Commercials we HATE!!!!


Oct 19, 2009
Men, I know the Marxist's in the media want to portray white males as stupid and childish, but this goes way beyond that. A white man wetting some arabs crotch in the mens room? Another white man in only a baby diaper, under a bridge? Even from ESPN this is shocking.

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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I think it has to do with DWFs being humiliated when "their" team loses after a bet is made. Of course only White "men" are the ones forced to act like infants.

I was watching a Tebow segment the other day on BSPN, and they showed a piece they had done modeled after the scene in Animal House where John Belushi smashes the guitar of a guy sitting on the stairs of the fraternity house singing some poetry to a couple of girls. BSPN's version showed three White "men" singing some song idolizing Tebow, then Stuart Scott comes along (I think it was Scott, may have been another network black), stands there for a few seconds listening the way Belushi did, before grabbing the guitar and smashing it. In Animal House, Belushi said "sorry" after his act of destruction which helped make the scene funny; in BSPN's version, Scott just walks away, no apology, while the three White "men" just sit there with their heads down. Everyone in the studio was roaring with laughter when they went back to the live show.

Anyone else annoyed by all those Miller Light ads, where a "man" does something "unmanly" in addition to not drinking Miller Light and is ridiculed for it? In every instance the "unmanly" act is as ridiculous as can be -- e.g. screaming in fear while wall climbing 3 inches up, screaming in fear at a fish he had just caught, terrified to leave his girlfriend and catch a plane, etc. In all of them the White "man" is the unmanly idiot, except for two instances where a black guy is the fool -- except in the one case the cast consists entirely of black couples laughing at a guy who wanted his male buddy to go to the men's room with him, and the other again is a group of black couples laughing at a "mama's boy," which means blackie isn't demeaned by having a white guy laughing at him. When Whitey is the idiot, it's usually with a cast of all or almost all men of various races laughing at him. These commercials actually aren't as bad as many made by viciously anti-White men Hollywood, but they are shown over and over again during sports events, almost on a par with "Flo" and her ever-changing casts of emasculated White "men", and the All-State commercials with that ever-so-virtuous and wise deep-throated black actor.
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Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
I think it has to do with DWFs being humiliated when "their" team loses after a bet is made. Of course only White "men" are the ones forced to act like infants.

I was watching a Tebow segment the other day on BSPN, and they showed a piece they had done modeled after the scene in Animal House where John Belushi smashes the guitar of a guy sitting on the stairs of the fraternity house singing some poetry to a couple of girls. BSPN's version showed three White "men" singing some song idolizing Tebow, then Stuart Scott comes along (I think it was Scott, may have been another network black), stands there for a few seconds listening the way Belushi did, before grabbing the guitar and smashing it. In Animal House, Belushi said "sorry" after his act of destruction which helped make the scene funny; in BSPN's version, Scott just walks away, no apology, while the three White "men" just sit there with their heads down. Everyone in the studio was roaring with laughter when they went back to the live show.

Anyone else annoyed by all those Miller Light ads, where a "man" does something "unmanly" in addition to not drinking Miller Light and is ridiculed for it? In every instance the "unmanly" act is as ridiculous as can be -- e.g. screaming in fear while wall climbing 3 inches up, screaming in fear at a fish he had just caught, terrified to leave his girlfriend and catch a plane, etc. In all of them the White "man" is the unmanly idiot, except for two instances where a black guy is the fool -- except in the one case the cast consists entirely of black couples laughing at a guy who wanted his male buddy to go to the men's room with him, and the other again is a group of black couples laughing at a "mama's boy," which means blackie isn't demeaned by having a white guy laughing at him. When Whitey is the idiot, it's usually with a cast of all or almost all men of various races laughing at him. These commercials actually aren't as bad as many made by viciously anti-White men Hollywood, but they are shown over and over again during sports events, almost on a par with "Flo" and her ever-changing casts of emasculated White "men", and the All-State commercials with that ever-so-virtuous and wise deep-throated black actor.

Don, it was none other than Stephen A. Smiff and Skip Spineless.

It was Smiff I guess showing his jealously over the success of Tim Tebow and the his supporters.

I said in an earlier post about Smiff calling Tebow garbage on BSPN weeks ago, without any reprocussions. Imagine a white analyst calling Scam Newton garbage over all of his thuggish ways!
He would be fired!


Nov 28, 2009
It's just another sign that the pending apocalypse is getting nearer and nearer. Mind-rot like that cannot sustain a civilization, and that's the end goal, the complete and utter obliteration of Western Civilization, with DWF's guffawing in it's wake.

The light/lite beer commercials are horrendous and obviously aimed at the DWF and Cult Marx crowd. Don's observations on the social dynamics of the commercials is spot on. I wonder how the conversations go in the marketing department when these are being created. I'm sure the diversity departments have a say in how it must be choreographed to pass full Cult Marx muster. And BSPN is just being BSPN (Black-supremacist SPorts Network) with their portrayal of the White male Tebow musicians. I wish there was an alternative to them. Maybe "Versus" in the future.

I noticed All-State replaced their two idiot White sports fans rooting for "State-U" in various scenarios and replaced them with another White guy that is constantly getting in horrific accidents with broken bones and a bloodied face. Oh, the humor.

Of course I can't forget to mention the commercial for the banal, unfunny, "How I met your mother?" where they are sitting at a table in some eatery and the couple on the left tells the two girls and the guy on the right side of the table that they are moving to some island or something. There is some more unfunny blabbering going on back and forth before the husband on the left side of the table starts breaking down and crying while his stoic and strong wife watches on.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Don, it was none other than Stephen A. Smiff and Skip Spineless.

It was Smiff I guess showing his jealously over the success of Tim Tebow and the his supporters.

I said in an earlier post about Smiff calling Tebow garbage on BSPN weeks ago, without any reprocussions. Imagine a white analyst calling Scam Newton garbage over all of his thuggish ways!
He would be fired!

You're right it was Smiff; I guess I try to put him out of mind as quickly as possible every time I see him.

I wouldn't give Smiff that much credit over the content of that particular piece however. It was likely scripted by higher ups at BSPN, though Smiff may have had some input on his role.


Jul 29, 2008
Anyone else annoyed by all those Miller Light ads, where a "man" does something "unmanly" in addition to not drinking Miller Light and is ridiculed for it?

Beer commercials are a haven for emasculating and humiliating (White) men. In addition to the ones you mention, another series of commercials (could've been Miller light, don't remember) used to feature stupid looking men, almost always White, walking up to a hot, perfect, never-wrong, empowered, wonderful barmaid to ask for a beer. "More or less taste?", she would ask in a condescending tone, and "I don't care!" was the response. Upon getting his beer, the man is then shown in some embarrassing state, whether he's wearing a speedo, skinny jeans, holding a purse, or what not.

I strictly remember about 15 or years ago, beer commercials were not like this. They featured manly, masculine men, having a good time with their buddies or hanging out with women in a social setting, without a hint of the garbage that we see today. But the various ad agencies are now populated by radical feminists and other pandering manginas, so it's no surprise that so many commercials always feature an idiot White man, a strong woman who's always right and fully in charge, or both where the man makes a mess of things, and his wife/girlfriend then comes to the rescue to fix it all.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
It's just another sign that the pending apocalypse is getting nearer and nearer. Mind-rot like that cannot sustain a civilization, and that's the end goal, the complete and utter obliteration of Western Civilization, with DWF's guffawing in it's wake.

The light/lite beer commercials are horrendous and obviously aimed at the DWF and Cult Marx crowd. Don's observations on the social dynamics of the commercials is spot on. I wonder how the conversations go in the marketing department when these are being created. I'm sure the diversity departments have a say in how it must be choreographed to pass full Cult Marx muster. And BSPN is just being BSPN (Black-supremacist SPorts Network) with their portrayal of the White male Tebow musicians. I wish there was an alternative to them. Maybe "Versus" in the future.

I noticed All-State replaced their two idiot White sports fans rooting for "State-U" in various scenarios and replaced them with another White guy that is constantly getting in horrific accidents with broken bones and a bloodied face. Oh, the humor.

Of course I can't forget to mention the commercial for the banal, unfunny, "How I met your mother?" where they are sitting at a table in some eatery and the couple on the left tells the two girls and the guy on the right side of the table that they are moving to some island or something. There is some more unfunny blabbering going on back and forth before the husband on the left side of the table starts breaking down and crying while his stoic and strong wife watches on.

Versus was bought out by NBC and is now NBC Sports, so we can forget about that network being an outpost of sanity. That's one of the many problems with American style unregulated, unaccountable monopoly capitalism -- successful small and medium sized businesses are usually swallowed up by one of the established mega-corporations.
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Oct 22, 2011
There is an ESPN commercial, where the ESPN bus breaks down, and the three guys in the bus (white of course) are helpless and don't know what to do. They end up climbing on top of the bus and looking at the stars. While they are on top of the bus, it mysteriously starts up. When they look down, they see two black guys have "crawled under the hood" and have repaired the bus. One of the black guys is that ESPN guy with the lazy or wandering eye.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
My two unfavorite commercials that get a lot of air play during football games is the one where some kind of cave-man is somehow forced to wear a cheerleader outfit by some black athlete and complains about it? Hmm, he's a caveman why doesn't he just kill the stupid negro? That's what a real caveman would do right?

The other one is practically unwatchable and disgusting where a white guy licks the cheese off of the fingers of a black guy who just ate dorito's. Can you imagine such a commercial 20 years ago? That is how fast and far we have fallen. There will never be dorito products in my house again.
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Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Don Wassall said:
I was watching a Tebow segment the other day on BSPN, and they showed a piece they had done modeled after the scene in Animal House where John Belushi smashes the guitar of a guy sitting on the stairs of the fraternity house singing some poetry to a couple of girls. BSPN's version showed three White "men" singing some song idolizing Tebow, then Stuart Scott comes along (I think it was Scott, may have been another network black), stands there for a few seconds listening the way Belushi did, before grabbing the guitar and smashing it. In Animal House, Belushi said "sorry" after his act of destruction which helped make the scene funny; in BSPN's version, Scott just walks away, no apology, while the three White "men" just sit there with their heads down. Everyone in the studio was roaring with laughter when they went back to the live show.

Don, to further clarify…the commercial you’re referring to was intended to mock Bayless’ over-the-top, unyielding support for Tebow whenever he’s featured on “ESPN First Take.” The guy with the guitar was “serenading” Bayless on the steps with the acoustic version of that weird, spliced-together Tim Tebow techno/rap song (entitled “All He Does is Win”) invented by ESPN and aired daily. The original song/video featured Skip Bayless “rapping” about Tebow’s skills and accomplishments, Hugh Douglas, Tebow himself, John Elway, and an angry Stephen A. Smith.

Original Tebow Techno Song…

Before Smiff comes along and breaks the guy’s guitar, he was signing the aforementioned song Bayless...

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Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
Before Smiff comes along and breaks the guy’s guitar...

I would have not ended the Tebow piece with Smith walking off mumbling “Tebowmaniaâ€￾. Instead, the character whom had his instrument smashed with the hissy fit would say, “Wow, that is one insecure Black dude.â€￾ Then the text would flash “Embrace the Debateâ€￾.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
I always pondered making an “I Hate This Commercial” thread at Caste Football, but finding videos for specific commercials is difficult at times. Since there are so many truly loathsome specimins to denigrade, with various commercials playing round the clock, nation-wide, for months on end, perhaps this thread was a great idea.

Highlander said:
I noticed All-State replaced their two idiot White sports fans rooting for "State-U" in various scenarios and replaced them with another White guy that is constantly getting in horrific accidents with broken bones and a bloodied face. Oh, the humor.

The “State Farm Insurance” commercials provide a deliberate male-female character contrast between the pathetic, skinny, pale, dorky, balding, middle-aged, wimpy white loser, “Jerry Neumann,” and the “hot,” confident, witty, strong, intellectual white female insurance agent, “Jessica DeClercq.”

The premise of these ads delivers a thorough “sexual role reversal,” because, as we all know, women (not men, especially white men) are typically a disaster behind the wheel. And when their car breaks down, or they get into an accident, they exclusively call upon men to resolve the situation. Be it their grandfathers, their fathers, their uncles, their husbands, their boyfriends, random male motorists, or a tow-truck driver…very few women (less than ½ of 1%) are capable of something as simple as replacing a flat tire, jump-starting a battery, or adding basic fluids to an internal-combustion engine. Also, the notion that the average middle-aged white male would actually cry over something as meaningless as a car was specifically included because it is such a flagrant “role reversal.” Modern women will cry over almost anything, particularly the loss of a material possession, the be-all and end-all of their existence. A terrible accident such as “Jerry’s” (he drove his car up a pole) would have them sobbing for days…because, well, that’s what upset little girls do.

But alas, in our fantasy-based JewTopia, this sort of Corporate Rad-Fem folly is not only tolerated, but it increases the company’s profits whilst providing a national TV audience with silage for a “good laugh”…


CAPTION: P-ssy Crying Over Car Accident – “I Miss You, Jessica!”


CAPTION: “Jerry, Are You Crying?”

As thus, JerryTheWhiteMale is made into the “ass” of the joke. He’s a weeping little b-tch, his driving skills are worse than those of an Asian, he was too ignorant to purchase proper car insurance, and he’s sexually subservient to “hot,” powerful, corporate babes like Jessica. The only humiliation that JerryTheWhiteMale hasn’t been subjected to is any specific reference to homoeroticism. In future installments of these Fem-Domination commercials, Jessica will dawn a strap-on dildo and violently sodomize JerryTheWhiteMale for failing to purchase State Farm Insurance…quite naturally, he’ll enjoy the experience.

I abhor so many mainstream commercials, for so many different reasons…it’ll be cool to express those opinions, and expose the creators’ not-so-hidden stratagem in this thread. Thanks, Truthteller!
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Oct 19, 2009
Thanks Trashen and nice idea about commericals we can't stand being posted in spot. By the way, I actually saw a new Jerry Neumann commercial last night. This time he crashed into a build or parking garage, or whatever? Like his other ads, they were total nonsense.

Here's an old ESPN promo that I saw earlier today. It looks like the Marxists convinced the diminutive Hannah Storm -- a 50-something mother of 3 daughters, who has long been married to golf broadcaster Dan Hicks -- to do a SC promo where she goes "gaga" over a 6' 11" black man, who's half her age. Aside from the interracial and age difference angles, there is something very disturbing about this. Just doesn't seem right to use a seemingly happily married mother of 3 in this fashion. I would've felt somewhat similar if they used Kevin Love, Tim Tebow or Sid Crosby.


PS #1: Storm, I've read, was born Hannah Storen (Irish family, went to N. Dame) and is the daughter of Mike Storen, who was the commish of the ABA back in the 1970's. I doubt they would've used Jewish mother Linda Cohn in the same demeaning way.

PS #2: Notice how the gals at Youtube had to "disable the comments" for the above video. My bet is they did this due to too many racial comments.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Thanks Trashen and nice idea about commericals we can't stand being posted in spot. By the way, I actually saw a new Jerry Neumann commercial last night. This time he crashed into a build or parking garage, or whatever? Like his other ads, they were total nonsense.

Here's an old ESPN promo that I saw earlier today. It looks like the Marxists convinced the diminutive Hannah Storm -- a 50-something mother of 3 daughters, who has long been married to golf broadcaster Dan Hicks -- to do a SC promo where she goes "gaga" over a 6' 11" black man, who's half her age. Aside from the interracial and age difference angles, there is something very disturbing about this. Just doesn't seem right to use a seemingly happily married mother of 3 in this fashion. I would've felt somewhat similar if they used Kevin Love, Tim Tebow or Sid Crosby.


PS #1: Storm, I've read, was born Hannah Storen (Irish family, went to N. Dame) and is the daughter of Mike Storen, who was the commish of the ABA back in the 1970's. I doubt they would've used Jewish mother Linda Cohn in the same demeaning way.

PS #2: Notice how the gals at Youtube had to "disable the comments" for the above video. My bet is they did this due to too many racial comments.

Truthteller, Thrashen,

I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels the way you do about these types of ads. My wife and I talk about this all the time. These types of commercials and in Hollyweird where actors are in scenes where they have to be with other women or even worse have to be with members of the same sex. It's just not
right. As you said there's just something wrong with this. My wife says she could never ever be an actress and have to do these types of scenes. I thank God almost every day for what many would call my "old-fashioned" wife!


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
My two unfavorite commercials that get a lot of air play during football games is the one where some kind of cave-man is somehow forced to wear a cheerleader outfit by some black athlete and complains about it? Hmm, he's a caveman why doesn't he just kill the stupid negro? That's what a real caveman would do right?

I’ve also seen this commercial, Jax. The corporation is “Geico Insurance” and the black player is Redskins LB, Brian Orakpo. Notice how the (supposed) “cave man” has very light skin, light blue eyes, light brown hair, and talks like an effeminate white yuppie…


Perhaps Geico’s advertising department found the notion of an actual human DWF dressed as a cheerleader to be too overtly offensive to potential white male customers? Then again, Geico has been using the “it’s so easy a cave man could do it” slogan, as well as this particular caveman character (who’s grown progressively “whiter-looking” over the years), for almost a decade.

Due to the inexplicable popularity of these unfunny commercials, a short-lived Network TV sitcom was developed, entitled “Cavemen”…



Jul 29, 2008
Maybe we can rename this thread "Misandrist Commercials" or something like that and then keep posting videos just like the Music Videos thread. I, too, have wanted us to discuss this, and we do it in other threads from time to time, but it clearly deserves its own topic. The never ending stream of male-bashing in TV commercials needs to be called out the same way we discuss other subjects here.

We've already covered some of the most notable ones (insurance and beer), so, here's one that I've hated since the first time I saw it. That "man" in the commercial looks like your typical uber-mangina who handed his balls to his wife the day he got married.

(notice that comments have been disabled for that video)



Nov 28, 2009
As thus, JerryTheWhiteMale is made into the “ass” of the joke. He’s a weeping little b-tch, his driving skills are worse than those of an Asian, he was too ignorant to purchase proper car insurance, and he’s sexually subservient to “hot,” powerful, corporate babes like Jessica. The only humiliation that JerryTheWhiteMale hasn’t been subjected to is any specific reference to homoeroticism. In future installments of these Fem-Domination commercials, Jessica will dawn a strap-on dildo and violently sodomize JerryTheWhiteMale for failing to purchase State Farm Insurance…quite naturally, he’ll enjoy the experience.
:lol::lol: Classic. Yes, we've gone from husband kissing wife and two kids after eating breakfast and just before dashing off to work in some cereal or margarine commercial in the mid-80's to State Farm's one last year where the wife kisses her stay-at-home-husband on the front porch while he's holding their two small children and she's dashing off to work in her power suit and executive briefcase, and then to the loathsome one you mention here.

Hopefully, you are wrong on your "future installments" version, :lol:, but the way things are "progressing" it may just be right around the corner. Maybe I should hope the Pats don't win out because then I could return my cable box before something like this airs.

Great posts in this thread. It's good to expose them and tear them apart. It provides some comic-relief in an otherwise pathetic state of affairs in the Cult Marx West.

Another one similar to foobar's husband/wife(boss)-in-the-kitchen-scenario, is where the wife comes home from grocery shopping and the husband grabs a soda and opens it up. It sprays all over the dumb bastard, so he asks her if she took his car (some souped-up model or something) out while getting the groceries (implying that she drove it wildly enough to shake up the can of soda) and she curtly says "I did". He leaves it at that (because the b*tch has to have the last word, of course.) Apparently, she never even asked him or mentioned it to him that she was taking his car and it seems that is just perfectly acceptable behavior on part of someone.


Jul 29, 2008
Agreed Highlander, so much good stuff here, and good to see we all think alike on this. Credit to Truthteller for starting this, and it has unexpectedly morhped into something generic and quite valuable too.

I know exactly which commercial you're talking about, but could not find the video as I do not remember which car model was being promoted.

Anyway, here's another one, where the wife is the absolute boss (and quite b*tchy, I might add) and the husband is one who probably can't even tie his shoes without her permission. Look at that nasty little smile on her face at the end, it tells you everything:



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I really hate those Yoplait commercials, what the hell business is it of hers what "hubby" is going in the refrigerator for. I once told my wife while watching this commerical that if she said that to me she better be ready to get smacked in the back of the head with a yogurt container.

I attempt to rationalize the Yoplait commercial along the following lines: I've never bought yogurt and my wife does all of the grocery shopping, so okay they are trying to appeal to women by showing them as the boss. Fine. Then explain the beer commercials all aimed at guys that put down the very customers the beer is seeking???? What kind of retarded thinking is that? Who the heck is okaying that crap down at Miller/Bud Inc.?

In fact I have started drinking Keystone Light because of the "Keith Stone" commercials where Keith Stone charms the good looking ladies. Now that is the image I want from my beer advertiser.

I also remember bringing this up before so I think there have been some threads on bad commercials before, but it's allways good to have another!

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
Just came across this today. There is no letup in commercials in which Blacks have the highroad or are the ultra-wise individual. It’s amazing how obvious the agenda is. Yet, the scheme intensifies each passing year. The fraudsters who are responsible for these commercials are probably big buddies with the banksters. One creates make believe money out of thin, the other creates a make believe world out of thin air.


Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I just saw a commercial for the show "House" which shows a man slugging a woman (at least I think it was a woman). I've seen at least 5,000 men slugged by women, or slapped by women, or kicked in the nuts by women since the last time I've seen a man hit a woman on a commercial. I say commercials because I haven't watched prime time shows in over 30 years so commercials are all I have to go by.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I just saw a commercial for the show "House" which shows a man slugging a woman (at least I think it was a woman). I've seen at least 5,000 men slugged by women, or slapped by women, or kicked in the nuts by women since the last time I've seen a man hit a woman on a commercial. I say commercials because I haven't watched prime time shows in over 30 years so commercials are all I have to go by.

I saw that one too Don. The patient jacked a female Doctor :)icon_rolleyes:) or nurse.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I saw that one too Don. The patient jacked a female Doctor :)icon_rolleyes:) or nurse.

I noticed that too, I imagine the FCC will be notified and there will be fines and warnings. I thought the slugger was House himself since they do everything they can to show him as some kind of prick.


Oct 26, 2008
I saw a commercial for UFC with a black fighter named Jones. I thought UFC had a lot of white fighters. Anyway, he was pushing a baby on a swing and there were two white women staring at him. Then he leaves and one white women says I'll bet he cooks too. Of course, the women have to be white.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
I’m sure you’ve all seen the Hyundai car commercial(s) from the videos below. Like many mainstream commercials which degrade white males, the inglorious narrative here is quite simple. That is, uncool white dorks are shopping for Christmas presents whilst making every attempt to “be hip” through the act of “rapping” about the various positive amenities featured on their new Hyundai car. But, given their pale complexion, their rapping skills are inherently pitiful and the groups’ “Hyundai Song” is nothing but another failed attempt to become something greater (i.e., a black man) than they could ever hope to be in their own skin. They are all generic-looking, wearing plain, generic wigger clothes, and the negro-style hat worn by the driver even reads the generic name: “DJ Dave.”

CAPTION: Hyundai Wiggers #1

CAPTION: Hyundai Wiggers #2

I wonder how many automobiles were legitimately sold as a result of this corporate foolishness? What sort of despondent, stupid, pea-brained white dullard would find such an advertisement amusing, let alone make a $20,000+ investment after viewing something so racially degrading? Even within the (open) borders of “Idiot Nation,” such a thing would not occur. Thus, Hyundai is wasting millions of dollars simply to degrade whites…this behavior is the new archetype for corporate America.

Compare that inane filth with this lovely Chevrolet commercial...


This Chevy commercial portrays so many positive ideals. A young boy who idolized his father, playing with real toys instead of digital junk, pretending to help a “stranded” woman (likely his sister’s Barbie doll), and then running to greet his strong, burly, handsome father when he arrives home, presumably from a day of working with his Chevy pickup. The blonde boy and his hard-working father reminds me of my own life…although my dad would never have wasted money on a new truck meant for farm work (as they only get scratched and dented). I kept this in mind when I bought my 20+ year old truck for around $800, haha.
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