Blacks 60 Whites 0


Dec 22, 2004
Yes that was the real score of the Duke- North Carolina game. 60 times or more Vitale and his play by play partner in crime referred to black speed (Ty Lawson, Gerald Henderson etc)..and leaping ability and done with breathless exuberance. Not once in the entire game was a white player credited with an athletic play ot having any athleticism. This is reality for good now. Forget sports and scores. It is a cultural war and whites are there to be humiliated by the media etc. And don't be fooled by Vitale when he praises a white player which he does from time to time--the truth is it is faint praise compared to the gushing and orgasmic descriptions of black speed etc.. And it is repeated about three hundred times if you didn't catch it the first time. I am so disguted with the way sports are presented I truly hate black athleticism----and hope and pray each day an electrifying white athlete will forever shut the traps of criminals like Vitale. It is only getting worse it seems just like the economy.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I'm not much of a basketball fan, and considering the announcers they have, such as Vitale, I'm glad I don't watch or listen to it.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
I calculate that I've watch the Home Shopping Network more than basketball over recent years, and that is very little. You might find a good deal or two every so often on these shopping networks, it seems everything they try to sell you during one of these hoop games is junk. I made a conscious decision to tune into the Duke-N.C game, mainly because I am aware of what posters here write, and quickly realize it could be a long night when I learned carnival pitch man Vitale was announcing. At one point in the game there was a scuffle for the ball and Tyler Hansbrough took a shot in the jaw from Kyle Singler. The replay showed it was obviously accidental. Vitale's reluctance to acknowledge the unintentional nature of the elbow was surreal. He was all too happy to make a big to-do over a Duke player throwing an elbow which was worthy of a technical foul - video evidence be damned.Edited by: Quiet Speed


Oct 26, 2008
Basketball is a farce. How many white Americans are in the NBA? I remember in the 70's and early 80's there were still some white players, but it was changing even then. I remember watching a college game in the 70's and making a remark to my dad that a team had all black players. I was astonished. He just laughed. I guess he knew it was already happening then. I grew up in a all white suburban area and it was shocking to find no whites on a team.

Blue Devils

Feb 27, 2008
I always wondered how Vitale called the UNC-Duke games. I know a lot of people I talk to complain about his so called Duke love. Here in Carolina we get Mike Gminski and somebody else on the local CBS affiliate.
Dec 9, 2007
Blue Devils said:
I always wondered how Vitale called the UNC-Duke games. I know a lot of people I talk to complain about his so called Duke love. Here in Carolina we get Mike Gminski and somebody else on the local CBS affiliate.

I don't want to start a war here, but do you think Coach K under performs with all the talent he brings in?

and he doesn't really develop players well. someone mentioned how he did very little with Shav Randolph, Josh McRoberts and Greg Paulus.

Blue Devils

Feb 27, 2008
pistol pete said:
Blue Devils said:
I always wondered how Vitale called the UNC-Duke games. I know a lot of people I talk to complain about his so called Duke love. Here in Carolina we get Mike Gminski and somebody else on the local CBS affiliate.

I don't want to start a war here, but do you think Coach K under performs with all the talent he brings in?

and he doesn't really develop players well. someone mentioned how he did very little with Shav Randolph, Josh McRoberts and Greg Paulus.
Are you referring to the thread by Keith Lincoln? If so, I read that and I agree with him. Scheyer for example hasn't come close to reaching his full potential instead he's relegated to doing all the grunt work. I for one would love to see Scheyer look for his shot more.Edited by: Blue Devils


Nov 23, 2008
Blue Devils said:
pistol pete said:
Blue Devils said:
I always wondered how Vitale called the UNC-Duke games. I know a lot of people I talk to complain about his so called Duke love. Here in Carolina we get Mike Gminski and somebody else on the local CBS affiliate.

I don't want to start a war here, but do you think Coach K under performs with all the talent he brings in?

and he doesn't really develop players well. someone mentioned how he did very little with Shav Randolph, Josh McRoberts and Greg Paulus.
Are you referring to the thread by Keith Lincoln? If so, I read that and I agree with him. Scheyer for example hasn't come close to reaching his full potential instead he's relegated to doing all the grunt work. I for one would love to see Scheyer become more selfish with the ball.
Like it was mentioned before many times, white players are naturally unselfish and team-oriented. Larry Bird was like that, despite scoring 60 points in one game. There has never been a selfish white player. Even if there was, I doubt he would be given the green light and privilege to take 20 to 40 shots a game. It seems to me only blacks can take 20 to 40 shots a game.