeks later if not sooner.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I agree with him on abolishing both the Federal Reserve & FDE. I'd like to see the NEA's stranglehold broken as well. They often lead the attack/pressure against home-schools. As an estimate, I'd say we could abolish about 45-65%+ of the Federal government.