Clemens no different than Bonds

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
White_Savage said:
Slowly and with small words so EVERYONE can understand it.

Pro.....affletes.....are.....all.....on... ..PEDs..........PE RIOD!!!

Those who get caught are the ones who are especially stupid or ones that the higher-ups want caught.

I agree.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Maple Leaf said:
This baseball roid scandal has made the non-sports news up here in Canada. The media here has turned to scrutinize the NHL and wonder how rampant drug use is in hockey. The glaring question should be, as Poacher has mentioned already, what about the NFL. If any major league sport in North America needs to be flushed out it is football. The NFL is the epicentre of drug users, cheaters, pushers, fakers, frauds, swindlers, liars, tricksters, depraived duntzs, impostors, violators, and squalid criminals ever assembled before his Majesty's commons. Have I missed anyone?

Shawn Merriman was suspended for 4 games last season for steroids use, yet still made the Pro Bowl and was treated as a god by the media. The drunk white fans yawned, then began clapping like seals as they always do when Merriman's picture or thatof any of their heroesis presented to them. Not that baseball fans react any differently. More attend every year no matter how many scandals enmesh the industry. Expect MLB attendance records to be broken again in 2008.

That's the diabolical beauty of the way white Americans (and presumbly whites just about everywhere) have been processed -- nothing sinks deeply into their minute attention spans and vacant souls, nothing enrages them, they are deracinated, mindless consumers, ever eager to see the nextgroup of shadows presented on the wall. Edited by: Don Wassall
May 1, 2006
I have read the report and a lot of these names were hear say from guys who got caught red handed and were looking at some jail time for drug trafficing. That does mean that all 70 of these guys actually used steroids.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Has the Clemens steroid story gotten weird or what? The crazy dude who is trying to pin the scandal on him has now testified that he has the syringe's with Clemens blood and steroids in them. He kept them for seven years! To top it off he is now saying that he also injected Clemens wife. I wonder if he kept those needles too?

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
It seems like he either was a visionary(I doubt it) or was keeping the "evidence" to blackmail Clemens down the road. Does Lee Haney have needles of Evan Fields' DNA?


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
What did he inject Clemen's wife with???

Tom: McNamee reportedly said he injectedClemens` wife with HGH to prepare her for posing in a bikini for Sports Illustrated.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I'm surprised this issue has not had more attention on this forum. Perhaps we're all depressed that one of our staunchest heroes is going down in flames. It appears now that the best average hitter (Rose), home run hitter (McGuire), and now pitcher (Clemens) of the modern era will all be excluded from the Hall of Fame.

What good does it do to have great white athletes if they are all considered cheats?

Clemens has handled this miserably. He has stuck to his story despite an unrelenting series of evidence to the contrary. Yes, he may be innocent, him and Barry Bonds both. I read where some people think he is holding out on any admission because he has a presidential pardon waiting from the son of one of his good friends George Bush Sr.


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
Perhaps we're all depressed that one of our staunchest heroes is going down in flames.

I`m depressed, jaxvid. I hate to say this, but I think he`s guilty of using PEDs and Ialso think he had deluded himself to the point that he can find a way outof this bases-loaded jamand salvage his reputation and stay out of jail, but I have a sad feeling that the only pinstripes he`ll be wearing in the near future are going to be the prison variety. There`s still a chance he`s telling the truth but, if he`s not he`s really stupid.

But, as you say, there`s always a chance of a presidential pardon.

Regardless, maybe Clemens is no different than Bonds.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
I watched the hearing from start to finish and Clemens did not come off as very intellectual. He had several prepared answers that he gave regardless of the question. He was not sure of himself whenever he got forced into a corner but his lawyers were right there to help him.

On the other hand, McNamee never seemed to have to think about his answers. Despite his record of lying, he seemed to me to be answering the questions without hesitation, which is easier to do when telling the truth.

Of course, McNamee is a proven liar and a good one, but Clemen's didn't seem to have the candor of an honest man.

The one annoying part of the hearings for me was the Pedestal the Pettitte was placed on. He's just another liar and cheat who hides behind God.

First Pettitte denied taking steroids or HGH, then when they had proof of a couple of injections he broke down and confessed to taking HGH for just two days. He also said how sorry he was. Then we find out he admits to more usage when placed under oath. Then he tells the court he has to answer to God. Give me a break, why wasn't he answering to God from the beginning.

In my opinion, Pettitte has ZERO credibility.

Also, Pettitte's wife gave meaningless testimony since she offered nothing except to repeat what her husband told her.

Bottom line, Clemen's did not prove his innocence(not that he could have) but he also did not present himself as the more believable man.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Petite has behaved horrible through out this. At first I admired the quick admission and the attempt to move on but he committed the worst sin in my view---he turned out a friend. When the govt hounds went after his hide he squawked like a parrot. "Pussy" Petite, which I will now refer to him as, tried to buy some play from the feds by ratting on his good "friend" Roger Clemens. I don't condone what Roger did but you don't turn out a buddy like that. Petite can ES&D for all I care.


Nov 25, 2004
I've heard enough of this to draw a final conclusion on this whole baseball and steroids mess. Yes, Clemens took steroids as well many, maybe even most, baseball players. We all watched as Barry Bonds was allowed to lie about his use and despite mountains of evidence he was allowed to continue to lie and even play. He continually lied about never testing positive once in his career and now, several years later, we learn that he did in fact test postive way back in 2000 before the record was set (see link below). Considering equal protection under the law, this gives Roger Clemens in my biased opinion the right to use as much steroids as he can possible pump into his 40-something body. But we all know baseball needed a proper white sacrificial lamb.

Wait a minute, isn't Bud Selig white? Well his skin is pale anyway. Isn't he the guy that has been in charge of major league baseball while steroids was allowed to take over the game. Good Ole Bud testified that he didn't know steroids was problem in baseball. Really? Every Tom, Dick, and Harry is getting indicted on perjury charges and Bud, the guy in charge, who surely new better, the only one who could have done anything about it will **** his way out of it.

Bonds tested positive in 2000 - but we finally find out in 2008???Edited by: Kaptain Poop


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Contrite Pettitte leans on Yankees support

Another looong tearful apology by a spineless wimp of a white athlete as he throws himself on his sword over the use of HGH a few years age. The apology gets him no sympathy (as you can read from the story) and will just be blood in the water for the media sharks to smell.

Pettitte is a pussy who ratted out his best friend and now is trying to get some measure of absolution from the press by going on and on about the whole thing. God this is sickening. When was the last time a black athlete paraded his sorry ass around begging for forgiveness on the steroid issue? I can't think of a single one!

That's one good thing about blacks, they grow up in a criminal atmosphere and know when to shut up about breaking the rules. I wish Pettitte and his other Yankee wuss teamate Jason Giambi would grow a pair.

He did it, he copped to it, now move on!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
God this is sickening. When was the last time a black athlete paraded his sorry ass around begging for forgiveness on the steroid issue? I can't think of a single one!

Excellent rant! And no, I can't recall a black begging for forgiveness on the steroid issue, or anything else.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Really can anyone name one single black athlete that was contrite about steroid use???? One????


Aug 6, 2006
Not one,Jax,99% of the New York line up is non white,and who is front and center in the whole investigation,three White males,why if I did'nt know better,I might come to the conclusion that there was bias here!

But then commish,SELIG would not let that happen,would he?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Now the FBI is beginning an investigation on whether Clemens lied to Congress. Why wasn't Bonds ever called before Congress? Why no interest in him?

Clemens is getting far more publicity now than he ever did as one of baseball's all-time greats. ESPN had a story yesterday asking about which teams might be interesting in employing Barry Bonds this season. The Caste media witch hunterswould collectively vomit if Clemens decides to pitch again in 2008. mens.fbi.ap/index.html

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
jaxvid said:
Really can anyone name one single black athlete that was contrite about steroid use???? One????
Marion Jones before her sentencing for perjury....... You have a point about the white athletes. I think if it was a generation or two earlier you would have had more Jake Lamotta types and these tearful confessions would be at a minimum. Your comments almost remind me of Goodfellas...


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
A judge orders the Bonds documents unsealed. It also looks like she is going tough on the governments case, I bet she dismisses it. Meanwhile Clemens will have to run the gamut of publicity seeking politicians.

Oddly Yahoo sports linked to website instead of saying much about it themselves. Wonder why.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
When Roger Clemens had the effrontery to show up at the Astros' training camp and throw a few pitches to his son and some other prospects, the media went into full snarling mode. If Clemens would decide to play this season the reaction from the Caste media would be one of merciless hatred and ridicule, which of course would be mimicked by the drunk white fans in every city and maybe Houston as well.

But for some reason, the same Caste media yearns for the ever gracious Barry Bonds to keep playing. Shaun Powell of Newsday dedicates his latestcolumn tothis issue, writing that poor Barry is being "blacklisted" by MLB.

And The Sporting News has not one, but back to back articles pontificating on the need for baseball to have Bonds' giant sized head frowning onits corporate fields in 2008. The first one,"Adding Bonds Just Might Make Some Sense" notes that Tony LaRussa "pushed" to have the Cardinals sign Bonds only to be vetoed by "higher ups." And Lou Piniella drools: "I don't know anything about the chemistry issue. But I know when the Giants had Barry on the field, he was very productive. . . Let's hope he gets back to baseball. Look, he has had a great career. He is the all-time home run champion. I am sure he still has gas in his tank. At the same time, if he would want, he'd have a lot to impart to the young kids in the game."

Yep, Barry Bonds, role model and mentor to young baseball players.

The second article, by relief pitcher Todd Jones, is summed up by its title, "Someone Should Sign Barry Bonds."

The racist persecution of Bonds by the white man just won't end.Edited by: Don Wassall

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bud Selig announced the other day that none of the players named in the Mitchell Report will be punished. The media all but completely ignored old Bud. Best I can tell, the main interest of the media in the Mitchell Report was to eagerly use it to destroy the reputation of Roger Clemens, who they always disliked because of his "arrogance" and refusal to retire and leave the sport to the up-and-coming Dontrelle Willises and C. C. Sabathias of the world.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
Don Wassall said:
When Roger Clemens had the effrontery to show up at the Astros' training camp and throw a few pitches to his son and some other prospects, the media went into full snarling mode. If Clemens would decide to play this season the reaction from the Caste media would be one of merciless hatred and ridicule, which of course would be mimicked by the drunk white fans in every city and maybe Houston as well.

But for some reason, the same Caste media yearns for the ever gracious Barry Bonds to keep playing. Shaun Powell of Newsday dedicates his latest column to this issue, writing that poor Barry is being "blacklisted" by MLB.

And The Sporting News has not one, but back to back articles pontificating on the need for baseball to have Bonds' giant sized head frowning on its corporate fields in 2008. The first one, "Adding Bonds Just Might Make Some Sense" notes that Tony LaRussa "pushed" to have the Cardinals sign Bonds only to be vetoed by "higher ups." And Lou Piniella drools: "I don't know anything about the chemistry issue. But I know when the Giants had Barry on the field, he was very productive. . . Let's hope he gets back to baseball. Look, he has had a great career. He is the all-time home run champion. I am sure he still has gas in his tank. At the same time, if he would want, he'd have a lot to impart to the young kids in the game."

Yep, Barry Bonds, role model and mentor to young baseball players.

The second article, by relief pitcher Todd Jones, is summed up by its title, "Someone Should Sign Barry Bonds."

The racist persecution of Bonds by the white man just won't end.

This kind of reminds me of John Rocker's unfortunate 1996 comments about immigrants and subways, and how he got pilloried mercilessly for it, while Calzaghe making Hopkins eat crow for the latter's hateful, racist boasts is swept under the rug.

Bottom line, the media wants us to think:

white = bad
black = good
if you disagree = you are racist

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I continue to regularly read articles speculating on which team or teams may be interested in signingWatermelon Head Bonds for '08. I've yet to see a single article speculating about the return of Roger Clemens. If Clemensdecided to help a team win this season, he would be greeted with the same reaction that woulderupt ifMark McGwiresuddenly came out of retirement. Know your place, Roger, you're retired now for good dammit.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Cultural Marxist/Zionist "sports writer" Dave Zirin moans about Bonds "being forced into retirement" but never once mentions the disappearance of Roger Clemens. I have read quite a few articles about Bonds playing this year and which teams might be interested in him, but not a word about Clemens -- still a very effective pitcher -- signing with someone.

We discussed Zirin and his anti-white rantings in another thread some time back but I couldn't find it.

The Boss's Boycott