Code Breakers on ESPN


Apr 27, 2005
This weekend ESPN will air a TV movie called "Code Breakers" which is about the football cheating scandal at West Point in 1951. For those not familiar with the story, 23 players and around 90 students were dismissed from school for cheating on exams. This was in an era when West Point was one of the most dominating football teams in the country, producing two Heisman trophy winners and two national championships.

My question is what is the motivation for ESPN to produce such a movie that disgraces the great all-white Army teams some 54 years ago? There plenty of modern day scandals (most are much worse), yet you don't see any movies being made about them.Edited by: SteveB
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
"My question is what is the motivation for ESPN to produce such a movie that disgraces the great all-white Army teams some 54 years ago?"

To ask the question is to answer it. ESPN is controlled by the same proponents of the worldwide Marxist system, which thrives on destroying the history and culture of the host nations. They also hope that gullible Whites will come away from the movie thinking that there were no academic standards or institutional integrity "back in the day," and so maybe it's okay to have 70-IQ, "student-athletes".... filling football rosters today.

And let's not forget the obvious professional conflicts that exist when a self-styled "news" outfit such as ABC/ESPN produces a supposedly-based-on-fact historical fiction piece. How much of it is factual, and how much is fiction? And, by the way, how much of their reported "news" is the same blending of fact and fiction?

My hatred for ABC/ESPN is well-documented on this board.


Oct 19, 2004
I saw a preview of a movie about West Point, or something to do with the military, and a white man is desperately striving to make it. His drill sergeant? A black man. Then he meets a good-looking girl at a bar, and guess what? She's apparently his superior as well. I try not to be a conspiracy theorist, but it's like they're trying to condition us to accept a "new role," a lower role in society. There are just too many coincidences. Everything that is happening in society appears to be an attempt to squeeze us out, the most obvious example being the combination of free trade and immigration (legal and illegal) that is literally driving American workers (esp. white men) out of the economy that they built.

Edited by: JD074
Dec 18, 2004
The movie, Codebreakers, is about the 1951 cheating scandal in which 83 cadets were expelled, most of themfootball players.Several of the Academy's administrators had nothing but contempt for football players and thought a football team didn't belong at the academy. They used the scandal to kick as many players out as possible.

Some of the expelled were not guilty, strictly speaking, but had some knowledge that cheating was going on, even if they did not violate the Honor Code themselves. After WWII, Red Blaik needed the same kind of athletes the other football powers had to compete for high rankings. Unfortunately, many of these athletes were unsuitable for West Point and it's demanding curriculum. They were given "tuturing" which included answers to test questions.

This violation of the Academy's Honor Code resulted in what was called the "West Point cribbibg scandal." The story is detailed in the book, On Brave Old Army Team, by James Blackwell. This book shows that many of those expelled went on to make positive contributions in the military by enlisting after being expelled from West Point. The movie seems to have this theme, though I haven't seen it yet.