Burying Black on White Crime


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Good article from WND...

What we can't say about black-on-white crime

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Posted: December 11, 2007
1:00 am Eastern

By Selwyn Duke
© 2009

A white man aboard a subway car is taunted, harassed and attacked by a gang of black high-schoolers. Three white Michigan teens find themselves in the "wrong" neighborhood and are beaten and shot by six black youths. Then there was the case of a white couple that was gang raped, mutilated and murdered by five black adults.
Welcome to the realm of hate crimes that aren't hate crimes.

As for the murder of the couple, Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian, the assailants will go on trial next year. Yet, no hate crime charge is in the offing. Said John Gill, special counsel to the district attorney in the case, "There is absolutely no proof of a hate crime."

Certainly not. Dead men tell no tales.

In the case of the Michigan teens, Dustin Kaiser, Michael Carter and an unnamed 14-year-old girl, two victims survived to bear witness. Their assailants were convicted but, once again, no hate crime charges.

Regardless of the particulars of a given case, a phenomenon is becoming apparent in America: White on black is standing out far more than black on white.

Just watch the startling video of the assault on the white straphanger. If it had shown a white gang attacking an innocent black man, does anyone really believe the footage wouldn't be featured on every news broadcast?

Then, the young girl in the Michigan case was forced to perform sexual acts, and all three victims were shot in the head. And Newsom and Christian were sexually mutilated in unspeakable ways. Yet, the scarcity of national news coverage is striking.

The reason is obvious. Such cases don't conform to the Shill Media's favored fiction, their narrative about prejudiced whites and persecuted blacks.

Speaking of fiction, America is not a "racist" nation, not compared to other lands anyway. But there are racial problems, most of which go unmentioned. Why?

Because most originate in the black community.

We're not supposed to say it, but, contrary to leftist dogma, blacks in America are far more bigoted than whites. The truth is that black bigotry is whitewashed.

I know, I'll be called a "racist" just for saying this - that's part of the blame game - but it's not hard to understand. Blacks and whites have very different upbringings. Weaned on political correctness, most modern white children are told that the worst thing one can be is a racist. They're bombarded with messages about how their race owned slaves and is privileged, about how bigotry characterizes it. They're told that if you have racial feelings, you're a bad person.

While political correctness should be squelched, most would agree that teaching kids to view every individual as a child of God deserving of dignity is a wonderful thing. But understand something: Within the context of man's history and outside our bubble-wrapped world, it's also a very unusual thing.

Hatred easily finds a place in the heart, and blaming "them" for our woes and travails is natural for man. Why do Palestinians often call Jews "apes and pigs"? Why do Hutus in Rwanda call the rival Tutsis "wienerroaches"? Why have there been ethnic conflicts in all corners of the Earth since time immemorial? While I'm sure sociologists could wax somnolent rendering theses on the matter, the simple truth is that in most of the world what reigns is not political correctness, but group correctness.

This brings us to the black community. Race is not only a big issue within it, it's a much different one. Most black children are raised not to revile their race, but revere it. Often, hatred toward whites isn't lamented, but lauded as the attitude of a racial patriot toward "oppressors." And just as anonymous Jews incur the stone-throwing wrath of anonymous Palestinians, a white man or woman on a bus or subway is not an innocent, but an enemy. Viewed through this prism, the persecution of such hapless souls is merely the exacting of vengeance.

Relevant here is comedian Chris Rock's skit about how all black people hate whites, and the idea that behind every joke lies some truth. While the operative word is "some," it amounts to many. Could it be otherwise? If for decades you do the racial politics dance - the Jackson-Jena Jig - where every real or perceived problem in the black community is attributed to "the Man," black youths are going to be embittered.

This bitterness is reflected in and exacerbated by the bile disgorged by rap thugs. The song "Kill d'White People" by Apache includes the line: "Kill the white people; we gonna make them hurt. ..."

And the Menace Clan says in "Kill Whitey," "blacks in the church say: kill whitey all night long. ..."

Despite this, we still labor under the illusion that white skin equates to a white sheet, and hate crime laws have become get-whitey laws. And the powers-that-be will continue to exercise double standards until they acknowledge the deep seeds of hatred sown by demagogues in black America.

I won't hold my breath waiting, though. You see, you're not supposed to say these things, and you're a racist if you do. So, yes, I'm guilty. Just like O.J. Simpson is innocent.

***Reference article...


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I think the numbers are over 3000 whites murdered every year and over 35000 white women raped every year by blacks. You hear nothing about these crimes because that is the way the system works. God forbid you say "nappy headed hoes." That is worse than all the white lives lost every year. The black leaders call for a stop to black ln black crime. That must mean black on white crime is fine.


Theres two easy solutions to burying this crime on white people:
1 you could reduce poverty

2 you can put blacks in separate but equal schools, not allow them to eat with white people, and hose them down when they protest. Non compliers should be lynched, along with those who vote democrat

My point is that even if blacks commit more crimes, the only way to reduce it is somehow increaase the cash flow in these ghettoes and such. It is possible to that, but impossible to "tame" their behavior.

Blacks will kill whites, and vice versa. Our only choice is to improve their prosperity. Everybody is complaining about blacks on here, but giving no solutions.


Mar 1, 2009
I couldn't agree more with your second solution. I was very excited as I read that post and agree with you to the utmost that things should be like they were before the blacks were given rights that they quickly squandered away and abused publicly. If the two races can't interact then there wont be any problem between the two (though 99% percent of the time its started by the blacks) and those who protest this can be stopped in their tracks. I am not saying that there isn't an amount of whites that abuse blacks unfairly and deserve a slap in the face by the lord himself, but much more often then not it is the negros starting these battles and harming the defenseless whites. I do not wish harm on any huan being and believe that everyone deserves forgivness but being seperate but equal(...) can be for the best. Peace be with all of you - TB


Aug 27, 2008
Your second paragraph says that whites aren't killing blacks, and your fourth paragraph says they are. It's ridiculous to expect a group of people to feel bad about something they don't do, and at the same time expect them to do it.

P.S. In case you're actually wondering, they're NOT.


My second paragraph was a counterargument fyo. Both races murder eachother, but blacks to a much higher degree.

If segregation didnt turn out so badly last time i admit it would like a pretty good option. but as the races grow farther apart, one claiming superiority, their arises a caste system much like this website was founded upon.


The way to appease both sides would be to get the media to stop portraying blacks as innocent as whites, but also to help them rise from poverty.

If you could get them all to move back to africa that would work too, but good luck.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
There is already plenty of money spent in the ghettos. What about the 50 or so black NFL players who were arrested 2 season ago during one season. Poverty is not the problem. It is simply an excuse that is used by the liberals for damage control.


Mar 1, 2009
Once again I agree and believe that have the two races seperated and apart will result in a much lower crime rate and much stronger society. Even though it might seen a little farfetched I once discussed with a professor friend of mine a split in the nation. If all the whites (superiors) were to have 95% of the countries land and the blacks (ineriors) were to be given such states as The Dakotas and Wyoming then the country would be thriving and have much less problems with the economy. This may seem a little unrealistic but in the near future it might be more and more real.... Peace be with you all - TB


Whiteathlete. Money can only help. It wont reduce all the crime, but certainly you will agree it will save some of our white brothers from black crimes.

The pro athlete and crime argument is the oldest and most ignorant of them all. Those people come from the ghettoes, money doesnt magically make it better. Down the road it can only help.

Im all for separating blacks as long as they can represent themselves and be free.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
<TABLE height=147 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" bgColor=#f4f4fb background=""><T><T><T>
<TD vAlign=top ="text">

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="95%" align=center><T><T><T>
<TD ="bold">ABsprinter wrote:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" bgColor=#999999><T><T><T>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff><T><T><T>
<TD ="text">
Blacks will kill whites, and vice versa. .</TD></TR></T></T></T></T></TABLE></TD></TR></T></T></T></T></TABLE></TD></TR></T></T></T></T></TABLE>The vice versa part is virtually non-existent.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="95%" align=center><T><T><T>
<TD ="bold">ABsprinter wrote:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" bgColor=#999999><T><T><T>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff><T><T><T>
<TD ="text"> Our only choice is to improve their prosperity..</TD></TR></T></T></T></T></TABLE></TD></TR></T></T></T></T></TABLE></TD></TR></T></T></T></T></TABLE>Like we haven't tried?

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="95%" align=center><T><T><T>
<TD ="bold">ABsprinter wrote:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" bgColor=#999999><T><T><T>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff><T><T><T>
<TD ="text"> Everybody is complaining about blacks on here, but giving no solutions.</TD></TR></T></T></T></T></TABLE></TD></TR></T></T></T></T></TABLE></TD></TR></T></T></T></T></TABLE>Separation is the only viable solution. </TD></TR></T></T></T></T></TABLE>Edited by: Bart


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
So you are saying that we have to give blacks more handouts so they won't attack whites? I don't think so. We should not have to be intimidated.


ts the only possible solution. Give a man a fish, and he has supper. Teach a man to fish, and hell eat for life. The money isnt handouts, its investments.

This is not my first option, but the most pragmatic approach to the situation. You figure out how to separate them without war or protest and Ill agree.


Mar 1, 2009
They can't have anymore handouts, they've proven they ruin all good things given to them. The one and only, i repeat ONE AND ONLY solution to the negro disease is to either ship them all over to Africa and watch them spread their AIDs and rebel to each other, or to simply give them designated places in the U.S. to live and breed in. They will be given some necessities, but nothing special because they kill all good things given to them.


I would love separation because then white people would prosper playing sports. They would never feel unathletic and would be given opportunities to beat the black people of different countries. You figure out how, and I'll suck your penis.


Aug 27, 2008
I don't feel that prospering at sports, or whether one feels athletic, is the point. The genius of this board is that it pinpoints an obvious facet of social engineering--not necessarily the most important.

Edit: Though I don't mean to detract from the importance of athletic events in brainwashing. The caste system at work in football and basketball has surely built assumptions on the part of people who don't even watch sports that influence their sexual decisions, political beliefs, and no telling how much else.Edited by: DWFan


I question whether you even know what you are talking about.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
ABsprinter said:
I question whether you even know what you are talking about.

One of his postsreflects more knowledgethan about 50 of yours combined.


"I don't feel that prospering at sports, or whether one feels athletic, is the point. The genius of this board is that it pinpoints an obvious facet of social engineering--not necessarily the most important.

Edit: Though I don't mean to detract from the importance of athletic events in brainwashing. The caste system at work in football and basketball has surely built assumptions on the part of people who don't even watch sports that influence their sexual decisions, political beliefs, and no telling how much else."

-Oh my god knowledge overload. I cant deal with the truth in this. Oh my god my eyes are opened. He is reiterating what I am saying except only disagreeing in tone, not in argument.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Because he understands the Caste System and everything else that's going on in this country, in other words he sees the Big Picture. His posts show that and add value to the board.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
You seem to see everything from the perspective of ghetto blacks. Why do you post here?


Aug 27, 2008
High compliment coming from you, Mr. Wassall.

ABSprinter, I've wasted enough of other people's time arguing on here. I'm about posts relevant to the purpose of this board now. If you want to think of me as a moron, you'll get no argument from me.


A caste system is a type of social structure which divides people on the basis of inherited social status. Whites are subject to this discrimination in the arena of pro sports. They are also targeted by marxist and liberal beliefs in tangents such as television propoganda and incorrect media stereotypes. A double standard has arisen created by whites pushingg whites to believe that blacks are equal or better than whites in recent years. That is the big picture, and it is wrong.

One must also understand that there are parallels and conclusions that must be drawn to fully understand this anomoly. As I debated with DWfan i stated an apt argumennt that in my opinion was viewd from an objective social lense. My opinion stated that separation of races is unlikely and even impossible. To invest in the ghettos can only help reduce the crime rate.

Blacks may commit more crimes than whites, but the number can be reduced. Isnt that the solution to the posed problem. Also prohibiting the media to convey its marxist agenda by stopping them from spreading rumors that blacks arent violent and they are innocent would be an acceptable middle ground.

The only way to be classified as an idiot is to disagree with opinions before you hear them. Do the math (perverbial).

My opinion is that two caste systems are being discussed. One that blacks are crime prone, and two that whites are unathletic, which we all oppose. However, I agree that blacks are crime prone, and therefore I, like you, am technically a hypocrit. But I use FACTS and objective analysis, and objectivly concluded that the only caste system unfair and untrue is the one that limits whites in athletics. Black people are less than whites in this respect.

I am the only one who a given a solution to this dilemna: reduce poverty. And you call me ignorant?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I'd say this jumbled mass of typos, terrible grammar and twisted logic of yours from a week agois a goodrepresentation of where you're coming from:

um from the brief quote of hoolder i read i have to say therre is legitimacy to it. from the opinions the last two posters that i have read i have to admit our forum was the more racist one. blacks are poverty-ridden and predisposed to crime. studies have shown this and that any minority that is lower in social class, and blacks are by the way in the american phyche, ccrime and foul languagee is common. holder said we should be frank and honest about race, isnt exactly what this website is all about? some of the posters here use the obvious racial profiling against whites as a defense to bash on black people. i listen to their music, are friends with them, and read their books and speeches. dont confuse blacks current stronghold insports with social status, because outside of sports blacks still dont have the opportunities whites have. i am happy for obama because it is a step closer to full equality in blacks and whites in intelligence and athleeticism. we whites are lucky to be considered smart, imagine being called a less intelligient race like them. whites are equal to blacks in sports, but thats my only principle i bring to these forums. the fact that there is now a black president is a sign to me that white people will break 10sec in 100m, and blacks wont be regarded as lesser humans. Edited by: Don Wassall