book by black author blasts black leaders

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i happened to catch the O'Reilly Factor tonight, and it had an interesting segment with black author, Juan Williams, who was ripping apart the black leadership in America and wrote a book about it entitled Enough. i was curious about some of your thoughts on such a work...

here's an article that interviews Williams; the link, and the story cut and pasted:

Juan Williams Assails 'Phony' Black Leaders
Ronald Kessler
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Fox News contributor Juan Williams comes out swinging against "phony" black leaders and a black "culture of failure" in his new book "Enough."

Williams gave NewsMax his first interview about the book, and he lashed out at leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who create support by focusing on "victimhood."

"That says to an individual, 'You can't help yourself, you can't help your family, and therefore all you can do is wait for the government to do something for you," said Williams, who is also a senior correspondent for National Public Radio. "I think it is a message of weakness and ineffectual thinking that is absolutely crippling the poor and especially minorities in the United States."

Victimhood Not a Black Tradition

Williams, who is black, decided to write "Enough" after Bill Cosby called upon blacks to stop blaming "the white man" for their problems. "Cosby comes across as a real hero," Williams told NewsMax. "And President Bush comes across as a good guy, because he is one of the people who is demanding accountability from the schools."

In the book, published by Crown, Williams cites a long tradition of black self-reliance. "You had Frederick Douglass, who said, 'Let's get African-Americans in the Union Army to fight for their own freedom.' Crispus Attucks obviously was shedding black blood for the independence of the country and making the case that black Americans had every right to be full citizens with full obligations and privileges that come with citizenship.

"And you come forward from there to Booker T. Washington, who said, 'Let's establish trade schools, and let's own land, in order to establish a black economic base that will deal with poverty but will also deal with the whole notion of equality and equal rights in the country.' You come forward from that to Dr. King."

But in recent decades, "That tradition has been abandoned by people who say, 'What if we portray people as victims? If we have a larger pool of poor people, then we are eligible for a bigger government grant,"' Williams said. "[Black leaders] maintain their positions of power by mismanaging people. They say that the way we get power is by pretending to be so weak and impotent that we have to say, 'It's the result of what the government is doing,and we have to wait for the government to help us.' I just think it's criminal to tell people that kind of sad message."

Leaders or Shills?

Moreover, Williams said, Jackson and Sharpton are paid by competitors to stage phony "civil rights" demonstrations at companies.

"Because one company wants to get access to a cable system, for example, they have these people out there demonstrating as if this is a civil rights issue," Williams said. "They're trying to embarrass [companies] by having people like Jackson and Sharpton pull up in limousines and lead these demonstrators. It is a total farce."

Beyond failed leadership, Williams takes aim at "a culture of failure" among blacks.

"That culture says that you are acting white if you're a good student, that says that going to jail is just a right of passage, or that crime is acceptable in the black community," Williams said. "You know, you celebrate drug dealers and gangs, and you say, 'That's authentically black' when you see criminal behavior. How self-defeating! What a negative image to take on to yourself, but even worse, to put on your children."
The whole notion of victimization is being promoted by "failed leaders, and it's creating a culture of failure that's undermining poor people, it's undermining minorities in this country," Williams said. These leaders "make excuses and want to argue about why there's a heavier penalty for crack cocaine than for powdered cocaine," Williams said.

Rap music only furthers this destructive message, according to Williams.

Education Is the Key

But if black people want to help themselves and break through the culture of victimization, they can look to President Bush's No Child Left Behind Act, Williams said. "Here's a president who's actually looking at the fact that these schools that serve an overwhelmingly minority population are failing to properly educate those kids."

And with No Child Left Behind "we're going to know if you're educating your students or not. We're going to know if the black kids are all being routed into some lower-end classes, not being allowed to take tests, and failing and dropping out," Williams told NewsMax. "[Bush] is insisting on accountability. Who does this benefit? Black kids, Hispanic kids, their parents and their community at large. It insists that the school system educate all children."

For too long, Williams added, "Schools were not being held accountable. In part because the Democrats were in the pockets of the [teachers'] unions."

With his Cabinet selections, Bush has set an example of what blacks can achieve, Williams said. He cited two African-Americans as secretaries of state, a secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and a former secretary of Education who are black.

"You know, for all the talk about a cabinet that looks like America under Clinton, Bush has a better record of diversity in his cabinet than Clinton did," he said.

The good news is that the self-defeating culture can be changed. Instead of blaming white society, black leaders should be encouraging African-Americans to get a good education and avoid drugs.

Just Say No

"Bill Cosby said he's never seen the NAACP lead a march against drug dealers," Williams said."You change the culture by getting groups like the NAACP to start admitting that what's really undermining the success of black families and black children is when a crack house opens in the neighborhood and people tolerate and allow that to happen."

They say "'We can't do nothin' about it,' or 'We're waiting for the police.' You know what? That is a civil rights issue."

Williams, a former Washington Post reporter, said the NAACP and black leaders should be sending the message: "Don't use cocaine. This is something that is highly addictive, it will cripple your family, it will damage your community, don't do it."

And they should be saying, "If you finish high school or go to college, if you make sure that your kids have wonderful experiences instead of sitting in front of the TV, if you teach them to work hard, this is a country that will reward you," Williams said.

"You have too many people who don't understand that if you simply delay having children, don't have children as teenagers, you put yourself in a position to have tremendous success.

"They should know to get married before having children. These are basic steps that almost guarantee that you will not live in poverty in this country." Williams said, "You never hear that message."

In calling the book "Enough," Williams issues this call-to-arms: "Enough of these phony leaders who focus on victimhood and victimization. Enough of this kind of dead-end talk about celebrating criminals and bad behavior. Let's look at what works and how people can lift themselves up."


Juan Williams


Oct 19, 2004
Jimmy Chitwood said:
"And President Bush comes across as a good guy, because he is one of the people who is demanding accountability from the schools."

He's a typical milquetoast GOP shill. He's very soft on illegal immigration, which is more than enough reason for me to hate his guts. But we do need more blacks willing to tell other blacks that they have to stop blaming Whitey for their own ineptitude, ignorance, criminality, and laziness. Unfortunately, given that he's a Republican and on FOX News a lot, most blacks will consider him an Uncle Tom and ignore him.


Dec 17, 2004
Unfortunately, given that he's a Republican and on FOX News a lot, most blacks will consider him an Uncle Tom and ignore him. [/QUOTE]

I don't think most blacks even watch FOX News, but anytime they get wind of any black saying something truthful to them about their various behaviors, they damn sure consider him an Uncle Tom.


May 20, 2005
JD074 said:
But we do need more blacks willing to tell other blacks that they have to stop blaming Whitey for their own ineptitude, ignorance, criminality, and laziness.

No we don't.
We need Blacks to become much worse than they already are. Apparently commiting crimes at a rate nearly 10 times that of Whites isn't getting the message across to Whites...Blacks need to ramp it up to 20 or 30 times.

I've known decent, hard-working, likeable Black individuals. They are the most problematic, because even though they are at most 1/10th, probably closer to 1/20th of the Black population, these exceptions to the rule keep soft-hearted and soft-headed Whites from developing the mentality to protect their race and culture.Edited by: White_Savage


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I would submit that Williams is neither a neo-con or a Republican. He's a liberal used to "balance" out the panels on Fox News. If you ever heard him talk, you'd know it. This is the most "conservative standish" thing I have seen from him.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
White_Savage said:
No we don't.
We need Blacks to become much worse than they already are. Apparently commiting crimes at a rate nearly 10 times that of Whites isn't getting the message across to Whites...Blacks need to ramp it up to 20 or 30 times.


I seriously doubt whites would get the message even if blacks ramped up the rate to 50 times or more. Why am I so pessimistic? Fifty years of intense indoctrination has turned the mind of the average American into jello. Movies, radio, television, magazines, news programs, talk shows, music, sports, the Pulpit, government programs, schools, and private institutions have ALL been used to dumb down the populace. It's not easy to reprogram minds that have been brainwashed by a tsunami of propaganda.

I wonder what would have happened in 1953 America if the citizens were subjected to the same levels of black culture and crimethat we experience today? Would they have been as tolerant as we have been? I don't think so. The government hadn't yet been totally turned against them and most of them would be outraged by what has transpired. Who would have thought allowing a few blacks into our schools, institutions, neighborhoods and society wouldbe the catalyst ofdestruction for everything they worked and fought for, with blood, sweat and tears?

I recently spoke with one of my sisters who has at times been the victim of black crime and has expressed anger to me about what has happened to this country since her childhood. But... she is a woman and suffers from the disease which afflicts most American women. She doesn't have much of a racial consciousness. After reading some literature about crime statistics and other articles I had given to her about the sad state of this country, shemade some revealing comments.

She told me that, yes, everything she read is probably true, BUT what about Oprah and Condi? I kid you not!! Then, she told me of a black woman she worked with who was polite and helped her learn the ropes when she started a job.

I was pulling out the little hair I have left by the handfulls. I really believe that if our streets were flowing with the blood of whites at the hands of blacks, most women would not be moved one little bit. What about Maya Angelou and Bill Cosby and ...?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
You are right Bart. There is no level of violence or behavior that would convince the general population. They are completely numb to it and totally brainwashed. I have had the same thing happen in my family and with my friends. It is very depressing.


No we don't.
We need Blacks to become much worse than they already are. Apparently commiting crimes at a rate nearly 10 times that of Whites isn't getting the message across to Whites...Blacks need to ramp it up to 20 or 30 times.

I've known decent, hard-working, likeable Black individuals. They are the most problematic, because even though they are at most 1/10th, probably closer to 1/20th of the Black population, these exceptions to the rule keep soft-hearted and soft-headed Whites from developing the mentality to protect their race and culture.
Are you advocating a race war? And if so have you ever been in combat? Not trying to start an argument, just curious.Edited by: Menelik


May 20, 2005

Are you advocating a race war? And if so have you ever been in combat? Not trying to start an argument, just curious.[/QUOTE]


Of course you are trying to start an argument. That is your purpose here.

What do the Germans, Japanese, Koreans, Vietamese, and Islamic terrorists have in common? Only this-they haven't damaged American lives and property, to say nothing of American culture, as much as criminally prone minorities and their advocates. I'm advocating Whites notice the war is already going on against them, and at least reserve for themselves some freedom of association, and mayhaps develop a mental attitude of something other than total surrender.

BTW, I would prefer to stay out of combat, but if I have to risk my life, I'd rather do it against a group that actually presents some realistic threat to my life, family, and property, rather than killing some Middle-Eastern peasant who is only a threat to the virtue of his ewes.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I agree that most whites do not care about the problems associated with different races, but some do. I have told some older people about what I have learned here and in my own research, and they are outraged that it is happening and think something can be done about it. The problem I always run into when thinking about this is how to get enough whites together to do something about it without us fighting amongst ourselves. I wonder if we still are able to put our differences aside and unite on something like this in order to defeat it.


White_Savage said:


Of course you are trying to start an argument. That is your purpose here.

What do the Germans, Japanese, Koreans, Vietamese, and Islamic terrorists have in common? Only this-they haven't damaged American lives and property, to say nothing of American culture, as much as criminally prone minorities and their advocates. I'm advocating Whites notice the war is already going on against them, and at least reserve for themselves some freedom of association, and mayhaps develop a mental attitude of something other than total surrender.

BTW, I would prefer to stay out of combat, but if I have to risk my life, I'd rather do it against a group that actually presents some realistic threat to my life, family, and property, rather than killing some Middle-Eastern peasant who is only a threat to the virtue of his ewes.

Nice evasion of a simple question. While reading your reply I couldn't help but to think of what Bart posted early with regards to Mel Gibson; "money talks and bullsh*t walks." Lot of hot air and not much else on these sites as I have/am finding out. You also seem to have a rather sophomoric understanding of world affairs. Talk to some of the 9-11 victim families about the "Middle-Eastern peasants" who pose no threat. Yeah I know, its all the fault of a certain group that wields un-Godly power.
Edited by: Menelik

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Still conducting your research, Menelik?


May 13, 2006
Middle Eastern peasants are no threat to Americans as long as they remain in the MIDDLE EAST. The problem is our immigration program allowing, no encouraging, hordes of foreign immigrants into our cities, universities, and flight schools.


May 20, 2005
It was a stupid question. WTF do you mean by "race war?" Are we going to square off in opposite trenches with machine guns and barbed wire? No. Is that nessecary? Probably not. White peoples' problem is that they have allowed themselves to be bullied out of believing that they deserve their own spaces, their own schools, their own culture, their own anything. If they get over that, then shooting someone is unessecary. If they don't, then shooting is a waste of time. That clear enough for you asswipe?

And yeah, ONE group of fanatical Middle Eastern criminals and their cronies perpetuated a terrible crime against Americans. They should be hunted down like any other criminals. BUT, when you murder someone in this country and run to Mexico, we don't bomb the sh*t out of Mexico and try to inflict an alien political system and culture on them. I thought you were a Libertarian who was against foriegn entanglements, not one of those NeoHawks who never saw a quagmire they didn't like.

99% of Middle Easterners who have never done a thing to Americans. But we are allowed to bomb them, hate them, castigage them, while it is forbidden to criticize the most criminally inclined race known to man in public. That make much sense to you?

Furthermore, since Middle Easterners are so dangerous, why let more foriegn nationals of the kind who perpetuated 9/11 in? Why not deport the ones we already have? Why not single out the the Arab guy in the airport, instead of strip searching old ladies from Cleveland in the name of security and "fairness"? Because it doesn't have anything to do with security, it is just more insanity courtesy of the American government's strange blend of authoritarian and "equality minded" thinking.

Do you labor under the illusion that the Middle Eastern problem is caused by anything other than the Israel debacle, which in turn was largely brought about by the influence of powerful Jewish interests? Let me put it to you this way, if some numbskull throws a rock into a hornet's nest and i get stung, I may have to kill the hornets, but I'm also going to kick said numbskull's ass. Make sense?


White_Savage said:
It was a stupid question. WTF do you mean by "race war?" Are we going to square off in opposite trenches with machine guns and barbed wire? No. Is that nessecary? Probably not. White peoples' problem is that they have allowed themselves to be bullied out of believing that they deserve their own spaces, their own schools, their own culture, their own anything. If they get over that, then shooting someone is unessecary. If they don't, then shooting is a waste of time. That clear enough for you asswipe?

And yeah, ONE group of fanatical Middle Eastern criminals and their cronies perpetuated a terrible crime against Americans. They should be hunted down like any other criminals. BUT, when you murder someone in this country and run to Mexico, we don't bomb the sh*t out of Mexico and try to inflict an alien political system and culture on them. I thought you were a Libertarian who was against foriegn entanglements, not one of those NeoHawks who never saw a quagmire they didn't like.

99% of Middle Easterners who have never done a thing to Americans. But we are allowed to bomb them, hate them, castigage them, while it is forbidden to criticize the most criminally inclined race known to man in public. That make much sense to you?

Furthermore, since Middle Easterners are so dangerous, why let more foriegn nationals of the kind who perpetuated 9/11 in? Why not deport the ones we already have? Why not single out the the Arab guy in the airport, instead of strip searching old ladies from Cleveland in the name of security and "fairness"? Because it doesn't have anything to do with security, it is just more insanity courtesy of the American government's strange blend of authoritarian and "equality minded" thinking.

Do you labor under the illusion that the Middle Eastern problem is caused by anything other than the Israel debacle, which in turn was largely brought about by the influence of powerful Jewish interests? Let me put it to you this way, if some numbskull throws a rock into a hornet's nest and i get stung, I may have to kill the hornets, but I'm also going to kick said numbskull's ass. Make sense?

Still evading I see. You had posted that black behavior needs to get worse so that whites would finally get a backbone and respond. What response are you hoping for? As far as Muslims go Israel could be totally out of the picture and we would still have problems from that region. Look at Darfur: Muslims killing Christians and animists, Nigeria: Muslims killing Christians and animists, Algeria in the 1990s: Muslims killing Muslims, Chechnya: Muslims killing Russians, and last but not least Iraq: Shiites killing Sunnies. The problem isn't Israel, its radical Islam trying to reestablish the Caliphate. Before Israel existed no Islamic majority nation gave a squat about the Palestinians. Israel is just a convenient excuse. BTW your profanity is just showing how ignorant you are and you really do need to check your spelling before you post. That clear enough for you sugar tits?
Edited by: Menelik


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
With that last sentence Melenik, you sound like my Junior High football coach!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Colonel_Reb said:
With that last sentence Melenik, you sound like my Junior High football coach!

I think Menlik is referring to Mel Gibson's calling of the female police officer, "Sugar Tits," but only he knows for sure.

From what I'm reading here, the Middle East and Africa would still be a problem, even without the existence of Israel. You're probably right about that, they've been at war with each other for centuries.

Which begs the question further: if there is no solution to the problems in the Middle East, et al, why are we (the United States of America) there?

I'm still waiting for someone to tell me why any of what happens there is the business of the United States of America. Why do spend our money and the lives of our people on a bunch of ingrates? Why are we taking money from American families and sending it and spending it on a bunch of ingrates who don't appreciate us and hate everything we stand for?


Oct 19, 2004
Colonel_Reb said:
I would submit that Williams is neither a neo-con or a Republican. He's a liberal used to "balance" out the panels on Fox News. If you ever heard him talk, you'd know it. This is the most "conservative standish" thing I have seen from him.

That's interesting, Colonel. I don't watch FOX News that much, and I haven't heard him talk about other issues. I guess I just assumed that he was Republican because he's on FOX News so much. Then again, so is Alan Colmes!
All I know is that, Republican or Democrat, he's soft on immigration, so he's The Enemy in my book.


White Shogun said:
I think Menlik is referring to Mel Gibson's calling of the female police officer, "Sugar Tits," but only he knows for sure.

From what I'm reading here, the Middle East and Africa would still be a problem, even without the existence of Israel. You're probably right about that, they've been at war with each other for centuries.

Which begs the question further: if there is no solution to the problems in the Middle East, et al, why are we (the United States of America) there?

I'm still waiting for someone to tell me why any of what happens there is the business of the United States of America. Why do spend our money and the lives of our people on a bunch of ingrates? Why are we taking money from American families and sending it and spending it on a bunch of ingrates who don't appreciate us and hate everything we stand for?

I sincerely submit an answer; because Americans want the cheapest product available and damn the consequences! We used to make T.V.s in America but no more. We once had a thriving textile industry in the south but no more. We are more concerned about cotton farmers in Brazil and Egypt then our own. It is cheaper to buy oil from the mid-east (for the time being) than developing the vast oil sand reserves in Canada. Big business is so concerned about the almighty buck that they are shipping our very infrastructure overseas. We have turned from a nation of manufactures into a nation of consumers. I just hope one day that some bright economist will come up with a better idea then capitalism. As far as an Israel hand in our troubles in the mid-east, if you remember bin-laden originally said that U.S. troops in the holy land, Saudi, was the main reason for 9-11

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Menelik, what cheap products besides oil are we buying from countries in the Middle East? Rugs?

Even so, buying cheap products does not mean we have to fight wars everywhere in the world. There are cheap products aplenty in places without wars and insurrections. We can buy junk from them after the dust settles.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
I posted this story on blackplanet. This is what they had to asy. (bigperm69 is my black alter-ego)



Sep 9, 2005
C Darwin said:
I posted this story on blackplanet. This is what they had to asy. (bigperm69 is my black alter-ego)


"Now Juan I think he got haterism in his game for real. Why everybody hating on Jesse and Sharpton? Daaaaaaaaam."

Words of wisom right there!


White Shogun said:
Menelik, what cheap products besides oil are we buying from countries in the Middle East? Rugs?

Even so, buying cheap products does not mean we have to fight wars everywhere in the world. There are cheap products aplenty in places without wars and insurrections. We can buy junk from them after the dust settles.

WS the only wars we are currently fighting are in the mid-east. Along with trade comes entangeling alliances that we were warned about when the republic was in its infancy. I'm not an isolationist but by the same token I don't believe in one world government either. How can we strike a balance with regards to what type of conflict we choose to become involved in?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Menelik said:
I'm not an isolationist but by the same token I don't believe in one world government either. How can we strike a balance with regards to what type of conflict we choose to become involved in?

I am an isolationist. That has become one of the many pejorative words used against those who oppose the agenda of the U.S. Imperial Multicultural Empire, but it was America's foreign policy up until the late 19th century, and it worked just fine, far better than wars of aggression and relentless interventionism in the internal affairs of other nations. It was called "armed neutrality" rather than the pejorative "isolationism" but whatever you want to call it, it makes perfect sense and is the only policy that will avoid the type of foreign entanglements that are bringing us down.