C Bryan Anderson

Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages


Who? You are probably asking.

It seems that a lot of the conversation revolves around great white players on here. But exploration of the caste system requires us to seek out and study the white players that have gotten an unfair shake by the caste system that keeps whites down.

Anderson was once a highly regarded catching prospect that could hit for high average and OBP with some pop. Decent hitting catchers aren't easy to come by. He moved up quickly through the ranks, but the coaches kept claiming he needed to work on defense. Hitting was no problem. After breezing through the minors, Anderson got stuck at AAA. Larussa had a man-crush on molina and seemed to have developed a dislike for Anderson. Larussa's love for molina, combined with his preference for free agent, veteran scrubs for backup catchers didn't give Anderson a chance to make it to the bigs. Finally 5 years go by while he's stuck at AAA. 5 years! 2012 spring training came by and the competion to be Molina's backup came down to Anderson and a hispanic Tony Cruz. Cruz had a weak bat, but was praised by the announcers and coaches for his intangible defense. Anderson tore it up in spring training, but the decision was made to promote cruz and send Anderson back down to AAA for his 5th season there.

Finally, Anderson got his callup with expanded rosters this September, and to my surprise he got a start! But the start came against..... Stephen Strasburg!!!

Anderson just can't catch a break. he's already lost 3-4 years of his pro career to being pigeon holed in AAA. I'm hopeful that he finally gets away from the Cardinal organization and catches on some where that he can get steady playing time. I can't help but wonder if his last name wasn't Rodriguez or Cruz if he wouldn't have been with the club a long time ago.

This one's for you Anderson, and for all the other white athletes passed over for mediocre hispanics! It's really symbolic of our society today in which hispanics steal our jobs and our culture and our livelihoods.

Lab Man

Nov 9, 2010
Hispanic Catchers

The young St.Louis catchers story is a sad one indeed,and is typical throughout major league baseball,Pittsburgh has a fine 2nd baseman,Neil Walker,who was forced out of the catching position to clear the way for Ronnie Paulino,The Pirates do not realize the talent that was lost behind the plate,Paulino is long gone now,but joins the overflowing ranks of Hispanic catchers that throw "sidearm" to second base,the White American replacement is also in center field and shortstop second base combinations,"America's pastime" will be destroyed by the same diversity that is destroying American cities,thankfully this site is available to let us know how fast we are falling,for more on the destruction of our society please see www.anunews.net.


Oct 19, 2009
I honestly believe, if you got rid of the bottom 50% of the "imports" in baseball (in terms of talent), who are mostly Hispanic, and replaced them with white AAA players, the talent dip in baseball would not be apparent at all. Actually, if there is a difference, it could be the overall talent improves, as baseball rids itself of useless, slap-hitting utility infielders, "speedy" 5th outfielders that can't hit a lick and so many crappy 5th starters and mop-up relievers all around the league.

Just look at what so many white career minor league players, once considered marginal prospects, have done once they got to chance to shine in recent years. Focusing only on the hitters, you've got goys (sic) like Todd Frazier, A.J. Ellis, Chris Johnson (Az.), Justin Ruggiano, Jason Nix, Justin Turner and many others. The Phillies, who were once turning almost all Hispanic under Jewish/Latin GM Ruben Amaro Jr., are getting great seasons from Kevin Fransden and Eric Kratz. I'm sure the list can go on and on, particularly if pitchers are included.

Fransden and Kratz had no business being in the minors in their native born nation, while dozens and dozens of imported, powerless .230 (or worse) hitters like Miguel Cairo and Henry Blanco are allowed to hang around forever in the Majors and draw huge paychecks, funded almost entirely by white American fans.

P.S: I actually would expect the number of "impact" Latin players in baseball to drop going forward, as long as baseball continues to clamp down hard on PED's (steroids). Look at Melke Cabrerra and Bartolo Colon...without 'Roids, many of these types would never even make it to the Majors, let alone become Superstars for brief periods of time.