"Black Women Shrinking"...


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
I swear that Mr. Wassall started a thread that had "black women shrinking" in it's title. Maybe it was titled a little differently, I dunno.

I used the search function, submitting "shrinking" & "black women" -- and I found many threads but not the one that I was looking for.

Anyways, black women ARE shrinking! I would normally not suggest watching "sheeple-tainment" - but if you can catch the premier episode (from a couple weeks ago) of Oxygen's "Dance your Ass Off" - it might be worth checking out!

This is the 2nd season. The first season had an ethnic/homo "flavor" and they would also intentionally "pair" most of the contestants with dancers that were of a different race. No AGENDA at all... It was hosted by the obnoxious Jewess, Winokur.

Anyways, I knew the 2nd season would have an ethnic flavor as well (and it's not like I totally have a problem with mostly obese blacks on TV..) For those that don't realize how (almost) UNIVERSALLY obese blacks and browns are, the premier episode has the auditions that go on in several negro/Latino infested cities (Dallas, Chicago, Trenton, I think, New Yawk, etc.). Absolutely incredible obesity!! No self-control whatsoever.

You see absolutely long-lines of WIDE black and Latina women, standing on the sidewalks to get into the auditions. Many of these black women are young, you know, in their 20s. Some of them are mulattas, but they probably have two colored parents, or da single black mammy..

Anyways, Oxygen will probably show the premier episode a few dozen times before the season is over. As usual, they did choose a few White women for the show, and they are considerably less obese than "the other." There's actually a pretty blonde woman (I hope she likes "White boys"..) that's only a little over 200 pounds. Contrast that with a sistah that's only 5-foot-1 and 270-280 pounds, DAMNNNN.

FootballDad might like to get a picture of that!


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
When I search for a topic, I write it in and click "show topic" and then click search.

Am I supposed to leave it on "show posts?" I don't use the search function often; It seems to give me issues. Thanks for the link, though!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The search function works well for user names and sometimes for specific words, but doesn't seem to be equipped to deal with the sheer number of posts accumulated since 2004. I found the one above by remembering approximately when it was active and searching the Happy Hour pages for it.