Cream of Wheat Brains

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
J. B. has churned out another one:
Cream of Wheat Brains
(8/13/05) Felipe Alou's brain may not have turned to Cream of Wheat, but the resolve of the KNBR radio station management sure did. Alou, the manager of the San Francisco Giants, was upset when a reporter for KNBR, talk-show host Larry Krueger, referred to the slumping Giants line-up as "brain-dead Caribbean hitters hacking at slop nightly" and that manager Felipe Alou's brain had "turned to cream of wheat". Which is really an insult to the Cream of Wheat people (no word yet on whether or not they will forgive Kruger.)
That led to Krueger getting a suspension that was due to end this Monday. Alou refused to accept an apology from Krueger. He appeared on ESPN's "Outside the Lines" program Monday night and called Krueger "this messenger of Satan, as I call this guy now. ... And I believe there is no forgiveness for Satan." Those remarks are the kind of stuff, if made by a white guy, that would be fair game for ridicule.
On Tuesday morning, KNBR aired Alou's soundbite from "Outside the Lines" and then parodied it with Satan references from the Comedy Central show "South Park." Then suddenly on Thursday they said "The segment, featuring inappropriate comedy sound bites, demonstrated an utter lack of regard for the sensitivity of the issues involved and a premeditated intent to ridicule Felipe Alou's commentary." So they promptly fired Kruger, longtime program director Bob Agnew, and Tony Rhein, the producer of the show.
A morning talk show that featured "a premeditated intent to ridicule"? How dare they! Good thing guys like Howard Stern aren't held accountable for their premeditated intent to ridicule everybody else on the planet. One could say that ridicule is precisely the point of a morning drive time show. And really, weren't Alou's comments utterly ridicule-able? I mean c'mon, calling a guy Satan and then saying there is no forgiveness for him. What is that, a "church lady" skit?
I guess there is some enjoyment at seeing the pro-Caste System sports media being hoisted on its own petard. They have sniveled and s******ed for so long and they relish attacking a John Rocker or Kenny Rodgers for the slightest offense, so its righteous schadenfruede to see them getting it, and getting it good and hard.
So welcome "Sports Media" to the newest version of the "race card." Ha! You thought you were only in debt because of slavery. Now all the millions of hispanics streaming into this country have a whiny racial trump card in their hand and are waiting to play it on you!
Although Alou termed Krueger's initial one-week suspension a "slap on the hand," he told ESPN that he wasn't trying to get anyone fired. "No, no, no. I don't want any man to lose his job," Alou said. "I want people to be aware that some of the things I had to hear when I was 20, all of a sudden, I have to hear now when I am 70." So I guess that means Alou has had cream of wheat for brains for over 50 years. He certainly has it now if he honestly believes his full-blown assault on Krueger's radio station would not get him and others fired.
"A man with cream of wheat brains is going to forgive you? How do you explain that?" Alou said before the Giants' Tuesday night game in Atlanta. "How can I be so small and then five minutes later, 'OK, I forgive you'." Well, that's the issue, Felipe. You are small. A BIG man would forgive and forget, or better yet ignore, but not you, for you it was an attack on your people but let's be honest. This is an old man who has the power to get someone fired for personally insulting him and he used it.
For his part Krueger did what all obedient white servants to the multicultural state are required to do when some thin skinned non-white is in "pain" over the type of remark we all hear nearly every day. He apologized profusely, which got him zero forgiveness and only sent the message that he was weak and now vulnerable for more punishment. Which he got in spades.
Alou also gave his version of history by stating that the original Caribbeans were fierce warriors and mariners, whose population was annihilated by the Spanish and replaced by black slaves. I'm thinking they must not have been very fierce warriors if they were so easily annihilated, and as for mariners I guess floating on inner tubes to Florida does take some skill. Although usually if you are annihilated that means you are GONE, not lingering around to pester white people in their own countries.
"I've been getting a lot of phone calls," Felipe said immediately after chatting briefly by telephone with Hall-of-Famer and broadcaster Joe Morgan. Baseball great Reggie Jackson was also among the callers. I hope Alou was comforted by all of those descendents of black slaves that replaced his people.
Alou has talked about coming to this country from the Dominican Republic as a young man and facing racism in Louisiana. He has talked about unfriendly reactions to his interracial marriage. Get it? The racially proud Caribbean warrior (who married outside his wonderful race) faced so much hate from whites that he married one and has been paid many millions of dollars by them. It must have been really tough for him.
Alou also has recounted some ridiculously innocuous stories of possible mistreatment because of his ethnicity. This is typical of a non-white person whenever they receive poor service or some white person is not unfailingly friendly to them; it must be because of racism. The stories Alou recounts which are breathlessly repeated by the press as examples of "hateful" racism are the kind of incidents you would tell your friends to "get over it" if they even had the gall to bring them up.
The Alou incident featured the requisite quote from a clueless white player: "I don't really think players care too much about what a guy says on the radio or what people write," first baseman J.T. Snow said. "Our job is to go on the field and play." Yeah right J.T.! Keep thinking that way!
The only more outrageous statement I heard was KNBR show host Rod Brooks saying, "I would literally give up my right arm to talk to Felipe Alou." Alou should take him up on the offer. Picture it: he could gather together with all of his Caribbean warrior friends and they could dance around a fire waving the disembodied arm around in a show of victory. Then they could use it to beat over the head any white person who says something bad about their "people". Ay Carumba!!
Alou felt Kruger committed the unpardonable sin of insulting his people. I think we should follow Alou's example, since he is held up as a role model. So from now on we at Caste Football will no longer forgive anyone that insults OUR people. Hey if Felipe can have "his" chosen people, we can have ours too.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
This article should be sent to every whitetalk show host and sports writer. They are the ones largely responsible for the type of behavior exhibited by vengeful minorities. They are reaping what they have sown.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
The Bible says if you sow to the wind, you will reap the whirlwind. I think that is what is happening in this case.