Can we get a sub 10 in the 100 please!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
One of the only major obstacles in track/sprinting that
the white man has not acheived is to run the 100 meters
in under 10 seconds flat.The fastest time was by Armin
Harry of Germany & Marion Woronon at 10.00 flat.Matt
Shirvington of Australia has run the next fastest at
10.03. We all know how many black athletes and athletes
in general have been taking steroids to increase their
performance.Alot of experts don't even believe that you
can run a 100 meters in the high 9 second range without
some extra help.Whether or not this is true,this is a
barrier that needs to be broken down.My biggest wishes
athletics wise would be a 100 meter time under 10 seconds
and a gold medal as the worlds fastest man.Will it happen
in 2005?We shall see.In my next post I will list the sprinters that most likely have the best chance to run
it in under 10 seconds.After this is done,there will be
no more talk of black superiority which is false anyway!
We need a white world/olympic champion 100 meter sprinter!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
White Lightning, how long ago did Harry, Woronon and Shirvington run their best times? Do you think Dusty Stamer has the potential to go sub-10?

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Harry and Woronon retired many,many years ago.Matt Shirvington ran his best time back in 1998.He is 26
so there still is a chance for him.I truley believe
that Stamer has a chance.For one,everything that I have
seen and read about him,he is intimidated by no one.In
an event like the 100 meters,you can have no mistakes,
no slight hesitation,basically almost no margin for
error.When you are the only white sprinter on the track,
alot of times,black sprinters use this to their advantage
to psych out the white sprinter.There say things like
they don't belong here and why even try.They also will
stare you down to intimidate you.Stamer would stare at
them back & tell them to get the hell out of his face.
He played football and has no fear.Alot of sprinting at
the shorter distances is mental.You also have to know how
to relax for the last 30-40 meters.No one can run all out
for the whole 100 meters.It's impossible.The world's best
sprinters know how to relax and maintain most of their
speed through to the finish line.Too many sprinters
tighten up by trying to hard.Being relaxed and fluid is
the key.You have to be prepared mentally & physically.
Stamer has a good chance but it may take him a couple of
years.If he has another good season like the last one,he
should pursue it full time when he graduates from the
university of nebraska.He should hire a coach and get a
nutritionist and massause.Good luck to Dusty!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Being relaxed was the key to Wariner's win in the Olympics in the 400. I think a tendency of whites is to try too hard, because of the psychological warfare the caste system wages against them, and black opponents. You see it in some white tailbacks too, who have all the ability needed but can't relax enough to wait for holes to develop on certain plays.


Oct 19, 2004
Like I said in another thread, Harry's 10.00 was
recorded with equipment that's inferior to what's
used today. If my memory serves me, I read that a
10.00 back then is roughly a 10.20-10.28 if today's
equipment were used. I don't mean to take anything
away from his achievements, but it is what it is.
Shirvington's 10.03, being done in "modern times",
so to speak, is very impressive. Also, Macrozonaris
ran a "wind-aided" sub-10. I don't know what the
time would've been without the "wind assistance",
maybe 10.05-10.20?

I think a tendency of whites is to try too hard,
because of the psychological warfare the caste
system wages against them, and black

And perhaps indirectly with the lack of the best
coaching. There's no doubt Wariner's great
performances were aided by great coaching. That's
what we need more of. The breakdown of the caste
system would mean that white athletes will get
access to the best possible coaching and training.
Technique, strength and conditioning, all that will be
enhanced for white RBs, WRs, sprinters, etc, when
they are properly recruited and signed by the top
Oct 19, 2004
West Virginia
Solid points about the psychological warfare being waged against whites in sports, and the lack of top-notch coaching that potentially great white athletes need but rarely receive.
Oct 16, 2004
Harry's 10.0 was "electrically" recorded, not hand recorded. Though used rarely - because the "technology" was so expensive back then - it is actually worth a 10.02 - 10.03 today. It is hand timing that requires the addition of .14 to times in the 100 and 200, although the timer could have been closer than .14.

That Harry ran this fast over 40 years ago shows how the psychological warfare has worn many Whites down. From 1968 on, it has been considered almost an affront to have a white even in the 100 meter final at a major meet. Borzov ran 10.07 electronic timing - same as today - but was a better 200 meter man, clocking 20.0, which was the best sea level time for over a decade. Borzov's time was also considered a better performance than the "WR" at the time, set at one mile of altitude in Mexico City by Tommie Smith, 19.83. Experts felt Borzov's 200 was worth 19.79 - 19.81 at altitude.

There are Whites capable of sub 10, but it won't happen until Whites are competing in sufficient numbers. We have a White heavyweight champ because of the influx of European fighters over the past decade or so. If Whites again find track to be interesting and a point of focus, we'll see more White sprinters. Wariner, Rock, Potter, Steele etc. are the tip of the iceberg. Once one White hits sub 10.0, more and more will follow. To the cries of "drugs", "cheat", etc, and the derision and doubt of the anti-white media.

With what I know about track and field, I can assure you that you have not seen a clean black sprint champion since the late 1960's. I kid you not, and I am not exaggerating. Male or female. I said this in the past, everyone raised their eyebrows, and then look at what the Balco mess brought to light: The US Federation had been covering up positive drug tests by black sprinters for at least two decades. Before that, it was the AAU, at the behest of the media among other agents. The same folks that ruined track are the ones who made sure Whites were derailed in football. The same folks who decided that if they couldn't get blacks interested in baseball, they would build combines and camps in Latin America to find players to replace Whites. The same people who set up the NHL TV deal to fail (among other things) in order to ruin a sport they feel is too White.

Oh well, enough ranting for now.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Welcome back C.Callan!I love your knowledge of track.Not
to take away from all of your other posts too.You are
very educated in all aspects of things.Please elaborate
more on the numbers needed to be competetive in the
sprints.I too believe that a few whites will in the
next few years finally get a couple of sub 10's.My
question is how long will it take for whites to compete
for the gold medals again at the highest level.With the
juiced up athletes of today,that would take probably
between a 9.80 - 9.95.Those are hard numbers for
anyone to acheive.It can be done but the psychological
warfare has to stop.People don't realize that the mind
has alot to do with what the body acheives.Especially
when you are dealing with thousandths of seconds!


Oct 19, 2004
Great info, Colonel. I'm not a track expert like you guys, I just
read a little bit about it on the Internet. I'm glad that Hary's
number is so impressive, even by today's standards. Very


white lightning said:
One of the only major obstacles in track/sprinting that
the white man has not acheived is to run the 100 meters
in under 10 seconds flat.The fastest time was by Armin
Harry of Germany & Marion Woronon at 10.00 flat.Matt
Shirvington of Australia has run the next fastest at
10.03. We all know how many black athletes and athletes
in general have been taking steroids to increase their
performance.Alot of experts don't even believe that you
can run a 100 meters in the high 9 second range without
some extra help.Whether or not this is true,this is a
barrier that needs to be broken down.My biggest wishes
athletics wise would be a 100 meter time under 10 seconds
and a gold medal as the worlds fastest man.Will it happen
in 2005?We shall see.In my next post I will list the sprinters that most likely have the best chance to run
it in under 10 seconds.After this is done,there will be
no more talk of black superiority which is false anyway!
We need a white world/olympic champion 100 meter sprinter!
Offcourse only black athletes have used Steriods right ??????. We know that white athletes would never use Steroids

How can you be certain that the white runners dont use Steroids as well ?.

Edited by: godking


Oct 19, 2004
Of course there are white sprinters who use steroids. For
example, it's pretty apparent that Kostas Kenteris, Olympic gold
medalist in the 200 meters in 2000, took something. He didn't
test positive for a banned substance, but he missed so many
tests that it's extremely suspicious. Either he didn't want to
take those tests, or a conspiracy prevented him from taking
them. I say it's the former.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I have a really good feeling about the track season which
is just starting.I see alot of these guys having break
through seasons.Guys like Shirvo,Macro,Nagel,Osovnikar,
and others.There are so many guys just on the verge of
something huge.Hopefully a few can break through in a
huge way like Wariner did in the 400 last season.It
should be a really exciting season!


Clearly, the Caucasian-derived populations have seemed to all but abandon competing seriously in the glory 100m event. The fastest time to date for a white sprinter is over 20 years old, being Marian WORONIN of POL (who most certainly was, of course, using any of a number of performance-enhancing substances, as was much of his competition, balck and white,in those days...) Given a hypothetical situation where no sub-saharan west-african derived athletes competed in sport, and caucasian (and asian, for that matter) athletes competed exclusively with one-another, it seems unlikely that WORONIN's best time should have stood even into the later part of the eighties...

There is obviously a powerful psychological and culturally-conditioned barrier in this regard; the proverbial "white flight" as it were.

Furthermore, I would point to the very real progress being made by the mongoloid-derived east-asian athletes in the 100m since the beginning of the '90s. KojiITO ran 10.00 flat in '98; Nobuharu ASAHARA ran a 10.02 in 200; Singo SUETSUGU ran a 10.03 in 2003...these three men have run sub-10.1s on multiple occasions, and SEEM to be relatively evidenced by there characteristically gracile mongoloid physiology.

I would suggest the very real possibility that the caucasian-derived athletes may find themselves behind the *******,mongoloid and australoid (as Patrick JOHNSON broke the barrier not long ago, being half aboriginee and half Irish...) in the sub-10s club...truly an amazing collapse in performance...hopefully they can still beat the pygmy khoisan to the punch!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I will touch on some of your view points from above.As
for the lack of successful white sprinters over the last
20 - 25 years,there are many factors that play a role
here.One of the biggest is social.Look at what has
happened with all of the major sports in this country
just since the late 60's to the early 70's.With the
civil rights movement came the fall of the great white
sprinter.There will many elite white sprinters back in
those days. Bobby Morrow is still one of the best of all
time.You probably have heard of guys like M.Krulee,D.Sime,R.Flowers,etc. The social pressure to
steer certain people into certain sports cannot be
overlooked.Kevin Little was an amazing sprinter and he
has spoken about what he went through just to compete!
Parents in this country & others steer their sons into
different areas because of the pressure society puts
on them.Europe isn't close to as bad as here though!
As for the Asians closing the gap quicker,the great
majority of their times are only run on their tracks.
Any sprinter will tell you that the japenese make the
worlds fastest tracks.It's like running on a trampoline.
When they start to run times in the sub 10.10 range
on a regular basis in Europe,and abroad,then people will
take notice.I see no reason though that some of them
cannot succeed with the right genetics and hard work.
Whites in general have to overcome this huge stereotype against them.In track and in all sports.This
will take time and alot more guys like Jeremy Wariner.
People also need to realize that the majority of these
elite black sprinters are more juiced up & on better
roids than the East Germans were in the 60's.The
americans cheat better than anyone!I cannot and do not
believe in the myth!Yes it is a myth that blacks run
faster than whites.Some do and some don't.They just as
a whole put more time and energy into sports and
especially track.We need to see more white familys
encouraging their kids to start young.They need to
be at the meets like the black familys are.In time,you
will see the gap closed and the myth broken.There are
many people who don't want this to happen.If I were
black,I would want people to believe I was better to
and I would use it to my advantage like they do.The
power of the mind is even stronger than the body!If you
don't believe that you can acheive something,then you
have already failed.Things are slowly changing but my
opinion is that it will be a white kid from Europe to
be the first to go sub 10.My vote is that is will be
Lukasz Chyla or maybe the canadian, Nic Macorzonaris.


I guess i was just being a little cheeky when i implied that the white sprinters are behind the asians in the race to break ten-flat...yeah they tend not to run nearly as well in europe and the americas...however

I believe ITO's 10-flat was run in Thailand at the 'ASIAN GAMES' of '98 (it was very generously, but not illegally, wind-aided)...ASAHARA ran that 10.02 with a 'perfect' wind of 2.0 in OSLO in the summer of '01; MONTGOMERY and BOLDON headed that race, and no-doubt paced ASAHARA to such a fact, the Japanese's 10.02 was the 7th fastest that year...SHIRVO managed only a 10.11s that year (20th.) ITO's pretty much finished, and ASAHARA will be 33 this summer...although he still managed a 10.09 last year, at 32 (you must admit that's pretty impressive...)

I can see you follow track closer even than I; there's something which puzzles me though...the fastest time last season for a white sprinter was by a guy I can only assume you mistook as a black african, when in fact he is white....i see no mention of Christie VAN WYK in any of these postings...maybe I just didn't look hard enough...anyhow, he is from NAMIBIA, and runs under that flag, but is obviously another great athlete of Dutch derivation...I recall him running in the African Continent championships not long ago and finishing 2nd or 3rd or something...imagine being at that track meet!

here's a posting for you...I don't know if he's still competing at the level he used to, but maybe VAN WYK along with the 25-year-old Japanese sensationShingo SUETSUGU have good chances to break ten this season...maybe COLLIO of ITA...don't see much mention of him in here...

Edited by: JerveyGotGypped


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I think we'll see a sub 10 100 meters soon. I do think psychology has a lot to do with that barrier and whites current place in sprinting.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Van Wyk is a very good sprinter.He went to college here
in the States and has had very good results.I don't know
why he doesn't get the respect he deserves.I would put
him in the Top 5 as far as white 100 meter sprinters.
I don't know too much about Collio but he did make some
great improvements in the last couple of years.Shingo
is Japans best hope to acheive the feat.He is only 23
and still has room for improvement.One of the guys who
I really thought would have done it a few years ago was
and still is Morne Nagel of South Africa.He was the
fastest man in the world in 2002 indoors as he won every
race.He ran countless sub 6.50 60 meter races going
6.48 on a few occasions.He is one of the best starters
out of the blocks that you will ever see.His personal
best is still at 10.13 from 2002.He had many injuries
but looks to finally be almost all the way back to form.
He won a 100 two days ago into a -3.1 wind in a time
of 10.27.That is incredible.He went on to win the 200
also in terrible weather conditions.Morne has the sub
6.50 speed usually needed to get into the sub 10 range.
I would love to see him have a big summer.How ironic
would it be for a white man from South Africa to be the
first guy to go sub 10 in the 100 meters!


Oct 15, 2004
The psychology of running sub-10 is very important. I would analogize it to the way a sub 4 minute mile was regarded a half century ago. Gunder Hagg ran 4:01.4in 1945 and people thought it might last forever. It was 9 years until Bannister's breakthrough in 1954 yet by 1958 Herb Elliott had lowered the record by 5 seconds! For whites the so-called 10 second "barrier" is a mental one.


Wow, what a great site. I'm glad people are starting to talk about this stuff. Even if black athletes do have more genetic proclivity to excel in sprinting, it doesn't explain why no white athlete has broken 10 seconds. I remember as a kid watching Valery Borzov win the sprints in the 72 olympics. His best career time was 10.07. I always wondered why there was no progression after that. The black sprinters of the day had similar times, and the black sprinters that came after themimproved steadily over the years. But there was little improvement with white sprinters in the 100 and almost no participation by American whites. Even in the 200 there's been progress. Pietro Mennea ran a 19.72 later in his career. There has to be something psychological that plays a part in this. It's very strange.

It's been cool cruising the board and reading about all the upcoming talent. It sounds like Macro from Canada is on the verge. Once one breaks through, this psychological barrier (or whatever it is) will be broken and bunch will follow.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Welcome to the board freedom.It is great to have you
here.This is our little home away from home where we
can talk about these things.If I had to pick the top 5
as of right now with a chance to do it I would go with
these guys.Macrozonaris,Stamer,Chyla,Nagel,and Matic
Osovnikar.All of these guys are on the verge of making
history.It will happen possibly later this summer with
the World Championships of Track & Field!One of these
guys is about to enter the elite.It always has been and
still is a psychological barrier equal to the physical
barrier.Once this barrier is broken down,it will help
pave the way for the future white sprinters to get back
to winning gold medals at the Olympics.These kids need
to fear no one.Jeremy Wariner proved that.Others can and
will follow in his foot steps!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
It's just a matter of time, and I don't think it will take much longer.

Black Guy

Apr 27, 2005
Even if a white guy ran under sub 10 that still would just prove that black people are better at track. You would have that ONE white sprinter against PLENTY of black sprinters that have done it that didnt use drugs . Also you guys act like no whites or europeans ever used drugs. The eastern block countries were notorious for giving their athletes performance enhancing drugs.


Apr 30, 2005
yes the eastern bloc was notorious particularly the GDR... and a number of their athletes have been exposedandin some cases the exact steroid regime they were on has beendisclosed...That was 20 years ago .. since then the iron curtain has tumbled the state sponsored athleteic machines have been dismantled. The anabolic steroid market has now exploded in the US as every innovation that enhances performance further is exploited and fuels race to cheat..the number and efficacy of the drugs available today dwarfs what was available to the eastern block of the early 80s....the demand is met with far greater financial incentives.. There is no greater engine for cheating in sports than this financial reward....and no greater financial rewardsexist than in the westerncapitalist democracies.This is absolutely not a black white issue.. but certainly the best get much better in this current climante and the differences between the top 10 and the top 50 wil grow as the benefits of doping acrue to the very best.... Edited by: bigman

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Black Guy said:
Even if a white guy ran under sub 10 that still would
just prove that black people are better at track. You would have that
ONE white sprinter against PLENTY of black sprinters that have done it
that didnt use drugs . Also you guys act like no whites or europeans
ever used drugs. The eastern block countries were notorious for giving
their athletes performance enhancing drugs.

How much publiciity do you think one WHITE sprinter will get breaking the 10 compared to one BLACK GOLFER!???

Edited by: White Shogun

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
How could any track star,let alone a white sprinter
come even close to the amount of p.r. that Tiger,
the Williams Sisters,or Lebron James get.It is not
possible.Trust me on that.You could even add Michael
Vick to that list.According to the media,whites are
not marketable and they rarely do commercials.Look at
Baseball,Basketball or Football.Even when a white breaks
10 seconds,you probably won't find that much written
about him.He won't be on Leno anytime soon.What it will
take would be a white winning the Olympics Gold Medal
over 100 meters and breaking the world record.Then
you might see some descent p.r. There is no reason at
all that whites won't be competetive again.It will take
a while but just like in Basketball & other sports,
there is a reemergence coming sooner than you think!