Cultural Genetics


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
This is exactly what this clown wants, attention. The only reason he types this nonsense is because he knows he will get 20 responses back. Hell, maybe Russians can be considered black.


Hell, maybe Russians can be considered black.


Sure, Russians they beez African-Americans, see. Hey, they're teaching the kids that Cleopatra and Hannibal and Beethoven and the ancient Egyptians are Black in "our" schools, so why not?



May 20, 2005
nevada said:
Well, Chagaev is half asian, so I would agree that he's probably not a plain old white guy. Of course on this board he is just plain white, where anybody who is half white is just plain white unless the other half is black, then they are just plain black and we hope that they get injured, lose, and fail.


So what dude?

I root for just about ANY athlete who is non-******* because ******** are the ONLY people who are called "uber-athletes", physically superior to Whites and everyone else, and because ******** are just about the worst race of people on Earth. Are there idiots out there who believe MONGOLIANS are physically superior to Whites, that Asians have some capability that White athletes don't? Is there anyone out there moronic enough to claim it is the tiny Asian infusion in some Russian boxers that makes them tough? The Caste propaganda line rates Asians as less athletic likes Whites, so I must doubt it.

There is demonstrably no athletic capability possessed by Slavs/Asians that a Saxon, or a Celt, etc, does not possess. "E. European toughness" in fighting and other sports is a product of E. Europeans living in the sort of cultures that give rise to athletes. (Materially poor, culture of physical activity rather than playing X-box and watching TV.)


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
The Russians are the toughest people on this earth right now. I know this for a fact because my family came from Poland to the US. My parents will tell u the same thing, these people have suffered like no other. By the way they are Caucasian or white whatever you wanna call it.


May 3, 2006
Russians have a reputation for being rather dour and unfriendly. At about the halfway point in a book on Russian history in the 20th century, I can see why. Dynastic decay, revolution, civil war, brutal communistic rule, purges killing millions, famines killing millions more, an invasion killing millions and millions more, the gulags. It goes on and on. I can see why Slavs aren't the most lighthearted people.

I've also checked out some of the data on DNA testing, and maybe 2-3 percent of Slavs have a tiny Asian
admixture, with a little more in the more eastern areas.
The vast majority carry one of the eleven main European haplogroups. If he claims otherwise, this F Peniz Sap (if indeed that is his real name) needs to lay off the vodka.

Edited by: Hockaday

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I think it was Ground Fighter whoposted a while back about how tough-minded Eastern Europeans are. Theyare very disciplined and determined people who are less affected by the decadence and deceptions in the West than many other whites. More than a few I've talked with have said that they fled communism in their home countries only to encounter a different version of it here, an observation that other East Europeanshave written about.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Don Wassall said:
More than a few I've talked with have said that they fled communism in their home countries only to encounter a different version of it here, an observation that other East Europeans have written about.

I have a friend who's wife is from Russia. She arrived here and couldn't believe the amount of control the government exerts over our lives every day. Seat belt laws, helmet laws, what you can buy, what you can watch, what you can say, etc, are all well regulated by the various levels of government in our country. It was funny listening to my friend explain that those things are all for our own 'protection,' for our own 'good.'


The Eastern Europeans succeed in major sports becuase they have not been brain washed nor emasculated by the mainstream media here in the USA. Here is a simple example. Watch every commerical on TV. The buffon, coward, idiot, weakling, dumb, loser, unattractive, CRIMINAL, and every other disparging attribute is protrayed got it...a WHITE MALE! The opposite of this is protrayed by uber-negro.

There are even beer commericals that have black men 'seating'next to white women! You never see white men in the same setting with attractive black women. It is quite obvious whats happeaning here. My New Years resolution is to try not buying products who foster these images of whites. I suggest members on this site do the same.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I know the beer gut softy suburbanite is 90 odd percent a white guy. But interracial dating is still taboo. Or at least the stations I watch. I have never seen a black man with a white woman in any commercials. Even a cleaned up mulatto type (picture Muhammad Ali with a nerdier mannerism). This is from a guy who only watches the rare sporting event and no tv shows beyond the news occasionally.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
white is right said:
I know the beer gut softy suburbanite is 90 odd percent a white guy. But interracial dating is still taboo.

It's not up front, as this is regarded by the programmers as tooblatant, but watch the background. That's where you see many inter-racial couples, in commercials, movies, TV programs, etc. It's been that way for many years.

I have noticed a slightuptick in white male/asian female couples on commercials. As I've mentioned before, I believe the black male/white female thing has leveled off if not actually declined as white women will never go for black men in large numbers for several reasons, while the white male/asian female attraction has the potential to be the system's fastest route to mass miscegenation.


WIS, trust me, next time a beer, alcohol malted beverage or wine commerical comes on, there will be a scene of young people gathering in a bar. Normally there will be two white guys, two attractive white females and the lone wolf black guy sitting next to one of the females. I can not make this stuff up. Anyways its a way to put down white males and at the same time tell negros, if you buy this beer you to can get white chicks, even though you can't pay your electric bill!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
From what I've seen, it's often the same white girl that manages to make the rounds through 'relationships' with several different black guys, as opposed to numerous white women pairing with individual black men. Once they start down that road, it's rare that anybody else will want to be with them.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
No I have seen those commercials ie 4 white collar workers getting together at a chain restaurant all shades and hues all having a great time. Well maybe they are swingers as I can't tell who is dating whom...


WIS, regarding commericals that disparge white males and attempts estblish negros as logical intelligent/in control beings! Here is a short list I observed over the last 4 hrs while watching the game.

First one: At&t. A dumb ass white cook at a burger joint calls his 'black manager' and asks how to make a burger!

Second: Southwest Airlines, a blk and wht are playing a baseball video game. The black tells the dumb ass white to throw a pitch. The dumbie throws the video game remote at the TV and destroys a 42" plasma TV.

Third: Scatter brained Vince Young is passenger in a Ford Focus and the cowardly white driver is 'afraid' that Vince would like his speed metal music.

All of these showed blacks in control and whites as dumb or cowardly. WIS this was just in 4 hours on one channel. I don't make this s..t up!

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
Third: Scatter brained Vince Young is passenger in a Ford Focus and the cowardly white driver is 'afraid' that Vince would like his speed metal music.

havent seen that one is it a local commercial.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
One more. Wimpy, intimidated, stuttering white office worker gets his gift cardtaken by gruff talking black manager.


Regarding the Ford Focus commerical, I believe the passenger is Vince Young. You know big, black, dumb and muttering something nonsensical. I am not 100% sure, but it does look like him. The driver a cowardly looking scared white geek. If I am in that commerical I would say, "get the f... out of my car and find your own way to Popeyes Chicken".

And why in the f..k is Vince riding in a Ford Focus. Just like the main stream media, they will feed anything to most people and the people will swallow it. Unreal!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Re: The Ford Focus commercial:

The car radio is operated by voice command, which is the point of the commercial. The white girly-man driver isn't afraid Vince (whoever it is - big, large Negro) won't like his speed metal, he is afraid the Negro will find out he has Michael Bolton tunes on the radio. The girly-man plays speed metal, at which point the black guy tells the car radio, 'Play Tiffany.' Nothing happens. A moment later the black guy says, 'Play Michael Bolton,' and of course the radio blares the feminine tunes of Michael Bolton, making white girly-man squirm in his seat. So not only is there the implication that girly-man is truly girly because he listens to Bolton, he is afraid to even let someone know his taste in music. F*** that. Listen to what you like, and tell him to get his own ride next time.

If an alien from outer space happened to watch one day of television to learn something about this country, they'd think that black people are the benevolent masters of a violent yet weak and pasty sub-human people incapable of handling even the most rudimentary tasks themselves. They'd think that all blacks are professionals, leaders at only the highest levels of government, business, and the arts. They'd think crime was a white problem, perpetrated by whites against whites and their black masters.

I don't see how anyone can watch television for an hour and not notice this stuff, especially in advertising.


Aug 9, 2005
Gee, I wonder how whites and blacks will be portrayed in the new Denzel Washington movie "The Great Debaters."


White Shogun, I guess I gave the 'cliff notes' version. You made the point emphatically, With alot more detail. These commericals are just a method to appease the negros and emasculate white men. I wonder what the next step will be.

The Democratic Party will continue to be tool for the negro and weapon to beat down the white man. Right now that dispecable party is trying to gain favor with hispanics, which is unfortuneatly, becoming more and more like blacks, entitlement freaks!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Kukulcan said:
White Shogun, I guess I gave the 'cliff notes' version. You made the point emphatically, With alot more detail. These commericals are just a method to appease the negros and emasculate white men. I wonder what the next step will be.

The Democratic Party will continue to be tool for the negro and weapon to beat down the white man. Right now that dispecable party is trying to gain favor with hispanics, which is unfortuneatly, becoming more and more like blacks, entitlement freaks!

I apologize if I came across as though I was stepping on your toes or trying to one up you, Kukulcan. That wasn't my intention at all. I get really annoyed with these commercials and other forms of blatant put-downs of whites in advertising. If there was any balance to it I wouldn't care, but when was the last time you saw a black guy as the butt of a joke in a commercial? Edited by: White Shogun


White Shogun, no worries. I was not offended in the least. I was just stating that your post was more eloquent/effective than mine. Thanks anyway.

I agree with you, if there was some balance I would not care. Are you sure that black in the Focus commerical was not Vince Young? I remember my mother always saying, "most colored people looked the same, except for the Cassius Clay fellow."

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
Bolton sucks Metal Rules!


Nov 15, 2007
White Shogun said:
From what I've seen, it's often the same white girl that manages to make the rounds through 'relationships' with several different black guys, as opposed to numerous white women pairing with individual black men. Once they start down that road, it's rare that anybody else will want to be with them.

only two kinds of white women date black guys (atleast here in so. cal)

1. the "hot" gold diggers, who are only doing it to get some of that NFL/NBA/hip hop/ drug trade money.

2. the fat white wigger girls. these are the girls that arent considered attractive enough to date by good looking, intelligent white guys. theyre usually fat or dumb or more often a combination of both, and of course they come with the requisite "low self esteem". and instead of trying to better themselves and attract good men they get lazy and settle for black guys. they do so bc a black will do anything to be with a white girl. doesnt matter what she looks like. if shes fat, they'll tell her she has a "ghetto booty" and hope that gets her attention. sadly some girls fall for that sh*t.

ps- good point about it usually being one girl that just makes the rounds. i never thought about that but i think ive definitely seen examples of it. good point.

Edited by: johnnyboy


White Shogun said:
Re: The Ford Focus commercial:

The car radio is operated by voice command, which is the point of the commercial. The white girly-man driver isn't afraid Vince (whoever it is - big, large Negro) won't like his speed metal, he is afraid the Negro will find out he has Michael Bolton tunes on the radio. The girly-man plays speed metal, at which point the black guy tells the car radio, 'Play Tiffany.' Nothing happens. A moment later the black guy says, 'Play Michael Bolton,' and of course the radio blares the feminine tunes of Michael Bolton, making white girly-man squirm in his seat. So not only is there the implication that girly-man is truly girly because he listens to Bolton, he is afraid to even let someone know his taste in music. F*** that. Listen to what you like, and tell him to get his own ride next time.

If an alien from outer space happened to watch one day of television to learn something about this country, they'd think that black people are the benevolent masters of a violent yet weak and pasty sub-human people incapable of handling even the most rudimentary tasks themselves. They'd think that all blacks are professionals, leaders at only the highest levels of government, business, and the arts. They'd think crime was a white problem, perpetrated by whites against whites and their black masters.

I don't see how anyone can watch television for an hour and not notice this stuff, especially in advertising.

White man, kill your telavivavision! Almost everything on it is anti-white zionist propaganda, both overt and covert.
