Bin Laden Dead!


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Westside said:
BO, is such a selfish prick and fraud He said "we don't want to spike the ball in the faces of muslims by showing the pics of UBL." Yet WTF is doing today at Ground Zero? Never once has he visited that location of unbelievable carnage on 9/1/11, he is spiking the ball for himself.

This malignant narracist attempted to lure W. and Clinton to the event tommorrow in an attempt to show them both up. Both, wisely told not so fast.

Apparently they don't want Muslims to be "offended." Well, I for one was certainly offended when they destroyed the Twin Towers and killed thousands of innocent Americans. I guess the feelings of some terrorist scumbags are more important than American lives.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Westside said:
BO, is such a selfish prick and fraud He said "we don't want to spike the ball in the faces of muslims by showing the pics of UBL." Yet WTF is doing today at Ground Zero? Never once has he visited that location of unbelievable carnage on 9/1/11, he is spiking the ball for himself.

This malignant narracist attempted to lure W. and Clinton to the event tommorrow in an attempt to show them both up. Both, wisely told not so fast.
The spectacle of Ground Zero is not an affront to Muslims. Quite the contrary, it's a cause for celebration. Whether you believe it was an act of terrorism or an inside job, the Muslims like to think it was their doing, and 10 years after the fact, it's still just a hole in the ground. While they have been building massive structures like the Burq Dubai, we've been unable to even erect a flat on the site of the Muslim's "greatest victory".


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Run Stuffing LB said:
Translation: "Last time we tried to create a fake image on the computer we did a really poor job of it, so we're not running that risk again."

Several U.S. Senators were allegedly permitted to view the Bin Laden "death photo."Â￾ After viewing said photo, Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown stated the following: "The photo that I saw and that a lot of other people saw is not authentic."Â￾

US Senator Says Bin Laden Pic A Fake

After the official "Bin Laden Assassination"Â￾ story was changed for the 5th (?) different time, even a usually dim-witted local radio host (in PA) was suggesting that Americans should become suspicious of the entire account.

Here are some other images taken during the supposed "raid"Â￾"¦




That little green date (May 2) and time at the bottom right of each photo is too cute. Edited by: Thrashen


Jul 12, 2007
Bin Laden Press Conference Photo Staged


Not all photos can be believed â€" not even when they seem to show the president of the United States making a historic speech.

Reuters White House photographer Jason Reed describes how the president made his speech to a single TV camera, then immediately after finishing, he pretended to speak for the still cameras.

Reed writes:

"As President Obama continued his nine-minute address in front of just one main network camera, the photographers were held outside the room by staff and asked to remain completely silent. Once Obama was off the air, we were escorted in front of that teleprompter and the President then re-enacted the walk-out and first 30 seconds of the statement for us."Â￾

That means the photograph that appeared in many newspapers Monday morning of Obama speaking may have been the staged shot, captured after the president spoke.

The AP's Pablo Martinez Monsivais, who took this photo, told Poynter, "What was very unique this time was that the White House actually allowed the still press photography pool to photograph the president's ‘walk in' so that images could be distributed prior to the late, 11:45 p.m. address."Â￾

Is Osama bin Laden even a real person? Was he ever?
If you have a TV, enjoy entertainment on it. But don't ever watch the news. Cancel your newspaper subscriptions. Ignore 99% of the internet.EVERYTHING is a lie.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
The Liar-in-Chief was a block away from where I work today at Ground Zero. The grand standing over these obvious lies is sickening.

The guy who's story I believe is Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who bigunreal posted about back on page 2. His credentials make him someone everyone needs to listen to. He served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and/or Senior Policy Planner under Secretaries Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz and James Baker. He claims Bin Laden died in 2001 from Marfan syndrome and will testify in front of a grand jury to indite the general whom told him of his death. Here's a very informative interview with Alex Jones from 5/3/11.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Don & Jaxvid, good reference to American 1.0 vs (modern) Amerika 2.0. I'm a "proud American" in the way of the Old Republic...circa 1776...NOT the modern Globalist Elite co-opt'd, cultmarx infected, DWF & turd-worlder filled Amerika 2.0. The Old Republic was led by real men of character...versus PTB puppets like the one selling us this current bill of goods.

9/11 Hero's Father - "Obama Putting to Much Focus on Himself"Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
One can effortlessly drive an 18-wheel rig through the holes in this episode. Or maybe a "sanitary services" vehicle is more appropriate, given the amount of crap on show. The entire ever-protean story is surprisingly ill-planned, even by current standards. It's almost as if Obama's minders were in such a panic about the unfavourable scrutiny of his latest "birth certificate", et cetera, that they decided upon the first diversion which popped into their heads and proceeded apace, consistencies be damned. I guess, however,that they know their audience all too well...

The footage of university kids chanting "USA, USA, USA" while punching the air reminded me of similarscenes at the start of the First Gulf War. I remember a corpulent young slob bellowing "Yeeeaaah, we're gonna kick their aaaaaaasssssssss!!!" while clumsily making a fist - it's all abloody football game tothis genus ofmoron. I guess that such sweating, pot-belliedporn-addicts wouldn't be quite so sanguine if the postman delivered their official draft letter notifying them that they have been specially selected to "serve their country" in some godforsaken desert or other dusty, fly-swarmingmiddle eastern sh*t-hole...

I was briefly listening to the radio while getting ready for work on the morning following the "event". Quite naturally, some "Jewish-American professor" was being interviewed on the subject and was providing an oleaginous encomium for Obama. "We should be very proud of our President", he gushed. "President Obama made some extremely difficult and courageous decisions". His panegyric was so enthusiastic that I wouldn't be surprised if he was sporting an erection.

I was almost expecting him to inform us that Obama had personally taken part in the mission, which was conducted by a team of elite black NFLplayers who had used their "na'tchral afflet'sism" to infiltrate the compound andneutralise everyone and everything in sight, all while wearing several kilos of gold jewellery.Obama "took out" Bin Laden with his bare hands, pulping his face beyond recognition with a flurry of lightning-fast punches that Muhammad Ali would have been proud of, all to the accompaniment of a custom-composed rap soundtrack by 50 Cent...


Nov 28, 2009
Blue Pill or Red Pill?</font>

The "War on Terror" can be won. - Blue Pill

The Federal Reserve is part of the United States Federal Government whose issuance of money is backed by an adequate reserve of Gold and Silver. - Blue Pill

Jessica Lynch single-handedly fought off evil muslim "terrorists" while protecting and saving the lives of her fellow male soldiers. - Blue Pill

Pat Tillman died a true American hero, saving the lives of his fellow servicemen while taking out several members of Al Quaeda. - Blue Pill

The Warren Commission came to the right conclusion. The "Magic Bullet" theory really is plausible. - Blue Pill

The Gulf of Tonkin incident was not staged, it really did happen. It was justification for the deaths of over 50,000 American soldiers in Vietnam and over 2,000,000 Vietnamese citizens. - Blue Pill

Blacks are just inherently better athletes, thus there is no such thing as a "Caste System". - Blue Pill

Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction, we had no choice but to take out Sadam. It had nothing to do with Iraq having the second largest oil reserves on the planet. - Blue Pill

The Twin Towers fell, one shortly after the other, at "free fall" speed into their own footprint because a couple of planes hit near the top of each one. The foundations of each building simply weren't strong enough to handle this type of impact. - Blue Pill

It is plausible that WTC Building #7 imploded and fell at "free fall" speed into its own footprint a few hours later even though it was never directly hit. - Blue Pill

It's also just a coincidence that WTC 7 also held the offices of numerous government agencies, including the Department of Defense, the CIA, the Secret Service, the IRS, and the Security and Exchange Commission, and at that time in 2001, at the height of the investigation into Enron, the majority of Enron's SEC filings were likely destroyed when World Trade Center 7 came down, just before they were to go to trial. - Blue Pill

The 9/11 Commission was just incompetent that the fate of WTC Building #7 was never mentioned in their final report, it wasn't intentional at all. - Blue Pill

It's just a coincidence that 1000's of put options were placed on American and United Airlines as well as insurance companies and banks and that many call options were placed on weapons manufacturers just days prior to 9/11. - Blue Pill

The Pentagon really was hit by an 80-ton Boeing 757 by a pilot that couldn't even fly a Cessna airplane, making incredible, physics-defying moves, ultimately skimming the surface of the ground for several thousand feet before slamming directly into the side of the Pentagon, leaving a small hole and very little debris with no human remains that was quickly cleaned up and then fresh dirt dumped on it. - Blue Pill

It's just a coincidence that the area of the Pentagon that was destroyed just happened to be the Accounting/Finance department which contained the records/evidence of what happened to the $2.3 Trillion that was said to be missing and now these records and this evidence are destroyed forever. - Blue Pill

It is plausible that a remnant of the 13th Century Ottoman Empire, hiding in a cave somewhere in Central Asia, dragging around a dialysis machine, orchestrated and ordered the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings. - Blue Pill

Be careful, Al Qaeda is foreign, omnipresent and highly sophisticated organization of Islamic terrorists, that is hell-bent on the destruction of the United States. As soon as we take down their #2 leader on the "War on Terror", another one is immediately appointed #2 and we know instantly who it is. He immediately threatens the United States with terroristic activity, thus it is essential that we continue to enact new laws like the Patriot Act and give $30 Billion in additional funds to the TSA for 2011 to keep us safe via wiretaps and checkpoints. You are a "crazy conspiracy nut" if you think this is a creation of the CIA and Military-Industrial-Complex to perpetuate the "War on Terror" into infinity and to keep funding empire abroad and an increasing police state at home. - Blue Pill

Bin Laden was killed in a firefight, um, err, I mean, he used his wife as a human shield, um err, I mean, we simply captured him and sequestered him alone, and then pumped him full of lead and took his body and dumped it into the sea (out of respect for Muslim tradition, of course.) I don't need to see any evidence of it, the word of the President and other Government officials and media is good enough for me. - Blue Pill

It wasn't necessary to question the #1 terrorist in the world as to what he knew, perhaps to find out more information about his network and what nefarious things they have planned. Just like Lee Harvey Oswald, it was good that Bin Laden was unable to publicly testify as to what he knew, it would just bring back bad memories to those who were victimized by him, so we saved the taxpayers the expense and sorrow and just got rid of him, just like Jack Ruby did with Oswald, and for the same reason. - Blue Pill

The Mainstream Corporate American media is independent, non-biased, and judicious in the news and views it presents to the American people. It examines all of the evidence and all sides of the story and is not simply a mouth-piece of the Corporate Government/Military Industrial Entertainment and Intelligence Complex. The "4th Estate" is still an independent entity, doing it's job effectively at being a check on the other three branches of government. - Blue Pill;feature=related

Choose the Red Pill

Edited by: Highlander


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Highlander, that is one of the best posts I've read in along time!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Yes Highlander, that was a great post! I'll probably lift some of those statements from time to time.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Unless it's a massive fake it looks like they got the right guy. Pictures and videos seem to show that it was in fact Osama in that "compound". Also some evidence that is being leaked is that he was still involved with the terroist network. What do the conspiracy guru's on the site here think about all of this? It takes the credibility away from the guys that say he was dead years ago or that they faked the whole thing.


Jul 12, 2007
jaxvid said:
What do the conspiracy guru's on the site here think about all of this?

The same thing I've always said.
It's all noise. A loud distraction meant to keep us from focusing on the eroding conditions in this country.
Whether he is or isn't dead, is or isn't real, authentic muslim or jewish actor, etc. is completely irrelevant. The "Bin Laden Story" was dead three weeks ago. Nobody cared. Obama was all but guaranteed defeat in 2012. Now, it's the only thing the media wants us to talk about. And everyone is taking the bait.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Riddlewire said:
As for Osama, was he personally leading attacks in Afghanistan last week?
Does this event bring the price of gas back down below $2
Does this event bring the price of food back down from their nearly doubled prices atm?
Does this event stop the monstrous trojan horse known as Obamacare?
Do the Chinese now forgive all our debts?
Do the Mexican drug gangs now abandon their plans in the United States?
Does Osama's death result in California finding a spare $100 billion to cover their entitlement costs?


Edited by: The Hock


Nov 28, 2009
A couple of months ago, the esteemed Hillary Clinton went in front of Congress complaining that "they" (the PTB) were "losing the 'Information War'" (their propaganda was starting to become obvious to even the most uninformed.) It looks like they've since stepped up their efforts dramatically, and, as long as they can get keep their conflicting stories straight (and the MSM will make sure they do), will win back most of these people.

The Government/Pentagon/Military-Industrial Entertainment and Intelligence Complex can do a lot with the trillions of dollars they receive in taxpayer and Federal Reserve dollars, including even creating our perception of reality. I ain't biting. The sky is still blue to me on a cloudless sunny day.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
Unless it's a massive fake it looks like they got the right guy. Pictures and videos seem to show that it was in fact Osama in that "compound". Also some evidence that is being leaked is that he was still involved with the terroist network. What do the conspiracy guru's on the site here think about all of this? It takes the credibility away from the guys that say he was dead years ago or that they faked the whole thing.

I have not seen all the videos, but theone of him viewing a TV is laughable.

What do we see?

A guy with most of his head covered with a stocking cap, body wrapped in a large blanket while conveniently sitting at an angle showing mostly the back of his head and side of his face.


The leaked evidence and stuff on his computer is just as valid and trustworthy.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
BSPN devoted a lengthy segment of its baseball pre-game show to the Phillies fans chanting "USA USA" the night bin Laden was allegedly killed. It was treated as a great moment of national healing and unity, replete with interviews of several DWFs who were at the game, followed by the four studio announcers waxing poetic. Bobby Valentine compared it to the first game at Shea Stadium after 9/11. Really? Really? As has been observed by many others, the whole thing smacks too much of desperation cheerleadingby a ruling class trying tore-energize its ever-credulous base of dittoheads, DWFs and Christian Zionists.

When I saw the footage ofthe Philly DWFs doing their USA USA chant, I wondered why the DWFs didn't chant in any of the other baseball stadiums that night. Of course a lot of people thought it was wonderful news, but the reaction to it was nowhere close to how the country reacted and felt after 9/11.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Funny how the once " Government/Industrail Complex" has now evolved into the all
encompassing "Government/Pentagon/Military/Industrial/Entertainment/Intelligence Complex" that rules and fools everyone in the country except us, here CF. I think this "complex" has every route and thought process covered. If the "complex" is legit, CF site days are indeed numbered as well as us! As Highlander states "I ain't biting."


Nov 28, 2009
Westside said:
Funny how the once " Government/Industrail Complex" has now evolved into the all

encompassing "Government/Pentagon/Military/Industrial/Entertainment/Intelligence Complex" that rules and fools everyone in the country except us, here CF. I think this "complex" has every route and thought process covered. If the "complex" is legit, CF site days are indeed numbered as well as us! As Highlander states "I ain't biting."
It ain't funny, it's quite serious, and sad.

"You can lead a horse to water..."

Edited by: Highlander


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Westside, many of the the folks at infowars/prison planet,, Stormfront, Amren, JBS, CCofC, etc, who also know the score. The Globalist Elite aren't so worried about the 10-15% who know the deal....but (rather) focused on keeping the 85-90% (of the populace) "sheeplized".

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
DixieDestroyer said:
Westside, many of the the folks at infowars/prison planet,, Stormfront, Amren, JBS, CCofC, etc, who also know the score. The Globalist Elite aren't so worried about the 10-15% who know the deal....but (rather) focused on keeping the 85-90% (of the populace) "sheeplized".

On mainstream sites, most people don't believe it either. Here's a poll from boxingscene:

Do you believe the "official" story on Bin Laden's death?

Although it's true there are a lot of stupid, naive people who swallow everything the Zionist-controlled mainstream media feeds them, there's also a very large number of quiet but intelligent people out there in the mainstream of society.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Below is a quote from bin Laden concerning his "motivation" for (supposedly) "masterminding" the 9-11 terrorist attacks"¦
"God knows it did not cross our minds to attack the towers, but after the situation became unbearableâ€"and we witnessed the injustice and tyranny of the American-Israeli alliance against our people in Palestine and Lebanonâ€"I thought about it. And the events that affected me directly were that of 1982 and the events that followedâ€"when America allowed the Israelis to invade Lebanon, helped by the U.S. Sixth Fleet. As I watched the destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me punish the unjust the same way: to destroy towers in America so it could taste some of what we are tasting and to stop killing our children and women.
He was right to be seething with anger. The "American-Israeli Alliance" has spawned the loathsome pinnacle of modern anti-white totalitarianism (and all of its filthy manifestations). Anything or anyone that the "American-Israeli Alliance" puts forward as "bad" must inherently be the contrary. Bin Laden, unlike modern whites, has properly identified the nature of his true enemy. An ideal "final solution" would be for Muslims and Jews to annihilate one another in a massive "winner take all" campaign (without the use of nuclear weapons). Two enemies of the white race"¦forever eradicated from this earth.

Every single item of "evidence" surrounding bin Laden's "death" could have effortlessly been simulated, faked, staged, never released (death photos), or simply obtained prior to May 2011. The screencap below was taken from a candid video filmed within the "Pakistan compound" and was supposedly seized by the U.S. after bin Laden was allegedly murdered"¦


The low-quality video shows The Jewish Scapegoat changing channels and pointing at himself on a TV. Other "candid"Â videos depict various bin Laden "out takes"Â from terrorist propaganda videos. I'm not sure how these items are intended to "prove"Â that he actually passed away in May 2011.

I find it fascinating that the Powers That Be actually believe that this sewer-level, Jew-managed, Muslim-hating, morally-bankrupt "culture" is too tactful and sensitive to view the notorious "gory death photo." Whatever"¦its merely another ruse to be heaped upon the mountain of Big Lies. Edited by: Thrashen


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
"The long kiss goodnight" and "Wag the dog" come to mind.