David Duke/O'Reilly Factor Tonight

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
For anyone interested, David Duke has a small segment tonight with Bill O'Reilly. He was on a 8:00 and it will re-air at 11:00.

He tried to get some points across, but O'Reilly kept interrupting him.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
O'Reilly is Scum

For anyone interested, David Duke has a small segment tonight with Bill O'Reilly. He was on a 8:00 and it will re-air at 11:00.

He tried to get some points across, but O'Reilly kept interrupting him.
For anyone who cares to watch the clip. As soon as Duke mentions "wars for Israel", that Shabbos Goy Bill ends the segment. What a traitorous coward.


Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
For anyone who cares to watch the clip. As soon as Duke mentions "wars for Israel", that Shabbos Goy Bill ends the segment. What a traitorous coward.


Good grief! O’Reilly asks, in a dismissive way, "what does European heritage mean." If there ever was a person to benefit from European accomplishments, intellect and advancements, it’s this bloviating fool. He sits in a studio with his image flying all over the world through the magic of technology conceived by the brains of Europeans. He seems to think without Europeans his world wouldn’t be much different. Not to mention he would not be here.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
That still from the video is funny, especially Bully Boy Bill's expression. Duke did well considering who he was dealing with in an arena where everything was stacked against him being able to give his opinion in a fair manner.


O'Reilly is just another pathetic goy lackey for our Jewish rulers. I loved when he shouted out "can't you see we're all in this together skin color doesn't matter". The good thing is that you can show the video to any idiot who actually thinks Fox News is "racist". Which is obviously laughable, the only minority group which Fox News dares to be hostile to are Middle Easterners or Muslims in general .


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
"Bull O'Lielly" is another global-corp stooge for the PTB who's sold out for filthy lucre.


Nov 25, 2004
Bill: "Don't sit here and tell me that your not trying to promote the cause of white people, because you are!"

As if promoting our cause is somehow evil. Meanwhile, it is just fine and dandy to promote black causes, jewish causes, hispanic causes ect.

Duke always does well and comes prepared. He is great spokesman for our people. A guy that truly rose up from nowhere to lead us - a self made man. This type of guy would destroy all those silver spoon selected politicians and talking heads in any fair debate.


Nov 25, 2004
Here he is recently on CNN with an interviewer who was a bit more fair:



Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Although I didn't hear every word of the two interviews (I'm multitasking while "listening"), David seems to beat around the bush when he is bringing up other racial advocacy groups in comparison to his organization. When the interviewers ask about Scalise possibly talking to his group, David should simply ask the question, "if he did, then what is the big deal?" And make them answer why his European ancestry (white) group is somehow different then La Raza or the NAACP. He talks and explains well, and I'm sure some listeners will "get it", but he should make them answer HIS questions.

What are they going to say? He should make them either acknowledge that there is no difference, and the point is moot, or make them say outright that white advocacy groups are "evil" and white people can't defend their culture and heritage.


Bill: "Don't sit here and tell me that your not trying to promote the cause of white people, because you are!"

As if promoting our cause is somehow evil. Meanwhile, it is just fine and dandy to promote black causes, jewish causes, hispanic causes ect.
I was a little disappointed with Duke's response. He should have just said " so what if I am ? What's wrong with looking out for White people ?". O'Reilly would have had a meltdown

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Although I didn't hear every word of the two interviews (I'm multitasking while "listening"), David seems to beat around the bush when he is bringing up other racial advocacy groups in comparison to his organization. When the interviewers ask about Scalise possibly talking to his group, David should simply ask the question, "if he did, then what is the big deal?" And make them answer why his European ancestry (white) group is somehow different then La Raza or the NAACP. He talks and explains well, and I'm sure some listeners will "get it", but he should make them answer HIS questions.

What are they going to say? He should make them either acknowledge that there is no difference, and the point is moot, or make them say outright that white advocacy groups are "evil" and white people can't defend their culture and heritage.

Right FootballDad! Duke asks the question, but the interviewer doesn't have a tenth of the balls Duke has to answer! Duke answered a hard pressing question about, "The Holocaust."

It's even more amazing to see a rational interview with Duke asking with articulation, why Presidents and Congressmen can attend NAACP meetings, meet with crooks like Al Sharpton, etc. but a President or a Congressman can't meet on behalf of European-Americans heritage and cause, and most don't get it!

I liked the interview. Thanks Kaptain for posting it. I hope Duke gets more coverage!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I thought he did ok considering how every interviewer despite what news channel goes on the offensive against him. They are told to try and get him pissed off. They constantly attack him and yet he is supposed to just sit there and take it. This country is so backwards.

Like David Duke said, every ethinicity has a right to celebrate their traditions and culture. Well in America it's only true if your not a
european american. What a damn joke!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Duke was on Alex Jones' show today for an hour or so. Go to infowars.com if you want to hear their debate.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
That was an amazing interview. Alex Jones was actually pretty fair to him for the most part and let him speak. I can't believe that Dr. Duke was given that sort of platform. Alex Jones gets over 2 million listeners a week and most of them aren't red-pilled. Dr. Duke really laid into the Jews. We have some members here who don't fully understand the Jewish Question. I recommend they watch this interview in its entirety.


Also, many WNs claim Jones is a shill for the zi0nisitas. Him allowing Dr.Duke this kind of platforms tends to (partially) dispel that notion.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
That was an amazing interview. Alex Jones was actually pretty fair to him for the most part and let him speak. I can't believe that Dr. Duke was given that sort of platform. Alex Jones gets over 2 million listeners a week and most of them aren't red-pilled. Dr. Duke really laid into the Jews. We have some members here who don't fully understand the Jewish Question. I recommend they watch this interview in its entirety.


I agree, fantastic interview. Dr. Duke is, quite literally, one of the most knowledgeable human beings in the world with concern to the “Jewish Question.” He’s written several popular books on the subject, given public speeches, and has given countless unapologetic interviews on the matter to mainstream media outlets over the years. His YouTube channel is one of the best on the internet and his videos have a total of nearly 10 million views…


There isn’t much that Dr. Duke hasn’t done in his amazing life. He’s a father of two daughters, he was a state representative, he’s a published author, he’s been a high ranking member of the KKK, he’s a Holohoax Denier, he’s founded several WN political parties/activist groups, he ran for countless political elections (governor, state senate, state representative, US senate, US representative, and POTUS), he’s been a political prisoner (in the Czech Republic), he’s traveled the world countless times, he’s written hundreds of articles, he’s a Israel/Mossad 9-11 Truther, he’s defended the Rebel Flag, fought against the homosexual agenda, incited race riots, etc. Who else has devoted their entire life to our cause more than Dr. Duke? For God’s sake, he’s been involved in the pro-white movement since he was a teenager! Here is Duke in 1970 (then 20 years old), dressed in Nazi garb, protesting the vile Jewish Marxist, William Kunstler, who was speaking at Tulane University…


There are few men that deserve more admiration. Great to see he’s still active into him mid-60’s.
Last edited:


Oct 12, 2008
The Jews control the media, including Alex Jones and Bill O'Reilly. So, why would they allow David Duke a platform to expose Jews? Because David Duke has been controlled opposition all the way back to the photograph of him wearing a swastika and carrying a professionally made protest sign 40 years ago. There are thousands of other guests that could expose Jews on Alex Jones' show that were never Grand Wizards in the KKK (a phony, controlled group used to stir up racial division). He speaks truth, but it has no effect. Alex Jones has lost a lot of listeners due to his tap dancing around the evils of Zionism and Israel. Maybe this was his attempt to bring some of them back.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
The Jews control the media, including Alex Jones and Bill O'Reilly. So, why would they allow David Duke a platform to expose Jews? Because David Duke has been controlled opposition all the way back to the photograph of him wearing a swastika and carrying a professionally made protest sign 40 years ago. There are thousands of other guests that could expose Jews on Alex Jones' show that were never Grand Wizards in the KKK (a phony, controlled group used to stir up racial division). He speaks truth, but it has no effect. Alex Jones has lost a lot of listeners due to his tap dancing around the evils of Zionism and Israel. Maybe this was his attempt to bring some of them back.

"Controlled opposition"? A "professionally made sign" of posterboard and magic marker?

The reason he's ever given ANY platform, (even from his enemies in the media) is because he is articulate and knowledgeable, not because his past brings any so-called shock value. Everything he does is against the system and against the grain on every front in this godless k!ke-controlled nation. Yeah, he's really controlled.

Take a look at what he's done in putting forth the truth and tell me he's not someone to emulate in regards to WN...

Most White men should be so "controlled"...

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
"Controlled opposition"? A "professionally made sign" of posterboard and magic marker?

The reason he's ever given ANY platform, (even from his enemies in the media) is because he is articulate and knowledgeable, not because his past brings any so-called shock value. Everything he does is against the system and against the grain on every front in this godless k!ke-controlled nation. Yeah, he's really controlled.

Take a look at what he's done in putting forth the truth and tell me he's not someone to emulate in regards to WN...

Most White men should be so "controlled"...

Agreed. Duke has some glaring flaws, but one thing he isn't is "controlled opposition." I've known him for almost 30 years, and he is sincere in what he believes and has been consistent and very courageous in standing up for those views his entire adult life.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Agreed. Duke has some glaring flaws, but one thing he isn't is "controlled opposition." I've known him for almost 30 years, and he is sincere in what he believes and has been consistent and very courageous in standing up for those views his entire adult life.

Well stated Don. Like yourself, Dr .Duke has been a steady beacon of light for White Nationalists. We need more White men that'll follow the same path...standing for our race, heritage & future.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
While Jones deserves credit for having on Dr. Duke for such a lengthy interview and letting him speak, he was overall very condescending towards the evidence and facts presented to him. I've followed Alex Jones and Infowars for nearly 8 years and defended him countless times but no longer.

Alex Jones gets patronized and belittled when he's on "mainstream media" as a "conspiracy theorists" despite how many facts and valid arguments he makes. So you think he'd have some empathy for Duke. Instead he did the same thing to Duke by trying to paint him as a "jewish conspiracy theorist". Duke presented a very strong case based off of alot of historical evidence. Jones responded very weakly with mostly emotional and anecdotal rebuttals. I think most viewers saw this "debate" as a landslide win for Duke.

Since it's widely reported that Jones' wife is jewish it's no surprise that he's either intentionally dishonest or experiencing cognitive dissonance due to his bias. Jones' has done a ton of positive things for the "truth movement" and has red pilled many folks. However, until he's speaks truth to power about international jewry he's just another ******* gatekeeper.